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April 24, 1927 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-24

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++ ww wYr



'Pf~ff~ As A Ball Game It
~UULFUNN' Was An Icy Classic
~YEI . ~~,But Upper Boys Wi
raisRevenge For By Timo)rlthyeIlaty; s
its Rl yScore Of c b an th Upe slf
By swept the field 1-] illth Da ily
(inay on Sout~h Ferry fiel. lHavrd hit-
'1NS"AR Lit-, 1t~ht Las;-,Irunn.nganld fncy
j rgutying wou :thle day for the brains
wing agaist the De- of the Daiil ', 'il uethe Lo ve'saf
in which the 'Detroit' laid theh'r poor' showing; to hack of,
'were defeated 'G-2,' practice.
rines as strong con- The lo-wevr staff miade that s ngle'
Western Conference' run because the whole team ran out
'hie result camne as a on the field and mobbed the uinpire
for Michigan, 'who jWhile the player stole all four bases.
at the hands of the Mr. Rtobert Gaylord Ramrsey, former
past two years. staff member, offl;:i:ted as umpire,
,veen Addison Connor,! (T d (isin't CO any real umpiring).
one on the Michigan Undoubtedly the best play of thej
onley, former Detroit game was the fast work of Champs:,
, was the feature of Upperstaff,, while he was languishing
r won by the, Darrow', on the henchi. Once in particular,I
P. Capt. Efts 'Clover Champe, was scandling on the third
n of the D. G. C. 2 base sidelines when the man cover-
foursome Conley and: ing that position muffed the ball.
nt from Connor and(Cj mp caught it and threw it home
in time to catch the lower staff base-
foursome Ralph Cole1 burner. After a mob fight lasting
s defeated Joe Schi- about ten minutes the lower staff
1, and with his part- men underhandedly convinced the
urtney, he won the !ump that bench warmers cannot play..
Schiappacasse and Each team had one famous man, the
rtney, who is a fresh-' Upper boys listing a Phi Bete, with
ersity, lost his indi- i U movie star striking out for the Low
Dill 2 up. 1aggregation. The crowd was treated
and John Dergelin to one, thrilling play, when their
ird foursome clinched screen hero knocked a long fly to the l
e Maize and Blue by : outfield (where all Phi Fetes belong).
sir individual matches wh~ere it Was caught by that scholastic
om their D. G. C. op- marvel himself. That brought the
is beat Larry Kin-. stands to 'their feet cheering. The
~i Bergelin was win- public applauds great men.
Commiskey 7 and 6.; Continual inuffing featured the Low
is a sophomore, had nine's play. In the last inning three
vidual round of the, easy flies i~n successioni being missed
is not an e'xcoptional completely. The Varsity team and
ide ring the weather;, coaches'- left their own practice to
ich a cold wind swept i watch the contest, anid Coach Fisher
roit golf club nor'th. Iplans to adopt the -Upper staff strat-
,n average. ' egy of playig fve men in the out-
field during the last two innin~gs.
nar Miller, star back The "umirle" caried a four foot
ected captain of thej paddle, on which he kepIt score, and
wimming team for with which he broke up the protest
meetings. More than one scor'e was
carried across the plate only after
much debate.
IiKern and Kirschbaum batted for
JAL TRYOUTS the Low staff at 'variouis places in
the batting order, depe'ndig on the
ores or second se- : situation on bases.
aena wishing to try
osition of assistant ! LOS ANGELES.-Ken~netb1 Grum-
ger are requested bltes recently eqluvlled ' the world's
3 o'clock today at J!'reco'rd of :5=1 -5 in the 4410 yard
)uise any day this hudls
mes U. Hughey, Jr. Ci . Elliott Hlatfield, for. 'cr W.& J.
Manager grid star, has been appointed director
l and head coach at Dakota Wcrsleyan.





IThe report of the weather' from that
place called the Press Box stated that
it was "ai bad day=-for Mlichigan." In
reality- there is no press stand at Fer -
ry field; the reporters hiave dedicated
the place uinder the name of "the
pigeon roost."I
Coach Fisher got a lite on all of
his then la1 that practie game
yesterday, ev-eryone but the mail.
ager being given a chance to 1
elude~kr'up the score book. ich-t
ign used fouir pitchiers, Niller,
Ruetz, Asbeck aind Gillmartini.
AfZter the' NorthwNestern players
jgrew weairy runinig around the
bases, Asbieck and Gilmarin had
little troWble in reliring the Pur-
The story of David and Goliath was
Ibrought back to mind when "Red"
Davis, the tiny Michigan catcher, went
out to the box to tell Asbeck what to
throw and where. Asbeck is the se(,-
anti tallest man on the squad, having;
to lcook up to Gilmartin, who towers
at 'six feet 'six inches.
l orthiwestern started its field
da%)-in lw second inning when
I'uclielwalrtz inisjidg'ed ,loilwnos'
Mug fly to center field. The Mich-
igani captain reini to -cover the
]rall, but founrd that it was 1141 "i hg
for the tennis courts, and allowed
thrie ball to roll far eiiow',1 to ghe
the Northiwestern 'batsian a tri-
In then third inning, Mills, the 'win-
nn hn itcher, stopped Oosterbaain's
drive and threw the 'ball to second in
time to double CW6intaub at second
base. Mills caught "the drive in self '
defense and took several seconds to,
find out that lie was in possession 'of
the ball.
"Red" -Davis had a 'great day at
N11, hitting safely thrYee timies out
of his fouar tripis to the' plat e.
T).nis 'was a busy malt behind le
ploate, eircling in a radis o.' 16
feet to cover sone of the wide
throivs of the pitchers.
Asbeck, substituting for Ruetz Ili
the pitcher's box, struck out Mellick,I
the first batter to face hin. Mellick
s;trucok out three tin~ during the

eenUc('r 4,f lhebkt
b111all t1ii, 11as used fias a piIIZli
hidfer 7inthelucky seventh Iingi1t"
al0111e1n -o o >i ldll brow
to 3feIhlc. By thweS:eD'!'io of I
cl)11ne 11 'r'ou beiaeve t31at he is.
ba e shy . McCoy dieflierated a
long time before he-woulld gto to
s econd basre 0on the 'overtlirow to
first, 1but finally'arriedrafely.I
Whenl Davs itit.a.lonig sileI, Ucf-
Coy Mldhip frame 1horizonttally I
11st after roundling' thirld, havingr
couis-terbale difficlty 3in;lift!ng
Ilis feet over the six iveh ba:
Ilie wasforced to score twlieii'31Hl.
ler lilt a home run.
Weintraub, stationed at third base,1
made three of the four error;; conted 1
against the -Wolverin-es. 'Morse was
guilty of the other, experiencing great
difficulty in 'picking up a fly ball on
then first hln~ace



Despite the great scandal t
last win~ter, algd the many~ prof
that it would ruiin the game,
mpore Major leagu~e fans witnesf
opening gameos this year t~h.an
other year; 478,500O fans clicke+
wa.y through the turnstiles at
openings as comipared with
last year.
The coplet~e figures follow:
At NeWy York ...... 50,00
At Brooklyn .... .20,000
At Boston .. .. ..... 15,000
At Philadelphia .... 22,0000
At Pittsburgh....... 30,000
At Ciwncinti ...... 3,0
At Chicago ........45,000
At St. Louis ....... 1,0
jTotal ... ..32,0i0
Anterlcan Leat.en
A4t New York..... 7,0
At oson ...... I0,0A0
1At Philadelphia .... 40,000

Joe MfC(artliy

C l

_____ aiuger of the Chicago Cubs, whose At Wash
liciigal il hav on t~cr 'team has ]b-en strengthened this year ! tClvr
Miciigai wll 31v on moe Iby the addition of several promising At CDevroi
chane to 1).l. ay Northwest-ern, the 1'oiingsters, including Earl WebbA Dero
scheule allig fo .1 ~ani at t Chicag
'seueclln o gm t~ u gng outfielder, and Elwod E1ng1- i t
EvantonNay20.Sno flrris jis 1, star shortstop obtained from To-;
ushered the gam11e in today andTta
closed it. Michigan weas lucky oa
w0hen thie snn)was shiing£-l, but
u1nfortnately the ray3s covered~t IOWA CITY.-Iowa's basketball 393T0)
the ;field for ony a few riltl 1. team is holding spring practice, using a crew in
If IMichliga is a vvarni ivea'ther I thie new single bounce dribble 'rule. gatta.
teanlit ill h : e tan (1o1:P i1tunity 1
to show it My 20.
Neblung made an impressive- show- TEN NIIS R~ACK~
1ipg in his first appearance in a Con-I
ference game, making a clean single,
when lie was used as a pinch hitter' A lag assortmentof el
in the eighth inning. Neblung is a
sophomore on the campus, but hac' balanced rackets in the better
one year of academic work at Mich- '
igan State college. '1 mke.1

land .....,.. 22,000
go .......30,000
.... ....246,500
)N.--Boston Techni
n the national colleg

Babe Rut
Yankee slugger, -,-,ho 'again began
his march to a 'new homre run record
by bating one 6nt against the Phil-
add 'phf a^ Athliics yesterday. Although
hie has only two to his cr°edit he is
w'ell on his way, and is expected to
knock out niany more before the sea-
son is over.
Ruth has been handicap~ped by a
slow start so far this'season, burt he al-
wa'ys was slow to start, andl there is no
cause' for vworry amiong his admirers.
At. present he is batting wvay below; his
usual formn, but is gr-adually regain-
ing his eye, as was evidenced yester.-

Rubieek mnade the fir'st two purt
ou~ts in the nilnth innaing, catching I
tw-o ligi~ ies in hack~ of seond
bits e. Oosterbaan was, credited
'with the third out. ninaiv i g I
bea'utifllstop of a hard dr'ive
down thde first base line.
After such a. brilliant 'victory over:
Michigan, *one anxious'ly anwa it sthe '
reports of a riot of some k ind in
Evanston or 'Chica p.

Rackets 're-,strung inl our own
shop. "Twenty-four hour ser-r




he po
d hci

orlb Vnivergity Next to Area de TI

,,11 '

. ariu


Th'anks Vou

vj't, Lvq wvw a.aaa.4 a AMi A. aLe
o the underhnd methods employed by
4af, we find it necessary to announce that
the LOWER staff -u-pp'er staff gamne was
Upper Staff - - 7

S+" ,
..,4 ,.

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