P'AGED TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY EIl 1)AY, A PRIT , .1927 MANYOlN WILL SIVOY! Latest Report By enat Committ~ fliDMfV I ~vRecommends NecwUniversity Clee . . ..... i ,i..[L iii V w L miI I I I 1 (Continued from lPage 01)e) mil Traice Connection Of Sy'stezia Middle Ages To 'Movement Under Fascist Regimie, TO PREPARE MONOGRAPH Opportunity for travel and study ;ini Italy through a fellowship of the So-I cial Scence, Research council has been granted to Leonard Manyon of the history department, it was a- zounced yesterday. The Italian guild movement under the Fascist regime will be the subject of Mr. Manyon'sG studies. One of the principal objects of his study, according to Me. Manyon, will be to trace some connection between the Fascist guild movement and the guild systems that flourished (uring the middle ages. When the work isj comipleted, Mr. Manyon, expects to prepare a mfiogaph embodying the result of his research. M. iahyon expects to leave for Italy at 'A'e end of the present se- mnester. 'Mt of his ,research work will probably be carried on at Flor- ence, Mil u,, Rome, Ravenna and Naples. ' The ne ' hoder of the fellowship has already4 spent considerable tige lit Italy. 6 e hs a personal acquaint- ance with jany of the F"ascist leaders, and expe#4",to receive aid from them Ini carryiii' dn his studies. Mr. Moapj attended Oxford uni- versity, England, specializing in the study of history. He graduated in 1,924, and came here the following ~emester, where he accepted a pos- tion as instructor of English history. The history of the medieval period has occupied most of Mr. Manyon's prevous studies. At present he is engaged in writing a book dealing with the medieval history of Europe. DENSMORE TO GO ON SPEAKING TRIP G. E. Densmore of the public speaking department will leave to- morrow, for an, extensive speaking tour of northern Michigan under thel drecton of the Uiniversity Extension department. Mr. Densmore is in charge of the igh, school debating league of the Extension department and has been making similar trips throughout the state for numerous years. AT THE DETROIT THEATERS Bonstelle Playhouse One of the Most Spectacular Produc- tions We have Presented "FAUST" With% Incidental Music From the Opera by Gounod Startling Lighting and Scenic Effects SHUBERT= LAFAYETTE "NEW YORK EXCHANGE1 With Allison Skipworti, Sydney Shields and New York Cast. CARE TI4VATFR Wayne At Lafayette Blvd. Cadillac 1100 Prices: Nights $3.00 to $1.00 Matinees: Wed. and Sat. 2.00 to 5c Trhe MESSRS. SHUIBERT Present ELEANOR PAINTER In "THE4 NIGHTINGALE" GARRICK A Hawaiian Love Story With Its Native Musicians and Dancers "ONE MAN'S WOTIMAN"' A South Sea Love Tempest Nights...............54c to $2.00 Wed. and Sat. Mats ..... 50c to $1.00 IALBERT GANSLEI It is plannied tHatt a large number of the faculties whlo wouldI teach the students who were speci"Ilizinig will be drawn from the member ;of the faculties of the p::l e.;:3iod121'l u o and colleges.; Furtbxn'a itroductory () (-,; *"I~r" also reconun n e d i i the ila i22;,; r, portedI by the coflhiflttee(, mvi ! }ca .comittees have A Ir(,dmly ' ap- l)Oilted to 02)it n1 th' ta Ivi;°Ai; hv Of providn.Ig' mtIl r]'.Cl=ct O2PYc~iursf Nin the. phys icall SCien(&5, in2 the S ;trial scienceA,' it,1th ariouo aita, in xrhy- sical and mental Jtygiene, and also a general orient ation courrse. It is axpected that other esomrinitt~es will be :appoi ted to study new types of bodies. To effectually selcct and place the students, an examination would beC g~i rfen at thae euli of tihe first month by w hich estima(es clan be ade of their Ii i~ngin t;,, element ary sub1jects. An endeavor will also be made to dis- cover t he st iideiit'.s various types of ahil i y anid their fit ness for different types of studly. Mfeans will bet provided for the new students to finid out the requiiremenits of the fields which they f plan to enter. Differentiation of the students will take lplace at the end of the first year and the superior type will be placed in a special class, and a close rela- l~ionshi]) will be attempted between members of the faculty and the stv- d'ents. At th~e enul of thve first two{ years of ;study a comprehensive examx- inat ion will be given to all those stu- dents" who nian1 to continue anti adniis- sioni to one of the professional sclhooP . 1will be madeI on th e basis of this cx- anninat ion. II tIE itYORK lUiIVEIISI:1T ; SChOO?!L OF RFT~tiLIN(1 is Experience is scuC~red inl th -]retdpatin torecs of New,,\ York, Newark, and Broolklyn. Stone ercvce is lin1ked with lass- room instruct ion. M. S. in Retailing is granted on the completioni of one year of graduate work. Three Graduaite Fellowships F1i;e Scholarships Service Flilowsluips Summer School July 5 to august 12, 1927 Fall term opens S Splembler 15k Ill ust ratedt booklet oil apptication. Y~or futher in format ion write D~r. Norris A. 'Bri-sco, Director School of Re. tailing, Washinlg- ton Square East, New York City. i it , ;. j :$ i 3,32 Smuth St,'ate St. "Fausfor Food " SERVING DURING, VACATION I,1i1iwlcu, 11:31} to 1:4) PhIinier, 5?i:30 to 7:0> r I \ n :4' L. ' . Tae 'Way To Go To ® Comfortabily . anid Save Money 1U1R51 III CADINn formerly 2nd class,mnostiy amidships on Prom- enade and upper Mljain Deck-. The extensive deck space iniean practically the rut of* the ship. .Also inexpensive ($385 up). :)TUDFNT and UIV ERSIVY IJOUR s (with coliege credit if desired) under the management of the SCHOOL OF FOREIGN TRAVEL., Inc. 110 East 42nd Street, Ni. Y. City Special Stu dent Surnmer Sail- ings to and from F~ranfce and England July and .august. BALTIC AMERICA LINE 8-10 Bridae Street. New Y k for Local Agents tea . . t . x- +'t > _._ n more needs be said-of Rusc raeLmm 'ktt a hasthm o hs a. urLandi:bYicerai s x;:..zoo t h 6Sd~ best. Calli2J"us for'k'appointments. Jim's rake ervho and Ato Landry 1 ~4t7 EAT IIVRO ST. 1iAL ~6 m w -g n MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Lon;g Distance Sells Furniture Throughout Amnerica Tor Gunn GUNN YJ OcSiaTAeSEtiro TORS GUNN 5OaKcAaSttS .-...« ... December MICHiIGAIT BELL. TELEPHONE CO., 1 9s 8 G i t y. 1 8 Gentlemen: You have inquired with reward to use of the Michigan Bell Telephone Company's Toll lines by this Company in selling, and we are pleased to advise that we are firyling increasing use for the service in thin way, not only in the number of' instances that we talk direct with our customers but in the distance from this office of'the point called. We find that a short converaatioan insures an accurate and complete understanding of' the customers require- mente and wishes which is obtained almost instantly saving an exdbange of letters and hours or days in the time of shipment, and the results obtained are such that the expense involved is a. very smsall item indeed. The Open-air swimmning pool a is to the deig hti of the voyage. TODAY AND SATURDAY L Old Bill-] Characterizai Roasted Biscuits (11Y lough) If you must see your sweetie tonight, take her to the Arc. There's more kick to it than sitting in the ip oonlight necking. [The lion Most Famous Comedy of the Stage or Screen ! ' -" KA d f ,- 1 Very truly yours, THE GUNN FURNITURE COMPANY. CIIWyreas. tr i;Buzzell a/ A0 r' 6 --to show her face meant to give her name --and tomorrow every telephone in Paris would buzz with the scandal-every boule- vard cafe would have its quip about "Madam Delatour and Baron Tolerito." Ah! what a Juicy morsel for the mnonger's who trade in women's names . . . and who would be the first to fly to her proud husband with the news. . . if she re- moved the mask? s 'I VW , I .. ,. IT -77- A " I 1 1* ,. as OLD 8.14LL, i .eySlayA{y¢ .. C&sr Y rlo.f 1 P. I. : , S 1' ' t t ''F T« / .. t ..r 1 ..;1 .:j} i+\ s;XYrl 4 r