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April 22, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-22

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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1.927


Pulilihed every morning except MonJay
"during the University year by theBoard in
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V la iham Esther Booze
DPAY, APRIL 22, 1927
Alt'ough uncertainty surrounds the
split between the radical and the
moderate elements of the Cantonese
party, dispatches from China indicate
that the latter group which organized
a newv Nationali t government at
Nanking a few d ays ago under te
leadership of Gen Chiang Kai-shek,
the C*a.toDse military commander
and subsequently impeached the older
regime at Hankow is gaining an effec-
tive lead.
The opposition of the radicals to the
new Kgvernment seems to have been
rather feeble thus far. Though it de-
nounced General Chiang and appoint-
edGen. Feng Yuhsiang as commander
of the Cantonese armies, the Matter
who has only a small army and is
blocked from the Yangtze valleyby
the Northern armies has shown little
intention of assuming control. On'
the other hand, the Nanking govern-
nent has announced through its com-

missioner of foreign' affairs that it
will continue its military campaign
against the Northern forces. Since
the major part of the Southern armies
are under the control of this group,
their plans seem to be sincerelyj
In some t quarters including the
British press in Shanghai, and the
Northern miltarists, the move of
Chiang in forming the new govern-
ment has been received as a mere at-
tempt to evade responsibility for the
Nanking outrages. It is, charged that
the communistic elements will merely
go into retirement until the storm has
blown .over. Certainly, the shift, in
the seat ;of government is rather em-
barrassing to the powers in their. at-
tempts to gain reparations and. apol-
ogies for the Nanking incident.
There is, however, evidence that
General Chiang is sincere in his -ef-
forts to-rid his party of the commun-
ists. At a Cantonese conference weeks
before the Nanking affair, the general
announced his opposition to the radi-
cals. That he was only able to take
such a step after his military success1
against Shanghai seems natural.
Moreover, the efforts of the Nanking
groups to perfect their organization
of government has impressed foreignI
observers in China of their sincerity.
The new government mightwell of-

The wounds of war are slow to
heal; and while prosperous America
rushes on its path-ten years from
the condict-it is rather hard to re-
alize that in some sections of the
world reconstruction is still far from
accomplishment; and the ugly scars
of war are only now healing.
On Ascension day the Rheims Ca-
thedral, destroyed in 15 minutes by
a German barrage in 1915, will be re-
opened . The new edifice can nevero
compare with the one destroyed-its
mere newness would preclude such a
possibility-but the effort to recon-
struct has been sincere, and where the
scar remains the wound is healed.
When the physical destruction of1
the World War is completely replaced,1
and the churches and homes are built
anew, Europe may well turn to a kindi
of moral reconstruction that will save
the trouble of destroying all these
things again. The fires of national {
hatred still smoulder in the hearts!
of the French who rebuilt, the- Rheims
Cathedral, and the fine Christian
spirit that has rebuilt the world's
most beautiful cathedral can apply;
itself with advantage to a problem
that will take not only ten years, but
probably ten decades, for its solution.
Alumni of Yale university have en-
tered upon a pnique campaign whichI
has for its purpose the, raising of
twenty million dollars, in the form of
an endowmelit fund, to make possible
instruction of higher quality at New
Haven. It is expressly planned that
the total enrollment be kept the same
as at present.
Except for about $3,500,000, which
it is planned to devote to a library
fund in an effort to give Yale the
greatest and best planned university
library in the world, almost the en-
tire fund will be used either for pro-
motions of present members of the
faculty or to hire more and better paid
teachers, particularly in the advanced
The program which Yale alumni
are undertaking is as worthy, as it is
unusual. The surest way of raising
the standards of education, after ade-
quate material facilities have been
provided, is to procure better teach-
ers. Foremost leaders in various
fields can afford",to give their time to
teaching only, as a rule, when salaries
paid them are conimensurate with
their worth as compared to their value
to the business world in general. May(
Yale succeed in this pioneer venture!
For the purposes ,of discrediting in-
cumbent administrations, the Mexi-
cans with their train massacres seem
to be getting ahead of the slush fund
investigations in this country.

f ~ OT pa D
The Women's League appears to be.
rushing things. They announced the
program for the turning of the first
sod on the site of the new League
Building before they raised the neces-
sary money. Of course, there's noth-
ing like confidence, but we'd advise!
them not to buy the golden spade un-
til the fund is complete.
* * 4
And the sad thing about it is that
the 13. and G. boys aren't going to have
the privilege of taking up that first
shovel full, but the girls are import-
ing an alumna to do the work.
They've gotta to be optimistic about
the thing, because that will probably
be as far as it will get: the announc-c
ing of the program.
* $* s
Anyway, the work of turning the
sod won't be completely wasted, trust
the B. and G. boys for conserving
energy. They can use the site for an-
other women's field house-just so
long as it's something that the Ath.-
letic association will pay for.
* * ,"
"'he Council," remarked the
Cynical Senior yesterday, "just
woke up to the fact that it{
wasn't successful."

I (Music and Drama


TONIGHT: Mimes and Masques
present Eugene O'Neill's "Anna Chris-
tie" at 8:30 o'clock in the Mlniesj
* *
A review, by Jeethil Pairick.
The old devil sea ranted and raved
a little tamcly for the first two acts,
but then the salt and run began to[
hit the audience. Three marvelous
performances carried "'Anna Christie"
not only along-but 'way over. One
of the longest performances to have
been given this year, it did not seem
to exhaust the audience but rather
,gained momentum through its pro-
gress, as evidenced by increased
amount of applause and comment eachI
act received at its close. The third
held the climax and when it was over,
the fair sex leaned back and sighed
while the escorts played with their
hats and coats. This despite a couple of
deviations from the manuscript which
were aptly supplied by the characters.
O'Neill's "most successful drama"
is strong enough, but it does not seem
to owe its success to that quality as
much as to a more subtle one. The
play tears out emotions in lumps but
does no allow its hearers to break
down and weep over them. Just as a
high spot is reached, a few words of
profane dialect cut off the cheers and
tears which so often follow at such
times, until by the end of the last act
every breath from out in front is a
laboring one. ,
Charles Livingstone scored most
consistenly in the best characteriza-
tion he has produced this year. He
was boisterous and soused, raging!
and crude, and broken and tearful as
his lines demanded. In fact they were
not lines at all, but emotions-the
struggling of an old barge-rat against
a power which he didn't understand,
' and which he hated. Addison Pelle-
tier seemed slow and jerky in the be-
ginning, but in the two last acts did
the best work that any feminine part
has received this year. She radiated
heat and cold with a hatred that was
almost natural. The third remark-
able performance was that of Francis
Kleutgen in the role of the Irish
stoker. It was the only one of the
three that might be termed overdone
in spots, but the spots were few
enough to merit overlooking. One was
struck by the work of these three
rather than by any unity of the plot-
it mattered little about the denoue-
Lyman Crane had a small but credit-
able part-he was a perfect bartender.
Dorothy Williams was cast unfortu-
nately and was not impressive. The
rest were merely scenery. But the
scenery was- good.
* * *

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Underwood, Royal, Remington, Smith and other excellent machines for rent.
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~M!'KE X',

* * *

Easter seems to have affected the
Student Council. They met the other'
night and decided that this fancy plan
by which more politicians got offices
wasn't any more of a success than the
old council, so it is to be discontinued..
* * *
The next step will be to do away
with the old-style council also.
S* * *
The reason given was that there
wasn't work enough to go around.
Whenever the council did get ener-
getic-it happened once in a while-
they found that whatever they wanted
to do was o.utside their powers.
* * *
Investigating was the only power
the council had. They never used
that, though, to any extent.
* 4 *
We wish to positively deny that we
refused to accept Phi Beta Kappa.
a * *
Dear Tim-I just found out that I
was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and
now I'll have to give up all my plans
for being a Kresge store manager,
and teach Greek. But what I really
want to know is where is the Phi
Bete House?
Wet Hay.
P.S.-What is the penalty on this
floating university for "bolting" a
* , *
- Well, "Wet Hay," in answer -to ques-
tion number one, the house faces the
League Building.

We are closing out all Spring Hats
at special prices to make room for
Straws and Panamas. Light shades,,
snappy shapes. Quality equal to the
We Clean and Block Hats
No Odor-No Gloss
Correct Shapes-No Burned Sweats
Factory Hat Store
617 Packard St. Phone 7415

Tonight and
Saturday Night
The delightful week-end dances
at Granger's are recognized by
the students as ideal means for
pleasant entertainment. Jack Scott
and his Wolverines furnish the pep
and rhythm-
Granger's A'cademy

Dancing Wednesday, Frday, and Saturday



Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.



To The Editor:
The so-called dramatic organiza-
tionj on the campus have opened
themselves to severe criticism for the
mediocrity of the programs they have
presented. -One asks oneself after
attending a "play at Mimes, when are
Mimes, Comedy Club and Masques go-
ing to put on some real plays? For the
whole of the past season, with but one
exception, they have foisted upon us
nothing but melodrama, sentimentality
and slapstick comedy, -with no excuse
save that they want to make money.
Thank heaven they-were honest about
that. The campus has been- kind
enough to in4ulge them by-, filling
Mimes every performance, but-when
when are they going to stop making
money and start producing, plays?
The excuses, offered are puerile. The
campus does ;are for -drama-and
goes to -the Whitney to see it. The
casts are capable of producing -some-
thing better; some erne .ia- merely too.
lazy to try. Making money is no ob-
ject, for any play worthy of the name
will fill Mimes as full as did "The Last
Warning" or any other.psuedo-drama.
Let me suggest a few .plays that
might stimulate the intellects of the
cynosures of cap.us drama-and let
some kind soul tell me why they
shouldn't be produced. Here they
are: O'Neill-The Great God Brown,
Desire Under the Elms, The Hairy
.Ape, Welded, The Dreamy Kid, etc.;
Rostand--Cyrano de Bergerac;:: Shaw
-Caesar and Cleopatra, Back to Me-
thuselah, St. Joan, Candida, 'etc.; The
Dybbuk; France-The Man Who Mar-
ried a Dumb Wife; Andreev-Samson.
in Chains; Petrova - Hurricane;
Echegeray-El Gran Galeoto; Haupt-
mann-The Bell, etc.; Galsworthy-E
The Fugitive; Strindberg-The Dream'
Play; to say nothing of the works of
Ibsen, Moliere, Sheridan, Molnar,
Holberg and Wilde.



Editor's Note: This is the first of a
series of articles which, will deal with
most anything, even Bates' School for
Boys, in connection with this Univer-
sity. W. aren't going to take thingsI
in the order of their importance, be-
cause everything would he tie, at zero.-
-S * 4
,The Regents are elected by the peo-
Pile of the state to see that the Uni-

versity runs along
possible on the least

as smoothly as
amount of money

-possible. They meet once in a while,
and. usually have a hard time getting
a quorum when anything" important
comes up like the question of building
a new stadium.
* * *
The hardest thing they do, and the
only service they render the Univer-
sity, is accepting gifts, ranging from
a dollar to a building.
* * *
The dollar is often of more value
to the school- than the building-wit-
miess the (lemeuts Library.
* * 0-
They approve everything, unless it
looks as if it would cost money. They
also "grant" the diplomas, but they
make sure that the student pays cash
in advance for his sheepskin.
* * *
The Congregational church bulletin
board this week says: "The road to
success is not lined with shade trees."

A review, by Robert k(essimer.
Last night's recital again proved1
the time worn adage, which is alwaysI
proved in any musicale that provides
the opportunity to show itself, that is
--that personality is more than half
the- total effect while technique and
talent consitute the portion that re-
mais untouched by the power of per-
sonality. And yet many artists sur-
vive alone on their "personality plus"
when they righteously deserve to fade
from the platform like those who fad-
ed when they lacked the talent and the
technique. But the pianist and the
soprano of last evening seemed to
possess the right proportion and the
result was an extremely pleasing pro-
Ellen Peelle, the soprano, opened
the recital with Martin's Wayfarer's
Night Song. The richness of her
,mezzo voice was advantageously dis-
played in this selection; the quality
of rich mellowness is the singer's
high mark in her talent. But in her
following selection she displayed poor
judgment by singing in Italian with
the result that she was too conscious
'of the words and the correct accent
rather than centering on the musical
effect. This distraction was unfor-
tunate as the remainder of the pro-
gram was intelligently selected and
rendered. Stornelli Capricciosi by
Carnevali is really as bad as it looks
when sung by an amateur.
Margaret File, the pianist, charac-
terized her playing by a calm execu-
tion of a dazzling technique. The
smoothness of her rendations were ex-
ceedingly delightful and stood as the
most pleasing effect of the entire pro-
gram. In Chopin's Nocturne Number
Two of Op. Nine, which every one has
heard ever since they started to makef
naver ninnn Miss File n nrdus d.

Fine .,Custom




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