THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, A C .. .... 1 urn I - .. -RUN.- IN SIB q% -0 x --- lbli t t C i 1 t E r C l t t t 1 c a t t t 'I r C Y NATATORS TOCO ETE Baseball Personnel [,R Tl Al To Be Chosen Today' F9ll !IO NIL IIONORS Final practice will ;e held today to1 determine the personnel of the base-1 Showing Of WolverInes In Big Ten? ball squad which is to be selected- Meet Make Theni Favorites In to make the southern training trip, Races At Iowa City I scheduled to start Friday, according to an announcement made yesterday ENTRY LISTIS LARGE by Coach Ray Fisher. da Faux infielders, three outfielders,, (By Associated Press) ANN ARBOR, April 5. - Michigai two catchers, five pitchers, and a util- ity man compose the list of 15 men+ will make its next bid for a titletin to be named. There are still sev- the National Collegiate Athletic eral positions not yet definitely ac-1 Swimmning meet at Iowa City.. April counted for, and today's showings 15 and 16. The program of the na- may rove the detriitn'g factor.I tional meet this year will be the The University of Kentucky, the same as that of the Big Ten event, first opponent, is slated for Saturday, with both relays included. The re- torbe oloed lays were not held during the first be followed by a two game series' layw e t olds urit was desired to with Vanderbilt, Mercer, and Georgia, two ineets because i awisie. th tnoe tCicnaia h emphasize the individual competition with a stop-over at Cincinnati as the of the event. Demand for the re- final practice game. lays, however, has resulted in their addition for this year's meet. It will to comment on the. men who will be Michigan's first incursion into the compose histinfield it is practically National Collegiate event, which was' a certainty that Oosterbaan will be held last year in the tank of the Unit- at first, Kubicek at second, and Wein- ed States Naval academy, Annapolis. traub at third when the team takes While, earlier in the season, Coach the field in the opener. Loos, a vet-! Mann had intended entering only a eran, will nrobably draw the call small number of athletes, the showing ahead of Morse at shortstop, although . in the Western Conference meet has the two have shown practically equal{ resulted in the addition of two to. the ability. Red Davis will handle the I list. Difficulty of keeping the men in catch-ing, with either Reichman or, condition is one of the bugbears fac- Truskowski as his understudy. ing the coach as the event is held Aside from Capt. Puckelwartz and1 at the end of the Easter vacation. Corriden no outfielder has shown suf- Darnall Wins Twice ficiently well to warrant especial' How thoroughly the Michigan men mention, and either Gilbert, Froemke, dominated the Big Ten event at I- or McCoy will be selected for the linois a week ago was disclosed when other outfield post. Likewise, =Millerl the list of men qualifying is added has been the only pitcher of note, and to the list of winners, the other four must be picked from Darnall, winner, was the only Mich- an average group, made up of Neb- igan qualifier in the 50-yard event. Ing, Gilmartin, Stern, Asbeck, The fifth man was Herschberger, of Gawne, Ruetz, Moffett, and Lowe. Wisconsin, record-holder and winner of the event a year ago, who failed to MAT CAPTAIN SUFFERS place.rMAT CntT-rNR UUFFERS Darnall and Bement in the 100-yard SERIOUS LEG INFECTION FORMER BROWN IS YANKEE CATCHER Injury Forces Golff Star To Take Rest (By Associated Press) WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. Michigan's swimming ace, Captain Va., April 5.-Because of an injured foot Walter Hagen is out of golf tem- P aul Samson, will leave today for Cli- cago where he will compete in the 220'porarily. and 500-yard free style events in the Because of theruncertain footing, he national A. A. U. swimming meet. It issTe . left foot during play in the Texas possible that the Wolverine star will.Open at San Antonio last January' meet Johnny Weissmuller, Illinois he believes, and as a result has can- Athletic club star who is swimming in celled all exhibitions up to April 15. both events. He plans to rest longer if necessary Coach Matt Mann will accompany to condition himself for the majorj Samson to the national meet, where tournaments of the summer and es- he will act as one of the officials, hav- pecially the Ryder Cup matches with ing been named for the honor last Great 11ritain's professionals at Wor- week. The rest of the Michigan swim- cester, Mass., June 10 and 11. He will ming team com)peting in the national captain the American squad. intercollegiate championships on April Hagen has been troubled for two 15 and 16 at Iowa City will join Coach months with a growth on the sole j :Mann and Samson next Monday. of his left foot. ) I Rank Sci-ereid A former member of the St. Louis Americans who is now with the New York Yankees, and is expected to prove one of the mainstays of Miller Huggin's team in their pennant race during the coming season. Severeid was traded to the New York club ear- ly last season in a deal that involved Wally Shang, former New York catcher. SWheredo you want to go? Paris-London-Rome-Venice? w To the Italian Hill Towns or Lakes? :0 Down the Rhine? To Switzerland? p To Scandinavia?. To Holland? Motoring in England and Scotland? N ~Gates 'Tours visits all these places Moderate in cost. Operated by a!b company of established reputation l (Founded 1892)-- Gates Sunt '1 Tcurs are ideal for - young peole i'who want to travel agreeably yet very economically. For booklets &' rates ($485 to $1265)r Sw rte i GATES TOURS-225 Fifth Ave.,N.Y. , Dirs. 11,0t. C. Angell 21$D 'i~ 85 1..0 :A 2908 Day Phone' 8782 4.. E EA READ THE WANT ADS THE PIPING ROCK "DIFFERENT GOLF FOOTGEAR" MICHIGAN BALL TEAMS HAVE MADE COOD RECORDSONSOUTHERN TRIPS During the last six years, while Ray to win these first five games by Fisher has been Varsity baseball coach scores of 13-8, 9-6, 7-0, 9-2, and 10-2. Fisher has been Varsity baseball coach, In the 6-1 defeat by Georgia, Walter Mlichigan nines have set up ail envia- held the southerners to four hits but ble record on spring trips by winning his team-mates contributed seven er- more than two-thirds of their games. I rors. The Wolverines have taken 29 out of The last game, lost 11-1, was one t43 contests with southern college of the worst defeats a Michigan t(SiLfl teams on six Five victories and two defeats was has ever suffered in the South rank- the record of Fisher's team last year ing next to the 14-2 beating adminiM- when the powerful Georgia nine, an tered by Vanderbllithr ''123. The la:g- annual jinx, upset the Wolverines' in est score ever made by the Wol- both of the two final games of the verines against a southern ball club trip after they had chalked up five was in the 23-5 win over Kentucky consecutive wins over Kentucky, Van- in 1923. The 1924 spring trip was the 'derbilt and Mercer. Although the worst Michigan ever had, and is the Michigan men had had the benefit of only one on which Fisher's men did but little outdoor work they managed not chalk up a .500 record. WHITNEY ONE PERFORMANCE THEATRE SAT. EVE. THE GREAT AMERICAN COLLEGE COMEDY 1PUNNIG-ST SHOW ON E-Al2TH PAT TZ Rs0oN McNUTT reser Es ~~ "U1 C OU T= D - ~LAUOw CHAMKPION E ALNLIO I L NIUGI N T } E.3V 'CANdF~LLI't Nlt_ LNT WITHTE- O21GINAL NY AND CHICAGO CA3T, 4'2 WG/l' ON OROA OWAY - '0 IN (/CAGO !Q IN OTON AND Q /N PH IL ADL P11/A Equipped with Spiked Soles and made of dash, with Bement taking the fifth place in a race in which Darnall is credited with an unusual record for the long pool. ,le tied the :53.7 rec- ord of Breyer, Northwestern, but that record was made in a short pool and with the flying start allowed until two years ago. Samson, Wagner, and Watson of Michigan were three of the five qual- ifiers in the 220-yard event, the latter failing to .win points, while Wagner qualified with and was second to Sam- son in the 440-yard' swim. Spindle Beats Jim Hill. In the back stroke, Spindle, the win- ner, Hubbell, third, and R. Halstead, who failed to place, were the Mich- igan . qualifiers. The four men pre- ceding Halstead are credited with breaking the former record; although the official honor for this went to Spindle. It was his, revenge on Jim Hill, of Minnesota, for beating him in the dual meet held here. Shorr was the only Michigan qual- ifier in the 200-yard breast stroke event, the fifith place going to Miller, the brilliant Indiana sopho- more. Starrett qualified for Michigan in fancy diving, but was the fifth men, this being the only event in which Michigan failed to get a place. Coach Mann will take his squad to Iowa City at least two days ahead of the meet, due to vacation condi- tions, as he desires to have his men take plenty of time In getting ac- customed to the big tank in the new Iowa field house. BURLINGTON,-- A. H. Fogg, '27, was elected captain of the University of Vermont baseball team for the coming season. S m ARROW .S HIRT ARROW COLLAR Theron Donahoe, Varsity wrestlingi captain and 158 pound star,. has been confined to the University hospital since Thursday with a serious leg infection which is the result of at slight knee bruise received while' competing in the recent national A.I A. U. championship tournament, at Ames, Ia. WILLIAMSTW N. - The Williams wrestling team completed its season recently by scoring six points in the New England intercollegiates. Brown Veal and Scotch Grain. '~jj~Jor Ve a00 TI8 . I1'! MAIL ORDERS NOW Orchestra, Balcony, $2.20, $2.75 $1.65, $1.10 11 MA ILI ORDERS NO T *. -- ------------------- ----- -------- I SPRING SUITS and TOP COATS in tan and brown FYFES CHARING CROSS ten dollars Thompson & Pitts 1107 SOUTH UNIVERSITY I I" . : : on it. This shirt has the long point collar. It is made of a genu- - I' Ii I C