ETWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY . _.,. ,.._._ --- m--- -.-. . -,.r- i '1 pIWILL HOLD CNTS THE DAILY WINS ',Law Professors rNATIONVAL AADIn Writing 1 Nw TiII~a , i 11(1 i t.7 oSpax oiher o;1i' ~ ~ +. t olii haIa l I anhs 'tI ou professors 01f1the Lai 1-i ' " O11001, 1'' 2121 Sl ( :i ( it i)o oof erit in2 fl~arper's Magazine offr al Ii t -j r lnl 'l prize of $500, a second pieo ~UL< *:,(~' 'ieo tthe1 and a third ?prize of $00flor t;i~he"o- 1 l1002 l'(i iOt pieces of Enlish prose WNriit ttib1r dergraduates in Am~eri( ,>C01cl1e< ' ' ll2L11i o ih2( universities. lMaiscipt at4°_i2 111 '2i'1\V~C - mailed to Jntercollegiat,< Lit oCrntest,(.\ 'inori rn-nt the awa1d Cotst ape' agzn, 1 . ,~ :'VIL 2 Onill, (t1evofficial 3)3rd St., New York (lily nt o O l O ! 2 )ela ("'1i, na-I than mididgh1t March 5, 1: _7. Fu lI ois-lanu l:fy information about the o 'i:o", ~ 'n ~v Ralph W. Ai ler, Joh n I. Waite, rich, have collaborate, ih2 te law faculty men, replresenting 15dif ferent law schools, in writinug rb lems In Law,", a recentlylulihl boo0k edited by Henry Winthrop flal- 1tions. In Pariculait is C(j.OC iir' lanitine, ofth University of California aid the gradluatese nts 6( I ;i, lrev School of jurisprudence, for bar exain i ons.; ii, vofom 111J O1'inu 9 he vo une,';( la etin that, althoug h it is con- tempted to il rod, cl , . ho rp'i e onthe "(lilestion and an-' latest developunientoo leJw ih .swe. r" type, it is not a. q;uizzer. The' :A fields repre sentedt. mrpurpose of Ihe owork is to give $The chapters w>>rl it-nb ina to la students the aterials for al of the Law scholai 10iiiiit y c;r fi review of the fundamental l by Professor llolibrool ; Title,. prin( 1)0 of 'im ust o«f the topics cover- Professor A igler ; Sale s .rL ),- aw ch o ail b r ex m n ,W it ; nd T t s, by P ref'v-o 2 __ - 1rich. I AMIL r 3 Cs y tai v?, ,sjT4 the contest may beol iefom - address. IR This contest is open to al]10ner graduate students. The jud esae Henry Seidel Canby, editor of the Sal- urday Review of Literature; !li1iov Wyle, author of "The Orphan aAngilimlM,"e atho'o mand. tl i"l (( 02 21T":; 1 ail- ii 12. 0 ~t d:~1i oi n AYi al ( ollog I hoer~l 1.?111La- ,. 'oi~ Ii~ d~ olg 1 THE- BIGGEST, SEN A1'0N SIN(;E THEA-RMJvISTICE! ITS R COIL) i IL Mma' ,?? t; - te.., t:,a 'k {4r r ried and Blackt Ciolor Combination ',' Res. Trade MarkI' U. S. Pat. UOfle e w24 He Threw This Pen and It Struck Unharmed on the Jagged 'Ipcks a Hal f M5Vile Below Non-breakable. Pen Barrel? Dr. P. C. Morse of the National Park- to-Park Highway Association was unconvinced. So recently to test the new Parker Duofold barrel, he stood on the yf rim of Grand Canyon and threw this pen into the rock-lined chasm. 44 When the pen was recovered j 4 amid the lagged rocks a half mile ' below the canyon's edge, it was scratched a bit, but quite unbroken. When the cap was removed the wi point was as good as ever-a point guaranteed for 25 years, not only for mechanical perfection but for aYou cannot get Duof old quality in any pen save that stamped "tGeo. S. Parker." Look carefully for this. Any good pen counter wvould like you to try this classic. I E zwkt C1,Y rsF ed and t3Year~in ": KYYS!YY r'I(7X.~ . o«T oditll)i ''C ,' L *..t "w; For book 0 a a ,, TOURS-22 x F- ih. ';.,Nx I ~2100S lay Lioet~S + 1. i..ESRA , 'IU.I 5,1 for Pure )rug5 a ' lF- c sive 'nn A rbor ,Sho w-in (Immortal Classic of) The Most Famnous of American Lov+ LILLI( 11: tcsdaj lx I V1! , _. A ~tai --- _ ..NE'S li flLAGC>ASP AT THE STARK YOU RE:FALISM OF 'HIS TI- ILLING PLAY )]. IOrdL;,Nooi' n-feevd Si n Sale Tiinro(ay* PRTVES-J-o vet' Floor *.7; alou ,i21-)$.6, I Ga;hllery 75c 'Fi'ePz'~;1n IdeTjax. de Sories Duofold Jr. or Lady Duofold $5 Paklecr Duofold.Pencils to match the Pens: Ladty Duo- fold, $3; Over-size Jr., $3.50; "Big Brother" Over-szie, $4 i ITTril, Prfonunamdamid the sharp rocks 1i LTAW bap- - - THE PARKER PEN COMPANY, JANESVILLE. WISCONSIN r 1 iran. Wy'I 1 - . - w,,.. *'-~- .- ..- -.- - 4,' _ _ / .- - " ri- .. . It - s ,1 - , - a_ - t 7 ChaMe try NA'gs Mtrcof . 'IV TARINGTHUSDAY 'Member Jts Another Mid-Week Wow ! T='ut I uii*n Your Pip~e anrd Smoke It! Every One of Your E motioni will 4a .joy Ride When "Yot S ee v.~ t^ k c y Ell r4 11 - - - , --.- T EW l SGREATE1STCOMEDIAN! c AR o 0 _ c. wfAa. . a,,. . . ' 'yb 10, a'-? 4 ' IC; ( ofC SUNDAY - - -L --wo XO-,A xvz ZA x // j a is Oi. . a