.Y, .A PRTI: 6, -1927 THE MICHICANMILY :{Y .............. Ilk ........... VAVAM oll'" SELECT CHAIRMEN OF *PAGEANT COMMITTEESi Will Permit Participation of 1741 Women To Be Admitted On Basis Of Scholastic Average TO HOLD TRYOUTS SOON Freshman pageant committee 'heads were elected at a meeting of the first year women yesterday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Margaret ' Bush was chosen general chairman, Alice Blome, assistant general chair- man, Laura Chipman, general treas- urer. The following six girls received committee chairmanships: ;,sther Pryor, Eloise Avery, Virginia Losee, Dorothy Griffith's, Dorothy McKee, and Ailene Yeo. Eligibility for participation in thet pageant is based upon scholarship, a } C average including an A or B being required. This year 174 women will be permitted to take part and it is proposed to prbvi!e a share in the ac- tivity for practiclly every eligible freshman. There will be six commit- tees besides thattof finance, namely, costume, publicity, dance, poster, mu- *sic and program. Miss Janet Cumming of the physical, education department announced th'at1 (he theme of the pageant will be bas-) ed upon Greek games and urged thatI all who are interested join the na- tural dancing classes being given atj regular gymnasium periods in pre- paration for the dance numbers. Try- outw will be held after vacation. All eligible freshmen Will be assess-+ ed $1 to cover the expenses of the production. The "big sister" movement at Idaho University is meeting with success.1 IV. A. A. AN f Elections for W. A. A. and league, including council of the l I place from 8 to in booths placed hall for this pur Every woman< ' ientitled to cas Stile League offi members of W. 1 paid their dues m, j candidates conne organization. Opp 1 given for anyone pay her dues at' 1 time today. Houses i l Hostesses. Of Bridge Under the sponso men's league, 20 o houses will act as group of bridge p LEAGUE SPFamous Michigan Alumna Is Honored By I offices of the FITira iMedical Profession ForUnique Record >1! LL s ofShh the Women's the judiciaryI More than 500 men and women Michiganand Adelphi college. Shp atter will take ? p rominent in different branches of was the first dean of women of the 5 o'clock today I woe will act as dl the medical profession attended a din- University of Michigan and was a I !n Lniversity-' in the spring style show which ilill ner March 25 at the Hotel Roosevelt dear friend of the late President An- Dose. sibe held at 3 o'clock, Saturday, Apriln New York City in honor of Di. gell, whose influence she felt great- on the campus 9 at J. L. Hudson Co. in Detroit. All Eliza M. Mosher. '751, in celebration ly. st her vote for types of of her fiftieth year in the active prac- The Honorable Arthur S. Somers, type ofspring garments will be on tc cials, but only display, including fashions suitable tice of medicine. president of the Chamber of Com- A. A. who have for school and within the range of Dr. Mosher's record is almost unique merce of Brooklyn, pays tribute to ay vote for the prices paid by the average college stu- in the history of American medicine her services to the street cleaning cted with this dent. In recognition of the services and certainly entitles her to rank department of Brooklyn, declaring ortunity will be of the Michigan women, Hudson's will as one of the most distinguished grad- that her work was so effective that no who desires to donate $100 to the Women's league uates of the University. She is at the citizen of Brooklyn dared to throw a the booth .any- building fund. present time the oldest active women newspaper or cigarette butt in the Tea will be served daring the style doctor in the United States and al [streets lest he be detected in the act. jparade, at a 25 cent charge, the pro- though she is 78 years of age, sh'e -- -ceeds of which will also be turned still declares that she is growing? INDIANA. - A five-day recess is I over to the league. , Margaret Hud- continually y.ounger and that her days planned for the Thanksgiving next 11 Act As son, '27Ed, and Linwood Bope, '29, of active work in the medical field year. t Seri will assist at the show with piano and are by no means at an end. At Series violin accompaniment, respectively, Dr. Mosher has been at different while Esther Tgtle, '27Ed, Est er times during her life professor of B enefits Wod, '27Ed, Janet Jones, '30L+d, Vl- hygiene at Vassar, University of ~3~itn._nrnn ney Storey, '27, Mary Louise Murray, I r__ _ _ ______ '28, Helen, Shaw, '27Ed, Helen Sea- _________________ rship of the Wo- right, '27, Arlene Unsworth, '28, Dor- PARTY PROGRAMS rganized women's othy Day, '27Ed, and Margaret Eirich, The FlatteringANNOUNCEMENTS s hostesses at a! '27, have been selected to model. Fi eW f thINVITATIONS inger-Waveforte ISTATIONERY antis, Saturay T ' C Permanent FOLDERS v April 23 at 2:30 o'clock. Each house is planning to seat 15 tables at $3 each, the proceeds tdhgo to the league. Invitations will be issued to patronsj and patronesses of the houses and friends of the individual members. League cards for the parties may be' secured by ordering them from Cath- erine Kelder, '27Ed, at 7117. Any fur- ther information desired my be re- ceived from Ellen Groff, '28, general chairman of tke function. A few houses are unable to give bridge parties on April 23. They will announce the dates of their parties later. Pi V 1J 1 I. .. ai There will be a meeting of the gen- eral committee of the Freshman pag- eant at 4 o'clock today in the league parlor. . The point system committee will meet at 4 o'clock today. ' STEAMSNiIP TICKETS(, FOR ALL LINES . ' TOURS, CRUISES FIRST, SECOND, CABIN. TOURISTS THIRD ESPECIALLY Phone 6412 or write 601 E Huron Street E, 0. K EBLERI Ste aashi Agent, ANN ARBOR It is the finial touch and decides whether or not it shall be truly distinctive. For thle "inelined -to-be-curly" hair, it is the entire means of making a most becoming and lksting wave. BERTINE BEAUTY SHOPPE South University (Over Student's Supply Store) I I. i -. Ou Special Annual Easter Sale I i1 Hvsiery Counter Just inside the Door f OF i e/ Sheer Chiffon Hose Silk from Top to Toe-Full Fashioned $1.55 Pair .4. ;ft I, A HINK of it! A Hosiery Sale, involving 1,200 pairs of full-fashioned silk stockings of chiffon weight in the twelve most desirable shades, staged at this time just when every woman needs new Hosiery-scads of it. We made a most unusual purchase. That is why we are able .a to offer these very fine stockings at the low price bf $1.55 a pair. ! -4- ---.-- - 3~I K___ ___ ___ ____ ___ I Sawdust Chamnpagne Ecstasy Blondie Moonlight Fl. Nude Sudan Pearl Nude Atmosphere Blue Fox Iris Mauve GOODYEAR'S 124 South Main St. r.... - --==v ____. I E 1 _ ,,f . D ' 1 °a v ,. o SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY LINGERIE SLIPS $3.50 SILKEN LINGERIE OF LOVELY STYLING Soft fine crepe de chine or radium or flat crepe makes these lovely new undergarments in elaborately lace trimmed or tailored styles. I1 I1 11 I'll 11 Tailleurs Take New Favor and Easter Importance rI Trim' as a young lady could wish- Little mannish navy' twill tailleurs that accentuate femininity-smart lit- tle tweeds that swagger-any number of styles in these new little jackets- wrap-round and pleated skirts. Come in and see them. You'll like their prices, too. $25 up. (SECOND FLOOR) II' 4m; r~ ' ( , T f COMBINATIONS NIGHTGOWNS VESTS SLIPS BLOOMERS STEP-INS DANCE SETS BRASSIERES I I' I1 li I I