H XtMI-CICAN DAILY "Wom..om" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Tldblicadion in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the liniversity. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. VOLUME VII WEDNESD)AY, AL 'IRIL 6, 1927 'NMBER 137 Action of the Committee on Student Affairs: At a meeting of the Committee on Student Affairs held April 4, 1927, Phi Mu Delta fraternity was placed on probation for one year on account of conduct detrimental to the best interests of the University. J. A. Biursley, Chairman, Committee on Student Affairs. " Dean's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: There will be a short meeting of the Committee on Wednesday, April 6th, at 4:15 P. M. in my office. JohnI t. Effinger. Faculty, College of Litreature, Science, and the Arts: Midsemester report cards are now being distributed through the Dean's messenger service. Instructors are requested to report not later than April 21st the names of all students whose standing is at this time D or E. These grades should not indicate merely the mark received on the midsemester examination, if such an examination is given. More cards, if needed, can be had at my office. These cardAi should be used only for 'reports of the work of students enrolled in this College. ip. R. Humphreys, Asst .Dean. Students, College of IAteratuure, Science, and the Arts: After Friday, April 8th, courses may be dropped without E grade only in case of illness, or of some similar condition not under the control of the student concerned. W. R. Humphreys, Asst. Dean. American Association of University Professors: There will be a special meeting of the University of Michigan chapter of the American Association of University Professors/ Thursday, April 7, at 4:15 P. M., in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Election -of officers and other important business. Charles B. Vibbert, Secretary. College of Architecture; Midsemester Reports: Architectural and Decorative Design ftudents should call at the Archi- tectural Office, Room 207, in regard to midsemester reports before leaving for the spring vacation. Emil Lorch. Cercle Francals Lecture: Mr. W. F. Patterson will lecture Wednesday, April 6, at 4:15 o'clock, in Room 1025 Angell Hall on "Furetiere et le Roman Bourgeois." Rene Talamnon. Junior Year Abroad : 11 students in French interested in theJunior Year Abroad plan should see me at once. Rene Talainon. Student Mathematical Society: There will be a special meeting of the Student Mathematical Society Thursday night, April 7th, at 7:30 in Room 3017, A. H. The meeting will be informal and will consist of voluntary presentations of mathematical "trick" problems by any member of the society. No business will be trans- acted' at this meeting as the regular business meeting will be held on Thursday following the spring vacation. Seniors Interested in Social Work: Seniors in Sociology desiring positions in social work or interested in graduate training for social work may consult with me in Room 107 Econ- omics Bldg. at the following hours: Wednesday, April 6, 10-11 A. M. Thilrsday, April 7, 9-12 A. M. Friday. April 8, 9-12 A. M. Seniors or graduate students enrolled in the Curriculum in Social Work wishing the Department's help in securing placement must consult with me at this time. Robert T. Lansdale. Business Administration Club: There will be a meeting of the Business Administration Club and a smoker at the Michigan Union on Wednesday, April 6th, at 7:30 P. M. in rooms 318 and 320. All members of the club and the faculty of the School of Business Administration are invited. Dean E. E. Day will speak. Donald B. Doubleday. Sociology Journal Club: The Club will meet Wednesday, April 6, at 7:30 in Room 4, Economics Bldg. L. J. Carr. Classical Journal Club: The Classical Journal Club will meet in Room 2016 Angell Hall on 1Wednesday, April 6, at 4:00 P. M. Mr. Amundsen will speak on the subject of ostraca, and Dr. Butler on the subject of certain newly-discovered statues. The meeting is open to any who are interested. James V. Dunlap, Secretary. Sociology Club: There will be a brief business meeting of the Sociology Club, Wednes- day at 7:00 P. M. in Room 104 Economics Bldg. Candidates for member- ship will be considered at this time. C. F. Anspacli. ommads In China FERRY FIELD UNDER GOES CLEAN-UP Ferry field entered its annual per- during the past veek or so of 1a- iod of spring house cleaning recently vaging. The hammer event will 1w when a small army of workmen corn- contested on the site of lth e et menced work on tearing down the 0111, stand. This event in the past has not west stand, grading the cinder race been viewed by spectatorsalit 1- track, and in general putting the field in shape for the coming track season. ways todk place behind the XX Tha old West stand. in which doz- stand due to the dauner of < s _ ens of freshman classes have watch- hammer filling. in the midst of the ed Michigan elevens sweep to victory spectators. However, with the addi- and occasionally stumble to defeat, tional space afforded by the wrecking will be completely torn ilown within of the West bleachers, the hammer I.the coming week. Aready three-quar- event will be brought closer to the '>xs ° ters of the stand has been wrecked view of the people in'the North stands. SKILLEDI Brig. Gen. Smedley Butler, who has been given command of all United States Marines in China. AT THE DETROIT ThEATERS Bonstelle Playhousek One of the Most Spectacular Produc- tions We have Presented X~th "FAUST" With Incidental Music From the Opera by Gounod Startling Lighting and Scenic Effects SHUBERT- LAFAYETTEI The New Royal Portable Typewriter , hasi met with such favor that they cannot he nianufac- tured fast enough to supply the Iemand. Come in and see it. There is a good reason why it is so popular. Place your order now for early delivery. a I' Rider's Pen Shop 315 State Street To All Concerned: Tryouts for the next play to be given by Play Prodwction and Direction will be held in University Hall each afternoon this week from 4:00 to 6:00 P. M. David Owen. School of Bhisiness Aministration: Mr. L. D. Crusoe of the Fisher Body Corporation will speak in Natural Science Auditorium at 1 o'clock Wednesday, April 6th, on Taking an In- ventory. F. F. Ross. Landscape Club: There will be an interesting meeting of the Landscape Club on Wednes- lay of this week at 8 P. M., Pof. Donaldson of the Fine Arts Department will speak on Spanish Gardens. Wayire H. Laverty. Graduate Women's Club: Dinner at "The Green Tree Inn" Wednesday at 6:00 o'clock. Everyone come! . F. Wilson, Presideni. Stud-nt Summer Employment: Students wanting a summa falaried position see Mr. Kenney, Room 325, Michigan Union, from 3:30 to 5:00 and 7:00 P. M. J. A. Bursley. Scabbord and Blade:' There will be a meeting at the Union. tonight at 8:10 P. M. J. W. Ilicknman. Phi Epsilon Kappa: There will be an important meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in Room 20, Waterman Gymnasium. . C. 311ac Dougall. Canadians: There will be an informal dinner in the Ladles' Dining Room of the Michigan Union at 6:30 P. M., Thursday, April 7, in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the capture of Vimy Ridge. Short program. The invitation is extended to nurses and ex-service men of whatever nationality who served with British or Colonial units in the World war. Norman AnningActing Adjutant. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns I "NEW YORK EXCHANGE"k With Allison Skilmorth, Sydney Sields and New York Cast. CASS THEATER. Wayne at Lafayette Blvd. . Cadillac 1100 Prices:e Nights $3.00 to $1.00. ffatinces : ed. and Sat. $2.00 to i5c The Il MSSS. S11 UBER T Present I LEANOII PAINTER In "THE, NIGHTINGALE" GARRIK A Hawaiian Love Story With Its Native Musicians and Dancers "ONE MAN'S WOMAN" A SouthI Sea Love Tempest Nights .................Oc to $2.001 Wed. and Sat. Mats.....50c to $1.00 Authorized dealers for the Royal Typewriter Co. REPAIRING LIMITED NUMBER OF 'ENSIANS $ 5N.0 MICIG ANENSI.AN,'OFFICE Press Building - - Maynard Street - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - %... FOR A REAL VACATION TRY -A BIT OF Mladelinie Bower8, Seely. I TENNIS OR GOLF Organ Reetal:¢ The program for the Twilight Organ Recital Series for April 6th will consist of a presentation of "The Creation", an oratorio by Joseph Haydn, by members of the class in "Choral Literature" under the direction of Mr. E. V. Moore. Charles A. Sink. Varsity Glee Club: There will be a rehearsal tonight at 7:00 P. M. in the Michigan Union. L. Stuart Bulnian, Manager. Mid-semester reports are now in the office of the Assistant Dean. Stu- dents registered in this college will please call for them at that office before Friday the 8th. G.' W. Patterson. Comedy Club: There will be a very important meeting of Comedy Club this afternoon (Wednesday) at 4:00 o'clock in Room 203 University' Hall. All members are requested to be present and on time.. , Ralentine L. Davies, Pres. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns A New Supply of Rackets and. Golf Clubs Just Arrived. WAHFt'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE r Gilbert's Page & Shaw J UILLERET'S 302 S. State St. Originality See Our Line of Easter Candies it now -I } . . . ..._--- ., t ' r I6%l,- E16 I /' /+ ,rV Ki Aj "4 I " edesign our clothes exclusively for the Michigan men. t Spring Vacation and Easter Cloth hundreds to Choose Fromi. The natural choice - Out of the whole lot men pick Chesterfield for its genuine tobacco character-its natural good taste. - - Get the natural char- acter of fine tobaccos in your cigarette -and - } ye i OU'RE probably fed-up with food advice. It's a bothersome barrage. But you actually can enjoy sensible eat- ing by just making one meal, any meal, every day, of Shredded Wheat. l 11 1 Ir r't s s .. f 4 ' y t ; f ' f .JR / x ' ~ w. ,,,, t t a . f. i n 1 When you get hon course you want to your best. You ca so bettcir if you con Del Prete. We can you real fine clo without the penalt highl price...,Come Compare our clothes. over them, point by h and you'll find that fine values as we are not to be found where! Fitting gu teed by Del Prete. T ty-two years exper in tailoring cO clothes. "THE MICHIGA Through thirty-five years of "Eat this and that," tis pioneer whole wheat biscuit has captured ever-growing favor. Made of the most carefully selected wheat grains, shredded for utmost digestibility and cooked crisp clear through for appetite enchantment that's the Shredded Wheat Story. w/ New appetite appreciation, freedom from drugs and laxatives, better health every day; Shredded Wheat can give all this - and make you like it. J ,; 1 , ,- . x kv-, ,* ": £; <,, .. t , { . $35 - $45 No Charges for xtra Tousers. I s' e of look n do ie to give Uthes, y of in T point, such have any- aran- 'wen. hence ,llege Alri i\9 I I "THE STADIUI Topcoats $25 - $35 -VJ - v. = Z NEW SPRING VACATION FURNISHINGS Hats in 1927 Manners $4.50 - $6.50 Small Shape Caps.. $2.50-$3.50 Arrow Shirts in Al Desired Colors $2.00 - $3.50 And what hot TIES, $1.00 and $1.50 1 I 0I