TH -IHTA D. .A. AAU V5.A TA.J P ADP TH T........4T ANT f ..T sir, h 'ViTWtiU... .., ctsuir" 4nsti ar OIFT AKESPOSSIBILE SCIENTIFIC__RESEARCH A tn Crh'a ii C V,0-fC:,1ion Donates umFor 1i;3t',igling Use Of V,~ J'Al:"(Of Steel WILL HAVSSPECIALIST Intensive research in the use of gas for steel treating to be carried on by the department of engineering research has betn made possible by a gilt of $10,00(0 irom the American Gas' Asocation, a(ccording to an an- flo~tncoment by Prof. A. ;E, White, head of thrat dIepartment. A sneciali st in metallurgy and a staff or laboratory assistants will im- mediately start a series} of investiga- tions into the uses of gas for heat treating of steel and in forging fur- niaces, Prof. White said. The work which will be undertaken in coopera- tion with the Surf'aee Combustion Company will be under the direction of Professors A. It. White and A. E. Whi'te. "Use of manufactured gas for heat- ing operationsa is constantly increas- ing," Prof. White said, "because of tihe readiness with which gas lends itself to automatic control. "While this wort; is being done for the American gas industry, the re- sults will probably be of great 'direct value to Michigan industries. This 'will be particularly 'true of the auto- mobile industry, because of the im- nionse amount o1' heat-treated metal employed in it." "This appropriation is taken from our special fund of $580,000 to b e used in a five-year program of research' iln the field of large scale industrial use of gas," Alexander Forward, ianag- ing director of the American Gas as- sociation, said in a telegram to the en- gineering research department. "We are especially happy to include the University of Michigan in this program and we are confident that the work to be carried on there will further reflect its high standing as an educational institution.' I extend to Profressor White and his associates my congratulations on the termina- tion of an agreement which will bring his institution in closer contact with the entire manufactured-gas indus- try." KINNEY SHOES" TIMELY SUGGESTIONS y Ownership Of Largest Eating House On Campus Goes To LocalRestauranteurs t m " ChubbhI ous:e, the largest and old- commencement (lays pass at cost food establishment on tile cams- and state that catering to pus, has changed hands. Mr. and Mrs.I here at Michigan during MichiganI studentts those 27 asure for! u. t~ '~iI'UUI WHO Started the Crestau-I rant in 1899 as a small place, and Who have been located on State Street ever since then, have sold Chubb House to Angelo Patios and 'Theodore ldames, owners of the A tin Arbor~ Ae; t im rant, The Michigan Theater Building and proponents of the new Michigan theater and Michigan H-otel. Mr. and Mrs. Chubb have seen 27 y ears hais been a great rU1e; 'Y -- u IA.4u u[iGll a 5A Gat. Ijiuc them. The new owners plan extensive im- provcinents and a complete change of equip~ment of every nature. 'Fley are closing Chubb house today when they take it over, and will re-open the com- pletely changed restaurant to their patrons' at the end of the spring va- cation. ;, Take Home a box of our specially prepared and wonder- fully delicious candies for Easter. SWEETLAND 212 S. Main St. ing Spring vacation. We offer you our ex- pert repair service. Ernst Bros. 104 N. Fourth Ave. READ THE WANT ADS I I C Have your electrical wiring inspected dur- \ kROUND THE WORLD Second rYear COLLEGE CRUISE S. S. WYNDA 24 SEPTEMBER TO MAY Continue your regula r ca- Y demic course aboard the S8.. A\ rndam, while visiting 25 coun- A real college with a faculty of experienced ed ucators, 4 Basketball, baseball, tennis soccer, swimming, with tearti of foreign universities. A University Afloat for men only. Enrollment lmited to r X378-17~ years or more of age. 1)o60illustrated booklets, di. scription of courses, map of Itin- erary and cost of a school year: of travel, write. ~" ~v"' - ~TRAVEL 2813 Madison Ave. ~' Niew York City . '1.04 i' - .o l READ THE WNANT" AdS III ยง 11 1 1 111 Jill ..._._. _. .. .. h I duathy Far G reater r. . t Price I No. 20118&--W OMAN'S Patent Opera Pump. S p i k e covered Heel. Same model in Blarl, Satin. Full F ashic Pure Silk C! $1.69 Two Pairs,I 4i iedi tfonl 3.00 n~u -tb e newlTji collegiare.2Model No 20270-WOM ' AN'S Patent two-eyo tie with Paisley underlay. Spikec Covered heel, $3.98. Same m-odel in ILig-ht trey w ith Dahrk Greyt underlay. $3.980 Alo 907-MA NIS Sport O x f rd . Stone Calf Vamp and Quarter. Blonde and Tan eyelets to match. Goodyear U "f I r t ~i . ~ tf x o , a~ Lochinvar. - _A distinctive R B spring suit sketched from life. Extra trousers to -match suits, 86. A E - hundreds and thousands of mien whose prom- ihence in this community you know demands th at they always be well daressed. These men- doctors lawn. yers, public officials, business men-wear R B Clothes because they give genuine satisf action-not ' jest be- cause the price is %2 iii ctive BStyles for Eas ter Nowhere else can you find the smart styles which dis- tinguish R B Clothes because R B models are exclu- lively created by our own designers, accurately inter- preting the major style trends of the fashion centers of the world. Ther e's always romance in the story, of R B Clothes- romance in seeing them made by the thousands every week in our great, new tailoring plant, where razor- edged electuric knives cut scores of garments at a time wihgreater accuracy than shears ever, knew. All the advantages that come from efficient production on a vast scale; all the discounts that accrue fromh pur- cha sing woolens and materials in tremendous quan- tities direct from the mills; all the customary .middle- man's Selling costs that we avoid by retailing in our own stores broughit the price of RRB Clothes down to 522-a safe price for you to pay and a price that actuwally saves .you monecy, WAIJ it IV 9w GLANCE through Our lists surprise you. You would of customers might find the names of STRICTLY, Collegiate -Campus is designed four the k)activ~e young chap in his late 'teens or early twenties. Notice the easy athletic lines in the sketch, yet Campus hangs with all the elegance that any well dressed man could desire. Stripes and plaids in the mannish colorings now prevailing in University circles--and Campus is Speceially Priced $22 Knickers to Match, $6 Also Tuxedos at $25-and new 50-inch Topcoats, $22 1 I' Jumbo Pencils with- our compliments -call tomorrow'. / U; IP m I II .U