rvvo THE MICHIGAN DAILY TJIURSDAY, APIIII, 71, l',1°i THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIIUflSDAY, APRIL4 7, 1927 FRENCH DEPARTMEiNT PLANS WQRK SprisABdeg~ N~fRDl ForminBasis %Of PltiNowis-Being bcelised By 1Faclty WILL. GIIVE FULL CREDI'T Plans providing for one year's : u- pervised undergraduate study abroad, with full credit towards the Armer~ian baccalaurate degree' are being (levis- Ld y the French department. 13y the plan, all students of French will be given an opportunity to study in France for a period of one year. The p lan is now inl operation only ini France, but it is hoped to extend it la- ter to Spain, Italy, Germany, and South American couutrlos. The study year in Franca is divid- ed into two periods, the first three months being spent in intensive lang- uage drill at, Nancy. The regular session is spent in Paris, at the Uni- ~versito de Paris anid the Ecole ILibre des Sciences Politiques, where a num- ber of cour'ses for undergraduatcs have been arranged. A system of study similiar to the Oxford tutorial system will be inaugerated. Along with ther regular collegiate courses, private lessons in composition and diction are required throughout the year. "The Foreign, Study students will live singly ini private families where they will firutUjenselves in a really French atmosphiere," Prof. Rene Tal- omnon said. "There they will be com- pelled to speak~ the language and thus can learn of French home life. rThey will also have the advantage of a carefully a1'ranged program of 'ex- tra-curriculum activities,' which in- clude the' best French operas anid plays, as wel as vacation excursions to somne of t most interesting places in France ants adjacent countries. In general,;'the junior year is recomn- mended as b~eing the most suitable for the Amertican student." ti# A rtising Exp r I To,0 Give Talk Heref Prof. C. N. Schmazof the School ,l ~IStORW", , ORK 3nn un e atwFr inianre p~dschool of architecture P5 4}:Iand wo ycazrs ofaice experience, cnr l~ U LS E Y Board Exainations1110s hooling and six years of officel M icluga- R R O S le ti ns rotthESel urn(p ; itie folimving c a im ai s w ill be Michigtnoutate ilem the of ielburne na- pee's in the William L. Clements li- for1 the registrat ion 01of arhute('01, en- i1 l, acc :0 rilium to P ro X. C. T.71l1n-j brairv lprepar1ed b~y P rof. Arthur L.yon1 gineccis, anid sur'veyo rs 0111' l)Vi1 *E'S the Os d,~ the en i neering college:1 Cross of the history departnment, have next examiination for- architeoct s to beTibr 'e1 concrete., and building" b)en sent to the publishers. The roUyal givenI at. tale Iniverit y of Micigan-w, ct '1'0i00 roftrulsses, history of foresi sa of E~ngland, the duities and fees I0on AIpril 14, 15, and 11'3. Apa~ ~ercb it ocl Pre, and a 12 hour sketch of thoesheriffs, and thie smuggling ac- 1 Wanks andl full information nmay be ireobicm ini des' g n. The sketch pi'ob- lJ1i! '.'-. (oI te I 8th c .n ry, waif be! obtained by writing to Itle ofilce of the lr xv ill be .jic[ edl by two juries, one tile sbctOf the cornlelted volume, b oard, 1043 FBook building, "lh'i roit.l. cve ('°calipo: ed most~ly of faculty memi- together with ai nit rodIuct ion of somue ;This examlinti on i ;open l y 0to)1'S r bo 10college of architecture, length and criticali notes by Profesar *those wxho have had fois' ex xvwok wil theit w _-'In Detroit. C ross aes'.rsar ar 'cwrnwn~rw~e n fl nPn,. es m aax~nra w~r aae Thme cein plot ed voin nne will bei a ' - membher oif the history and politicalrj sc.ienlce group of Mlhe 1Univ rs;ity of Vliloli ga n ser ies; of volumecs. 'These lcosaw''1nlil ished by a0 utho Xity ofa r tlic Ito.iu 5it, a:11 ii'?l Vi rbt 0 are F - tlio ly, alItnottgh not eacu siriely, of tsl he Ciii if'rsity. 1 Tfhe 1<; ilaicii lla ai13p013, olli cial pill11 diheiof the serie:s,t will also publish Profe isor Cross' voljilnm. The comIpl~feed lbook will contain from 350 dQ1A1IJ TV - S 1RVICE to 40 aUges and should be released(I ". w. ..-------^ early ill the alutil'r, Pmrofessor Ciross AR'.CHITECTS WILL CO P T U I G40c D.ily I_.urich1eon, 11----2 5 0c Daily Dinner, 5-8E VCATION PERIOD jpec.al Chicken Dinner, unday Competition fcr the George (a. BoothSd Sta Supr5--- traveling fellowship in archbitecture is Sna SSekSpe,5 open to; graduates an1( near gradua tes of the architectural college who are uninarried and whose 31st. birthday comies after April 8, 1927, according to a report fromt the office of Professor DELIVERY SERVICEl Lor chi. Competition will be held during thejI period of April 8 to 1,8. Candidates living in Michigan will. do their work at the University, while those living 1204 cSouthi University Dial 8191 'outside the state must make suitable _ arrangements to do the work under the supervision, of the architects by whom they are employed. VIRGINIA TO MAKAi"E HONOR CODE TRIAL' Influenced by the present day trend toward honor systenis in institutions of higher learning, junior andl senior enginieers at West Virginia universityU have voted to mlak~e a trial of the In 10T A T IS th e w ay of a pipe. This stabs the darkest Buy a tidy red ti see. Tamp a baa your j immypip Cool as a sub- fresh-eut violets. grant as you srn® a throat-parch. S sunup to sui n-dom~ co pletely. Th"r \mre P. A. than in the mnatter - vhat brat don't know how miean to you uant Price Albert. G, In 1926, R. J. Rcyncv1ld Tobacco Company, Winst on-Salem, N. C. Of'' P. A. talks to you in the bowl sgreat national gloom-chaser clouds with a ray of sunshine. in of Prince Albert today and rdl of this friendly tobacco into and light pup. -cellar. Sweet as the breath of fragrant in the tin and fra- :)ke it. Never a tongue-bite or eo mld ou cn ht itup rom dyP. A. is sold everywhere ig o mid yu ca hi it p fom idy Tedl tirs, ppou~ndiand half-. yioun4f tin hsmidors, and ,vn, yet with a body that satisfies ponytlgla huidors And always with every bit of bite and parch 'removed by the Prince Albert process. philosophy in a pipe-load of Saverage Doctor's thesis. Noa id you are smoking now~ you o ' tmuch your jimzmy-pipe canj tit you pack it with good old MJ ' il let started now. l er tobacco is like it! 1~ of B~usiness Administration, announc- honor system next semester. This ed yesterday that R. F. Fiela, of the action conmes as a result of, an inves- Campbell-Ewald" company, Detroit, tigation of honor systems in other and son -of the late Eugene Field, schools made by the Engineering so- poet, has been secured to speak be- ciety of time university. fore students i advertising on Tues-_- dvy, April 26, in room 206, Tappan IVM. George 0. Leonard, director of biall.' the Media and Research company, De- M4r. F'ield was responsible for the troit, will also speak. Anyone inter- advertising campaign for the Kreider- ested in advertising or real estate is Rotzel Realty company, of Youngs- invited to attend the lectures. town,, Ohio, which won the Harvard advertising award for 1926 and the INDIANA.--The cla.-s in play pro- Multi graph cu for the samie year. duction will p~resent "Craiig's Wife." } "''' ! u N-to show her face meant to give her name -and tomorrow every telephone in Paris would buzz with the scandal-every boule- vard cafe would have its quip about "Madam Delatour and Baron Tolento." Ah! what a juicy morsel for the mongers who trade in women's names . . . and who would be the first to fly to her proud husband with the news .. if she re- moved the mask? NVOW NOW I' ABarrage of La ffs usWelcomne as Spring! Next to the GtrtIon 1117 1ey t, IThis tjproaikl us t'(ily tilts No 1 qual. Just Watehwthe Antles of dg r _..---- _ r. " - _ .,.- .. .li " _ f . // - ,mil / " , J A JUNE MATHIS (k redluction as _ , L I D -the splendors of a, thrill - madrt man of -millions and a beautiful wonman who cor- -nered the lion of the ladies in his lair. Tli'hIKis the 4IraLlia. tlat Is jmaking clirtter-tutble ' conv ersattoin 3 I i r I f y I I I i I jj I' i i !r !I I ; I f. f ' ++ I t I i i I f i. y! t I. ( I F F iuiai °'-' Ilu;, __ IIIIIa Illllii IIi1tIi ll!tIA II;I{a III;.1( P9NI itild4 a lil ' 911:!1 lillpl ¢Itli IIIViII tllIII IIIAtl IIi;N! Il nn -LL In" N ORW 0 r No f AC jk4L, Two Days INreetly Followilig raCiio Ii 1 ril :.:.. . a. ..._.._... ........,. . ... ......., .. .. .., _ ,,. . .tr,:: .....__ ._ ._ _ ..__.._. . _ mmwffiffaa MMF=NNNWWIA SILL 4 "11 Diucted by Fl. W. Murna, ''r I1 l o11(1 gill be o uit F aust! I E mIil - Jaizg~dls, #t' ~rcat 'ti's in ::..". :'::: , 1 motal sory tsf ove Isgainlst / evil! And iIlt a prodllc- ri C'forget te stor'm see. and Ltb , counitless other p~owerful nmomxents ! Brought to Ann Arbor for your pleasure by the Majestic Theatre for the benefit of the Women's League. Lu v Y ,'sc ti'44 IC i is >1 to Calif( taiile lice T Drina nab*I PYcfaamti ti in " I Oe Wetter ale , , ivith ANNA Q. NILSSON HOLBROOK BL N CHARLIE ThURRAV{ Supported by RUTH ROLAND-EINAR HANSON Adapted from nifixaes _Mere's Stage. Flay ---and Remiembher, .tialhoi d cirectild. - N 11HE ISVIAE- '"STRAINS & STRINGS" Presenting Popular 3elodie{ by the Little Symuphony Orhsta '.t'with : R .....,, :.,. ..,.e...d. Based upon the-play by Bruce Bairnsfather & Arthur Eliot A riot of laughis. Thip comedies are all too r",r, '1where so0 111"Yclever situailots Also an Excellent A~dd'ed AIi -f [it 11