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April 21, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-21

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- -d







Daily Will Publlsh Special Section!
Containing Photographs And
Records Of Candidates
Voting on the experiment college
councils, which were temporarily
formed a year ago, the Student coun-
cil, at its meeting last night, conclud-
ed that the project has beet. unsuc-
cessful. With the action taken last
night, the council automatically re-
verts to its former size, consisting of
three senior and three junior repre-
sentatives, the managing editor of The
Daily, the president of the Union, the
president of the Student Christian as-
sociation, and. a representative of the
Board in Control of Athletics, in ad-
dition to the council president.
At the time the college council plan
was sugested, last spring, it was de-
cided to establish the councils in each
of the five major colleges and schools
of the University, the president of
each becoming an ex-officio member
of the general council, on a trial basis
over the period of a year. A vote, de-
termining the success or failure of the
venture, was to be taken this spring,
the general council as it now exists
being abandoned in case the college
council plan was considered desira-
Work Is Not Sufficient
In deciding that the experiment has
failed, the council concluded that s
although the presidents of the college
councils have given invaluable ser-
vice to the general organization dur-
ing the year, there is not sufficient
work to warant a separate council in
each' college and school.
James Boyer, '27, chairman of the
Spring games, which will be held May
6 and 7, reported last night that the
events this year between the fresh-i
man and sophomore classes will be
similar to those in the past. The tug-
of-war over the Huron river will be
held on Friday afternoon, as usual,
with the rope-tying contest, obstacle,
race, and cane 'spree on SaturdayE
morning. The first year men will meet
at the Union the week preceding the .
games for the purpose of electing
their captain, while the sophomore
men will also assemble during that
week for the same purpose.
Preliminary to the annual spring
elections, The Daily, this year, will
devote a special section to photo-
graphs and records of the candidates
in order to assist students in iden-
tifying prospective incumbents.
To Publish Official Ballot
Pictures of all candidates for pres-
idential offices, as well as their com-
plete -campus activity records, will be
published, along with the records of
certain other office seekers, and the
ifficial ballot, on Tuesday, May 10,

Mrs. Thomas C. Trueblood, wife of L
Professor-emeritus Trueblood of tlie
public speaking department, passedC
away late Taesday night after a pro- Fi Ft
longed illness. Professor and Mrs.
Trueblood arrived in Ann Arbor April li1 T
10 after Mrs. Trueblood was stricken SRE
with an acute attack of bronchitis StREE
while at their winter home in Braden-
ton, Fla. She was 72 years of age. '
Mrs. Trueblood was prominent in HOLME
l educational, church, and club work
for many years. She was a dramatist Ten Men 1
of some note, having read in public igan; No
selections from "Silas Marner", "Mill A
on the Floss", "Ramona", and numer-
ous other selections. For a time Mrs. Michigan
Trueblood acted as head of the pub- opportunit:
lic speaking department of Stetson
university, Florida. glare of t
The funeral will be held this after- representa
noon at three o'clock at Dolph's fu- tres will
neral chapel. Dr. A. W. Stalker will Union mak
officiate. The pallbearers are as fol- connection
lows: Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, Prof. First Nati
I Louis M. Eich, Levi D. Wines, Prof.
Hugo P. Theime, Dean Alfred H. university
Lloyd, and Dean Edward H. Kraus. More tha
Arcade the
100 more a
Union dur
i ng to a t
Holmes, d
Ann Arbor
ready to b
The rooms
Dorothy Williams Addison Pettetier the work v
Will Perform Female Roles bers will
In New Production board in th
The unit
_____ions and
to the dir
"Anna Christie," the last play to be Mel Burns
given by Mimes this year, will open torial staf
its series of three performances at operate th
8:30 o'clock tonight in the Mimes Ireport mor
theater. The play will be given to- at Northw
morrow and Saturday nights also. and at Ohi
Two women, Addison Pelletier, '28, Of the m
and Dorothy Williams, '29, are incid- ed this a
ed in the cast of the production, lected as
which is the first time in the history the contest
of Mimes that women students have pared with
been allowed in any of their plays, universities
acording to officers of that organiza States, and
tion. Miss Pelletier will play the role lected. T
of Ann Christie and Miss Williams Burbank,C
will play the part of Marthy. Both for an eig
have had previous experience in cam r, vd i
pus dramatics, the former in the J'un- be given
for Girls' play and the latter in sev- First Natio
eral productions of Comedy club and The aim
Masques. vide colleg
"Anna Christie,,' which is a Pulitzer pictures, i
lirize play, is generally conceded to the presen
be -the best known of all of the works versity life
of Eugene O'Neil. Special settings for ly true to 1
all three acts have been designed in final winn
the Mimes theater workshop by Otto June 1.
Schiller, who painted the scenery for -
the Union opera, and Fred Redmond, SEAT,
head carpenter, has constructed -them.
Costumes for the production will FOR
come from the Van Horn costume sup-
ply company of Philadelphia, Penn- Tickets f
sylvania. Lighting equipment for the plays to be
show has been secured from New the Rockfo
York especially for these perform- well Angel
ances. f the Wome


Will Be Chosen From Mich-
rthwestern And Ohio State
Uready Completed
men will be given their
y to perform under the
he Kleig lights today when
tives of First National Pic-
spend the afternoon at the
ing tests of college men in
with the College Humor-
onal campaign to recruit
students for the films.
.n 100 men registered at the
ater yesterday, and at least
re expected to report at the
ing the afternoon. Accord-
elegram received from Ned
irector of the work, from
last night, he will arrive in
this morning and will be
egin work by 12:30 o'clock.
in the Union best suited to
will be used, and the num-
be posted on the bulletin
e lobby.
making the tests will car-
ban 200 make-up combina-
preparations. In addition
ector, the group includes
of First National's direc-
f, Ned Connors, who will
e camera, and others. They
e than 100 men tested both
estern early in the week
o State yesterday.
en who will be photograph-
fternoon, ten will be se-
Michigan's candidates in
. These men will be com-
others selected at various
s throughout the United
a final group of ten se-
hese men will be sent to
California free of charge,
ht week period this sum-
f they show promise, will
permanent contracts with
of the campaign is to pro-
e men to star in college
n the hope of elminating
t so-called picture of uni-
in favor of one more near-
life. The names of the ten
ers will be announced by
or the series of repertory
presented May 3 to 17 by
rd players in Sarah Cas-
1 hall for the benefit of
's League will go on sale
e Alumnae office in Alumni
all, it was announced yes-
ders or direct applications
will be filled there, and
ay the tickets will go on
e at the State street book-
gle admissions, are priced
and series tickets for all
plays can be ;secured for
ding to- the announcement.

1 ;
1 fff


Roy A. Haynes
Who, under the new reorganization
act, will attempt to put the national
dry machinery in running order.


I Swelling Waters Of 'Nssissippi Peril
Homes In Lower Part Of Valley;
Defenders Redouble Efforts
(By Associated Press)
MEMPHIS, Tenn., April 20.-The
menace of flood disaster in the lower
Mississippi valley grew tonight as
Arkansas felt anew the grip of the
swelling waters and guardians of de-
fenses in another state along the river
doubled their efforts to save lifes and
Hurdling the levee at Clarendon,
Ark., the White river early today
surged through that town of 3,000 in-
I habitants and changed its streets into
foaming whirlpools where boats, men,
animals and swaying houses were
tossed about in disorder. Reports of
loss of life to tardy residents of the
lower sections went unconfirmed until
reief agencies could explore the
stricken town.
Driven by a break in the Arkansas
river northwest of Little Rock ,the
flood charged down in a diminishing
wall upon the) town of Levy and
moved on to widen the inundated area
in North t Little Rock, across the
stream from the capital.
The Little Rock municipal water
plant was abandoned late today. Three
or four days supply of water re-
mained in the reservoir.
Along the hundred mile St. Francis
river basin, between New Madrid, Mo.,
and Helena, Ark., inhabitants of a
score of towns were making prepara-
tions for the advancing waters which
moved southward through a crevass
to the St. Johns bayou levee.
States affected: Arkansas, Missouri.
Mississippi, and to lesser extent Illi-
nois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Louisi-
Estimated area inundated: 4,000,000
acres, or 6,250 square miles.
Estimated homeless: 50,000 per-
Persons affected: 100,000 directly or
Lives lost: impossible estimate,
more than dozen known dead.
Property loss: not estimated, but
far into the millions of dollars.
Persons homeless in Arkansas: up-
ward of 20,000.
1 Aj
(By Associated Press)
MEX ICO CITY, April 20.-Between
50 and 100 helpless passengers were
slaughte.red by a great force of revo-
lutionaries or bandits who held up a
Guadalajara-Mexico City train last
night after killing the train's entire
escort of 50 soldiers. The bandits
drenched the coaches with gasoline
and kerosene and set them afire and
as the terrified passengers tried fran-
tically to climb out of the winodws to
escape from the incinerator, they
were shot down. The slaughter took
place near Limon, state of Jalisco.
Of recent outrages this is declared
to have been the worst in Mexican
territory. The attack came almost
without warning. Suddenly, the train
was halted while passing through a
desolate territory, and the attack,
some reports have it, was begun by


That a solution of the whole situ-
Fht OI BETA KAPPAol sation regarding the removal of semor
be nches from the eastern end of the
T Ediagonal walk an be affected only
through the action of the students, is
the opinion of Shirley W. Smith, sec-
rear of the University, in comment-
SIXTY-SIX OF N'MRER CHOSEN ingupof the controversy which has
ARE MEMBERS OF SENIOR -'arisen in connection with the removal
CLASS THIS YEAR of the benches.
The action resulting in the removal
THIRTEEN ARE JUNIORS of the bencheswas taken as a result
of nume-ous complaints from parents,
Prof. Grant Showermnan of Wisconsi girls, and husbands, objecting to the
And Prof. W. 'H. Hobbs ill I disrespectful , attitude of students
Speak At Banquet sitting on the benches in regard to
women who passed by. The removal
Phi Beta Kappa, national academicwfthetlbenel approa ek Mwortmer
honor society, made its annual cam- E Cooley dean of the engineering
pus elections yesterday in room 1035 college.
Angell hall. Thirteen members of the "Teg proper course to pursue now
junior classes, 66 members of the for students who wish to have the
senior classes, and four members of benches replaced," pointed out Sec-
previous years were elected to mem- retary Smith, "would be to send a
ersiup. a representative of a group honor so-
he annual initiation banquet of ciety to Dean Cooley with the request,
the organization will take place accompanied by a promise to be re-
Thursday, May 5, in the Union. The isponsible for the further action of the
banquet will be addressed by Prof. students. The question of whether
Grant Showerman of the classics de- the benches will be replaced in the
partment of the University of Wis- future rests with Dean Cooley."
cousin. Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the
geology department, president of the
University chapter, will also be on fl flflflfl
The list of the newly elected fol[ U I
lows: Class fo 1928 of the literary
college: August F. Avery, Ruth E.
Banfield, Kathryn S. Bennett, Wil-
liam W. Bishop Jr., Louis Braitman
Roy G. Curtis, Irving R. Johnson,
William E. Klein, Thomas H. Mack, Plans For Turning First Sod For New
Margaret E. Stalker. Class of 1928 Women's League Building
of the School of Education: Adele D. Are Compieed
Ewell, Vivian N. LaJeunesse, Lois A.
Clas of 1927 of the literary college:I
Anna B. Arnold, Lloyd W. Bartlett, Ta
Sue G. Bonner, Norman C. Bowersox, The program of exercises incideni
Margaret Clark, Karl R. Crawford, upon the turning of the first spade of'
Stanley E. Dimond, Cecilia L. Fine, I earth at 1:15 o'clock June 18, 1927 forj
Russell A. Fisher, Myer Givelber, the new Women's league building was
Julian N. Goldman, Catherine E. finally completed by the executive
Grindley, John H. Hanley, Clarence committee at a meeting held Tuesday.
C. Hostrup, Lloyd Huston, Robert V. The execution of the plans will of
Jaros, ILydia R. Kahn, Marion Mi. course denend on the success of the
Kiely, Edith Kinder, Thomas V. 1 finance drive between now and June1
Koykka, Harold D. Larson, Samuel J. 1, but the committee feels certain that,
Lukens, Grace Helen McDonald, Jose- the remaining $159,000 will be raisedl
phine E. Megars, Melvin A. Oll, Law- by that time."
ence Preuss, Margaret A. Schwartz, The day chosen' for the service is
Dorothy A. Seeber, Helen K. Shaw, Alumni day and by invitation of thet
Vargaret L. Sherman, Charlene Shi- national alumni association, the turn-
land, Fred H. Shillito, Dorothy A. ing of the first spade of earth will be
Thulze, Walter E. Simmons, Charlotte included in th'e regular program for
B. Stephens, Dorothy B. Tiscii, Ithat day. Upon leaving the annual
stuart W. Taylor, Yea Tanaka, Willis alumni luncheon, all graduates of the
. Topper, Abraham Torgow, Mary University and friends will proceedt
Van Tuyl. Theodore A. Veenstra' to the lot on north University avenue
Robert C. Walton, Mary F. Wofett. tohereot onatorthUiverten.'
Class of 1927 of the School of Edu- where a platform will be erected.
ation: William W. Arnold, Genevieve Mrs. Shirley Smith, national chair-
ti. Buell, Theodore L. Bystrom, mthan of the alumnae council will pre-
Meirodine A. Case, Florence T. Cum, side, and I. K. Pond, one of the archi-I
ing5Wesley C. Darling, Irene Field, tects will give a short speech about
lle G. Groff, FrancesL.nHaFch, the plans of the building and the
Pheodore R. Hornberger, Hel ideals and aspirations of the archi-
<nox, Grace Kratz, Lois A. NiethamerItects in designing it. Following this,
Vera O. North, Margaret E. Ocker' Mrs. W. D. Henderson will make thet
Dora Pingle, Josephine H. Ross, Mary ( formal announcement to the presidentt
Louise Pressler, Henry L. Selmeier and the regents of the financial situa-r
Norman E. Snell, Laura B. Taylor, ition and will claim the ground which
Leon Wilber. I the regents reserved for the women
Class of 1926: Mrs. Josephine Clark of the University five years ago. I
Glasgow. Class of 1921: Abraham President Clarence Cook Little will
Herman. Clas-s of 1902: Luella J. conclude the program of speeches af-)
Reed. Class of 1899: Mrs. Irma G. ter which the spade of earth will bet
Holcomb. turned by Dr. Elisha B. Mosher of
Brooklyn assisted by the incoming
TICKE TS FOR MA Y and outgoing presidents of the Wo-
men's league. Dr. Mosher was the
PARTY NOW READY first dean of women, the first womanY
professor on the faculty and th old-
Tickets for the Architect's May est alumna of the University and one
Party for all those who have had their of the foremost women of her profes- f
applications accepted, will go on sale sion.
today and tomorrow, from 1 to 51 The remainder of the program will
'clock at the desk in front of room be in the hands of the alumni asso
07 of the main corridor of the West ciation and will be continued in Hill
Engineering building, according to an auditorium after .the band has closed
innouncement by the committee in the dedication services with the "Yel-
harge of ticket distribution. The low and the Blue."'.
ommittee also announced that after All the officers of the alumnae coun-r
riday no preference will be shown. cil since its formation have been in-

The general sale of tickets will take vited to sit o nthe platform as has
lace Tuesday, April 26, from 1 to 5 Robert P. Lamont '97 who gave the
'clock at the ticket booth in the I largest single amount to the League
Union. Price of tickets is $5.50. fund.

Three Innings End With Wolverine
Runners Left On Third Sack;
itchers Stage Duel
Inability to bunch their hits in the
pinches proved the stumbling block
for the Wolverines in the opening of
the Big Ten Conference schedule and
forced them to submit to a 2 to 1 de-
feat by the Purdue university nine
yesterday afternoon on the Ferry field
Michigan played on a par with the
Purcue team in the field and secured
eight hits to the seven gained by the
Boilermakers, but where unable to
score when once the men were on the
bases. The Wolverines left 11 men
on the bases, while only four members
of the Purdue nine were stranded. In
the first, second, fourth, and seventh
innings the Michigan team was retired
with a man on third base.
The game was above par for college
baseball ,both teams displaying fine
fielding ability. Purdue's outfield,
especially Cooper in left field, was
largely responsible for Michigan's in-
ability to score. Often the Wolver-
ines drove the ball far out into the
field, only to have the Purdue. men
cover the flies, which at times looked
like certain home runs. Purdue's in-
field performed admirably, Wise, the
catcherv being guilty of the only mis-
play of his team. No errors were
counted against the Wolverines, Kubi-
cek's close play in the sixth inning be-
ing counted as a hit.
Wolverines Outhit Purdue
Don Miller, the star pitcher of thie
Michigan nine, staged a pitching duel
with Maxton, the ace of the Purdue
squad. Miller allowed seven hits,
struck out six men, passed one man,
and hit one batter. The Wolverines
made eight hits, secured four bases
on balls. Davis and Morse were given
free passes to first base, both bet"
hit by pitched balls. In the fifth in-
ning, Miller retired the Purdue team
in, one two three order, striking out
three men. In the eighth and ninth
innings only three batters faced Mil-
ler, the Boilermakers being cut off in
the ninth by a sensational double
After Purdue had been retired in
easy fashion, Michigan threatened to
score when Weintraub reached first
base on a scratch single, stole second
base and went to third on Wise's over-
throw. Puckelwartz struck - out and
Oosterbaan hit a high fly which Kem-
mer caught for the third out, leaving
Weintraub on third.
Again in the second a man reached
third when Gilbert, Wolverine right
fielder, tripled with two out, but Da-
vis grounded out. In the fourth, Ku-
bicek opened with a single, and ad-
vanced to second when Maxton issued
a base on balls to Gilbert. On Da-
vis' out, the runners each advanced
a base, but Miller failed to bring them
home when he struck out.
Mich-igan scored its lone run in the
fifth inning when Morse, pinch hitting
for Loos, made a three base hit to the
tennis courts and crossed the plate
on Puckelwartz's single.
Purdue scored both its runs in the
sixth frame. Byle was favored with
a base on balls, and Rabe singled,
sending Lyle to second. Cooper drove
a hard grounder past Kubicek, scor-
ing both of the runners.
The box score:


the day preceding the elections. Can-'
didates running for president of the
Student council, the Union, the Stu-
dent Christian association, and the
Oratorical association, are requested
to hand in their photographs and rec-
ords to Thomas Cavanaugh, '27IL,
president of the council, as soon as
possible, at the Union. All data must
be in by Wednesday May 4, for pub-
Regisrtation, which must be nade
by all students voting in the elections,
will be held May 4 and 5. All nomina-I
tions must be made by May 4, and all
petitions must be filed by Saturday,
May 7.
The council is arranging a new me-j
thod of voting at the campus polls
this year in an effort to prevent all
campaigning at such time.
Senior men of the literary college
who have ordered canes through the
committee may obtain them at the
booth in the lobby of the Union today
and tomorrow, John Nixon, '27, chair-
man of the literary cane committee
announced yesterday. The booth will
be open from 9 until 5 o'clock on these
two days only, and all canes must be
called for within this time.
Canes for men of the other senior
classes have been received by Wag-
ner and company, State street, and,
are now ready for delivery in an-
ticipation of Cane day, Sunday, May
1, which will mark the first -appear-
ance of the traditional senior class
walking sticks on the campus during
the month preceding Commencement.


Representatives of the S. S. Kresge
company have located in Ann Arbor
to interview seniors who desire to ob-
tain positions with this company. Roy
Deng, '24E, and Byron Macwood, '24E,
who are now in the employ of the1
firm, will meet all students interested
today in room 302 of the Union.

today at th
Memorial h,
Money or
for seatsN
next Monda
general sal-
stores. Sin
at 75 cents
five of the
$3.00, accor


Ex aibited in west gallery of Alumni
Memorial hall are more than forty
paintings by a group of artists belong-,
ing to the New York Society of Paint-
ers, an organization whose outstand-
ing feature is its equal rights consti-
tution respecting :men tnd women'
artists. Although the majority of the
pictures are landscape scenes, there
are also a number of portraits and
paintings of various articles in house
Considered one of the most out-s
standing paintings of the entire ex-
hibit, "A Moorish Garden" by Charles
C. Curran depicts a Moorish palace
and 'its inner court and garden. In the
center of the garden is a great flow-
ing fountain with many white doves
either hovering above it or bathing
in the waters, while on either side
tower two huge trees. 'The garden.
walks are bordei'ed by brilliantly huedR
flowers of red, pink, blue, violet and!
yellow, and there are several vividlyl
dressed Moorish maidens wandering
about the premises while others gaze1
upon the scene from the arched win-I
dows of the palace. "Phlox and Other
Flowers" by Bertha M. Peyton shows

ing long shadows on a winding road as
it follows the course of the river. Ed-I
ward Volkert's "Woodland Pastures"
depicts a peaceful wooded glen and a
number of fancifully colored cattle,
some standing in the shade, others 1
cropping grass in the sunlight. Close
by is "A Spring Morning" by Glenn1
Newell, which shows a herd of cows:
of afparently dubious parentageI
wending their way down the steep!
bank of a cre to quench their thirst
in rushing 4 ayish waters that lose -
themselves in the shadows of the dis-
tant forest.
Suggesting the quiet preceding aE
storm is "Afternoon in Holland" by !
Charles Warren Eaton, with its dead,
leaden gray sky, distant, idle wind-
mill and low, thatched cottages, and
still row of poplar trees in the fore-
ground, while George Pearse Ennisl
has, with almost entirely blue and i
green pigments. depicted "After a
Storm" in a fishing village and shows
numerous sail and fishing boats rid-
ing in the trough of dashing waves.
"The Little Beach" by Edward Pott-
hast is a brown, yellow and purple
study of children bathing in a shel-I

Loos, ss ............1 0 1 0v1: 0
Morse, ss...........2 1 1 0 2 0

Weintraub, 3b.......4 0 1 0 3 0
Puckelwartz, cf .5 0 2 1 0 0
COPENHAGEN NEWSPAPER RELATES IOosterbaan, lb.....3 0 0 12 0 0
ACCOUNT OF 'FLOATING UNIVERSITY' Kubicek, 2b.........4 0 1 3 2 0
ICorriden,, lf ........4 0 1 2 0 0
Gilbert, rf..........3 0 1 1 -1 0
An account of the happenings of I met Danish students and exchanged I Davis, c...........3 0 0 8 0 0
the "Floating UnivNersity's" 1recent ideas. At night a dance was held. IMiller, p ...........4 0 1 0 1 0
1 "The departure was by no means - - - - -
stopover in Copenhagen, as publish- e least exciting part of the visit. 33 1 8 27 9 0
ed in a newspaper of that city has Just when the gang plank had been PURDUE
been translated by Vilhehm Aaga rd,' drawn in there was a howl from the j AB R HPO AE
'27, for The Daily. upper deck. Some students had ob- Plock, cf ...........4 0 1 2 0 0
"The 'University' arrived in the city served several stragglers hurrying Lyle, 2b-rf ..........3 1 0 2 0 0
earlier than expected and as a con- 'breathlessly toward the ship. They Rabe, lb ...........4 1 2 9 0 0
sequence no reception was held. After just succeeded in leaping on the gang { Cooper, If ..........4 0 2 3 0 0
lunch, tourist trunks rolled up on the plank as it was being raised. Hardly Wise, c,.............2 0 0 7 0 1
docks and a Dane described the view was this situation cleared up before Smith, 3b ...........4 0 0 0 2 0
as follows: 'It was a view which f more cries announced that there were Malick, rf...........2 0 0 1 0 0
would have troubled zoologists as ; three more delinquents racing down Wilcox, 2b ..........1 0 1 0 0 0
well as furriers, when the crowd came to -the dock. They had to clamber on a Kemmer, ss .........3 0 0 2 4 0
up from the depths of the ship. There great crane on the dock and having Maxton, p...........3 0 1 1 2 0
were fur coats of all designs and thrown their coats and bags to com-j-=---

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