THE MIC-IIQAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN : THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN COAC IMAN MCNADIAN SEEKS'"SeIN smllerPetersen, Kimball, 1. A. C. MAKES ' ITULAR C Mwm tr, ed~ele y e FAlin AuuimpIIfri~rlITi HOOS:wi trSe ea ecor SHIFT DETROIT BATT'ING LINEUP TIS LA SIIE LI C L M C CL SSAT 3 P.M. A D E RT"E IIS IN G t AT 3P L iLl": !ULNLUYIMLN ' 3oro Thani 1(3!1 Cadidates Expected To Rteport For Spring Practice Sessions Saxon ALUMNI AWARD TROPHYI SpIrng football practice will begin' Paesday, pril 19, according to an an-1 ;icme~ic~.nt mde by Coach Tad Tie- -Vore tan 100 Tien are expected to turn out[ for the practice sessions this :aar;;;. Ho Mst of these aspirants will be mnembers of last fall's Varsity, re- serve-, and freshman tennis, although] any st udent on the carms is urged toC report if hie desires to learn the rudi-# inents co' football. spigfootball drills consist parins- cipally of learning the fundamental, of the gampe. The coaches aim to give all the candidates a thorough training in th~ie elements of football. As an incentive to the players, the Chicago Alumni association has of- fered a trophy to the, man who shows the best all-around ability and spirit du tring the / spring training sessions. This trophy is a~warded upon four counts, regularity of attendance, spirit and morale, improvement in tech-I W(irue, . anti value as a 'varsity can- didal.e. The various players are grad-j ed by the coaches, the one receiving the highest rating being awarded the The Chicago Alumni trophy is in the form of a silver football, actual size. 1) aiy Baer, star tackle of the 1926j grid team, received the honor in 1925.] Last spring the trophy was awarded= to George Rich, wvho won a place on j >::; (By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) nitiller':; record time of 49 4-5 seconds! F1,17ROIT, April 6.--Mlanager Mor- CHICAGO, Ill., April 6--A world's f' a 6f)-foot: pool. ;arty of the Detroit Tigers is having record is on the books today as the The only other chamlinshlp evert ti oublc arranging a batting lineup in annual national senior A. A. U. swim-:'oi the nrogralnnme was the~ low board !which the wvork of his sluggers will ing championship goes into its sec- fancy divng, t h h wii won by Mai' show to best advantage. wid fday at thi- Chicago Athlet ic AS- Siniaiki, a young Egyptian of the, A general shift was tried out yes- sociation here. Ambassador club, Los Angele3, Cal.; terday at Dallas but with disastrousx !The Illinohi Athletic Club teamIn, 'Pte xwinner, W\ho two years zig o was! esult s and further changes are ints swimin in l the :3a00-ya ud inectfll yrefioppinf; oft a board in the ile in anyI) prosp~ect.1 ttsbiniat all sifelOW mlore grace and, Manush was advanced to second;i lay, established a mark: of 1:06 1-5 hislki!l t11in :ivel 'iin lhe meet,.iIe from third place and ~Malius, prc- i he finals last night. It sthe lii t has arheat that ligt haIve it ace r viously second In the order was time that the event has r;w 1all11 lha raoh ht e on essed thast;; (1,opped to sixth, Rublie, left fielder,E1 a , eni( r national conli p i(JiI.. It- only b)'nfldiving in comuh"11 tion for' a 'displaced Manuish in third place, and! plunge for distance becing discar'ded vear and a half. Ilie hails f'romz Alex-j Heilmnann was advanced to the clean- # nisfvr ani dna, Egypt. aop Ouiion from sixth place. It is a recognizedl event in inter- collegiate spor'ts, lrowver, and ltiheE. best previous time was 8:09 2-5 made by the United States Naval Academzy COLLEGE:,.MEN AND WVOMEN at Anniatepolis. f ~ ~ ~ 'wllfrr The record-miaking team was comn- When i h vcnt o tt and P~ackard,wilfn the - I posed of Johnny Weissnaullcr, lich-, PArCKARD RESTAURANTr, American cooking, a good place ard IPeterson and A. AV. Kimball. The 1oet ne nwmngmnt n vrthn7lenw medlley rely calls for 100 vaIr(Is ack - tca.Udrnwm ag etnd vryhgele e. stroke, 100-yard breast-stroke and too7 3 P C AR yard free-style ini that order. Johnny Wveissznuller, the greatest' swiminci- in America and the holdler of 50 or more recordls, swamn thebak stroke, building up a lead of approx- = f Jl/ I~J inaeya yard, over the Brooklyn = HE XR E 1l F . A n 14E Central Y. M. C. A. which was second(. ;" - r ,' U T jetersen swans the breast-Stroke and!1 S C . iV jheld his own for the Illinois A. C. !.{ Kimball finished in a welter of foam $ 75 in the free style to winl the chiani - They fit and retain that fit because they are- ptsonslxip in recordl tirno. Brooklyn f was second and the New York Athletic? strictly hand-tailored, woven from crisp, Club third.= long flr otenwo In. the trials, earlier in the after-fibreNorthen wool noon, the Detroit Yachit Club team FRED $.J ?V. '.G IOS,f 309 So MAIN r composed of Clarence .Boldt, Don IVc- = Clellan and and Lez Nevinle, was eohmi- miated, finishing last in the second} heat. Weissniuller also won the 100-yard free-style championship in the slow M ns L ts r o 15c' time of :51 2-5 seconds. Waiter Laufer of Cincinnmati, who was expected toIII_ force the I. A. C. star to his utmostIA1 withdrew from the finals on account Men's Athli c Suits,50 of illness. With a temperature of 103' degrees Laufer swam. and won his hieat in the century in the atron Men's Two- Piece Athletic*, Walter Spence' of the Brooklyn Central Y. M. C. A. was second andI JyeW.Hall, of Indianapolis Ath-~U d r e r ~ letic Club was thurd. The time of! 51, 2-5 seconds was tar under Weiss-, LIPTON ORDERS YACHT The Ann Arbor Dry Goods Companyj FOR 1929 CUIP RAGE: 316 South Main St. (By Associated Press) _________________________________________________ _ WN flX VxCM lr A -- [! C; .. .T i .... U If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie NOTJICE the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want aid will be charged. The Michigan D~aily reserves tht right to ' 1' ; h{'l: {1I ! i d! ; 11: classify .11 wants ads under appropriate'ha-ICIBN ings and to revise or withhold objectioniable ; rrpdtr~ve nue rs copy. ;Ol ai unvrilue ls This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- 1 clock and you tsectire the best qua!- ing putication. Notice of any error must be ilva .[mk aepie ,1_M P given itt time for the second insertion. fYa nd'aeirc.0 ..MR CASH RATES 1RltA4. 17 Nlckels Arcade, Phone Ten cents per readting line (on the basis of 66I15. Dealer: L. C. Smtith & Corolla five average words to the line) for odle 1> two Trypewriters, Inc. tt insertions. ____ _____ _______ Nine rents per reading tine for three or more NOTrICE--Hats cleaned and blocked. insertions. Cash classifieds received at the Daily office 5 All kinds of shoes, Ceaned, dyled and in The Press TBuilding on Maynard Street. repa11ired. S(i i liadin gwtratlste. CONTRACT RATES A ~N1;.ARHOJ', 1101.Oi', 6%E. lerty. Special standardized rates given on applica- c-Tnes.-Tbu rs.-Salt. tion. LOS TODRVEHO E Ford Coupe 1924-A line little clos- LOST---A g ray topcoat at fraterniity1 ed car for $175.001 cash. (lance, Friday night. Call Stephens, ____ a t l w" I Vic! Foley Canadian junmior lightweight chamn- pion7. nowy training for his match with I'. ad" Morgan, junior lightwveight titl- i st, schedluled for April 18 at Van- couver, B. C. last year's championship football; The bout was supposed to have squad, taken place long ago, but was post- Those Varsity football men who are poned whren the champion stubbed his participating in other, sports will not great toe. report for spring pra~ctice. These in-' ludie, Oosterbaan, Truskowki, 'and '1AFiill Gilbt'rt, all of whom are trying out °for Ply Yal Coach Ray-Fishier's baseball squad. For Hockey Crown MANY E NTRIE R ECEIVED ( NEW YORK, April 6-Two Nationa: FOR KANSAS RELAY MEET league group champions, Ottawa' Sen- ators and Boston Bruins taped up LAWRENCE, Kas., April 6-Al- their hockey sticks' afresh today for though the official announcement of the final series in the annual Stanley the ?grogram of-'events for the fifth, cup playoffs for the world professional annual Kansas Relays was only re- I championship. cently sent out and. some five weeks The Bruins won into the final I remain before the holding of the l round by beating thme New York Rail- event, April 23, on the Memorial Sta-1 gers, champions of -the American cium track of the University of Kan- section (luring the regular season, 3 1 sas here, thirty-six institutions al- goals to 1 in Madison Square gardens ready have signified that they will last night. Ottawa was able to de- send athletes to compete. 1 fend a season of pace-makting in the Ten universities, fifteen colleges, international group with victory over. and eleven high schools outside of Montreal Canadiens, although the con- Kansas, are represented in the'prelim- test last night resulted in a 1-1 tie. inary entry cards already received. Total goals scored during the two In the University class entries are game series measured the standard of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and North- the four teams and on that basis Bos- western of the Western Conference, ton was returned a winner 3 goals to Oklahoma, Nebraska and Washington, 11. Neither Bruins nor Rangers could of the Missouri- Valley Conference,I score in their first meeting at Boston' Marquette University, Rice Institute( Saturday. Ottawa took a lead of 4 to of H-ouston, Tex., and the University 0 with the first win over Canadiens of Nevada. Practically all of the ten Saturday and ran the series advantagef members of tbrd Missouri Valley Cone (Ito 5-1 in the tie last night. ference are sure to enter,, also one The championship series between or two more Big Ten schools and Boston and Ottawa will open in Bos- numerous other universities such as ton tomorrow. The teams will play Texas, Oregon Agricultural College! jive gaines if necessary with the world and Notre Dame. 1ttle conceded the winner of three _ I tussles. The B~ruins also entertain Ot- BAY CITY.-The grand stand at tawa Saturday with the third contest Clarkson park here has been burned1 schieduled in the Canadian city about by~ a'fire of unknown 'origin. 1April 12. 39(16. 138-139! LOST-Elg-ini wrist watch at Union. Phone 4051.- 138' IWANT El WANTED-We can emp~loy a number I of UT. of Michigan freshmen, sophio- mores, and juniors this summer; who need funds for next year's term. Salary and tuition. Commnu- I nicate at once' with M. M. Croon, 514 Lafayette Bldg., Detroit, Mich.,' or call personally while on vaca- tion. 138-139 WANTED-Room for remainder of semester, perhaps summer. Gradu-I ate Miller, C10 South Division. :135 WANTED-Students who like good hot BARBECUES to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. At. BARBECUE INN, Dial 4481. c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. WANTED--Seven bi cycles, three la- dies, four mnen's. Call 9142 between 12-1 and 6-8 P. M\. 137-138 WANTED-Single room, by instruct- or," preferably between Bill and Brooklyn. Phtone Reichart 4720, about 6:30. WANTED STUDENTS to know 4th~t $aIII pays fromi $5 to $25 for old suits and overconts. 121 +!i ANN- DIAL 4806 FOR RENT , Ford touring 1924-In condition. $65.00 cash. R. H-. ALBERt 514 E. Washington OPEN EVENINGS 136-1 37-133-139 NOTICE-Bear the itew Orthoponte Victor Record of . ,ina Little Bit Fonder of You." By Warrings Pennsylvanians, at Schaeberle& Son Music House, 110 So: Main. tf FRAME1 them nowe-your Fraternity pictures and shingles. Ann Arbor's only professional picture framer. 306 S. State St 'sunders. Now you'll want a typewriter! One Remington Portable, $35. Two' Coron~a Portables, $25 eachl. One Underwood Standard, $35. Phone Landis 3439. tu-th-sat HEALTH Begins whzen you plip e 8428. C. M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 35 Wuevth Arcade. toes-thurs-sat-tt FOR convenience, speed and satisfac- tion, visit Trojitowslds Barber Shop. toies-thur-sat All makes of typewriters for sale or rent. Excellent machines at rea- sonable prices, for 'rent. Prompt repairing by experienced workmn. Courteous servipe. Auita} Brand Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State Street. sun-tues-thurs-tt GRANT} PIANO Will purchase an instrument of standard make if price is right. University Music House TENOR GUIITAR Tunes, and plays like a uke. A new instrument of a very pleasing tone. Can be learned in a few min- utes. Special price, $15.00. Pay as you play. University Mu1sic House NOTICE-The new Royal Portables are now on dlisplay at Rider'i Pen Shop, 315 State St. A wonderf'ul machine. Y'ou will be interested. Call+ and see them. TYPE WRITING and Mnfogralpb. Ing promptly and ueatlyj done by experienced operators at mod- erate rates.' Thesis anq college work a specialty for 19 years. 0. +D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The Typwriter and Stationery Store. tt NOTICE Ford Roadster 19326*-Wire Whmeels and Balloons. Bumpers. Can be bought cheap. c ",elln iNEW Y IUI\, April 6.-Sir Thomas' Lipton, yachtsman, wants the Aiper- ican cup onl his mantelpiece but is willing to wait until 1928 to makel his bid with another Shamrock. Hale and hearty, despite his 771I years, and jovial "because of them, I Sir Thmas arrivedl here yesterday i on the Leviathan to tell about his plans for lifting the famous trophy.{ Already, he said, he has instructed William Fife, Scottish builder who do- I signed the first and third Shamrocks, to lay plans for a 1929 contender. You can Duplicate the Typewrfters. Elsewhere, but not I Rider's Servicej x FOR RENT-MAodern five-room house. 1342 Volland. Dial 21815. Suitable for interne 'and wife. 138 1 . 1 1 ,Q Erenewed! All nature lkson new aspect o lif e, tiny bWadc-s' 4 grass shoot up out of the earth and flowers and trees burst into full bloom. i i i i i /A ' (.Y"di -i -A L ! i2 .ow" M i OUR TRUST DEPARTMENT is READY TO SERVE YOU. CAS For Youra Old Clothes Call Sam DIAL 4306 What more suitable time is here than Easter 'to renew all of your old frienj ships and strengthen the nev~ ones? Gibson Greeting Cards for Easter will serve the purpose admirably. They are now~ on deslay in our store. f'IarrQn 112 S. Main Phone 4515 TH" wE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARBOR OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICIIGAN I I F r .., ... FOR RENT-Larige double room on second floor, single room on first floor for man or woman and with board if desired. 723 Oakland. 137-138-139 'OIR SALE FOR SALE-Cadillac SS roadster 'with rumble seat. Motor and tires V0. K. Can be seen at 502 East IMadison, or call Leenhouts, ' phone I5017. 137-138-139 FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. $40. Call 3283. tf FOR SALE-Chevrolet 1923 touring. $40.00. Phone 9023 any afternoon or evening and ask for M\cKee or Gow. FOR 1 SAL E-Ford roadster 1924; five tires, starter, denountable, good condition. 1617 Washitenaw. Phone 9117. Boyer or Farquhar. FOR SALE-Ford Sedan,1, Fordor. Five demountable tires, Newly Du- coed. Engine in excellent condi- tion.- $100 cash. Phone 21502. 136-137-138 ITYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, ,,ren ted, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL, er:Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-. ona Typewriters, Inc. tt NOTICE NOTICE-Student wishes to share expenses with party driving to up- per Michigan for vacation. Call Frimodig at 9697. 138-139 NOTICE-Do not leave Michigan until you have preserved your diploma by the famous drum-head mount process. Let's talk it over. J. B. Saunders, exceptional framing. 306 South State St. tu-th-sun NOTICE-Would like to drive with 1someone to or toward Kentucky this week-end. Willing to chauf- feur or. share expenses. Watson Clay, student. Phone 3204. 138 NOTICE-Want companion for trip Itoward Denver. Leaving within next few days. Will do night driving. Dial 5663. 137-138 SAXOPHONES jWe can use a few saxophones if in, salable condition. Must be thor- oughly cleaned. University Music House ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-tt #NOTICE-Stoddard' Hair Shop. Tryj } nein of or u nrmanntwaves. which1 i .. New Hats and Topcoats *, .-o t Eo''aster Orders, Early Avoid the 'last minute shortage and confusion: you also save telegraph charges. We reserve stock for all advance orders, 1 i 1 . a Flor S p iW e have j n of colors in Hlats, sinall introducing Vacation just received a very large assortment n ode of the smartest styles for Spring 11 brims and tapering crown, and are them at a special price this week. $4.75 and $5.95 FORDS - FQRDS - FORDS 9ur entire stock of used cars has been, put into Birst class running con- dition and the prices asked are in many cases much lower than the value given. A car for every purse and every car worth the money. Come in, pick out your car and, drive it home. We have roadsters, touring, coupes, Tudors, four doors, $35 to~ $345. The very one you want is here. Topcoats' Also a very complete lne of Spring Topcoats in greys and tans, cut according to the newest style and reasonably priced. #/ Talk to Mr. Gauss. Phone 4229. k 1 ;