THP MICHMAN T)AT .'Y mBIOGRAPHY__BY A tN Achieveiit s Of Anitonio De Mendoza And Period After Conquest Of Gblortez Are Treated IS INSTITUTIONAL STUDY ---------- *--, _ . u ._ . , TR-i f Ni~tCI4TflANT fl".! jAt--iL ' * *'...&VA....A £.'.I1... £,'c~.-J. i STUDENT INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT REP OR TED BETTER Harold Djeffley, 28M, who was serf- ously injured when hit by a "hit- skip" motorist in Toledo, Ohio, the same day after returning home for! Easter vl.cation, is reported to be im- proving in a Toledo hospital. 1Meffley received a fractured skull when struck by the car which did not stop after the accident, and also a I! ". o..r. .... , .r. ,r..v~ .. .s s .r1, s.r .se r. .r. .r v . .; 11 I'i Men's Original Red Label LAST TIME .V .D.j[ Sueis . ... . . ... .0* 0000000S05$l.OO M'Ien's Two- Piece Athletic With the biography of the first fractured left ankle. Fear was held great adlministrator of the Newv World for his recovery at first, although he as its, subject, "Antonio do Mendioza, f is now on the road to recovery. First Viceroy of New Spain" by Prof. While Meffley is lying in the hospi- Arthur S. Aton, 'of the history depart- tal, an investigation, instigated by his anent, has recently been released bly -brother, is being conducted by various t11e ulishers, the Duke University officials. Charges of driving while in- 17rsstoxicated were pae againstth Although the book is priumarily a~ driver, whose identity was later dis- biography of the Spanish viceroy, l'he- covered, and the case has been con- cause of the character of his task! tin~ued until April 26. and of the resultant historical Bra- I erial, the study is largely institution-I govrernment, the, completion of the' al. "Since the mail and his work cast- j "conquest of Mexico," the organiza-> riot be divorced,'~ states Professr tion of the social, political and eco- .Aiton in the preface, "his, biography fnomlic life, and the promotion of iri- is written in terins of his most hiti-3 portant discoveries and colonization. matze care: the social, political and Original documents in government cconomic development of New Spain archives :served largely -as the source during his tenure of office."i of material for Professor Aiton. In Antonio de Mendoza, who ranks as! 1920 he went abroad for a year as a one of the most able officials of, the, holder of a traveling fellowship, dur- t panisli colonial regime, received his ing which time he carried on much of appointment as the first. Viceroy to his research. Most of the* material New Spain in 1535, holding the office was uncovered 'at Seville, while fur- until his death in 1552. His work ther studies were made at Madrid and included the establishment of a stable Paris. _, i . I _; t ; .. . ' i lincerxvi'eaCr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." . . . .50c ANN ARBOR DRY GOODS CO. r I J 316 South. Main St. One Show Only--at 8:15 _ } } 1 'i -E t THE HOME OF Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing . MIE Nothing Better for Spring Than a DON'T ° _/ -~ I ~ U~ I - ill -- -a ouR~ze- Le Dsso yorsiinfouealie-epten Mihianrel an stom 'taioeasisin lltleusn cannot6be Easundielsewhere Hl1111I1 1tII It1,1 11Ililiilllll1111111t111~ l119iU~tI~ fIt II~l~i1111#ItlI~1- w t } i A f i i 11 1 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit $35 and $40 For Sports Wear Knickers Golf Hose $5 to $7 $1lto$3 i k j!!{ I C 4 i r IT The Majestic Theatre has brought this screen sensation to Ann Arbor for the pleasure of its many patrons, the proceeds to go to the Women's League. You will be interested to know that two machines have been installed, so that there will be no waits between films. DITORUM IT miss SPECIAL WI- IFFEL BROADCLOTH SHIRTS $1.55 Coni~n118 EAST WASHINGTON All Scats, 50c Tickets at Bookstores - --- ------------------- i 111111l1111111U"1111111111IIIIIIIIIII1[ill 1111111111111111111111iN1N 111111 11 a a Are w -i Here I w. The1Ne Spring Styles b Socie*6ty Brand- -I -I ®Suits $35. 00 to $50.-0 - . With Extra Trousers -wo -a asw I Top"UCov"ats ~ to $450 Discovery Night Prices 25c - 50c *Coilege Men .when they come to this store for their clothing needs. They don't have to be "sold" on a particular style. They come in with an ideal suit firmly in mind .and they recognize it when we show them one of the many .examples of The "U," in Kuppenheimer CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN . AT ~4 .So (others at $29.5, $33.50, $27.50) RrT'Masten & Chase #I 211 S. Main St. r "Where you may buy with conidence' .r/ tI .II il % , 414 TOEV9GHT "DISCOVERY NIGHT -AND ON THE SCREEN- MAY MC A OY - CHIARLES RAY IT I3 L' cla!ng of eniglues, the 'caritg' of inoi~or', the slirievk of thle sirena, the cry of Fire! Fire!" lYbmt can I e iel the kick and the piI~tultive aI pwal of fire-fighting?~ And it's all in this filin--tie rapid- action, the lipaazrl-waarmingr love-story, 0he lauglhs in the life of the unsung heroes of peacee! Thrilling as a lour-Alarm Fire! DO-N'T MISS THIS WONDER PICTURE n~1 11 11 l ' - - "-A