THURSDAY, APTI4 7, 1027 THE MMICHIGAN DAILY . !rAGII rlVR I - ---- ----- I .......... - - N ILVA AL 'Ma ag 7 jA ) I ANNOUNCE ELECTIONS TOR COMINGEYEAR' FOR WOMEN'S LEAUE'i I Betty 'Nutt, )Tarb'reHawkilis Betty Smither, And M1arion 'VanTuyl Among 'Tose Elected W. A. A. ,NAMES OFFICERS Betty butt, '28, chairman of the Junior Girls' play this year, and leader; in women's campwus activities, was, chosen' president of the women's League for 1927-28 in all-campus elec-; tions held yesterday. She will be as- sisted b~y Margaret Hawkins, '28, elected to the office of vice-president. Gladys Appelt, '28, was chosen by the; Women's. Athletic Association to? head that organization for the coming, year, wt Betty Simithers, '29, as vice-! president. Sarah Bonine, '28, and Au- drey Wright, '29, were elected secre-1 tary= and treasurer of the W. A. A. r :spectively. The remaining League offices were filled as follows:w treasurer, Betty Snithers, '29;. recording secretary, Cynthia. -Hawkins, 129; coresponding secretary, Florence Holmes, '29; senior, representatives, Elsie Murray and Bernice Staebler; junior repre- sentatives, Virginia Read and Jean Hathaway; sophomore representa- tives, Margaret Bush and Jean Wal-J lace.II Marian Van.. Tuyl, '28, was elected; .. f f".r" 1 i4 r i #' It 3 T , t i ;t T ti Rifle Season ClosesI A. A. U. W. DISCUSSES INTERNATIONAL N 0 T I C E S ? hee will be a regular baseball ~ ()' I/flMENS E UCA IONpractice for all classes at 4 oAock W ithClubElecions PRO LEMS_____N SThereION 1toay Regular classes will start after Thee illbea metngof te vacation. International aspects of college ed-dacco ite ofheFsmn Fierlinger o Czecho-Slovakia, andk Freshman women interested in Officially closing the competitivet ucation for women were (discussed a~ Ambassador Timothy Smiiddly fromi pageant at 4 o'clock this afternoon in rifle season, thbe Women's Rifle Clubi Ireland. ithe league parlors,rtn h yi frtepgattr the bi-annual convention of the Amer-"A1 . 1I asked to call Eloise Avery, 21716 be- held their last meeting of the year I soitino.nvest o Among the speakers was Mladamne Sopomre women desiring group fore vacation. tcanAssc~iaici of "verityWo-Anna Bugge-Wicksell, member of theI TheueesdsnonxtteLmemernSopth men, which met from March 10 tco{Mandates Commission of the League1 pictures of the Sophomore circus arej There will be a meeting of the Pa- Apri 2 p Wahinton D. . lf Naion, fom Sede, wh man-;asked to sign up for them in Barbour, culty women's club at 2:30 o'clock club present, and Miss Ethel MacCor- gAprili2mitoWas.ingtonreDa C.mofhiNationsofromtSwedenvewhotmain- miickAMiss Annis Hall, and Captain "One whole meeting was devotedi taned that an organization of educat- gmaimtdy hr r un hsatrona h nvriyhg Monroe Bricker. Officers were elected to international, fellowships, with the edl women might influence the coun-_a~e of pictures available.scol for next year as follows: manager, conclusion that it wAild greatly fur- trLoearetexetinfvoef.h Julia Mottier, '28Ed; secretary and ther scholarship in America to haveLeg. treasurer, Merle Reine, '29; captain, more fellowships for American stu- Unvriyo Neasa ooits I Miriam Hosmer, '28Edl. dents for study in Europe," stated Miss, niestofNbak srrteslwl dispense with oe house net, D The club has decided to offer pins Alice Lloyd, of the office of advisors wll oe o members who have passed certain to women, who attended the contfer- I r v::. " h"..:::" v. ;members after having completed the! inal work among Amer ican studlents ten lessons offered in the rifle course, is to he sought after. Of' the 68 Noble, may try out for the qualification test. prizes only four went to Amr'rica r On passing this test a pin will be I in spite of the fact that the United j ,given to which a bar will he added for! States is more highly organized from each qualification passed after the! a standpoint of college and university first inaking four f *Nall. It is hoped education than any other country. that this will be an additional incen- Thbievnoftecvninwa tiveto ome wh areintresedundoubtedly the international dinner} Miss Nutt was elected presidlent in ; in rifle. Captain BrickeranoceIonFiynghwngrtnswr, all-campus election yest~erdlay- that there is good material for next extended to the delegates by Sir Esrue __ __-- year's team. Howard, ambassador of Great Britain. the senior jidliciry council member,N and( Lady Howard, Ambassador and while Elizabeth Wellmann and H'elen Brunettes are in the majority on Madame Claudel of France, Ambassa. Brown took the two junior judiciary; the Nebraska campus. dor De Martino of Italy, Ambassador offices. More than 500) votes were cast in the League election. __________________________________________________ IThe University of Southern Califor- AnExusieA taT of nia has p~ronounced1 the honor system a failure. ______ Easter Frocks I r Cooper's Kitchenette Our Homne-Baked Goods may be ordered for special occasions. Tr5* it once and you will order often. South State St. (Over 1)err~l iHPalts) w.. - I 3 S $ i , ', f 'I W Vb - S .. - ..- V - I/ /\ ItsNot Surprising That so' Many Womten Prefer Glove Silk Underthings ...... 4I 1., 'G. Y1 r t- MR. EASTER BUNNoY- .. J-Ias arrived at the Rubley Shoppe la- den with the most --- appropriate Aid thrilling gifts for, the Faster Parade. lie has brought all shadeg of °'heer hosiery, brilliantly colored scarfs, dainty wisps of hankies and a really unusual assortment of hand-painted EFaster Greetings." %I _ f : . " " ," :t r ,, Yr.. .u 4 ..+.._, _.r At Easter time women feel the urge for new firocks. The new modes that we are showing are so,; versatile and marvelous- ly smart that desires are easily fulfilled. 'We are showing many smart gowns of crepe, georgette and 'chiffon. SPOLLY LITTLE TEA SHOPPE = r Will be open during Spring Vacation. 2 Will serve regular Lunches, 2 -; Teas and Dinners. 2 =1 They love the fortable under the ease With Simplicity, too. Kickernick Garments, also many others, are tailored of Clove Silks, iii the Easter displays. "41(CERIC(K (OMBINETTE.S"-o-f glove silks in the wanited dainty shades. Sizes 32 to 38; at $7.95.. (~LOVE SILK P~ANTIES come in the new sbadeg of app~le green, flesh and peach, at $3.04) each. GLO)VE SILK VEST,' to match the panties, at $15 PAJA3lAS of glove silk come in buttercup or shrimp shade, also in black with trimming of contrasting color.$8. NIGHT GOWNS of glove silk in many pastel shades, also black, some sleeveless styles. $i~t95 to $8 .Q GOODYEAR'S '12.1 South Main St. clinging qualities that make it so 'coin- the slim Easter Frocks:_ They; enjoy which they can care for it-its tailored TIHE RUBILEY SHOP PE "IN THlE ARCAD)E" ij .,.. ,,, - SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION MMf E. JOSEPHINE'S CURLING PRtEP'ARATIONI0AS This preparation keeps bobbed hair Q curly, and long hair wavy. It is not sticky or greasy, and cannot injure+ the hair. Prices, 50c, 75c and $1.00. -BOB CURLMERS to wave short hair and curl blunt ends-fine to keep - ends of "permanents" curly -10~c each.-SLAMP00, keeps the golden tint in blonde" hair and silvery sheen in grey hair, preventing yellow streaking, 35 c-enough for six to eight shampoos. SPECIAL-Mnme. Josephine's curling preparation, 4 lob curlers ,or beauty wavers, and a package of Mine. Josephine's Shampoo- all for $1.00.-Mail orders 'filled. (MAIN FLOOR ANNEX) 441 44 I +GOTHAM c4 Few of the outstanding features of these surpassing stockings. ,w t No run that starts above can pass . r the gold stripe. 2 The silk is 10070 pure. Free dye service. In addition to 38 regular colors, new stockings can be dyed to match your sample. ~Accidental runs reknitted, pulled threads restored, new toes and heels inserted at cost. Wear., Gotham Gold Stripe Silk Stockings wear better, no matter what the occasion. Price. Outstanding value at their mg~derate prices. SSHEER AND REGULAR WEIGHTS FROM $1.85. I CHIFFON AND MEDIUM WEIGHTS FROM $1.95.' 1.4. Nothing over $15.00 Petite Frocke Shoppe "Out of the ivay, but less to lay." 308 Maynard St. Near the "Me. " :. #111111111111111111111111111111111 it111111111 fl1111111111111u11111111111IIID I1 itIII1 tiUI1 tt I DIII'. - ' ratssl t / " 1Y. Y' J" JT r" .j__ - ; M':::xt .l ; i::'t -:Ol =r :T. ~tf , .. ' I e Sxsq v- , 1 t Y YI .............. ...= . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...New..Frocks. .. 1!- c~x:::: ??-" "r of Idiviual har .i'r" $19.75:::'"11:-:$29.75 -CTwo groups.o.frocks, ITS1: E ste parade._.. : :.: T:: :" T. :" " +! .aq.r New:;two-piece frocks :T: showing :.:...cleverly.....p..,...e. . -4 2 skira.. t.x.,: :4::ts;::new compose frocks;::ew pi:,r..: ": :inted:i::°t crepe :. "^. Mll I M'4 il{1 it'1 01 II E--I 444li i iiurr ~ E f ' ~" l 4111~ 11111 ° III 44 I Twocolecton 416111 II441Ii ''Ii 141444 11111 1 44 ,4{ IIIIIII 444lI {1111i 4111WI 4,44 '4 44 4 444 441s+4 34 114 1111144 444: . - 4444444 IIIII4I 1811144 ' 1 44 144 I4141 _ ~44 4 - ' 414444 141 4 4444444 14414 ' / 4444444 IIIIIII } 118111,RU I E 444 ~I~hrw4~~I3) ~U E. WI~ E'%M4711 .drE I 51Dl N 3I~U/IlflfW41114 I -'~zw I Utit ~~fL'~t&.i18141( ill4 i44,444 444444 IIIIII h4 v <> r u44 / 414,11 1:3111 'f 4A 444444 IIIIIII 4441140' 444 444 4444444 11 11 jf ne modls wich nclue themos / 4411 4 44144 Georgtte, flat repe crep4d11hine and tub ilks. 44 11114 48414 ' 4.44; 4 44i #i 4k44,4 Si 44' 114 II44 1 4 ,444414 44444 i' i 4* }11