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February 12, 1927 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-12

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'Totwear- o" ,('en
1 1iancterIc
A dclightful brogue.
u eff ect in Ian boarded calf
s' The Middle Room with
Greenwood and Kilgore
The fifteen men pictured above are members of the 1928 J-fHop tcommittee 1Tfey art op bow, left to tight,
Harold Philpott, '28A, Charles Robinsott, '2fE, Clatrence tHoutck, '271, IfRaymontd faeet' '28, aoh loletna i28;
middle row, Pattl Bassow, '28M, H-enry Drinntell, '28, Thoma' in tmr '28 (chittrman), Meete S ttt. A n'28 B.Au.
and Paul Burtoo, '28F; itottom row, William Gillette, '281), Pauttlt uskei '1 Geore etter, '28, Ware tWi tood,
'28, and Marioo Hodgson, '28E. THE, MANS SHOP
ETnrI( rua 'I ftcllostaerg Attt Atrtot. MutLt l Iii n', I tcofet Marngareet tt
[Y N M D VJI Guests- The Mtss'es Ruithi 71r Ittzt gt'r, lt; Iltttitff t 1It raft
Ut Qutntt Chttt'gtt Lttiet XWiii ilc, tttn a'w Rocelele N. Y. Lucille F. IP'att,
_________ stin, Ill.; Doeets Shavr, Crhtcagtt Mary De~trtotit ei BereL lttitatg, 7\ att
Sittlerlaid, Rochestet, N. Y. Ltis dtt, IlttatH. Stattttt fit; E~vana
JDnittdfot aesx ean~ Mcroiry, Nestok N . Vit- teie tHI Shoitdtttgt' Attt Arbttr;
Ann Arbtor; Etditha Kittder, Antt Arbort; visit Swetin, Battle t'reek; Floftrence "it G. Slip'o,tt Detrit; Harriet L.
Maritn Relly, Aitt Arbor; Maltry Wertel, Dibeotibing, (.; Helln ttRicthi Spauldtti, Too; rs. MtrXtjoie C'
tPierre, Detroit; Helett 'rttslaek, Ttt- ter, Brightttt Aubrey Blark, tIIlf 7Wotltetrig, Attn Atrtor; Shirlt' Whea-
ledo; Floretace Powers, Granid Rap- wood, Cal. Melets Day, Oak 1Pirk, Ilit; tn, V tvittle fi s. Dit oits D.
ida; Mrs. Clyide E. Yost, Gratid lRsp- Dorothy rs Utan stallist Htt e n Jott nes, PFtttt: irse it"esy sitt
ids. Warnier Coslitwatet; Rtht Atiteers An Artbtottt
Rtogers Cits; Helenei Kittball, Betroet.tl
Bootht No. 25---Taui Delta Phi Francees 71Witttx Deftrttoit tttn Ietes t° ttt iNt, ttittueu
Patronis-Mr. attd Mrs. M. S. Rtosent St, Paul, Mintit Janei ieicrife De-
berg, Warreit, 0. troit, Joyce Mct'urdy, Detritt Kill' tttieeNo2
Guests--The Mlisses Julia Bt'own't, erinte Batlle' Detroitt' Liltian Bittmtut Pai to'1s1Pr1f. 1rentce I" Bressere
Detroit; Lilliani Cootter, Detroit; Vie- Bichamoitd Re Etizititilt Haseitings, tand Mre, t.esetete Xtti listr
rgintia Goldberg, Detrotit; Elsie Doldt- Anti Arbotr' Ntta Kellen ltroft ir- Gustse 'Il( T Messtese Deesldiiti-
lterg, Detroit; Marcella Godsttteini, tDe- glnts R{ut it Jacksuun; Aiue' I teth- 1brow Gantt Libort Gtelsi Mttultisoitt
fruit; Dounua Miillen Dtroitt, Melena man, Deftoit; Ft'ttti't Starrt, lve " im u X hrbt I' teiti Coll, An' it Aui'
Nathani, Chitago;' Ethel Baitl Utafego; laud; Helett I'idlay, Brdford, ita barhu Seleia chnlii' , lieItot; ut
Edith Sacks Lotrain 0 Mit ittu Set- del itt'iatte i Lan sg Ieiniuteinitee,
keer, Clevelanud Hleighits, 0. Mildlredi otl o 9Aph apLmd orus, O I'a its Leoi Itut' Vatlley
Shear, Detroit; Elaite Sutbeit, Chi- Patrona' Mr. and Mrs. Beti CN.1 Y.;Mabl Millee, 7VaccatiMaion
s.ago; Arliine Tauseitng, Clevelatid; Ce- eePnic am oisn
I0 eimntt Anat Atbhut Mt. suit Mrs.use uute iu Iitite
leste Weittlielli i UChicago Esther CamrC twrDtot n ro l agrt(fs pi
W~inklemni Detroit; Geitrutde lte'arl, Guiests-The Misusees Eltietu taelan1ti i ftla Hn jitttit YpIsilaitti;
Detroit; Sophlia Plotkin, liriinttgham;i bitt DeiMtaMrgarts tti ~ et Caiferet flight nsf Patt;
Ruth WVechtter, Chicago' Gfades Las- N. Y.Detoit.; I Maryel Ediwetds, Hlent )iii ii hl i
menson. Foster' C'hicago; Dones Futitee, Las zssla Detf~B roit, I leln An
Joran argretHatot, Okfild -it'' tlit 'efi~u l 'Hleelt MIf s
Sigma Belts, tKappa, N. Y. era J ohnston, ieKufl 111.; 111htt e ue
tsaeate Macoldli Traese Cits; ' II ti urtud oif i e'i'ght)
Patrontsul itiad Mis. tli iiilI Praitte iltl ituu t7~ " rt7
Anti Arbiir; Mie sait hire. P 1 7. Witt enMle, ifr;flrfrtlo--
tee Gettl Btptti~isiu li owis 'ulrion, to visa i i at ti Artau DIZZ ' S7.iTATlISTl"ICS
it. Pollockt, Anti Atir hotE COMhtMITTEEii'uitiu t I tefu
Guests-Thei .Mises Bleatriet Cw Hitbst ftl te it tlit D Z 'iA IL
0.; IBetta P'eties, Poet H-uon; f ili "Hwait lse f uc a
Mernetr, Cedar Fls Is 'Gtlais BoDothNo -T"It ' lu iCti Nol drn il'l eig? iTat is i
Buehatet', Archibold, B Mary sFrancsis. Paftuitie r ai 'nd 7Mrs. W, S. ine, lie iqute tiontt the ii fu Itip comit-i
Okiaheona City Ola PhyIts it FIeif Cicao Mit unf Ms F. W. 'Flutesii' I~nl iNtite' 'siithiri ftriend til
Caltumet ; Kthrtyn '1etari' I'l st in itticliiago. eel-i On tlste'et, in liii I
Ethel Scroieder' Drosse' PintteJa G e-ilie ltsets Kathrysn ii- lit i y, ini ifateroomttit 1.110ii office, nt
ne Ryant, Portt t uott Ien titstith heifer, Dietit; Hlent Cravse- on ' a Sairci e from quettt stionlingti At
P hicago ; Bari et BLstri, letroit traitf 71,axie Lust Arhut Arir huPhsiis iiyututttltlittutt -tetii
Floretice lieyat, Detroift; ai 'Bftsk, lie Pitts, Stgittas; Kathryn eHalligan, Ihn iniii i hie 'tietre ti itheqetioi.
-Greenville; Mistgatret Utreen. fBitm in 'itl Marge"'tt Haliganust liftt Brac 'flit fotindf thati flit averatge dettintd
iugham ; Jatte Elisoni, IPhitladelphita: Johntsont K'aamaztot; Virginia tld, eti loti teh tierst eswas e cus iTlit
Iris Mausmana xightisait Par';Vesa Satiu Ste' Itutue' 'Henret ft Ihrp situf eemaedl abott ight tatu so flies titutit
Cramet', Deftroit; Otl iriia M~t it- sn Cituinnit, Irm tint h frTilitedo;t 'ihei I lie niumtberu of guests, sait
cihl, Detroit Ma'r"garet 8Fitch, Dala's ITx. Phr liiid bye the siiqtuarte of liar distancre

Booth Not. 27--Sigmat Phti Epsilont and Cieago; Mha liiRatlije' t'Iuue'i to lt.e purlubols. he'le conmittee
Alphta Tau Omtegut Marguieriti Patitet, Otk ftrk i . m ta t tuar lookiedi up ftrom thte papher
-Pateotas-Me. anth lies. A. 7W. WXood, --'itthu a wild eye. fTatst 1600 pitts,,
- _Highland Park; Mr. aod lMes. Johni Booth N.3-iKpaApa ewie,"20hl it,60 is
Klett, Highlandu Park; lie. tutd Mrs. Pafrotus--Putt. R. t Hussees andt Hlp!ttue.10 SUITS AND TOCA SFOR SRN
W. P. Boulsell, Anni Arbor. Mrs. BusseyAn Atuti Mri ad Buti that wausuts iuhf lte toryOCOT.SRN
nuests-The hMisses Beonte L.ee, Mrs. ft. P. Jotues, Annu Ntor 1sual sit tputncht gut wafers. Atnd DISTINCTIVE BOTH IN STYLE
Detroit; Alice Fortier, Detroti; Does- Guiesfs-Thte Miussee 71 tij5ii Do- t ad forgttiften waeirs. Orce itore
thy Morehouse, Deftoit; lMary Tailor, vel, Mtanistee; lusty Helent Statnley, thes beganu to fbgur buti here they AND PATTERN
Detroit; Margaret CGriut, Detroit; M~arietta, 0.' Heturuettat Sadler, Boyal r'an ito s tuess stifle-te fouttd that
Thelman Bruitnier, Iattveit,, Ont.; Oaik; Evettue Betrggrent, 7Wahoo, Nebr., if they swere is gun'. echt personuthfle
Florence Thuotmtsoni Toledo; Merle Arnue Harris, Gary, tutu. hate Patti nutnari of bisculithe hue thuigha hue couldu
Raine, Miami, Fha.' Margaret Mc~orkc- eront, Los-eli; Masrie Martig, Detroit;' eat, thtey' havliei to retnt a sictrola ini-
indale, Galveston, Tra. Carent Franees Norton, Detroit; Eliuzabuet serad of hainitg ftutee orchestras. 'The
Rothenberger, Nupoleon, 0. Harriet Doswtie, Deftoit, Virgitnia Safford, De- 'umathematuals wvzard figured te poro-
Martint, Pleasantt Riudge; Hilda Bate- troit. siyof thue swafetra by dividitug the
man, Jackson; Deatrice Motley, Me- ___- weight of otue wafer by the length of
troit; Majel Otroftt Perry; Pauline Booth No. 32-Enineering thte cartoni Thent he multiplied the
Raiser, Eden, 0. Jante Ptorter, Detroit; Independent No. 1 tnuber of Billy nips by tue nuumber
Julia Porter, Detroit; Viginia Mc- Patrons--Prof. H. F. Biggs utud hue, of conunatteenten and threw' the jan-
Pherson, Detroit, Evelyn n nhanm, Me- Biggs, Attn Arbor. anors tuge fi oe good uneassnre (and
-troit; Helen Butchua, Detroit; Gee- Guests-The Misses Ethtel P. Dunntu, sit extra su wtfer foe himuself) stud fountd ''TIIN"~
trude Gulick, Danville, Pa.; Elsa Ruyl, Nese York city; Elizabeth Barker, thaI eacht person w'as entited to twoo RL I W U N ~ L J~
k Brooklyn, N. V.; Virginia Rough. Me- New York city; Hazel H. Blythe, Poet anud oite-tird wuifers. SAESREOE AKN
m troit. Huron; Berths B. Plark, Flitut; Helent Atud s you see entitled to five cups SAESREOE AKN
E. Mutton, Detroit; Oluie E. Each, Antn of punch stud ices and one-third
UBooth No. 2f-Alpha Sigma Phi and Arbor; Katherinte H. Francis, Luineut- craters. Bitt it you isn't get thema
UPhi Rho Sigma b iurg, Mass,; Dorothuy A. Kraetke, Me- isn't boiher flue commnitee-jiust statud
j Patrotus-Lieut. and lies. Richard troit; Vivian G. Rirstitug, Detroit; iniline feice nexf year.

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