All newcomers are cordially invited to 1Margaret Yan DIureni, Scretary. c. 54: tAssignmnent for this week, Fairchild, Chapter 21). It. L. Caveriv. rres1ieuntiulu written. NUMBER 141 sday, April 20, at Pe IE. Roabilus f aturday, April 2", 11. H. I IjMS 1reologjy 2: I The first excursion in Geology 2 for those signed up in the Wednesday afternoon sections will be conducted today, April 20, at 1 o'cloc:k. 1. 1). Scott. OFFICERS ATTEND HOSPITAL COURSE± Off'icers in the Mle ical Reserve corps, of the base hospital nuihlber Ill located at the Ulnivecrsity hospital are; attendin g a group school wlhich is be- igheld for the p lurpose of giving them instruction in certain non-med- ical siubjietr of :which a k~nowledg~e is7 required in order to pass examina- tions for promotion. The variou~s c:o u rse s a re b e>fin g r ta u~ g h t . b y o ffic e rs in 'te R . T . u i a d r t e s p r Vision of MaJor ~Melherg.t I 1i19 I n Al American Flagship In Chinese Waters for the Citizen's Mill- camip at Camp Custer a Patriotic organizations, wns)xcagadall striving to put Micl top Nvith its quota. Michigan now has than one-third of its en'si EdAuca- Advisor 3N.S. Bldg. of revolute F. Danis ome of Dr. teresting re- Carlson. BROOKS -SIXN T. E. LAWvREN\CE-Revolt iln the Desert....... L JUTG LE+WISOHN -Ronman Summer ....... DONEBYR\I -Brother Saul ............ NWI1NE BACHIELLOR-Dawn................ ANNE SEDOWK-.:The Old Countess ......... ANNE PARRISHI-Tomlorrow Morning........ Special Prices to Libraries ar i, The U. S. S. "Pittsburgh," flagship of Admiral Clarence S. Williams, commander-in-chief of the United States Asiatic fleet and senior naval officer in Chinese waters, lying atl anchor in the Whangpo river, off IShanghai. David Belasco, . is spin) th e humann), retary niager for 'ER MICHIGANi E:NT EXPLAINS1 J SE AFFAIRS ig sidelights on the Chin- )n are given in a letter re-f Prof. Fi. N. Menefee of the college fromn C. Y. Koa, ned at Tientsin it the time wias sent: it war in China is quite to both Chinese and for- o, reside in this coniy,"j "I myself have been very ,rd from doirg profession- I have to be contentmnost to use my kuzowledge of ad English languages to. Iga Kao continues,, rthe ccn- 'ace of the Natonalists,i dares stand for the people, the situatio~rnrcl idlaby ne Kao was about to leave thern Dotton of China, the he conflict, to work with odd, '08, of the China In- Famine Relief ,;onmis- Ike repairing work along e river, a project estimat- i /of the '7 Amie. Le7 _Wf 340 PHYSICISTS WILL ATTEND MEETING Six representatives of the depart- ment of physics will attend the meet- ing of the American Physical society which is 'being held at Washington I in conunction with the meeting ofj the National Academy of Science. Both meetings: will be held during the samry periodl, Friday and Saturday, Apr'il 22, 23. Professors H. M. Ran-f dall, E. F. Barker, 0. S. Duffendack, C. F. Meyer and 0. L. Laporte and Mrs. N. Galli Shohat will be the at- tending members of the physics fac- ulty of the university. Papers to be presented at the' con- vention of the society which have been prepared at the University by members of the physics department are "On Refraction in Moving Media," MNrs. N. Galli Shohat; "Simulatenouks Ionization and Excitation of the Molecules on Collision with .Foreign Ions," O0. S. .Duffendack and H. L. Smith; "The Excitation of the Spec- trum of 003" by G. WV, Fox, 0. S. Duiffendack and E. F. Barker, "The Infra-red Absorption Spectra of Acet- ylene, lEthylene and Ethane," by C F. ~Meyer and Arron Levin, and "The Infra-red Spectrum of Ammonia" pre- pared by W. F. Colby and E. F. Bar- ker. All these papers have been pre- pared by the above memb~ers of the department of physics and will be given at the meeting by those mem- bers of the 'department . that are at- tending. Patronize Daily Advertisers You, too, Will find rStrikes are m'ildl and, 4' finest cigarettes you .. made of the finest Turkish mestic tobaccos, properly blended with great skill, ac is an extra process °-" It's -no harshness, not a bitc I '4 It's : t 4 04 nightl at mian. Faculty of Mrs. 0Yoa'lc Your Threat Protect are mnade at Broadway ani b' NOW SEL ING - , A t s THEATRE KO : ' t a- , FOR "tr ,rs4 EUGENE O'NE IL'S MOST SUCCESSFUL PLAY , , _ - ti ^ 4,n V D o 4 4cViA . . . rl . F . .. ., -o-CAST--- A