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April 06, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-06

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 137
All Undergraduate Resident Students
With Less Than Four Years In i
College May Compete
Prof. Everett S. Brown of the polit-
ical science department and chair-
man, of the local committee which is
managing the contest for th Univer- i
sity, announced yesterday that all pre-
liminary arrangements have bect
made for the local contest. The time
for this contest has definitely been
set for 9 to 12 o'clock on Saturday,
April 23. All .undergraduate, resident.
studets who have not completed I
four years of collegiate work are eli-
gible to compete with the exception
that all previous winners of local and
national contests are ruled out of
further competition..
The local committee will have
complete charge of the contest at the
University, but the judges picked by
the executive committee will grade
all papers. The executive committee
is composed of Dean H. E. Hawks of
Columbia university, Col. Lucius H.
hold of the United States Military
academy and Prof. Arthur N. Hol-
combe oof Harvard university. This
committee will have the responsibility
of weighing the questions and deter-
mining the percentage of credit which
each shall have on the examination.
This committee has announced May
14 as the date for the final exam-
ination, which will be composed of
factual questions and some questions
for discussion. The test w be run
on the 1926 model. I)
Contest Is Important
Professor /Brown stated yesterday
that this is an important intercolle-
giate contest in which the credit of
the University Is involved, since the
contest .Involves competition with
such schools as Harvard, Yale,nPrince-
pon and Columbia.
He went on to explain th'at the con-
test will be aiannual one and con-
sequently interest in the standing of
each institution will be cumulative as
the years go by. "It also affords an
excellent opportunity to the studejnts.
to test their knowledge of current
events against that of their fellow
students, ad participation by any.
student this year will afford valuable
experience for participation next year
or the year following," said Professor
He went on to explain that the
prizes offered are well worth attain-
ing. The winner of the local con-
test will receive $250 and a bronze
medal, while the winner of the na-
tional contest will receive $500 in ad-I
dition to the local prize.
Students Should See Committee
Professor Brown suggested that any
studei -interested in the contest
should see him or any of the members
of the local committee, who will give
information as to the form of the con-
test. The other members of the com-
mittee are: Prof. Preston W. losson
of the history department, Robert T.
Lansdale of the sociology department,
Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal-
ism department, Waldo Abbot of the
rhetoric department, and Prof. John
V. Van Sickle of the economics de-






' Congress Declares V,
-Hdeadlines of Te
Ten years ago today the news-
papers of the nation emblazoned inl
their largest headlin's he fact that
the United States had formally de-
clared war on Germany. The wholej
country responded at once, men en-
listing and industry preparing for
what was one of the greatest crises
of history. The universities of the;
country were not backward in their!
response and the campuses of the var- I
ious institutions became scenes of ac-1
tion-the youth of the nation were
preparing for its first taste of the;
grim' reality of real war.
At the University of Michigan thej
day gf the declaration was marked'
by a huge parade of volunteer stu-
dents. Plans began at once for the
mobilization of student groups and the{
various fraternities and house clubs
began a period of strenuous drilling
after each meal and for several hoursi
before sunset each day.1
One week after the declaration of'
war the Seventh and Eighth naval
units, composed largely of University
students, were ordered to mobilize.
Three weeks later they were ordered;
to leave Ann Arbor and the night be-
fore they departed there was a huge,
mass meeting in Hill auditorium pre-
sided over by President Harry B. Hut-r

Xar On Germany'
;n Years Ago Todavy
chins. By May, there were more than
1,000 members of the University in
various branches of the service. And
by the end of October, due to the ap-
pointment of a regular army officer in
charge of preparations, there were
1800 men drilling each day on Ferry
The whole campus was drawn into
the preparations. Waterman gymna-
sium became a barracks for a de-
tachment and most of the buildings in
the Engineering college were used in



Cantonese Are Concentrating Efforts



In Atmosphere Of

As Fusillades Of


Are Directed At Guests

preparation. One interesting thing is On Railroad Terininal To Force
the fact that Sleepy hollow was Evacuation Of Peking
honeycombed by trenches and was__
used for trench practice by the stu- (By Associated Press)!
dent soldiers. The Union became the; PEKING, April 5.-The field of op
central mess hall for the detachments s's
an~ whn 324menwee fdorations of tChina's grin civil war hasr t
and when 1324 men were being fed shifted so steadily from the Yangtse
daily in that building proper, and no valley to the north that Peking itself,
more could be accommodated, a tem- ancient historic seat of the govern Photo by Rentschler
jporary mess hall was erected behind ment of China and the capital of the Prof. WilHiam A. Frayer
the Union to care for 1900 more men. Northerners, now appears definitely At the fifth annual Gridiron Knights
Michigan, both with its students !threatened. ;banquet, held last night at the Union,
and its alumni, played a significant I William A. Frayer, professor of Eu-
1 The danger comes from two direc-
role in the war. More than 2,000 stu- ropean history, was given the "oil
dents and many thousand more alum- ti'nsirttorthwa ay the can" trophy. President Clarence Cook
ni served with the colors in all parts tonese and secondly a possible sweep Little, the fourth holder of the trophy,
of the world. The campus became a from the Northwest by Marshal Feng made the presentation to Professor
rallying center and its members, its Yu-i-hfing, once known as the "Chris- Frayer.
equipment and its officials were all tian general" 'and leader of the Kuo-
placed at the service of the govern- minchun or National people's army. I
during the entire period. The Cantonese threat, coming as it
does, on the heels of the successfulH
I Cantonese occupation of the great
Yangtse valley, completed by the cap-E
ture of Shanghai and Nanking, is di-,
rected primarily at Psinansu, the cap-
ital of Shantung, and Tientsin, im- Talk Will e Illustrated With Slides
Iportant northern railway cents.-! And Motion Pictures Taken By
Should Tientsin be seriously endan- Members Of Party
College Songs, Marches, Solos, And gered the powerful and undefeated ._
Specialty Numbers Wil Ma!ke forces of Marshal Chang Tso-lin, the PREPARES RETURN
Up The Program Manchurian war lord, would be forced FOR
to withdraw from Peking, since

WVith Waldo Abbot as "Roastinaster" Gridiron In ight wstched
celebrities sizzle on the grid in their fifth annual Jbanquet in the Unior1
last night. No one was spared from the fusillades of satire directed at
them. All the guests were scorched but unhurt at the end of the
"razzfest" sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, journalistic fraternity.
Speculation as to the recipeient of the oilcan,.awarded each year to
a prominent faculty man "distinguished for his verbosity," was set at
rest in the last event of the evening when President Clarence Cook Little
passed on the "trophy to Prof. William
t A. Frayer of the history department
who will hold it for the coming year.
The "Favorable Epitaph", read as
the one commendation in an evening
atr lridicule, was given to
IN NEXT MIMES PLAY i Dan Wilbr R. hlumphreys of the
_Iliterary college . Ite
Addison Pelletier And Vivian Bullock Sen. James A. Reed of Missouri
Chosen Front Field Of 31ore headed the list of speakers on the
Thanio Tryouts "Little" program. Prof. Arthur S. Al-
": rton of the history department was
TICKETS NOW aNoSALEf" man following a radio broad-
TIKESNO N AE .casting program by Station S-O-L
puton duriup' the dinner proper. Prof.
Two women will take the leading i homas FT. 'Reed of the political
female parts in the next Mimes play, I science department, Thomas H. Reed
"Anna Christie," it was announced of the State legislature, Gerald Hoag,
yesterday by officers of that organiza- manager of the Majestic theater, Dean
tion. The women who have been Hugh Cabot of the Medical school,
chosen from more than 30 tryouts for President E. J. Ottoway of the Alum-
the Darts are Addison Pelletier. 28I,,ccnit 'D - A l T. _..s

E w - -



Nominee For Superintendent Of Pub-
lie Instruction Is Only Party
Defeat In Light Vote
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, April 5-The sluggish
tide of a light vote swept all Repub-
lican candidates for state offices to
victory by the costumary majorities
in Michigan's off-year biennial spring l
elections yesterday. Scaricely a rever-
sal occurred in the partisan election
throughout the state. With the singleI
exception of -WebstersH.hPearce, of
}Mt. Pleasant, who was the success-I
fjl nominee of the Republican party
foy superintendent of public instruc"
Lion all candidates were reelected. Lo-,
cal issues in the municipalities resul-
ed in pollings approximately equal to
that in the March primaries but rural
interest was quiet.
The outcome of the metroriolitan
area amendment, single non-partisan
issue of the state, ballot, remained in
doubt, tonight. A slowly mounting op-
position vote was being returned from'
rural counties which served to coun-
teract the early lead of three to one.
registered in Wayne, Kent, Ionia, Shi-I
awassee, Clinton, Hillsdale, and otherl
populous communities.;
CHICAGO, April 5-William Hale
"Big Bill' Thompson, Republican ma-
yor of Chicago from 1915 to 1923, to-
day was elected to that office for the
third time.;
Thompson, who conducted his cam-
paign with the slogan of Ameri'ai
First," won over Mayor William E.
Dever, Democratic incumbent in one
of the bitterest and one of the most
closely contested elections in Chi-
cago's history. Dr. John Dill Robert-
so, who ran as an independent, of-
fered no serious opposition.
On the basis of returns from 2,000
of the city's 2384 precincts, Thomp-
son was returned a winner by upward
of 70,000 votes.

Appearing for their second formal
concert of the year, the Varsity band
will give the annual Easter program I
tonight in Hill auditorium, led by
Norman J. Larson who will direct his
first spring program with the band.
Tonight's concert will be the last in- I
door program of the band this year,
and shortly after spring recess cam-
pus concerts will be given regularly..
Following the custom of past presen-
tations, the concert will be free to the
students and public.;
College songs, marches, solos and
specialty numbers make up the pro-
gra of ten selections to be presented
tonight. Opening with the "Vicors"
the band will give selections whichi
include two overtures, "The Bridali
Rose" and Lustspiel Overture." Mar-
shall Byrn, Grad., will give a cornet
solo, "My Regards" and B. Lorain
1 Norton, School of Music, will present
three vocal solos, accompanied on the
piano by Ray Faulkner, '26.
The trombone quartet will give a}
number that has been arranged by
Walter C. Welke, School of Music, who
is head of the trombone section of the
band. The program will be conclud-
ed with the playing of the "Yellow and
Blue" in which the audience will be
urged to join in singing. The pro-
gram tonight will be similar to the
nrozram used during the concert tour


Seven new schools, including three _
girls colleges have been added to the ANIMAL GENETICS
list which are to compete in the sec- I
ond annual Intercollegiate Current IS DISCUSSED IN
Events contest conducted by the New SCIENTIST'S TALK!
York T.Imes-
This list now includes Amherst, "Genetics in Relation to Animal
Brown, Dartmouth, Williams, Vassar, Breeding" was the subject of the lee-
Wellesley and Smith. Although co-ed- 'l Pure delivered by Dr. Hans Nacht-
ucational schools were included in sheim, at 4:15 o'clock, yesterday in,
the contest last year, the entrance Natural Science auditorium. Dr. I
cf Vassar. Wellesley and Smith into Naclitsheim is one of the leading ge-
the contest is an innovation. neticists and scientific writers of Eu-j
- -- rope. He has come to America through1
MA Y PARTY BIDS the Rockefeller foundation to consult
Swithauthorities in heredity.
WILL BE MAILED In his lecture Dr. Nachtsheim first
discussed briefly the value and. the im-I
All architects' applications for mense difficulties involved in the
tieicets to the Architects' 'May Party study of genetics in regard to animals,
which have been accepted, will be in especially in comparison with the her-
thn -nilc r the heinning of edity of plants. He denied the theory;

of the Upper Peninsula which thej
band will begin April 10, and conclude
April 18, after a visit to six cities of I
i northern Michigan.
John Lovette, '27E, chairman of the
Military Ball which is to be held April
29 at the Union, yesterday reported
that the ticket sale for that affair has
been very brisk, greater in fact, thant
in any other year since the Ball's in-
ception. It seems that the popularity
of Guy Lombardo's orchestra, whichI
has been engaged to play for the
dance, is responsible for the demand.
The number of tickets is limited to
275 and they will be dispersed in the
order that the applications are receiv-
ed. No preference will be shown to
students in the R. O. T. C. depart-
I ment, as Iie dance is open to the
At a recent meeting of the commit-
tee, it was decided to withold the na-
I ture of the favors until they are!
given out. The programs are now be-
ing printed and expected to arrive
some time this week. .
Decorations will be of a militaryi
nature, consisting mainly of bunting.
Last year's ball, the first one to be
held at the Union instead of Water-
man gymnasium, was decorated in
1 this way.
The grand march will be led by
Ann Arnold, '27 and John Lovette,
'27E. Lovette was chairman of the!
1927 J-Hop besides serving in his
presenst capacity as chairman of the
Military ball committee. Although the
wearing of uniforms will be optional,

I¢ -,+uvr utt ctptte, te, ni association, Prof. A. D.Mooref
Tientsin offers their only line of com-} Speaking for the first time b~efore'an Vvin uloc, 30 ss P 'I ~d'UCe- I ri ~U vioeo
""h and Vivian Bullock, '30. Miss Pee- the electrical engineering department,
muni(cation with Manchuria, their an Ann Arbor public audience on the tier will play the name role of Anna and Curt Bradner of the Detroit Free
base.IIadCr rdeofteDtitFe
C o e c bcfirst Greenland expedition of the Uni- I Christie and Miss Bullock will play E Press spoke during the program. A,
GnaC hngfe Face tC th versity of Michigan, Prof. WillianI H. the part of Marthy. number of men were also called upon
General Chang sung Chang, the This is the second time, in the his-extemporaneously, including State po-
Shantungese leader who has large Hobbs of the geology department will , hsste eod ieinte i-Ipxe
and well-equipped forces at Suchowfu give an illustrated University lecture tory of Mimes that a woman has been ! litical men.
allowed to play in one of its produc- Speakers were compelled to speak
in the province of Kiangsu, is be- at 8 o'clock tonight in Natural Science lions, and the first time that a woman speaking on a grid, emblematic of the
lieved to offer the most serious oh- auditorium on the results of the ex- student has played. Amy Loomis, '22, spirit of the evening. The Sitate polit-
stacle to the Cantonese drive. that- peditlon to Greenland last summ er. noih t e R c f r l y r f i a e e e r q i e o s e k f o
itary experts express the opinion that He will illustrate his talk with now with the Rockford Players of ical men were required to speak from
if lie is willing to fight he could easilysldsadmvn pitrsaknb Rockford, Illinois, played the part of; a soapbiox instead oif the grid. In
it s 1 t a to es butslisebs an mhen c tutrtakenhbyCatherine in "Great Catherine" last t 1 ae eo oa
withtandtheCantnese' bt hi re honor of his Position as a local thea-
withtan th Catonee,'buthisre-members of the scientific party which 1 yeamaaerGrldro.,maae
cen colpeI h efneo hmg included Prof. J. S. Gould and R. L.yer
hai and Nanking has raised doubts as Belknap of the geology department. Among the men in the cast the lead- of the Majestic, was awarded a tear
to his intentions. Should treachery or,1 Pesso obbs pointsoutth ing role will be taken by Charles Liv- gas bomb.
Cantonese propaganda behind its line w emsingstone, '28L, who has taken the lead Preliminary to the beginning of the
break down General Chang's defenseI while the success of- the rst pe- in every Mimes production this year speeches the guests wer'e requested by
first Pfinansu and then Tientsin would tion was extremey grifying, e re- and also played the leading part in "Roastmaster" Abbot to swear not .to
be endangered. sults of last summers wor wi e the winter presentation of Comedy reveal anything said during the ban-
Any congestion of railroad service !amplified in the research planned for club. Though the remainder of theI qut, either to individuals or tb news-
at Tientsin because of the possible the second expedition sponsored by cast has not been definitely chosen re- papers.
withdrawal of Manchurian troops the University which will leave for hearsals have started, and will be held 'The banquet got under way at 7
would be certain to make the evacua- Holsenborg, Greenland, early in June every day between now and vacation. o'clock, the guests coning into the
ion of foreigners in the North ex- complete an intensive scient "Anna Christie," which is a Pulitzer banquet hall f the Union through
tremely difficult. study of meteorological conditions, prize play, is conceded to be one of. the flames. A spotlight was turned on
The threat on Peking by F and of geological formations result- best known of all of Eugene O'Neill's several prominent men as they came
ThePinthast ronPe n by tFan
Yu-Fing has not reached an active ing from former glacial action. work. The production here will be through the narrow entrance to the
stage but is present nevertheless. Arrangements were made for the l the last play given by Mimes, this ball and the radio station announced
Aestablishment of a meteorological sta- eaatog h taeI -e lie aladterdi tto none
Fang was driven out of Pekingayear abthoyear, although the State Street Fbliesf
ago by the combined force of Chang y tion at the governor's headquarters and the Spotlight Vaudeville will be ten nme p itif e the
ao . bydth ucominfoc fC ! where complete records of winand presented some time in May. men in the spotlight.
T aI-temperature fluctuations for the past The show will be given the entire I The Buccaneers, a seven piece or-
1 j enti1 chestra, furnished music between
WASINTON 5-Wth ub iwinter have been maintained in the Iweek of April 19, which is the, day I imbr fSainSOL oe 'n
WASHINGTON, ril attempt to determine the actual varia- that school resumes, and the cast will 5gnumbers of Station S--L. More than
mission of Nanking reparation de- tions in the weather conditions of the remain in ' 350 guests were present at the affair,
mands by Minister MacMurray at North Atlantic ocean, and formulate hearse Tickets for the production emany acceptances being returned yes-
!Peking and concert of the British and a satisfactory basis for the forecast- are on sale now, although no tele- terday due to the limited capacity of
Japanese believed to be imminent, theI ing of wind and temperature changes -aeon ses nwl tghno teethe audience.
Washington administration has defi ing these regions. The banquet last night was the fifth
nitely turned its attention to the pos- I at for the expedition aK,
sibility that it may become necessary of 1927, supplies have already been BILL ADVOCA TING first being given In 1922..
to rescue Americans in North China placed at Camp Littlewhichylies NEW SANITARIUM'
from the growing menace of anti-for- placd atCamp LitleAhichlie
"ignm. De**"a"'"aei oan-r-about 25 miles inland from Hofsten- PASSED BY HQUSE SEVERAL FACULTY
sborg. These supplies include con- MEN ARE CHOSEN
Silent siderable equipment and provisions.
Both the state department and the IL eras takenfromanada, and (By Associated Press) I BY TOWN VOTERS
LuBenramin S.keanfhot ,aRepublican,
White House maintained silence as to a small storehouse was constructed, LANSING, April 5.-Without a dis-
the nature of the demands and l i heth- where about 100 gallons of aviation I senting vote the house today passed Benjamin S. Hanchett, Republican,
er they will be identical with, or mere- gsln n 0gloso ulgs n rnmte otesnt h Grand' Rapids, and Lucius L. Hub-
simiar hos ofthe the por-. gasoline and 50 g'allons of fuel gas- 1 and transmitted to the senate the
('l siila t thse f te the po- brd Republican, Houghton, were re-
ersy snoir wer e nydioatic ates- oline are stored, in steel drums. Two Birkholm and Warner /bills appropri- ectd rebn, ofh onver by
ers, nor were any diplomatic advices chestnut canoes, a dory, and valuable ating funds for the rehabilitation for Ielected regents of the Uversity by
touching the continuing evacuation of meteorological instruments were left the state sanitarium at Howel, and tremendous majorities in the state
IAmericans from South China made eeoooilintuetweelfth saesntrum tI-wlad elections held Monday. Edward W.'
A in the cafe of Gov. Bistrup at Hol- $500,000 for' a new tuberculosis hos- elers Demorat, electd to
public. stenbopital at Ann Arbor. The measures Staebler,. Democrat, was elected to
I The entire Chinese situation was Dui the present season, drums were adopted as they were recently succeed Robert A. Campbell, Republi-
canvased, hweverat a rolongd Durng thepresetanasmayorms ofwre adpArbor thbyweaeprcurt-
canvassed, however, at a prolonged of kerosene, bamboo poles to be used amended in committee of the whole can, mayor of A Arbor by a plurl-
conference~ between President Cool- gityo 3 oe.I h it ad
onfeande hisabnet anden C - its as markers upon the inland ice, furs, with Howell and Ann Arbor dividing ty of 2o4 votes. In the sixth ward,
idge and his cabinet and upon its ,y by the Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Republican,
cls it was announced at the Whlitermape, andl other equipment were packt-j equally $500,000 appropriated byte lfea~ted Waldo AT. Abbot, Democrat,
'sed in to Camp Cooley, about 60 miles, last legislature for a new institution.. ,
Houe tatin he vet o foce at the margin of the Otto Nordensk- A dozen app~ropriationi measures byatwo to one vote for alderman.
House that in the event of forced I t Ivt o lemn
evacuation from Peking and, other attemri fteOto'odnh Adzn'prpito oa csb w ooerof. 0. J. Campbell,-Democrat, was
northern cities, Tientsin wold be'the jold Glacier where they were cached. carrying millions of dollars were ap- defeated in the supervisor race in the
concentration point for Americans as Arrangements were made with Gover. proved by the house, despite protestssx ad by HsurGisch raci h
Shnghaiis thent sorAeri-assenl 1I nor Bistrup to have 200 pounds of from some members that finance bills six ward by Iariy . Rasehbacher,
Shanghai is the southern smmi sulican, who received 344 votes
aaanedfrm ofmibly soldbesderakesnt tudyIepm
('enter. Two batallions .cf the 15th pemmican, acnedstuodye jsoldb ietakd ni compared t 1 o h omr
Iifantr, about a 800 menare stationed beef~ and over 100 pounds of other has been made of the financial condi- The to 4 fo the former.
Inaty bu£00mnaes ine ib a io eotdb o. Fred W. Green 1The egents elected have both serv-
j at Tient sin as parts of the internation- non-perishable provisions taken in- lion repor'ted by Goy. Fre W. ree
-' theinhidcerm91. aRegi ent aeneted
I al guard along the railroad land by dogsleds during the late wn in a special message this after-donj d e 1911 and will be entering
ter before the lakes have opened or The Warner blanket bill appropriat- for a period of eight ear I e
the ground has become bare of snow. ing $1,100,000 for improvements at mayoralty contest, Staebler succeeded
' BING ^IUGIVES T Lnder direction of Professor Hobbs, the normal colleges and the College Adr carrying tme first ,iversofe
TO W O D'S CLASS larrangements for the expedition this of Mines, the Normal college main- city and when he went into the sixth
summer are rapidly being completed tenance bills were passed. If revisionscand ve
and the prospects for a profitable are necessary to make the appropria- s eronth wards admitedly he
Harold Bing, of the British Student three months of field and scientific tiom s fit available funds, they can be strongholds of his opponent, he had
federation and a graduate of London study are said to be extraordinarily made in the senate finance commit- Tle amas led ofy467 ves.
university in 1921, came to Ann Arbor piomising. tee, it was explained. Teewly elteda
_i terviewed yesterday, stated that he



le malls Def ueH U1lll~,t
spring vacation, according to commit-
tee in charge of ticke distribution for
the affair. Tickets for those whose ap-
plications 'have been, accepted will go;
on sale, the week of April 18.
Today is the last day that prefer-!
cltce will be shown to architectural
students. Applications may be hand-
ed in at the desk in front of room 207
of the West Engineering building.

of constants in hybrids and cited the,
Mele sheep and the Castorex rabbits,
both hybrids which reverted to type
in a few generations.
The lecture was illustrated with
slides showing the characteristics of
hybrids in the first and in succeeding

Monday and spoke before a class ofI
Prof. Arthur E. Wood, of the sociology
department, yesterday. He also at-1
tended a faculty-student luncheon at
the Union yesterday noon.
Mr. Bing.N a guest while in Amer-
I ica of the American Friend's Service



hopes that during his administration
DOCTOR REPORTS the relations between the University
FORD IS BETTER and the city will be of the most cor-
dial kind. He said that he is sure
Sthere will be no question as to the
(By Associated Press) mutual co-operation extended by both.
DETROIT. Anril 5.-Henry Ford I"The University. I realize." eontinued

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