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April 22, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-22

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Laundry For 1926,
Mlor , than 188,0010 parc ,,is or laun-
dry were shipped home betwen JTan-
uary, 1925 and December, 1926, ac-
cording to Carl C. Kern, Supervisor
of the Ar-cade Postal exchang e. Of
these months', Mar1ch1, October and4
December had the heaviest <amoun11iM,
WilihDecember leading with?1 a Ch1rist-
mas mail of' 4475 sack is. Dur[ing thw
school year it was seld1om that tho
quatityl of bagst went below tl ee
thousand a month.
"The U;niversities of Michligan aend
Illinoi- lead in the -quantity c%
laundry m'ail among all the others,"
Mr. Kern said. "1llin1ois had 187,000
parcels, but1\ ichigan had 158,000,
which pu1t 1Michigan in first place'.
Patronize Daily Advertisers t
i 1

(ByMAssciaed PnTsC) lbroughlt :o.: so
YJYOTUK, April 19. Lrnms- Tdy oth.
Sion of souind and image on a sinlgle carried cona
!wave length, a new chapter in thel radio. 11t way
histoiry of television, was announced! ionl over a sir,
today by the Bell telephone laborator- Iible.
iea. ITransmisspiort
in experimnents, images were trans-! statt of a bandc
,pitied simltaneously Vwith speech, that of -severat
f zom station :',XN at 'Whittany, N J.. tions;, without
'.o N(-. York:. The experiment wats, modullation of t
pircnouncedl a succe s by Dr. iHerbert wiliillthe hr
I''. Ives :and Mr. .L'. N elson who di-!cycle vas ulse
r,"c!e it. Mon~ and one of
The fir~stpubllic 'demonsiralion of RBoth hatnds we
television "wa:, ade April 7, 'when length of 1BI1
sipeechall nd images were bhrollgt ht y length used1
wire from Washingt on and by radio April 7. s'1w~
from Whittany to New Yfor :. j equippcd Nwith
The speech and imSags from Was;h- special filterin
ington were' carried onl separate ceived these im
w iire . Those from Vhttany wverej tion.

ein Shanghai, protecting the in-
,s Italian 'bluo-Jackets buildiing a
n and Chinese sections on a Street







s o ,.
, \ .
1 ay


. 41f'

in iclothes thatoffer
tion-this IS what w1
do give to every customer.
CAN do because we makee
and sell all we can make
stores; retauiingat hat 15 (
price. '


tureid at $25

s Suits and

)5 at $25.00'

Inch Topcoats,


yet conservative, Campus is the pre-

model where young men gather.


We believe in~the j oliy"; buying for ash ne
selling for cash in order to GET' and GIVE
goord values which we can maintain better
than arny other clothing house in America,
for we have the volume, the ever-increasing
output and the tremendous advantage in pur-
chasing and manufacturing. Therefore, our
$22 clothes have won the admiration, of more
than half a million patrons. .2::
We attribute our success to the fact that all the
clothes bearing the R B~ label are tailored S(
impressively superior to clothes of any other
make, and they are as fine and fashionable as
can be found at any price in the length and
breadth of the: country. today. -
Etr trousers to match suit, $6
Separate trousers---o$4 and $5
Open Unt1 0 P. M. Saturdays

easy hanging lines are most becoming, trousers
wide, lapels are short and the coat buttons high
as you will observe in the sketch-
Very smart, in the dignified patterns of the moment.




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