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April 20, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-20

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 151








Heavy Rains Force Cancellation
Four of Eight Games Scheduled
On Southern Training Trip


Michigan's baseball team, undefeat-
ed thus far this season, will open its
Big Ten Conference schedule by play-
ing the Purdue university nine at'
4:05 o'clock this afternoon on the
Ferry field diamond. Student cou-
pons may be used for admittance.
In spite of the fact that the Wol-
verines were able to play only four
of the eight games on the southern
trip, Coach Fisher believes that he has
sorted out the best men on his squad
and that they will be able to give a
good account of themselves against
the strong Purdue team. Heavy rains
in the South forced the cancellation
of the game with Kentucky and the
two game series with Vanderbilt. On
the homeward journey the Michigan
team was to have played the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati, but again the
game had to be called off on account
of heavy showers Monday morning.
However, the Wolverines took ad-
vantage of the ideal weather condi-
tions yesterday afternoon and went
through a long drill to iron out the
bad features in the team play. In
the four games played on the spring
tour, the Wolverines were guilty of.
16 errors.
Miller Will Pitch
At the close of the practice yester-
day, Coach Fisher announced thiat
he would use Don Miller, pitching ace
of the 1926 championship team,
against the Boilermakers. Miller has
been suffering with a sore arm for the
past 10 days, but the Coach believes it
has limbered up enough to warrant
using his best hurler in the opening
Conference game. Against the Uni-
versity of Georgia, Miller proved he
was in good condition, holding the
soiherners to five hits. If he should
weaken against Purdue, Ruetz and
Neblung will be in reserve to take
the mound. I
Purdue will probably use Maxton,
star of last year's team which tied
nth Illinois for third place in the
Conference, - to oppose Miller. If
Maxton, who injured his back early
in the season, is not in shape for the
assignment, McHargue is the second
choice for pitcher.
Announces Line-up
Davis will start as catcher for
Michigan, with Benny Oosterbaan at
first base, Kubicek at second and
Weintraub at third. Coach Fisher
said that Loos and Morse would prob-
ably alternate at shortstop. In the.
practice on Ferry field, Weintraub
displayed fine fielding form, repeat-,
edly making sensational stops.
Captain Puckelwartz and Corriden,
both showed power at bat in the pre-
season games, and are certain to start
in center and left fields, respectively.-
Louis Gilbert will cover right field.
Purdue has shown great hitting;
strength, having a trio of sluggers in
Captain Wise, Cooper, and Plock.In
the last two. game series on its pr-
Conference list, Purdue gave DePauw
university a bad beating, hitting at
will and fielding well.I
Harry Tillotson, business manager
of the Athletic association, announced
that student coupons may be used for
admission, but admonished all stu-
dents to use their own books. "If stu-
dents will notice the statement in the,
back of their books regarding the
transfer of pass books, they will save
themselves and the Athletic associa-
tion serious trouble," Mr. Tillotson
stated. I
The game will start promptly at
4:05 o'clock and will finish earlier
than the games played last year. The
players will be urged to take and
leave the field as quickly as possible;
so as to finish the game before the
dinner hour.-
Registrations for tryouts for chorus
parts in next year's Union opera will
be held from May 1 to 5 in the Mimes
0 theater, it was announced yesterdayj
by officers of Mimes All male stu-


New York Senator Compliments Smith's
Views On Relation Of Church To State
"I think it was a complete, effective of the great presidents, one of the
and convincing statement"--that is best the country has ever had. He
Sen. Royal S. Copeland's opinion, has dualities of heart and mind that
given to The Daily yesterday in his endear him to the common man."
first newspaper interview on the Commenting on the medical school, I
statement made in this month's At- Senator Copeland, stated "that there
lantic Monthly by Gov. Al Smith of is no medical school anywhere that
New York as regards the relation of has a fairer reputation than that of
the Roman Catholic church and the the University of Michigan. She
constitution of the United States. stands in front rank with the best
"Nobody who knows Al Smith need- medical institutions in the world."
ed to have any statement from him," !"When I was teaching here," he
he declared. "His life is but an open added, "our hardest fight in connec-
book. He has given New York the best tion with raising funds for the expan-j
administration it ever had in the of- sion of the school of medicine was
fice of governor. to demonstrate that we had clinical
"In my opinion," he declared, in matdrial. People were inclined to
reference to his presidential possi- doubt the accessibility of subjects in
bilities, "Mr. Smith will be nominated such a small center as Ann Arbor. 1
by the Democrats in 1928 and in the "Its situation is about the same asc
election he will carry New York, Con- Tubnigen, a German city which I vis-
necticut, Rhode Island, New Hamp- ited when I was taking my post- I
shire, Massachusetts, New Jersey, graduate work. They have a medical
D6laware, Maryland, Nevada, New school there over 500 years old. ItI
Mexico, and all the southern states. has built its reputation by its achieve-
He has a chance in Ohio and In- ments and sufferers have flocked i
diana." there despite the out-of-the-way loca-
"I believe," he continued, "that tion. In a like manner the University
there is no Republican who can de- hospital and medical school have de-
feat him and I think he will make one veloped," he concluded.(

SHold Screen Tests





New York Senator Clains Prosperity
Of Nation Deueident On Growth
Of Efficient Fleet
"The United States is the miost
hated nation on the earth today," de-
clared Sen. Royal S. Copeland, '89,
speaking before the Ann Arbor Cham-I
ber of Commerce yesterday on "An
American Merchant Marine." "As a
creditor nation, we haven't a friend
in the world," he added.


Former Acting President Of Purdue Seymour Simon's Tuinesters to Provil
University Will Speak May 11 lusic For Dancing In Masonic
At Hill Auditorium Temple BIalxlont
Dr. Stanley Coulter, noted biologist In the only social activity durin
and former acting president of Pur- the school year sponsored by the 01
due university, has been selected to ganization, the Varsity band wil
give the principal address of the an- hold its third annual spring forma
nual Honors Convocation which will dance Friday, April 22, an affair limit
take place Wednesday, May 11, in Hill ed to band men and their guest
auditorium. The Masonic Temple ballroom ha
Dr. Coulter was for a number of been engaged for the event, and mi
years director of the biological lab- sic will be furnished by a Detro
oratory of Purdue university. In 1907,j band, Seymour Simon's TunesterF
he became dean of the School of Sci- Invitations were distributed thi
ence of that institution, in 1919 he l week, and over 175 couples will al
became dean of men, and following tend.
the death of President Stone was ap-1, Arthur R. Cook, '27A, is genera
pointed acting president of the uni- chairman of the ball, and will leas
versity until the selection of President I the grand march with Dorothy Dar
Elliott. Dr. Coulter's subject has not '30. According to past custom, mein
yet been announced. bers of the Varsity band will wea
The Honors convocation will be the the blue and gold capes during th
fourth annual student convocation at grand march, which will be announc
which students who have achieved dis- ed and lead by heralds who will carr
tinction in different academic pur- the gold trumpets used to announc
suits will receive recognition. Win- the band on the football fields. Th
ners of various awards, holders of dance this year will be patterne
fellowships, and students with high more than ever before attempted afte
scholastic records will be honored for a band pageant, and several special
their academic work in the University ties are planned.
in various fields. President Clarence Cook Little ani
Last year more than 300 students Mrs. Little, and Robert A. Campbell





As a result of this situation, the
New York senator claimed that it is
imperative that the United States
maintain a large, efficient merchant
marine to combat the discrimination
and disadvantgaes American manu-
facturers and agriculturists are suf-
fering today.
This nation would not have been
placed in the unfavorable position it
holds today if it had cancelled its war
debts at the close of the war, con-
tingent upon the debtor nations pledg-
ing themselves to refrain from using
any part of their indebtedness to this
country for armaments . However, he
admitted, it is too late for any such
action and the nation must resort to

were honored at the convocation ad- secretary of the University, andl Mrs.
I dressed by Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, ! Campbell will be the guests of the,
former president of Northwestern band as patrons and patronesses.
university. It is expected by officials IAmong the other guests will be J.
that the number this year may even Fred Lawton, '11, author of the words
exceed that of 1926. The names of now used for "Varsity" and Earl V.
those honored will be printed on the Moore, '12, composer of "Varsity."
program as in past years and musical Director Norman J. Larson will at-
numbers will be given during the tend, as will Nicholas Falcone, direc-
hour scheduled for the meeting. for of the Reserve band, and membersf
The Honors convocation will take !of the Reserve organization.1
place at 11 o'clock and all classes in Decorations usdd for this y'ear'sj
the University will be dismissed to formal will be more elaborate than
allow all students the opportunity to ever b'efore attempted. The hall will
attend. be decorated in blue and yellow, and
the orchestra will play behind a large
WVARTHIN ELECTED1 screen bearing a drawing of a bass
drum, supported by men in uniform,
TO HIGH POSITIONJ and near the borders will be figures
of a drum major and band men, allI
Dr. Alfred S. Warthin, professor of j several times life size, the orchestra
pathology in the Medical school, was being seen through ,the head of the
elected president of the American As- drum.
sociation for the Cancer Research at,
the meeting of th association which STANFORD.-one-twelfth of the en-
was held last week in Rochester, N. rollment of the university is engaged
Y., according to a recent announce- in journalism, comparative figures re-j
ment from the department. vealed.

protective measures.
"It has been reported to the state
department," he continued in exposi-
tionsof his point, "that American
goods freighted on foreign vessels are
never handled in quite the same way
as are the goods of the nation of the
flag over the vessel. Warehousing,
stevedoring, and delivering of goods
are likely to be much more satisfac-
tory for Americans when performed
by Americans.";
Lack of a practical merchant ma-
rine has placed this country in many
serious holes, the senator declared.
"We found that we, as a nation, had I
only 15 ships in overseps trade when
the war came. In the recent upheavals
in China' the Dollar line had to be
commandeered to rescue Americans
whose lives were in danger, due to the
absolute absence of any auxiliary
Were it not for the interment of sev-
eral German ships tied up at Amer-
ican docks when the United States
entered the World war, America
would have been unable to transport
its troops. "One of these ships, the
Leviathan, carried 275,000 of our sol-
diers across the ocean. It may well
be that that one ship saved the Allies
from defeat."I
"Freight charges increased 2,0001
per cent because of the demands plac-
ed upon the ships of neutral nations
and other vessels under foreign flags.
It has been estimated that in one
year the American people paid in in-
creased and excessive freight charges
$600,000," Senator Copeland declared.
Many cases in which the navy was
forced to depend upon a foreign auxi-
liary fleet for supplies while on world
cruises were cited by the speaker,
among them the tour of President
Roosevelt's "White Squadron" and I
Dewey's battle fleet in Manila.t
"Three years ago we had a tre-
mendous crop off wheat. We couldn't
sell it in this country. At a result,
the United States shipping board was
forced to fit up some of its old ships
at the cost of $1,000,000 and transport
the foodstuffs for sale abroad. The I
emergency would never have been
created if our marine had been funs-
tioning." Senator Copeland remarked.
Emphasizing that "it is not possible
for the United States to compete with
foreign bottoms unless some sort of
definite financial aid is provided fori
them," the speaker cited in conclusion
three possible methods of encourag-I
ing the growth and development of a
merchant marine.
The first, the provision of naval
subventions using a part of thel
naval appropriation for the "upkeepI
or assistance of certain merchant
vessels which may be necessary as
auxiliaries of the navy," is a method
being used by Great Britain, com-
mander of the greatest fleet of mer-
chant ships afloat.
I"The second way," Dr. Copelandj
continued, "is by favorable mail con-!
tracts. In all probability this is the
least offensive way of providing the
assistance our merchant marine must ;
have if it is to live. As a matter of
fact, this aid could be given at oncet
and without added expense to the gov-.I
ernment, if there were vessels of suit-
able speed on certain lines now in

Representatives of First National
pictures will be in Ann Arbor tomor-
row to make tests of Michigan men as
a part of a campaign conducted by the
company in connection with College
Humor magazine to recruit college
men for the films.
J. S. Helsdon, manager of the Ar-
cade theater, is co-operating with the
film company, and those men who de-
sire to enter the competition are re-
quested to leave their names with him
today. Ten men will be selected at
Michigan after the screening test, who
will then be compared with similar
delegation from other universities,
and a final group of ten will be se-
lected. These men, who will be nam-
ed by June 1, will be sent to Califor-
nia to engage in actual movie work
for an eight weeks period.
The building where the tests will be
made will be announced tomorrow.
Tivird Program Of Annual May Series
Will Include Madame Luboshutz
As Well As Barre Hill
Announcement of additional fea-
tures for the third program of the
thirty-fourth annual May Festival
which will be held in Hill audi-
torium May 18, 19, 20, and 21,
has been made by the officials
in charge. This third concert on
Friday afternoon, will have as its
main attraction Mme. Lea Luboshutz,
violinist, as previously announced,
who will be assisted by the Chicago
Symphony orchestra under the di-
rection of Frederick Stock, and the
children's chorus, conducted by
Joseph Maddy.
In addition, Barre Hill, former stu-
dent in the University School of
Music and soloist with the Chicago
and Detroit Symphony orchestras,
has been obtained to sing the baritone
solos in the cantata, "Voyages of
Arion," written by Earl V. More,
director of the festival. The can-
tata will be presented in its entirety
by the children's chorus, recruited
from the children of the public schools
who have been trained by the super-
visor of music and his assistants. The
chorus has been a feature of the May
Festival for the last ten years.
Mr. Hill is well known to Ann Arbor
audiences for his work during the
time he was in school, when he ap-
peared in the annual Union operas
and in numerous concerts. He is a
baritone, and his solos will be the
only 'ones in the cantata.
Another feature of the third day's
concert which is of interest to local
audiences is the appearance of the
Misses Elizabeth Davies, Ethel Hau-
ser, and of Dalies Frantz, students in
the School of Music, in a three-piano
number supported by the symphony
orchestra, the "Siciliano and Finale
from Concerto in D minor", by Bach.
All three are pupils of Guy Maier.'
Mr. Frantz has been considered to be
the "find" of the School of Music for
this year.
Lea Luboshutz, the Russian violin-
ist, will present three groups of se-
lections during the afternoon in-
eluding the Overture "Secret of Su-
zanne" by Wolf Ferrari. and the "Ad-
agio and Finale from G minor con-
certo" by Bruch. Madame Luboshutz
will be heard this year with such or-I
ganizations as the Syracuse Sym-
phony orchestra, the Cincinnati Sym-
phony orchestra and will appear in
various recitals throughout the coun-

1 hOUSE APPROVES $400,000 I
By Associated Press
( LANSING, April 19.-Appro-
priation of $400,000 for construe-
tion of a new psycopathic hos-
pital at Ann Arborwas approved
unanimously by the house today.
The bill, offered by Rep. Rich-
ard McLain of Quincy, would
grant $200,000 annually for the
next two years for the purchase.
The house passed the measure I
with a tax clause, in spite of
the fact that Governor Green I
has asked that the tax clauses
be stricken from all measures
r except those "absolutely neces-
sary." This procedure is con-
sidered imperative by the gov-
ernor in an effort to keep the
tax levy below the $16,000,000 I
( decided on some weeks ago by I
the adnilnistrative board and
( the finance committees of both
houses. Appearances are now I
that the proposed limit will be
( exceeded.
Professor Of Cornell Medical School
Outlines Development Of Science
Of Metabolic Energy
Action, as demonstrated in the lab-
oratory, of the different food sub-
stances in the production of body hefit,
formed the thesis of the lecture given
last night in Natural Science auditori-
um by Prof. Graham Lusk, of the
physiology department of the Cornell
university Medical school. Professor
Lusk, who is also a director of. the
Russell Sage Institute of Pathology
at Bellevue hospital in New York, is
a recognized world authority on nu-
trition, calorimetry, and related sub-
jects, and is generally known as the
man who developed the science of en-
ergy metabolism. He was a member
of the Inter-Allied Food commission
during the World war, and in that po-
sition put into practice the practical
side of the work in which he is chiefly
interested. His topic, as announced,
was "Energy Production in Mechan-
ical Work."
Processes and apparatus which have
been used from time to time in de-
termining and investigating the meta-
bolic background in the study of mus-
cular work were shown with slides
during the lecture. A peculiar appara-
tus was constructed at Bellevue hos-
pital in order to determine the oxygen
consumption and carbon dioxide
elimination, and men and dogs were
used in experiments. The results, as
shown by Professor Lusk' through
charts and diagrams, demonstrated
the fact that surface area of the body
used had little to do with the measure
of the basal metalbolism.
The speaker told of the beginnings
of the work in the late nineteenth
century, when a budegt of $150 was
set aside at Yale university for the
purpose, and said that it was from
this alone that the science as it is
known today originated. He spoke
briefly of the characteristic metabolic
attribute of the heart to form fats

Total of Flood Deaths Rises as Rivers
In Southeastern Kansas Swell
To Record IHeights
(By Associated Press)
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 19
-The levee on the White river
at Clarendon has gone out, ac-
cording to dispatches received
here by the Missouri-Pacific rail-
road company. Wires are all out
into (larendon and attempts to
verify the report failed. The break
has rendered close to 2,000 per-
sons homeless and flooded an
Immense amount of land at june.
Lion of the Cache aind White riv-
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., April 20-Trail-
ing a straight line through six con-
tral Illinois counties, a series of tor-
nados and line squalls this afternoon
brought death to upward of two score
persons, injury to 200 others, and left
scores in a dozen communities home-
Uncertainty colored all reports and
gave rise to belief that further reports
may send the fatality and injuries
higher or eliminate some names from
the list of dead. Where damage was
heaviest wires are down and definite
reports are' available only from those
who are penetrating the territory
over tree-strewn and water-soaked
roads, by horse and wagon.
The freak storm started at the Mis-
sissippi river and was described by
Weather bureau officials as a series
of line squalls as distinguished from
a tornado.
Children Hurt
School children were among the
chief sufferers in today's storm. Three
were reported to have been killed or
injured when the storm wrecked ru-
ral schools elsewhere, according to
fragmentary reports.
The storm~, for the most part, struck
small towns of 200 or 300 population,
then descended again on villages and
hamlets further away.
Besides the loss of life, heavy pro-
perty damage was done, but the dam-
age did not approach the figure WL the
tornado of two years ago when up-
wards of 800 persons were killed in
the southern part of the state.
Buildings were wrecked, trees up-
rooted, and wire communications with
the stricken district virtually were
cut off for several hours.
Within an hour after first reports
of the loss of life came from the storm
swept district, relief measures were
under way. First'aid was rendered
by volunteer assistants who pee-
trated he damaged area from larger
towns from 25 to 75 miles away.
Tie Red Cross at St. Louis and
Chicago plans to send immediate help
where it was most needed. Many, of
the injured were taken to Jackson-
ville and other nearby towns. Early
reports indicated that the damage
would be more than $1,000,000.
Doctors were sent into the stricken
area from nearby towns.
HUGO, Okla., April 19.-At least 11
persons lost their lives in the tornado
that swept southeastern Choctaw
county last night, it was found late
today when investigating parties re-
turned to Hugo.
Storm hits .Missour
HANNIBAL, Mo., April 19.-Several
persons were injured and about 25
houses were destroyed with damage
estimated at about $50,000 in a torna-

. _. .....e... __ ._.____ _........___

(By Associated Press) now in another. They proved the
WASHINGTON, April 19 - The more engrossing to the politicians be-
story of a rift between President Cool- cause of a long standing but never
idge and Secretary Hoover was ve- authoritatively confirmed story that
toed .unconditionally today at the should Mr. Coolidge decide not to be{
White House. a candidate for re-election, a consid-
The President authorized the state- erable part of the administration
ment that he was so well satisfied forces would fall into line behind Mr.
with Mr. Hoover's administrative rec. Hoover.
ord in the Commerce department and It was a spurt from the Chinesel
elsewhere that he rated him as well ,conflagration that started the fast,
qualified for any position in the cab- spreading gossip about the split
met that he would be willing to ac- among the President's cloutes~t ad-
cept. visors. In a quarter where the Cool-


try. She is a violinist of the deep and starches, and described the tests
emotional type. Born in Odessa, her which he had made on track men at
first teaching was deriked from her Cornell, when they were' dong the
father, and she began to give public dashes and sprints.
concerts at the age of six. She was"
heard by a famous conductor when SOCIETY AWARDS


Stirteen years old and was takenm as a jYFAR FELLOWSHIP do which struck Vandalia, Mo., forty
Music. At sixteen she received a gold TO C. 0. ERLA4NSON miles south of here, shortly after noon
medal from this institution for her today, according to reports received
work. Announcement was made yesterday.here.
I_ _ _ofthe awarding of a year's traveling A Negro teacher and two pupils,
p UTfellowship to C. O. Erlanson of the said to have been blown more than
BURSL E Y TO TALK botany department. The award was 100 yards when th schoolhouse was
BEFORF DEANS AT made by the American Scandinavian ;truck, were among the more seriously
A TLANTA MEETING foundation through a committee of x- injured. Several freight cars were
_ .perts chosen to award such scholar- blown from the tracks. The storm
J. A. Bursley, dean of students, will ships. Mr.Erlanson plans to go north centered in the south part of the
leave this morning for Atlanta, Ga., I with the Hobbs expedition this June, tw-
where he is scheduled to address the leaving that group at'Greenland. He KANSAS CITY, Apmil 19.-Sixteen
annual conference of University deans I1will make certain botanical records d t dd d f t


Vy t11: m L Y i1 . C1 1txU Ox
dents eligible for campus activities To this was added a complete dis-
are eligible to try out for the produc- avowal that any disparagement was
tion and these desiring to do so should intended by the recent White House
register on one 'of the days mention- announcement elimiating Mr. Hoover
ed, it was announced. as a possible successor to Secretary
Kellogg, should the latter give up his
- 1 posnt in fthe statr1e~rtment. It. was

idge foreign policies had not always j
been received with enthusiasm the
hint was dropped that Secretary;
Hoover had some ideas of his own
about the American attitude toward
China and that if his advice were fol-
lowed tliinpzrmig'ht be different. This

of students. The meeting will take for Professor Hobbs in addition to his
place Thursday, Friday, and Saturday regular observations and recordings.
and Dean Bursley will speak before Such work will be confined chiefly
the conference on Thursday on fra- to study of Arctic plants.
ternity problems. Leaving the group at Greenland, he
At the last conference of the deans I will proceed to the Danish Arctic sta-
-61 -+ ..." . - T - I,r art annacn..if finn of Di e 1I.O n d. (Yironl'nd- whrhvs

more aeahns were a ea d to ay to tne
heavy toll of floods, tornados and
freak storms that have swept the
southwest in the last two weeks, as
the elements renewed their onslaught
in Kansas, western Missouri, Okla-
homa and Arkansas.

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