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April 07, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-07

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4:3 atl








Feeble-minded, Insane, An4 Students
Must Not Be Slighted In State
Support, Speaker Declares
(Special to The Daily)
DETROIT, April 6, -Commenting
on Gov. Fred W. Green's statement!
concerning the "lesson" to he learned
from the $5,000,000 deficit discovered
in the funds of the state, President
Clarence Cook Little asked "To whom
must it be a lesson" in his address
to the Detroit Union League club here
"We have just heard a statement
from the Governor to the effect that
there seems to be some $5,000,000 to
be made up in the general funds of
the state, Such a situation provides
an interesting test as to who is going
to make up the difference. There is
obviously no way inwhich those pri-
marily responsible for the deficit can
be made to reimburse the public
funds, and theburden therefore shifts
to a different grup-the citizens and
taxpayers of the state," Dr. Little
state d.
"First, let us ask whether it should
be a lesson to our sick and feeble-
minded and insane. Should we expect
them-situated as they are in public
institutions to bear the brunt of mak-
ing up the deficit! Are they respon-
sible for the present situation? Cer-
tainly not! We realie that the nor-
mal, healthyt, economiily produc-j
tive and effective citizen must bear
the burden of care and support of
such individuals," continued r.
He further stated that the institu-
tional inmates must be considered
as economic liablities-which year
after year %ust be covered by public
taxation. Comparing the amount of
appropriations necessary for these
institutions with the amount asked for
from local communities the amount is
"tiny," he said.
"But if this amount is not to be met
by our sick and feeblemindd, is it to
be paid for by our schools and col-
leges? Should we expect our young,
growing, immature boys and girls to,
pay for the deficit? Certainly not'
We recognize that such young peo-
ple are public wards and that they
must remain so until trained to carry
their share ofthe burdens o govern-
ment and taxation. If we weaken in
even one way the process of their
training, tey will have weaker in-
tellectual backs to bear the weight of
future public service to the State,"
Dr. Little, believes.
Discussing tendencies of modern
citizens to resent enlarging taxes for
public service, President Little said,
"When the nuber of students in-
crease the need for more money in-
creases and taxes must be raised. It
appears to be the case in Michigan
as in some other states that in the
minds of short sighted citizens no
greater crime exists than to request
able-bodied adult citizens to increase
the amount of money they spend for
the care of the unfortunate and for
the education of our best youth."
In concluding his address, Dr. Lit-
tle asked, "How can we expect our
yong people to have an increased
sense of public service when we find
the grown-ups who are supposed to
be their friends, counsellors and

guides, wailing at the prospect of be-
ing asked for more money to be spent
for the benefit of youth."

Professors Endorse Contest On Current
Events As Adjunct To Liberal Education
Emphatic endorsement of the cur-1 pared for the examination in much
rent events contest as an adjunct to the same way as they would for an

WASHINGTON ADO VSEDFelicitations On Anniversary Of Entry
Into War Exchanged By Two Presidents


a liberal education was given yester-!
day by Prof. Preston W. Slosson, off
the history department, and Prof. John
L. Brumm of the journalism depart-
"The present contest reaches only
a small number of students, Profes-
sor Slosson stated. "Less than 30
took the test given last year, \ and
probably a similar number will take!
part in this year's contest. The bene-s
fits would be greatly increased if a
larger number of students were par-1
"Most students excuse their lack of
knowledge of current events on the
ground that so muchaof their time is
spent on textbooks, and that in con-
sequence they are not able to read
the papers. That is not the right1
attitude. World affairs should be as
much a part of the studies of col-
lege students as their text-books.
"The committee has not as yet be-
gun the planning of this year's con-
test, concluded Professor Slosson,
"but it will -probably be similar to
the one conducted here last spring.
The winner will be expected to take
part in the national contest sponsored 1
by the New York Times."
Professor Brumm, a member of the
current events committee this year,
declared when interviewed that hisj
last year's experience on the com-
mittee had taught him that there was
an urgent need to interest students1
in current events.
"It was found that students pre-

academic examination," Professor!
Brumm continued. "They obtained
magazines and newspapers pertain-
ing to the subject, compiled lists of
prominent persons and events of sig-
nificance in the political, industrial,
and social world, and committed them
to memory."
"A much broader purpose would
have been served if the whole cam-
pus could have been made to take
an interest in current events by
means of informal tests of an in-
formal sort, conducted in the various
classrooms. From these tests, ex-
tending over a period of months, in-
structors could select a number who
evinced a lively interest. Those
could be announced as eligible for
the examination."
Professor Brumm explained that
under the present arrangement the
few, who because of the peculiar na-
ture of their university work, could,
enter the contest, have a specializedI
interest; whereas, if every class
could devote five or ten minutes of
its time to what is taking place in the
world every day, the contest wouldj
serve a greater interest.-
"This would stimulate a more in-
telligent reading of the newspapers
and summaries such as Time and the
Literary Digest," Professor Brumm;
stated. "Our education is out of
books-unrelated to present day life.
Some device for applying social and
political theory to current problems
would certainly improve our educa-
tional practice.

Moves Against Foreigner InstigatedI
In Southern Province Take
Form Of Boycott
(MY Associated Press),
WASHINGTON, April .-Raids by
Chinese authorities at Peking on the!
Russian embassy within the dipomatic
compound in search of evidence of
pro-Cantonese activities served today
to center attention in Washington on
the new development of the Chinese
No official report in regard to the
raid had reached the state department
from Minister MacMurray at a late
hour, but there is little doubt in off-i
cial circles that, this violation of the
diplomatic sanctity of the embassy
affords the Moscow government cause
for protest and that it conceivably
could be an overt act which might re-
sult in drastic action by the Sovietj
government by way of reprisal.
Chinese Rights Are Doubtful
References in press accounts that
authorization for the raid was ob-
tained from the Peking diplomatic
corps are not understood in Washing-
ton unless they have to do with the
question of obtaining permission from
the corps to enter the compound.'
Washington officials would not com-
ment, but it was evidenced that they
found it difficult to believe that the

(By Associated Press) haloed the efforts so repeatedly put
WASHINGTON, April 6--Felicita- forth by the United States and France
tions on the tenth anniversary of jointly to achieve the triumph as a
America's entry into the World War J common ideal of justice and freedom.
On this glorious anniversary all
were exchanged today between Pres- France is thrilled to recall those me-
ident Doumergue of France and Pres- mories. She is glad of the forthcom-
ident Coolidge.
ing visit of the American Legion.
The French executive declared that I which will afford the opportunity ifr
"on this glorious anniversary all a display of those sentiments of close
France is thrilled to recall those me- brotherly union. In her name and in
mories" of American intervention in my own I take pleasure in expressing

New Expedition This Summer Expects
To (10ntinleScientific Study
Hegun Last Year
Exhibiting for the first time before

behalf of "threatened civilization."
President Coolidge replied that he'
would make the friendly sentiments
known to the American people "to
whom it is a matter of just pride O:at
they were enabled to assist with the
sons of France and her allies in the
triumph of democratic principles."
President Domergue's telegram fol-
"Ten years lie between us and the'
day when the Amerian people, mo.-
ed by irresistable enthusiasm launch-j
ed themselves into the struggle for'
th-e defense of threatened civjiliza-
tion. .Their generous lintervention

that sentiment on asking that you
kindly convey it to the American'
President Coolidge's renly read as
follows: "I thank your excellency for
the cordial message which is sent to

me on the tenth anniversary of the a local audience the complete official
entrance of the United States into the photographic record of the first

World war, the friendly sentiments of
which I highly appreciate and which-
I shall not fail to make known to thej
American people, to whom it is a mat-
ter of just pride that they were able to
assist with the sons of France and
her allies in the triumph of demo-
cratic principles."

Greenland expedition of the Univer-
sity, Prof. William H. I-Iobbs of the
geology department related the out-
standing scientific events of last sum-
ner's trip, interspersed with anec-
dotes describing mishaps of the party,
last night in Natural Science audi-
The lecture was divided into two
parts, the first section being devoted
to colored slides, and the second-ie-

Senator Atacks Former Gov. Lowden,
Possible Presidential Nominee,
As "PartIculailst"
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, April 6.-Sidelights held
the interest today in Aaron Sapiro's
$1,000,000 libel suit against Henryj
Ford, as the eighth day of cross-ex-
amination labored through the rou-
tine of ascertaining from Sdpiro the

flflfflflAI 10 IIFflrf

F 16U UR~L YE I UM ing a four reel film, presenting a
photographic travelogue of the expe-
dition. Part of the motion picture was
Prospect Of Immediate Independence shown before the state journalists
Killed When Coolidge Refuses meeting in convention here last fall.
Tells Plans For Next Year
Before delive.ring the body of his
THOMPSON OPPOSES BILL talk, Professor Dobbs announced
( _yAs _ drsplans for the second Greenland expe-
(B3y Associated Press) dition, on which he is going to leave
WASHINGTON, April 6.-Any pros- in May. A party of seven will repro-
pect of immediate Philippine indepen- sent the University, of which two,
dence was killed today by President!Prof. J. E. Church, the meteorologist
Coolidge in a veto of the proposal of !of last yeas party and P. C. Oscan-
the insular legislature for a plebis- yan, the radio operator, will be left
_s -_ ..._a- ?to snend the witepr in G e nal dto




I i

Peking diplomats had authorized
Prn? A Par- Hli ijv Of tC bi~lrtid ,_--__.

{ {
ji £
i ,

apeetnes is D tmunasJ11i* I r, donne troy.IA.krearce n 1Ig~is vn vEWI Au&rUforcible entrance etac of any diplomatic cite on te question. i r-
th t! sudytwetheresnditin..rTey will
sto And Scott Will Fo Basniversi Will Address names of farmers' cooperatives with The plebiscite bill had been vetoed study weather conditions. They will
stoAdSotWl omB sLnvri ilAdesmsin hc ehdbe fiitdand the probablyebipicked upllahthirdeex
Of Michigan Night Program Honorary Societyma The provision of the Boxer protocolfs eaeen by Governor-General Wood but passed Probably be picked p by a third ex-
of Sept. 7, 1901, under which presum he e. Iover his veto. The action of Mr. peitiOn sent out by the University.
ofOSept.O7,E1901,Tnder whichSpresum There was criticism of a Republican;Coigedfnteysele1t Ralph L. Belknap of the geology de-
N T B EEEDITS LEGAL ANNUAL ably the Peking authorities would prsintalsi o e Coolidge definitely shelves it.
find it necessary to ask permission of trCriticizing the plebiscite suggestion pany the
the diplomats in order to enter the le- the Democratic ranks when Sen. as well as agitation for immediate in- iparty again this year, he declared,
Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, of the A Pearce Higgins, professor of in- gation compound is article Seven, James A. Reed of Missouri, chief of dependence, which also was opposed and will make a special study of the
department of materia medica and ternational law at Cambridge univer- 'ih reads as follows: the Ford counsel, assailed Frank 0.byCarmi Thomson, special investiga- rate of movement of the inland ice.
therapeutics, Prof. Irving D. Scott, of sity, will be the guest of honor at the "The Chinese government has Lowden, former governor of Illinois, tor of the President's in the Philip- The University will be represented
the geology department, Clarence T. 'Coif banquet, April 25, it was al-ta as a "particularist" and, as "the son- pines, Mr. Coolidge expounds his also on another northern trip, the
Johnston, profesor of geodesy a nounced yesterday by Dean Henry M. ee thit hal be considered as in-law of Pullman of the Pullman Car views at considerable detail in a 2,000 George Palmer IKutram expedition,
Bates of the Law scohol, president of ctheny tegatenirbnkshall wicbeilconsidered asPrf. aur
surveying, and Jean Paul Slussen, of the Michigan Coif chapter. While n one sepcifically reserved for their use company;" two stern rebukes from word message to General Wood. which will be directed by Prof. Laur-
and placed under their exclusive con- the court; and a renewed assertion The President summarized his rea- once M. Gould of the geology depart-
the department of drawing and paint- Ann Arbor, Professor Higgins will Chinese shall have by Senator Reed that Sapiro accepted sons for opposing the measure as fol- ment who acted as assistant director
ing, in the architectural college, will also give two public lectures underIth right to reside and which may be semployment by two bodies and play- lows:
each give five minute talks on sub- the auspices of Coif. . made defensible." ed them against each other for his "The plebiscite, under conditions "We are primarily interested in
He will give his first public talk!I personal gainstdighecruaon ftear
jects related to their work in the Uni- The same article also authorized .r.a.gI.provided or in fact now possible, studying the circulation of the air
eMat 4:15 o'clock in the afternoon of ther Imaintenance by each legation of an For the second time since the trial I would not accomplish the stated pur- over Greenland and in trying to see
versity on the 12th Michigan Night initiation celebration, and the otherarmed guard, and it is on the strengt started Sapiro testified specifically pose. The result of the vote would what effect this circulation has on
Radiodrogramtobebroadcstiatone thhfollwinggdy. Botslectres strms,"ProfesoreHobststaed.lH
Radio program to be broadcast at one the following day. Both lectures of this provision that American ma- that the alleged libelous articles print- be unconvincingstorms,' Professor Hobbs stated. He
7 oclock tomorrow from the Detroit will be in room C of the Law school. ines have bee kept on guard at the ed in Ford's Dearborn Independent "It might create friction and dis- prOphesiEd this -knowledge would be
News, station WWJ. Dr. Robert The titles will be InternationalLawicaused him to lose a job and the in- business, slowing down progress invaluable to the regular air service
Dieterle, '24M, former soloist of Iand International Relations"' and "The{ legation ever since 1901.' turb buies lwngdwIrges
Michigan, Union orers, will.singt oan ettlemnt, rsective'' . "While the Peking incident afforded !come it had netted him by pointing "It might be taken to mean its ap- which will eventually be established
Michigan Union operas, will sing a Locarno Settlement," respectively.t is out the fact that he is a Jew and proval by the United States or as aan over the Atlantic.
number of old "college songs, andI Since the death of Prof. Lasa Op- ground for much speculation as to its seetngthe fctnthat heisawJew and
possible political consequences, offi- seeking to connect him with an In- act likely to influence the United After a short description of the
Marshall Byrn, "the Golden Trum- ienheimn formerly of Oxford univer-cI ternational Jewish conspiracy to con- States. topography and climatic conditions of
peter" will give three cornet solos. sity in 1919, Professor Higgins has Yadve regd condit atrol agricultural products.
SDr. Edmunds will explain some of beeh considered the foremost British refugees are cocentrating for evacu- At adjournment ,th opposing at- disapproved because it is a part in with an intimate account of the ex
the research work which is being con- authority o international law. He is in, tndt anytorneys had instructions from Federal the agitation in the islands which,
ducted by the department of pharma- ( the author of numerous books and ar- aioco u o tJudge Fred M. Raymond to select a pishments in the scientific field.
colony. "The Lakes of Michigan" is tiles on the subject and has been The dispatches indicated a decision representative each to go over jour- delaying the arrival of the day when Views of native customs and amue-
to be the subject discussed by Pro- called upon for advice by the BritishI on the part of the American commer- nals, ledgers and other volumes of the Philippines will have overcome nments were shown, among them an
fessor Scott. national government many times. Pro- .ial representaves to remain at the bookkeepers craft and agree upon the most obvious present difficulty in Eskimo football game.
Thne debt that man owes t h esrHiggins is one of the editorspeetaie o ean a t o iue htcudb umt
e b teo Hankow so long as the British regia set of figures that could be submit- the way of maintenance of an unaided "Our first visitors after landing,"
JaPr-of the British year ook, a legal pub-" edHankowisonlongaasethehBritish regi-
surveyor will be the theme o spBeg t ment stays there. Most American en- ed as evidence rather than have Sem- government. The people should re- lie declared, "were mosquitoes, neces-
Paulication. He has been spending the terprises in the regions are in the ator Reed spend further days in an alize that political activity is not the j sitating the constant wearing of net-
Slusser, who has attained an inter- past few months in this country giv- British concession which was the seat effort to draw them from Sapiro. end of life, but rather a means to at- ting, even during meal times.
national reputatitbn for his watercol- ing lectures at the leading univer- t- Lowden's name came into the case n
ors will discuss some phase of art, oife. 1 the original anti-foreign rioting ii ;i tamn these, economic, industrial and Camp was established 25 miles in-
ts, dinite scto etein s .the present wave of disturbances. when Senator Reed i asking for a socal conditions essential to a stable I land from Holstenborg, the port of
tknodwnyglist of national organizations Sapino existence. A plebiscite on the ques- landing, and was named after Pres-
knWen Night Fa.ls Dear," "College SHANGHAI, April 6.-While for- Iad represnted mentind sthe tion of immediate idependence would ident Little. The heights about the
COM ITT E RGE cotrlle - tional Wheat Growers advisory com-, tend to divert the attention ot the{ place of settlement were named after
Days," "The Friars' Song," "Zaza, SENIORS TO ORDER eigners today continued their exodus mittee, formed in Chicago in Septem-a
The Little Gypsy," "The Spirit Flow- from the Cantonese controlled sections er, 9 at a me called by ' people towards the pursuit of mere former presidents of the University.
er," "Until," and "Di Provenza il nar GOWVNS TIf W EEK ofChina and from the northern dis- Judge R. . Bingham of Louisvileplitical power rather than to the One of the lakes was named after
Ia Traviata"' are the titles of the tricts into which the Cantese are Ky. consideration of the essential steps Coach Fielding H. Yost, and teir
numbers Dr. Dieterle will sing. The According to committee announce- I threatening to extend their power1 'necessary for the maintenance of, a second camp was entitled Camp Mor
cornet solos of Mr. Bryn have not yet ment made yesterday, orders for agitations definitely against. Amer- stable, prosperous, well-governed timer Cooley.
been announced. senior caps and gowns must be placed icans was reported to have broken out J THecommunity." -Two Saed From Drowning
before vacation to insure their de- at Changsha, capital of the province BILL IS REVIVED Emphasis was placed by the Pres- The late arrival of a set of dishes
liverybefore Swing-Out Tuesday, May of Hunan in southern China. ident on the economic hardship which saved Professor Gould and Mr. Bel-
1,iwill mark the irst appear- Te agitation has taken the form of (fy Associated Preesy he said would come to the island with a knap from alme certain death by
N10, which Iwilbreakkinhtiferpresenterelations withhtby
E SCHEDULE ance of the traditional garb to be a strike and boycott of American LANSING, April 6-The Armstrong- break in the present relations with the drowning early in t he trip. The earth-
DURING RECESS worn by the class of 1927. goods, both going into effect at noon Palmer capital punishment bill con- United States. He recalled that 70 per enware of the party had been left on
Seniors who have not yet paid their Monday. Messages from Changsha, signed once to the scrapheap of the Cent of the Philippine exports were to the "Morrissey" upon arrival and a
-class dues are requested to do so im- which recently became the center of senate judiciary committee was the United States, and emphasized the set was ordered from the seaport of
All departments of the Union will mediately as the payment of class anti-foreign agitation, say the Amer- brought back suddenly today to the progress which had been made under Ilolstenborg. The 'boat carrying the
remain open during vacation, but dues is prerequisite to the ordering ican consul there has bone aboard the committee table, torn to bits, and American leadership by the island, dishes, piloted by several women, ar-
special hours will be maintained, it of invitations and programs, senior U S. gunboat Palos n the Hang pasted rapidly together again, a declaring that "they should not lose rived in time to pull aboard. the two
was announced yesterday at the bus- ball tickets, and participating in other river. The labor and anti-foreign Thersday he committee intended to ight of the fact that without the ma- men who had been upset in their
and partiipatingeitotherdrien.hThe aborwand'anti-foregn iaTstronygheucmmitteeiItendedut
iness offices. class activities. manifestations in Changsha have re- i vote out, with or without recommen- teial aid extended to them and which craft by a strong gust of wind about
Cafeteria service will be open to stilted in the general evacuation of dation, a virtually new bill, they still need, these conditions could half a mile from shore.
students from 7:30 o'clock in the COMM ITTCEASKS foreigners from Hunam, which will be Despite the remonstrance of Sen. ot have existed The scientists were kept in touch
morning to 8 o'clock at night, the FOR completed shortly. George M. Condon, veteran chairman with daily happenings in the world by
main dining room continuing to SKITS FOR SHOW!I Foreigners Prepare Against Disorders of the committee, who has steadily CRUSOE EXPLAINS wideless flashes sent daily by special
operate during the regular hours. -- Hankow, Kiukiang and Canton were opposed any capital punishment bill. FAI T Y A NS arrangement with the United Press.
Soda bar service will commence at Skits for the State Street Follies,; the scences of further preparation by a majority of the members sbmitted AThese were read to the company at
noon, continuing until the closing a satire on campus life which will be I foreigners against disorders, Hankow amendment after amendment with the breakfast the morning after their re-
hour of the cafeteria. The special. given sometime in May by Mimes, I and Kiukiang being steadily evacuat- !announced intention of pacing the I Means and methods by which a ceipt.
hours announced for the Pendleton must be in the hands of the commit- ed by the last of the foreigners still measure on the floor of the senate. great manufacturing organization i On the return trip, the expedition
Memorial library are from 11 o'clock tee by Friday, April 22, it was an- remaining in them. In Canton, the Itakes its physical inventory with a was endangered by heavy storms
until 10 o'clock. nounced yesterday by Thomas Deton, defense of the British and French DEL TA IG A RLHO minimum loss of time and ,money, which battered the "Morrissey"se-
The swimming pool will be open , chairman. Time competition for concessions at Shaman, an island, was were explained by L. D. Crusoe, head verely, causing several leaks and al-
from 11 o'clock to 6 o'clock every day skits and short acts will be open to further strengthened and the U. S. 1 ELECTS MEMBERS of the Cost Accounting department most carrying away portions of her
except Saturday, when it will open the whole campus, it is pointed out, gunboat Helena and the two British ! i of the Fisher Bodies Corporation, in a rigging. The members of Dr. Rasmus-
one hour earlier. The pool will be and any student may enter one onil and two French war vessels are ly- Delta Sigma Rho, national honor- lecture given yesterday in Natural sen's expedition and the Putnan-
open to women from 8 to 11 p'clock more. ing off the island ready to land men ary public speaking fraternity, elected Science auditorium. party were also aboard the ship at
the mornings of Monday, Tuesday, The show is planned for the pur-' should the necessity arise..eleven students to membership at a The physical inventory of the Fisher the time, crowding the party consider-

Tickets for the next Mimes produc-
tion, "Anna Christie," which will be
given the week of April 19, are on
sale now, but money order only will'
be filled, it was announced yesterday:
by officers of Mimes. No telephone?
orders can be taken now and the box I
office of the Mimes theater will not
be open until the day of the perform-
ance but all mail applications ac-
companied by check will be filed in,
the order of their receipt.
The entire cast has been chosen for 1
the production and two women, Addi-
son Pelletier, '28, and Vivian Bullock,
'30, will take part in the show. Charles
Livingstone, '28L, will have the lead-'
ing male part and °the production will
be the last play given by Mimes this

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