/ PAG~E YOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY rTtTT5AY; ArTITT. R, lg27 r U Published every morning edcept Monday during the University year by the Board inn Control of Student Publications.y Members of Western Conference EditorialC Association.. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the us ,for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwisei credited in this paper and the local news pub- lised therein.I Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arb , Michigan, as second class matter. Special ratet of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- aster General. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,1 $4.00. : .. Offices: An Arbor Press Building, May- pard Street.t Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.f EDITORIAL STAFFt Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR1 SMITH H. CADY. JR. iltor,.........W. Calvin Patterson Cit* Editor v. .i.........Irwin A. Olia sEdtor..,. . Frederick Shillito Ne Edtr.t.*- Philip C. Brooks Women's Etditor.........Marion Kubik SprsEditor ... .....Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor..........Morris Zwerdling Wusio and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors Charles Behymei Ellis Merry Carlton Champ4e St.nford N. Phelps So Chamberlini Cowtland C. Smith ales Herald Cassam A. Wilson Assistant City Editors Carl Burger Henry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick 'Reporters' Marion Anderson Milton Kirshbaun, Margaret Arthur Pal Kern leaa Campbell, Sally Knox Jessie Church l Richard Kurvnk. Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean Edward C. Cunmings Kenneth Patrick Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy Blanchard W. Cleland Moiris Quinn Clarence Edelson James Sheehan William Emery Sylvia Stone Robert E. inch Mary Louise Taylor J. Martin Fr el Nelson J. Smith, Jr. IRobert Geso. r William 'Thurnai Margaret Grss Marian Welles Elaine Gruber Thaddeus Wasilewk Coleman .Glener Sherwood Winslow Farvey J Gundersonlt Herbert r. Vedde Stewart ookr MifrVai Motton B. IdYe BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Contracts ..................William C. Pusch Copywriting ..........Thomas IE. Sunderland Local Advertising ....George 11. Annable, Jr. Foreign Advertising......Laurence Van Tuyl CirculationT................ Kenneth Haven Publication................John 11. Bobrink Accounts................Francis A. Norquist Assistants Beatrice Greenberg George An, Jr. Selma Jensen Florence Cooper Varion L.Reeding A. M. Hinkley Marion Kerr E. L. ]Hulse Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer Ralph L. Miller harvey Talctt John Russwinkle Harold Utley Douglas Fuller Ray Wachter Virle C. Witham Esther Booze . FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1927 Night Editor - CASSAM A. WILSON ADVICE TO THE FILIPPINOS. With his veto of the proposal by the philippine legislature for a plebiscite upon the question of insular inde- pendence, President Coolidge has of- fered some wholesome advice to the native politicians who have been lead- ing the agitation for complete politi- cal freedom. In the firstplace, he frankly stated his convicton that the people of the Philippines are as yet not ready for full self-government. Then, regard- ing the attainment of this ultimate goal, he mildly scored the methods of agitation and opposItion, and advised the Filippinos to show proper exer- cise of the large powers of govern- ment already possessed if they would gain a successful independence. Likewise, the President reminded the Filippinos that "political activity is not the end of life, but is merely a means to attain the economic, indus- trial, and social conditions essential to a stable existence." From this stand, he objected to the proposed plebiscite as a possible detriment to the economic life of the island. In the same strain, he pointed to the economic- hardships which would accompany a break in the present re- lations with the United States. #Since 70 per cent of the Philippine exports come to this country, and since Amer- ican administration has made possible the steady progress of the islands, there ought to be little doubt regard- ing the value of the present connec- tibns. Whether the Filippinos realize it or not, the President has acted for the welfare and prosperity of the Filippinos in sustaining the previous veto of Governor-General Wood. ROBERT A. CAMPBELL Last Monday at the polls the voters of the city defeated Mayor Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University, and elected to his of ce Edward Stae- biler, local oil dealer.. The election can in no way be taken as a repudia- tion of the record of the incumbent, for an honest citizenry could never repudiate such a record; and the fact that Mayor Campbell neglected to ad- vertise his accomplishments may-have prevented him from having a third term. clency that resulted was plainly evi- dent.yI An annual Boys' day in city govern- ment, whereby more than a hundred! youths of Ann Arbor have had a, chance of gaining first hand a knowl-I edge of the city government, was in-I stituted by the retiring mayor; and dozens of smaller things, such as uni- forms for the. high school band, have been accomplished indirectly at least, through his influence.; It is to be hoped that his successor, Mr. Staebler, will continue the pro- gress which has thus far been so suc- cessfully achieved. It is to be expect-I ed that the co-operation between the city'and University will be continued; and it is to be further expected that our new mayor will remain awake to the great potentialities which Mayor Campbell has so competently discov- ered in the city of Ann Arbor. FRATERNITY INBREEDING 0 There are undoubtedy many advan- tages to residence in a fraternity house. The social opportunities of- fered, the facilities available for close companionship, the presence of more or less homelike surroundings, the compact nature of the group, all these may be mentioned. But there are also many} perils. Perhaps the greatest of these is the tendency toward inbreed- ing, of narrowing acquaintances to members of the particular fraternityl and a few "nodding" friepdships on a LET'S CLEAR OUT! THIS AFTERNOON: Nation-wide' tour begins of the University's G(rand Production, "Spring Vacation." TenI thousand in the cast, with audiences totalling 100,000 persons predicted. Performances in 5,000 cities and towns. Under the personal direction of C. Cook Little. Added attraction: a spe- cial comedy skit entitled, "Yes We Are Collegiate." * * * Muicand Drama ~GAAI TMOuROcSPRING FICTION TNORROW NIGHT: "The Poor All the important new titles are - Nut" at 8:15 o'clock in the Whitney ; E theater. * 1='W Ofl "THE POOR NUT" LAf1 ' It is seldom that a producer finds a play like "The Poor Nut", and once At Both Ends of t e Diagonal - discovered, nothing less than the death of both leads or an injunction1- t t lt l ltltttllttlitll ll tllt l tl itil t lliltit tilt l ttlttttt ll ittit l uttitttlttillttltl ill from Eauity will make him take it_+ Li IF WE -)ON'T SUIT AINN ARBOR LT'S MOVE TE UNIVERSITY! Ann Arbor's electors defeated both the University's candidate and thec Students' champion in the recent cam-a paign. And they haven't supplied usI with a riot in a long time.l They crowd the students out.of con- vocations and everything else that isI free in Hill auditorium, and the only reason they don't attend classes ist that the classes aren't interesting. * * a Generally they show that they don't appreciate the University, and so we I believe we should move the Univer- 1 sity out of here and take it some- 1where else. * 4I from the boards. And plays of this type are always accidents. They are never reviewed as good drama,and are usually criticized with polite evasions or impolite insinuations; and they always are on the road when the Pulitzer Prize choice is safely em- balmed j Burns Mantle's Best Plays; series. "The Poor Nut," however, is rather rare infits field, for it is seldom that college atmosphere ever makes good draima, and with the exception of "Young Woodley" it is one of the few to ~ai popularity. The co-authors are the Nugents, father and son, and the prime dramatic interest lies only in the staging which includes the best part of a track heet in the last act. In fact with the failure of "The Kick Off" with Frank Craven and Grant- A For Your Old Clothes Call Samn DIAL 4306 GRANGER 'S-_ Dancing Tonight and Saturday Night For those remaining in Ann Arbor over the week end we are holding our dances as usual. Pleasant informality is always C~ r E 1 f 1 I . ; ; , 0 a d i 1 1{ 1 3 .I x i i I fl t of 4 YI tne campus. land Rice as co-authors, and "Solid This tendency may be notied in woul'te such bigob cart-Ivory" equally disastrous, the s ess every house on the campus. Each fra- g off what stuff around here is worth is rather monumental. However, it is ternity has its members whose social mving*g lost of it should be Junked, i ratha on'a hoeverai! is holed hatitwont happen again! horizon is bounded by the limits of anyWay, or maybe we could sell the o a * to their fraternity, whose interests re- lwolecampuu itrights 1(e1 -11 .THEisTnD-NTS'iRCIAt volve about fraternity matters andustral cooratin or smethiugAl Rh r those alone. This tendency becomes *Ath even further objectionable when evi- Henry Ford might like to buy the Of course we are all wrong, but the denced in still smaller groups within tampus to use as a country estate. term 'student of music' has always the fraternity organization proper. He could turn the Lit building into been associated in our mind with the The case is not altogether hopeless, his home, with University hail as the endless hammering out of exercises Such men are composed of those who eld-fashioned woodshed. for the 'thumb and forefinger of the need a little proding to get their in- * * right hand', with the tedious droning6 Of scales, beginning in a throaty war- 6 terests aroused in things outside the And he could use the Lw building ofiscandbening in a squea. ons- . n edn n qek.Cne fratetnity and those whose mental as the stables to house his polo ponies, capacity is such that they will likely parking all the Lincolns and Fords quently, when we were informed that the young musicians of the School of never gather much of an idea what over in Tappan hall. Alumni Me-tMucmwere n stbtStudntsf University life is all about anyway. morial could be the servants quarters. ourfculti wrt oncentvl Something can be done with the first * * * aitthesterm.an erearing against the term. And after hearing group. Fraternity officers, long ac- By adding some books lie could last evening's concert we'feel that our customed to get underclassmen inter- make a library out of the Library. revolt was justified, for the young per- ested in activities could do well to use , C C the ame mehod ontheupprclss-formers brought to their work inter- the same methods on the upperclass- If he weren't at all particular about pretations which, if not artistic, were, men in getting their interests aroused where he kept his pigs, he might turn at least, creative. They are definitely in that great unknown to many of the Old Medic building into a pig pen. not 'students', in our interpretation of their members, the real University ,,, *rthe word. and its. vital, interesting, and moving As for Natural Science building- Miss: Belva Tibbals, a pianist, show- life._______if lie could find any practical use for ed uite remarkable technical gifts. IMPROVING RADIO CONDITIONS that place it would be the first tim To be sure, her pedal work was at it has ever been done. times blurred, there were frequent Broadcasting conditions have re- * * * mistakes, and her interpretation of the ceived a rather thorough review in thesfinalers of'the selections were often recent hearings 'of the Federal Radio I shape as well as history, the fnlbr f h eetoswr fe rcmmisingwhicas bteFendelegatd Engineering building would well be expessionless. Yet, the young lady commission which has been delegatedsuedtbiguilzd sHey' showed great refinement in Ir play- - to limit or otherwise arrange the suited to being utilized as Henry's soe ra eieeti ~ ly barns. He could keep the tractors over ing of the gentler passages of the operating schedules of the 732 sta- there, as well as the crops, except Chopia Etude and Nocturne and in so that the present chaotic conditions hay. (No relative of ours would stand giving Korngold's piece, 'The Brown- for being put in a place like that.) ies.' Miss Tibbals command over her will be improved. * * piano prevented her from smashing Several changes in equipment, wave Th chemistry and physics buildings the keyboard (as so many young art- lengths, and-time schedules have been could be used for extra residences for ist do) in rendering the Prelude and advanced and then rejected as im- the convenience of visitors. For ex- Fugue of Bach. Then too, her hand- practical. Two constructive schemes, ample, Senator Reed ould live in lin "of the difficult 'Perpetual Mo- both of which provide for the aboli- New Physics. Its special foundations tion' of Weber, was quite without tion of a nuliber of stations, have . flaw. make it absolutely impervious to wind more or less survived. The first would disturbances Sidney Straight, a tenor, the other provide for separate hearing for each * * musician of the evening, showed a available wave length with the award fe could make th e g line lyric and dramatic style. Although made to the applicant whose opera- live in our White House. * there was a suggestion of a tremolo tion would best serve the public inter- * * , in some of his lower tones, he proved est . The second advanced by the We think Henry would buy the the quality of his middle and high American Engineering council would place, if you told him there was swell registers. In singing Tennyson's limit the station to 64 national and fishing.own in the Huron. He might rather slushy lyric, 'Now Sleeps the 300 local stations which would oper- say "Who ever hea o a country Crimson Petal', he exhibited notble ate so as to eliminate interference. e . . ,",A breath support and a genuine feeling .estate ink city." And the answer to The .choice between them or their that is: "*One the University l('ft or restraint. combination now rests with the com- this would be rustic enough." * * Imission. Whatever the result, itap- * * "FAUS' pears that the broadcast listeners will IT SEEMS TO BE TRADITION (At the Bostelle Playhouse.) soon be freed from the disagreeable THAT OUR CANDIDATE LiOSES A review, by Walter A. Reichart. conditions which they now experience. Deare Haye--My feelings are hurt Miss- Bonstelle is presenting this and I can only say that the women week and next a revival of Goethe's TWENTY TWO MItLLION CARS on the campus do not realize true, Faust (part. one) in an adapted ver- The saturation point in the auto- intrinsic worth when they see it, or sion by Stephen Philipps and J. mobile market, expected fifteen years hear about it. The only thing that 1 Comyns Carr. In order to fit the two ago ,is apparently as far in the future can conclude is that the column is hour limit, much is left out and the U as ever, judging by the annual report not as good an advertising medium as rest is done double time until Goethe's of the United States bureau of roads, the Daily Official Bulletin. masterpiece becomes the story of the Accgxding to the report, 22,000,000 Nelly. legendary Doctor Faustus rather than cars were kept on the country's roads * * * the struggle of the philosopher Faust. during 1926, an increase of 2,000,000 WHY WE LOST Beginning with the prologue in over 1925 . Fees amounting to $288,- After a thorough survey of the re- I which Mephisto makes his famous 000,000 were paid to drive these cars, cent city election results, we have wager with the heavenly powers, the most of which was spent in building come to the conclusion that we were narrative takes Faust in rapid suc- and repairing the highways and by- defeated in our race for mayor. We cession-from his study through the ways. The report shows that more are not disappointed, but, with the Witches' Kitchen to his great tempta- cars are being used for commercial Chicago Tribune, we can only say that tion of love. The Auerbach Keller purposes and more passenger types i we knew it was going to happen all scene was very weak and used only as extra family cars. Setting a satu- the time. to present Valentine on the eve of ration point for the country's first There are five reasons why we were I the war and later as the scene of his industry is something which has pass- defeated by the local Oil King: duel with Faust. In the Garden ef into automobile history. (1) We didn't have any gas sta- Scenes Martha and Mephisto supplied tions from which to distribute ballots. the humor though it was broadened ALUMNI SHELVES (2) The faculty were afraid the beyond Goethean conception.I The plan of having bookshelves in duties of the office would keep us The presentation of the outdoor the Pendleton library at the Union de- away from our studies. scenes vs the most interesting phase, voted to the works of University (3) The University Party sched- The lighting effects for the Witches' alumni is one especially worthy of uled bluebooks for the next day so' Kitchen nd the Walpurgisnacht cele-J commendation. Any plan which will that students couldn't spare the time bration on the Brocken were beauti- promote respect and appreciation for from study to go to vote. ful and interesting . The pageantry E E MANN'S l '" Going Home? ! Let us fit one of our Spring hats your head. The best in quality the price of ordinary hiats. Light I ales - Snappy Shapes - Factory ices. Also I We Clean and Block Bats No Odor-No Gloss rrect Shapes-No Burned Sweats Factory Hat Store 7 Packard St. Phone 7415 DON'T delightfully apparent Granger's at these dances. Academy Dance Tonight and Tomorrow igfht. MAKE PATHS ON THE CA M PU S The New Spring Brogues and Lightweights are ready for your inspection at GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. Exclusive Lasts and Patterns Ow&H.1922 Designed and Sold Only by WHITEHOUSE & H ARDY. BROADWAYAT40"' STREET 144VWEST42N STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA HousE BLDG. KNICKEBOCKER. BUILDING 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREET PHILADELPHIA-1511 CHESTNUTSTREET 11 L - -77-7777777-, .. .. ---_-----------_-==_ =r. IUIIII ... - - 61I111 tlllill - 11;1111 '11!111 (Gill) ti llHiil ' ' I ' JLtlllill i Lq ,!VIII (IIHII IIIIItI ia..a Two Days Directly Following Vacation Wednesday, Tl1hursday, April 20 ad 21 *1 g ,!; p ,: a 7..ls lIl __ No A(_ vanc.7111 1'rl_. _ t_ Yn_ Absolutely NO Advance in pries-."rieOnly -y 0 - -s - + .GOETHE-na EMIL JANNIG - rected by -. --W-urnau rime whole town will be talking about Faust! En1il Jannings, the great star, in 4 picturization of thie in- nortal story of love against Y vil! Anmd wihat a lprodlic- joln ! Tremndous, awe-in-" spirinlg, beautiful! You'll never forget the storm scene and the countless other powerful moments! 0 . Brought to Ann Arbor for your- pleasure by the Majestic Theatre for the benefit of the -,.Women's League. i