THE MICHIGAN DAILY __,,,....,_- PAGE SEVEN Horn sh Wvon't Seil WOLVERINES ENTRAIN 'Barton, Moore, And Stephens Remain ' ((ontinued from Page Si )InAn Arbor Fo~rEtr Tennis NAYorL THIS ATHIFS cldhfind is batting ",y on hie A n xtaCOLUMN La i i CLUM Our rapid turnuor insure,,s rreeb I (By Asoicd Press) tFi). Ilexil oHoubt1O'Jl t z li, r Fee of Mic higau's six: highest have (daily workouts with Coach I lut- NEIKtArl 7 Ro s i~* - [ r t e gu lar pOativn Gon th I i ]£ ranking Varsity tennis players are to chins, anid several of tie of her canl-! . ,ewYr Gitsentba(. hetmtisyaaodig t sty in Alin Arbor over the spring re- 'didtates may also join the spriteg nnadthe 1,167 shares of stock he Coach 1I i ;he:, is olie of the best seen; t aeadatg o h'dddsud ho :lds in the t. Louis Cardinals, to 'at Meia in many yeazrs. If the iweek for practice on the Ferry field Plans are also under way to sche-! ' L ~ form a problem which will en- IIIccr [ find their form, and parr, ble clay _courts which have been available dole special mnatchles with severe! ten- "cto holdmbnth cncentatitnofl tel;ietga oi2the past several days. Barton2, nis clubs. in nearbly cities as hits been tilecoiliid c~iceitrttio~ " hevy rtileryshold hve nisi oore, antd Stephens are Iplanninig to l done in prlevious years. all the National League club owner; I successful seaxon1, in heis opinion. ~ --____ __ - --___ I AT 3 P.M. U A DVERTFISING L I AT 3 P.. ' I tonorr ow morning. All the mien have showni good fornm Mleeting at 11 o'clock at the Wijlliamj- at hat, with Oostcrbaani, Corriden,l Pell] hotel 'in Pittsburgh, at the call' and WVeint raub as the most ottand- j of President Johnw A. Heydler, they ing. The Michigu an "first foul" xili11 will endeavor to decide whether he i3 probably cause the oppaosing pitchers; right in ruling that so long as Hors,- much trouble before the season ends1 by is financially interested in a rival; Coach Fisher said. club he cannot play, ball with the! Following the game at Kentucky Giants. the tea will engage Vanderbilt in Hiornsby had the stock last' year ,a two game series, April 11 and 12,1 when hie was manager of the Cards; April 13, and 14 are tho (kites set and retained it when he was traded: for the meetings with le Cer, at. Ma-' to the Giants. His lowest price for the' con, Ga. University of C('org ia will en1- stock has been $105 a share while the; tertain the Wolverine,, April 15 and highest Sam Breadon, president of the 16, andi the game0 with Cilcilnatl U Cardls, has offered $60. Heydler's plans, April 18, will conplete thle rti( for arbitration have not gone through.1 trip.! -- Purdue will invade Ann Arbor for" INDIANA. - Nineteen students re- tlhe opening Conference game of th Edgeworth is always good on the draw I I; I. I , If you arc a telephone subscriber call Jimmie th Ad-Taker. Dial 21214, and your want ad! will be charged.i The Michigan Daily reserves the right to !LGiSlP -ill classify all wants ads undler app~rop~riate head- ' J-j- fop pmu ings and to revise or withhold objectionabie t l 'hscolutmn clones at 3 P. Ml. date preced- ing pul lication .N otice of anv error must be LOS'-Pi 1E ,nven in time for the second insertion. t h Is W. Ii CASH RATES t Ic. F. W. V Ten cents per reading Iiue (on. the basis of j _._ . five aver age words to the liile) for one .ir two LOS T '-A gI inser tions. Nine -eats per readling line for three or more ! dne r Cashrclassifiedscceived at the Daily 3officFr in The Press Building on M:aynard Street. CONTRACT RATES4 Special btandardized rates given on applica-' Lo n FOR SAL M- LOS~4T - _____ _ : tfinding a G K.A. fraternity pin. Ini- R. G. Reward if returned Weitzel, 1824 Geddes. 139 ,ray topcoat at fraternity day nighlt. Call Stephens, 138-139 ,FOR SALE -Ford Touinig, '27 plates. s, t op, curtains, starteor. ne onl your.vacation. -$45. lStat e. Phone 6417. 139 fihe person 1':t C (Old aini mig I-, oney p, pleaso call 3718. and r 139 1 z t I e.s a t1 4 r ..; ceivedl all "A" marks.I r season,, April1. ._. . lol1L I Y _ J* rE H,!" a - w - S. - -i - . .w S ici aH - ~ a .-.r wih.esale bimanM hihe ron6I saeso S - gaunclfha_ new.featured with a withllr contrasting tablackoand awhiteey trim.'oe . ... . -f. - S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I WANTEP- WANTED-Graduate student wishies roomi in private home. 1391 WANTED-We can employ a number of U. of Michigan freshmen, sophio- mores, and juniors this summer! who need funds for next year's term. Salary and tuition. Comnmu- nicate at once with M. M. Croen, 514 Lafayette Bldg., Detroit, Mich., or call personally while on vaca- tion. _138-139 WANTED.STUDENTS to know that! ,am pays from $5 to Ro) for old suits and overcoats. 121 B. ANN DIAL 4306, I tt FOR PENT FOR RENT-One single room with'1j running water. Also'a, garage. Phone 21815. 119 North T~hayer. 139 FOR RENT-One four and one five room 'apartment. Vacant soon. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone 3403. 1391 FOR RENT-Large 4ouble room on! second floor, single room on first floor for man or woman and with board if (desired. 723 Oakland. 137-138-139 FOR SALE--Large new cedar chest. $10. Call 21442. 139i FOR SALE, OR RENT--Mlost desir- able large rooming house, dear campus. Furnished complete. Will pay for itself, Reasonable terms.; Phone 4454 evenings. 139 FOR SA LE--Cadil lac SS roadlster with rumble seat. Motor and tires 0. K. Can be seen at 502 East Madison, or call Leenhonts, pho~ne 5017. 137-138-139 FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. $40.1 Call 3283. _______ tf FOR SALE-Chevrolet 1923 touring.1 $40.00. Phone 9023 any afternoon! or evening' and ask for McKee or; Gow, FOR SALE-Ford roadster 1924; five tires, starter, demountable, good condition. 1617 Washtenaw. Phone 9117. Boyer or Farquhar. -1YPO .RITERS--All makes. , sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- Stained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor- ona Typewriters, Inc. t 1 VOTICE Good tires Drive lhom 548 South stock and you secure the best qual- ity at a mod vrate price. 0. D. M OlR- RtILL. 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. tt TO DRIVE IfOMllt:EASTER Fordi Coupe 19241 -A fine little clos- ed car for $175.00) cash. Ford Roa:dster" 1926-Wire Whelels andl lilloons, Iluinpers. Can be bought chea p. P ord touring 1V24-11n excellent condition. $65.00 ('ash. I It. 14 .v A ,' I E Z. 51 i 1 :, it sl 37-138-139 DANCING Every Saturday ign, ix bora. 5 miles out Broadway ot new Plymouth paved road. fri-sat-tf GRAND PIANO Will purchase an instrument of standard make itf price is right. University 1Muslc House TENOR GUITAR Tunes and p~lays like a uke. A new instrument of a very pleasing tone. Can be learned in a few min- utes. Special price, $15.00. Pay as you play. fuiver sity Mutsic House NOTICE-The new 1oyal Portables are now on display at RIder's Pen Shop, 315 State St. A. wonderful machine. Youi will bc interested. Call and see themi. rjiY PE WVINlTI.N G If t l . ieogrltp. lng promptly and neatly done by exeperienced operators at mod- erate rates. Thesis and college work a specialty for 19 years. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The Typwriter and Stationery Store. tt NOT.1I C E Gilbert's page & Sbuaw JUILLERET'S 302 S. State St. Originality See Our Line of Easter Candies American RugY Cleaning Work's There are only a few in the United States like this high grade works, and none other near you. D~ial 811; 1032-40) Green St. Oriental Rugs '1ashed by Experts Original (Colors Are 'Restored. Pure Sops. Rug s Repaired. Reference : Ann Arbor Savings Bank or your neighbor. NOTICE-Student wishes to share expenses with party driving to up- per Michigan for vacation. Call Frimodig at 9697. 138-139 SAXOPHIONES We can use a few saxophones if in salable condition. Must be thor- oughly cleaned. University Music Hlouse ANN' ARBOR CARPET Cleaning IWorks. Rugs Shampooed. Phone, 6513. daily-tf TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. ti NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly and quickly typed at popular prlceA Phone 7345. t STS AND OVERCOATS-Very reas- onable prices, tailored or ready- made. We have a wonderful vari- ety of patterns. Repairing also a specialty. Isetgutiful fabrics for your {winter overcoht. WILD THlE TAYLOR 109 E. Washington j Phone 5069 c Wed-Fri-Sat j News Leters ,ind College Printing. IPrices ,aid service right. Da'vis Ohlinger, Prompt Printers 109-111 E. Wash. St. Dial 8132 WFS-tf F'ORDJS - FORDS - FORDS, Our entire stock of used cars has' been put into first class running con- dition and the prices asked are in, wany cases much lower than the value given. A car for every purse andl every car worth the money. Come in, pick out your car and drive it homxe. We have roadsters, touring, coupes, Tudors, four dloors, $35 to 1$345. The very one you want is here. Talk to Mr. Gauss. P14one 4229. FORD SALE~S AND SE~RVICE 310.320 E. Huron St. k I " READ THE WADST ADS iNOTICE-Mell Gillespie, teacher man- S dolin, banjos, guitar, chord con- straction. Dial 4757. Wed., Fri;~, Sun., tf TrOIunoivPsi' Barber Shop has sat- isfied Students for 40 years, sun-wed-f0i NO't',ICE---Hear the new Orthoponic Victor Record of "Ima Little Bit 1+ luier of You." By Warrings Pennsylvanians, at Schaeberle & Soan Music House, 110 So. Main. tf I C t s i f r-e-00,04 i Uq WALK--OVER $10.00 BONITO A '. - I slim front strap of unique d e s ign gives slenderizing lines to t h is Rose Blush Patent slipper. The heel is of Blonde Pat- ent. The wront strap is a com- bination of Rose Blush and Blonde Patent sewed on elastic which makes it cling to the instep at all times. IAg .s( Snug lines that cling like clinging vines As clinging as a clinging 'vine is this smart new Walk-Over. It is smart because it clings. It /clings because, like all Walk-Overs, it is made with the perfect understanding of tailoring that civ t oT~iacmnt fttt tFnn. i Silk Hosiery for Every Occasion $~1.85 and It 1.95 m I ?n! Is