r1TWO THE MICHMAN DATT .Y r'PTnAlt TA TTAPV +}Q 1091 TI-W MTCII fA M flNAB V tI T~hVT\TAL ~1iI lilll 1l, J A.V AKx LN. 111 ::t i, PROESORS10SPEK EPRIE'VE HALTS DEA TH OF PRIES TS PROFSSOR'TO PEAK .Dean C(ooley, Profess or 'F,tder, An1d( Professor iRiggs Will Attend Detroit (Conference YOUNG TO TALK ALSO Dean. Mortinmer E. Cooley, Prof. H1er- bert C. Sadler, and Prof. Henry E, Riggs, of the engineering college will address the second annual Michigan Engineering conference to be held Feb~. Sand 4, in. the Hotel Statler, D~etroit. Prof. Leigh J. Young, former chairman of the department of forestry, and now state commissioner of conservation.- will also talk at the meeting. "Commercial and Economic develop- mnent of Michigan," has been annouiie- ed as Dean Cooley's subject,.lBe will give his address at the dinner 1F1riday evening. Professor Riggs will preside at the{ discussion. Friday morning, while Pro- fesgor Sadler will address the dinner Thursday evening. His subject will he "Engineering Research." Professor Young will give a talk on "Our Natural Resources," TJhulrsday afternoon. The Michigan Engineering confer- is a gathering for all engineer's of the state, at which well known men from all over the country are linvited to dis- cuss recent developments in engineer- l ing and to present papers. PLAN MOVIE 4COURSE NEW YORK.-With the financial re- views reporting the film industry as' the third largest in the country, there' is a movement afoot to include film prioduction. in the curriculum of C olumbia university it is announced. President Nicholas Butler states that faculty committee is considering the m patter. WARSAW. - Marshal Pilsudski, premier of Poland, has established a m- -ministry for minorities. NEW INTERCOLLEGIATE MAGAZINE STUDENTS FROM MICHIGAN APP( TUSCON. Ariz., Jan. 27. -- Two lege students. It will combine some- Michigan studlents, Harold Bolton, a' what the attitude of the Forum and ;unior at the University of Michigan, te-ecr aaie.Frsm and H-erb Hall, former editor of the!teMruymgaie.Frsm Green Onion, {Michigan State collegel time, it is believed, a need has been humor magazine, have accepted ap- felt 'for an unmuzzled publication of pjointments to the staff of the Rapier,; national scope, inasmuch as colleges a new intercollegiate magazine, the have entered the public sp~otlight. first isue of which will be0 published; Thus far, however, any sort of fiction, at the University of Arizona Feb. 5, feature or news matter purporting to tnder the direction of Charles Fitch,!(eal with the subject has been swalI- Curmmins, a former Ann Arbor man. lowed by the public, but students The Rapier will answer the need for themselves and their views have sel- arn of**an to voice the views of col- donslbeen heard. PLANNED; TWO cANT EDTO SAFF, Hall is widely knowni in tiie st,.t, of Michigan for his work sevec'a years ago on the Green Onlon ,e- pecially in his editorial column, 'AdI- vice To Freshmen," which created furor at the time of publication. Harold Bolton is acting as the :\iic1:- igan editor pending the arr ival e Noarmal Concern Course F rate , Jam. 2S, ±; P. It. t, Phoebe M,,,nv.-!, Pianist A!js omivel is to substitute f ;; Carl Fried berg, .Jan. 28.j Friedblerg to phly sixth concert in spring1. Lw' tickpts for Jan. 28. ii ml msso,$.0 Cu------ Central Press Photos. A last mninute telegraph reprieve by above, who were facingaa firing squad. Ptrcsident Canles of Mexico arrived at An orderly rushed onto the scene just M~erida, Yucatan, just in time to save is the order to fire was about to be the lives of these four Catholic priests, given. k d WOLVERINE CAFE RETURN ENGAGEMENT THI-URSDA.Y, JAN. 20 Concert angm-t Rii jUmsoN _-Ruth StDenis s adTed Shawn- with their t .. Denishawn D ancers {; and Symphony Quartet -Returning from a triumphal World T? our={ In complete new program including dances of Japan, China, India, Burma, Ceylon, Mal- j aysia, and Java. New Music Visualizations, ' Straussiana, a Vienese Ballet Divertissements and a series of new Ballets.; KNABE PIANO - AMPICO RECORDINGS M 2 Prices-$2.7'5, $2.20 $1.65 $1.10 14&IIOIAN PROGRLS-Slro4A heAGES"] WHEN A BATTLE WAS FOUGHT. ;BECAUS E HEWS, LAGGED! Special Luncheons, 50c Four choices of meat, which include Soup, Vegetables, Pudding, Coffee' Milk, or Tea. ANDREW JACKSON'S glorious vic- tory at New Orleans was won after peace was actually declared!l NEWS of the agreement by repre- sentatives in Europe was forced to Await the pleasure of the fickle-winds which carried ships to and fro in those days. The Associated Pres today distributes news dispatches from Manila to Porto Rico, from ,t.e. j h i K! s I The Best Rejuvenator On the Campus The, Union Pool Special, Dinners, 65c Patagonia to Alaska, instantly. Your choice of Steak, Chops, or Fish, with Soup, Salad, Homne-made Pie, or Ice Cream. Special Chicken Dinners on Sunday. news is timely, accurate and concise.. 329 South Main 'St. Across from the Wuerth Theatre . I(y.. -rro .uln i 'WHY r l !i. I SA YOU CAN DO THIS BY BUYING YOUR and Bring Us 'We Will Give Either CASH or 'GRADE E 0 0 B A ut"'T 11. rNf. AW AWW ES TER M, WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK Off' BOTH NEW AND USED TEXT BOOKS IN THE CITY AND SECONDHAND AT VI- -ANAIE A7Fm m ,®