SUJNDAY, APITL 3, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I v- TO HOLD ALLCAMPUS ELECTIONS WEDNESDAY! Pilot Includes Candidates For Offices In Women's League And For Judiciary Council 3 RUN FOR LEAGUE HEAD Elections of officers for both the Women's league and the judiciaryl council will be held Wednesday in booths erected in University hall.'This is an all-campus election and every University woman is privileged to par- ticipate in the selection of the heads of the League for the coming year. The following *allot has been an-I noiunced. Pictures of the five can(1i- Oat~f, for the positions of president and vice-president are being sent to all organized houses on campus with information cncerning the work of each nominee in? various activities. For president of the Women's league: (vote for one) Elizabeth Nutt, '28, Mary White, '28, and Jean McKaig, '28; for vice president (vote for one) Margaret Hawkins, '28, Ellen Groff, '28; treasurer (vote for one) Elizabeth Smithers, '29, Louise Cooley, '29, re- cording secretary (vote for one) Cyn- thia Hawkins, '29, Jean Campbell, '29; corresjponding secretary, (vote for one) Florence Holmes, '29, and Kath- erine Baillie, '29. From the list of can- didates for class representatives two women are to be selected for each class: senior,. Elsie Murray, Helen Blackwood, Marva Howe, Bernice Stabler; junior, Hilda Mary Evans, Virginia Reed, Jean Hathaway, Mar- ion Broehm; sophomore, Margaret Bush, Helen Norris, Jean Wallace, and Elfrida Peterson. The judiciary council is composed of three seniors and two juniors; two of these seniors are .old junior mem- bers who hold their offices for two years. This necessitates the election. of only one senior woman each year. The following nominations have been submitted for the three vacancies: senior judiciary' member (vote for one), Margaret Dow, '28, and MarianI Van Tuyl, '28; junior members (vote' for two to hold office for two years),I Elizabeth Wellman,'29, Vera Johnson, '29, Helen Brown, ,'29, and Helen: Hartman, '29. Agcording to action of the Board of Directors of the League I the president and vice-president , oft the League no longer hold position on the council. Versatile Abilities Give Woman Success PREST MOEY ATAlumna Wins Fame Through Activities GSUMMER SCHOOL As Author, Lecturer And Mountaineer!HOUSING OFFERED FANCY__________ ___Women attending Summer School this year will find a large number Classified in "Who's Who" as au- Bolivia which is 20,000 feet high and of irooms at their disposal. The dor- thor and lecturer, Annie S. Peck '78 the two peaks Colopuna and IHuas- mitories, Betsy Barbour and Helen Led by a trio of crinoline ladies, first gained fame for herself and her caran, the latter being the highest Newberry, will be open, both offering the various league houses, dormitor- University as a mountain climber, es- point on the hemisphere ever reach- room and board. ies, and sororities marched throughysy. The Sorority houses offering room iarbou gynsulls rdy iheciTally by her ascents in South Amer- edl by an American. Her other books Iol are: Mu Phi Epsilon, accommo- Barbour gymnasium last Friday night, ica. Miss Peck holds a master's de- dealing with South America have been only each group peetn, sirase, dtng9o 0woe;.gn sumf m'oi nto e;added tossh, gree from the University of Michigan criticized by New York papers as "full dtinT 9 A 10 omen; S ma Kappa fund for the Wo ben's league build and was the first woman to study of facts and interesting to read." She modating 11; Gamma Phi Beta, accom- at the American School of Archeology is very much interested in the com- modating 20; Alpha Epsilon Iota ac- M ai w w at Athens. She later taught at Pur- merciat exploitation of South Amer- conmodating five graduate students Martha Book dormitory was award-'cue University and Smith college and ica and believes that accurate infor-' Alpha Epsilon Phi, accommodating 7 ed the first prize among groups rep- then for several years, lectured on Ination in regard to the nature of the 1 Alpha ChPiOmega, mIg resenting houses containing more Creek archeology. country will induce business men to!and Alpha Chi Omega, accommodating than 25 students. Its '"gold rush of Since 1903, however, she has spent invest there. One of her books, "The 20. 49," bringing with it miners, Indians, all her time studying and exploring South American Tour" is now in its hOs ThosethoueseoffenigTroom an women, and children, and finally, gold South America laying especial em- fourth edition. John Barrett places __Those___________offering roomand for the Lea-gue, was realistic and phasis on her mountain climbing and Miss Peck's books at the head of all the American representative to several particularly timely. iinvestigating the economic resources books on South America for interest- rAI The Salvation Army portrayed by of the country. In her book entitled j ing reading and accuracy of detail. ahe is now living in New York City i Kappa Delta sorority was judged best "A Search for the Apex of South In her diverse fields of archeology, and maintains her interest i travel in the class of houses with less than America," she describes her exper-i Latin and mountain climbing, Miss and m atin ee n t rael 25 students. Honorable mention was iences while climbing Mt. Sorata in Peck has achieved fame, having been now more than 70 years of age. given to Alpha Omicron Pi whose-n m tn y s - -oa-- -- newsboys came burdened with pen- nies, to Alumnae house with its pirate - - - - band and buried treasure, and to Delta Zeta who pictured the League L ave V ur Watches W ith Us building in pennies. L a e Y u ac e ih U Much originality was evident throughout the procession, monkeyse Vacation and Italian organ grinders marchingOa along with Easter bunnies, while auI~c-.} tioneers, dancers, and newsboys add Our Expert Repair Department Does ed to the joyous confusion. I Unexcelled Work. Following the procession, the four classes enacted stunts, Wyvern, Mor- tar Board and Senior Society repre- senting the juniors and seniors. Heavy melodrama staged by the freshmen, won the honors in this group. The ball was planned under the di- rection of Jean McKaig, '28.I TrI1 c'TAT~ TCTmDr'~T TE'7VIcT 7C Jewel dresses are popular Wi Paris having been introduced by Jean Patou. They take their name from distine- tive jeweled ornaments which are us- ually the only trimming on the dress. Double brim effects are good in hats. Mrs. Myrtle oon Clierryman fDramatic reader and teacher, news- paper woman, singer, poet, and min- ister are the achievements of Mrs. Myrtle Koon Cherrynman of Grand Rap- ids, Mich. Before her marriage, Mrs. Cherry- man entered the profession of drama- tic teaching and reading and even after that event continued occasional work in that line. Finding this source of income too uncertain, when left alone with two small children to sup- port, Mrs. Cherryman obtained th-e po- sition of society editor and dramatic reporter with a Grand Rapids news-{ paper. During part of her 12 years connection with the newspaper, she contributed a poem a day and conduct- ed a column, "In Cheery Mood", which attracted considerable attention. Three books of poems were published as a result of her newspaper work. During her career as a newspaper woman, Mrs. Cherryman filled a paid position as contralto in a church quar- tet, in addition to being assistant pas- tor of All Soul's church in Grand Rap-i ids. When the church was without a' regular pastor for a year and a half she filled the pulpit. Rex Cherryman, her son, is one ofJ th'e best known of New York's younger actors, having the lead in a Broadway success. Wisconsin graduated 17 student with high honors last June. !'I 1 i ILL1 t I iL 1 ti IIILJZI Jn4w .Lr.124IX I -i Agnes McIntyre CONSULTING COSTUMER The Easter Season obliges you to wear new Spring attire to match its own radiance. Dial 4882 218 Nickels Arcade BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOPPE W~rs cr WXe give considerate and satisfactory service in Marcelling - Shampooing Haircu ting lial 95 4; fflmmmmfflw Dial 9616 5 Nickels Arcade We believe in serving Qvality Food. For good, wholesome food try i F 4 r, I I _ _ _ _ _ I - i- Ih 11 4 i. ittles unch Italian Spaghetti, Steas, Chops, Roasts 11 P v \ i_ JJ1JJ>.ii y - , . , ,. ", i J y _.... M..- } t ' ; .t , r , . i 't .... :.:> 1 "f f~f Paris Inspires Our Easter Millinery From the Spring presentation of Agnes, Rose Descat, Goupy, Le Monnier, and other French designers, came the models from which our Easter hats were copied. Among a I What They Say! L. E. BEHYMER MANAGER OF DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS THE PHILHARMONIC COURSES Member National Concert Managers Ass'n. May 41 I MR. CHARLES A. SINK, University School of Music, ; ... . s i New Easter Accessaries Those finishing touches which add so much to the otherwise well dressed woman, are just that difference between success and failure. It may be a bit of jewelry, a- smart handbag or handker- chief, or a flower. And speaking of flowers, our stock is more complete than it has ever been. No matter what the costume, , you will find here just the t them is the Ann Arbor, Michigan. snug-fitting, rippled brim felt, KN Ill proper flower the ensemble. zf >r bouquet to complete 75c and up. 5 A whose crown is creased to the wearer's chic -correct for the tailleur. Large hats of fabric and straw are receiving more than usual favor this Spring among the most fash- ionable. And when you see the voguish little hats literally covered with flowers you'll knowj that Easter is almost here. $5 up. I Dear Sir: The announcement of the thirty-fourth annual May Festival in Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, next May, has just reached me, and in glancing over your list of artists and programs, I find the series unusually attractive and a group of artists of great interest to the musical world, and of irre- sistible attraction both in artistry and educational authority. I am really surprised that a city of that size is able to give such a bargain in musical values. If your department stores, book counters or groceries should advertise such bargains you would of necessity be com- pelled to employ the entire police force to keep the public from breaking . 1 1in to be served. Here's hoping it will be necessary to use the same pro- 11