cctl~x, lu, IL.,THE MICIGAN DAILY a ATA o t- 'a...____.. -- 7t _. IFRESHMEN SET DATES A1.'LumnaetOf Detoit! UNI VERSITY WOME PROBLEMS AT NA TI FOR ..FI1 CNR1I. ,Lb111 .,L ___3. 1 IIINIITMRI 111111'Holyo ke Presidentl All irstYearWonen My Copet Michigan women living in D~etroitj will meet for their annual luncheon In Cntest For P geaint Story Based On Greek llytli 1 to be held at 12: 30 o'clock, April 30 1 ________at the Statler hotel. President Mary EXTEND POSTER C'ONTES+T Xooley of Mount Holy oke will be V________th guest of honor and will speak Urging freshmen womten to respond! upon "Education for Women" WithC to the financial drive to be held Mon-,I special reference to the discussion of day gynd]T'uesdav, Laurabelle Chiji..I President Clarence Cook Little's views Reassurance that education is not; cut and driedt and but new ideas are' being constantly tried out to make it suitab~le to everybody's needs is ~DISCUSS COLLEGE MiN 4chigyan 'Glee Club_ -NL-ONENIO To Present Concert unions of alumnae of different col- A t N esleyan Colleg~e leges, or state andi.sectional meetings.; Mrs. WV. D. H-enderson gave a talk on the League building at the luu- In conjuinction with theinemberfl)Os Intezcliass will be hield - Wednesday's i t! t cite by rs.A T undrlan piesi chen fr .Mchian aumne. - ' 'All members of the 1'nii veri iy Gfirls' citof yhe Asn A.rbo Snrlad reibhrnfr gan alumnae, of th(cwomen's glee club at NWeslcy anu lecu hoegigtoOi tt den ofteAnAbrlrnho h formal dinner attended by 5Cve- Clleg. th MicigabGirl'oGlerclbg4.n0g'1'- Oh.ioiat A. A. U. W. as the principal value I olgte Tcia irsC lbwill meet at 4:30ocock today t t of the fifth annual convention of:rlabasdrsfo frinsOU will be heard in a concert tomiorrow ,S(-hool of Miusic. American University women which ;tiries was devoted to dilscussion of itin- ighit at Delaware, Ohio, in iiWich Tryotsfr rshanpgen, wl was held March 30 to April 3 at the. ternlationial problemis. Speeches were TrottfrPuicy agatwl C. yloA bout el in800h ngwom en' elattendedm . A natheg - t eyiillksesel t reofoutNorw ahoyC. Aand 8 0bymen at end d t e!siclellctionsay, aandy eaW1sele tias a donele anone ou th . convention, a cording to Mrs. Sunder- Gildersleeve. lassical nu-nbers of a serious natni c land, the most eminent of which were Althiough the convention was pr11i 1 nemnld wt ul~ }{ ill nemige it olg ?Miss Mary V. Wooley, president of l anily a businceis' affaircitlwaslent o gs Mount H'olyoke college, and newly j With s t1YiCysca apcs~n~.' "' electe presdent f theA. A.U. W I's erbert Hoover gave a luncheon lconpan ied by Mliss Nora Grane F i I' -i man, treasurer of the pageant, an- upon the same subject. nounced the plans to be carried outI Reports of the year's work of the by the finance committee at the mass Detroit ahmninae will be given at this time and it is anticipated that a new meeting yesterday afternoon in Sarah fledge for $10,000 for the Women's Caswell Angell hall. Solicitors will' league building will be underwritten, be in the basement of Barbour gym- exclusive of thre work being done by nasium and will canvas the sororities,, the Detroit men. leaue ouss, an domitrie, fr ;Mrs. Shirley Smith, national chair- the fee, of '41 duing the two days of man of the alumnae council, Mrs. W: the drive in an effort to reach the goal, D. Henderson, and Miss Alice Lloyd which is set at $175. will attend, and Miss Emily Sar~gent, Miss" Janet Cummings of the phy-I presidlent of the Detroit group will sical education department explained prsd.AnAbrwmnwsigt the plot of this year's*- pageant, stat- I attend may do so byprhsn tick- ing that all first year students wheth- ets whichy will be on prsalianheA er eligiblge or not would be permitted I A. U. W. meeting Saturday at Alum- to c'ompete in writing the prologue. The theme will center about the story c_________house.___ of Atlanta, a. mythical Greek heroine,! notedI for her swiftness of foot, whmoa CLASS BASEBALL and Miss Virginia C. Gildersleeve,4 in her home for the delegates, and:I Hunit, the ,director, andl Mrs. Kent 1i1- dean of Barnard college. The dele- the convention 'Was entertainedl at lr. the Glee club will leave Ann Ar- gates from Michigan were Miss Al ice George Washington university and i bin at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning,s Lloyd, Adviser of Women, Mrs. M. receivedl iy President Coolidge oni; andI will make stops at both Toledo Winkler, Mrs. Hugh Feeler, Mrs. E. the White H~ouse lawni. and Marion, Ohio. While at Wesleyan; B. Sunderland, and Mrs. W. D. H-end- --- College, the club will be the guests of erson.I School girls in San Diego, Calif. the Choral society of Delaware. TWhey' "Most of the discussion centered oan make their own radio sets. will leave for home. at noon Sunday. college problems," said Mrs. Sunder- land, in explaining the procedure of the convention. Every morning com- mittee reports were read, dealing1 Taking Pictures Is Lot of Fun with such matters as recognition off small colleges and teachers' colleges uT Do ' which had applied for membership, but Let Us Ig Your maintaining the standards in colleges already members, and international' relationships. A legislative program Developing and lPrintin g concerning opportunities, opportuni- ties of foreign students and AmericanSevc students studying abroad, child labor, QuickSevc - Satisfactory 'Work and the economic status of women1 was also discussed. t Luncheons took the form of re- lj11tc l1I"4"t ~t.l- { I 'Y -. %_/ JLV kj L NXF A, 'U. I NPA 1_. challenged the young athletes to a BE- G INS TUESDA4 Y.t~ race promising to marry the one who' outdistanced her. The dances will bel representative of various ancient! Interclass baseball practices will athletic contests. Chariot races andI begiin officially next week. Everyone wvomen wearing Greek costumes, th'at is interested is asked to meet at playing with balls will be featured, 4 o'clock Tuesday at Palmer field to and a grand recessional will conclude begin practice and to elect team man- the pageant. agers. Due to a late start, the base- The poster' contest has been ex- ball season is short,. and it is import- tended to all women ,on campus siuge Cant that people attend practices, reg- the pageant is a part of Lantern# ularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Night; accordi g to Dorothy GrffthI Junior and senior practices will be chairman of the poster committee. at 4 o'clock, and freshmen and soph- Those in charge of the costumes omores will practice at' 5 o'clock. asked that anyone having' any new .1 aild appropriate ideas assist the comn Miss H-elen Thompson is the only miittee by contributing them.f woman member of the Wisconsin Leg- Final tryouts will be given this islature.- afternoon from 4 to 5:30 o'clock but by special permission women whoJ Horesback riding is -a new sport cannot appear: at this time will be for women at Ohio State. given an opportunity to try out next I____________ week. 'One-fjfth of students at- Oxford are - ~ women., 1 a. t . ; I I.ij"I 1 uuki1 LX, u V l l %-IV. KINNEY'SHOES TIMELY SUGGESTIONS 117 South Main St. M E'N'S Established 184.3 200-202 East Liberty St. I 11 FREE 4 Miss,.Jimmie Kansas City at year. Kenser represents Atlantic City this Marie Glinn buys all furnishings' for the seven. Allerton Club residences. ~CORN WELL COAL - COKE - - Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West !Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- I-"giving absolute satisfaction to our1 customers." We believe it pays to dol business in a frieidly Way. If you think so too. let's get together. CORN WELL GOAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 4351-4552 Yard Office : 5152 No. 911-MAN'S Black or Tan Oxford. Wales brass eyelets. Good- year .Welt construction; Rubber Heel. Your choice of one gallon Spar Varnish or one gallon best house paint, both guaranteed to be of the highest quality possible, given free with each purchase of five gallons or more of Chi-Namel house paint, a ,product that is beyond question as good a paint as may be purchased, regardless of the price you may. pay. This special offer holds good only during the week of April 23 to April 30. Remember, we stand back of every article we sell, C. "H. MAJOR & Co. I I Hosiery Too! I "Tile Cui-Naniel Store" Ala. 9204-MAN'S Black or Tan Calf Oxford; Summer Weight. Good- year Welt construction; Rubber Heel. House Slippers h 89C to $2.98 203 East Washington St. Phone 9313 A fo Come111and et our Etiquette of Come n an GetYour LETTER Compimenarv OPY WRITING Compimenary opy(A Book) Awaiting you at our stationery counter-free-with a one dollar purchase of Eaton, Crane & Pik's stationery -a copy of the authoritative 1 50-page book, -TH-E, ETIQUETTE' OF LETTER WRITING" - , $4.98; I' jNo. 9200--MAN'S Black or Golden Tan Calf Ox- ; ford. Harvard brass eyelets. Goodyear Welt a construction; Rubber Ileel. -~'~--- 901 r_' MICHIGAN BELL TELEIPHONE CO Long Distance G ets Resultst for the Corduroy Tire Company rcoer ex1319? ,av N~ohigen Bell-2elophozie G., rant rapids. Bich.. 3 Gentlemen:- Attention Wf. Barton. With the approach of the seas year andth ti *heoking tip of the presewit oue, we want you to know twat we are mere than pleased withj the reultn which we have obtained thrn the aopration of the Michigan Bell1 Telephone kk Company of this city and the great net work of cooperat ing statijons throughout the ~$ ~ united States. in going otter the mart sources from which we dere cur businesse, we find that the telephone has played an important part. Seldom a day passes but what we are on ln- timnato touch 'with several of our retail outlets scattered over this great country by the use of the long distance telephone. bt We find thie method of contact exception.-f ally satisfactory. k-p Rory indication is that next ypear we will be even a larger user of your long diatane service than in. the past.I Veytrl yu@ 'T T:B av rt s1* u - o . I U This is the most modern book on the niceties of correct usage' in social correspondence--a book you will 'wish to j keep. The usual price is fifty cents. A most unusual offer,; open only until May 14th-while they last. I