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April 03, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-03

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____________________________________________________ I

~U a4-
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of'Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for 'republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
amaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices:eAnn .Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: E ditorial, 4925; Business 2r2r4.
Telephone 4926
Editor.... .........W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor...........--Irwin A. Oliaa
News Edtors. ... Frederick Shillito
E Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor.......... .Marion Kubik
SportsErditor...........Wilton A.*Simpson
Telegraph Editor......... .Morris Zwer . lg
lusio and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry,
Carlton Champe Stnford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick

Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
Jean Campbell
Jessie Church
Chester E. Clark
Edward C. Ctimmings
Margaret Clarke
Blanchard W. Cleland
Clarence E:delsii
William Emery
Robert E.Fir.i
J. Martin Frissel
Robert Gessner
Margaret Gross
Elaine Gruber
Coleman J. Glencer
Harvey 3.Gunderson
Stewart Hooker
Morton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaun.
PaA Kern
Sally Knox
Richard Kurvink.
G. Thomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
Morris Quinn
James Sheehan
Sylvia Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith, Jr..
William Thurnau
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
Ierbert E. Vedder
Milford Vanik

Telephone 21214
Contracts...........William C. Pusch
Copywriting, .a.......homas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising ....George 11. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication ................John IL Bobrink
Accounts................Francis A. Norquist
Assistants j
Beatrice Greenberg George Ahn, Jr.
Selma Jensen Florence Cooper
garioun L.Reeding A. M. Iinkley
Marion Kerr l?. L. Hulse
Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talcott
John Russwinkle Harold Utley
Doug las Puller Ray Wachter
Virle C. Witham Esther Booze
SUNDA , APRIL 3, 1927
The appogtment of a committee of
several faculty members by Dean
John R Elliger, of the literary col-
lege, to make a study of the gradingI
system and methods of eamina-
tions used in the various departments
of that college is a step truly worthy
of commendation. The move was ad-
vocated by President Little some time
ago and the student body has been
anxiopisly awaiting action on the part
of the faculty in that respect.
The committee will investigate the
grading and examination systems and
then report the undesirable features
of each with a view towards obtain-
ing improvements where needed. Both
systems are faulty in many respects
and the committee, if sincere in its
work, should have little difficulty in
correlating the outstanding defects,
at least. Tile real problem will comel
in finding suitable methods for sub-
It is to be hoped that no further
time will be lost in determining the
personnel of the committee now that
the initial step has been promised.
The sooner the worst features of
grading and examining are brought
to light by a group whose recommen-
dations will bear weight, the greater
the probability for remedy with as
little further delay as possible.
Outside of the complications with
foreign powers, the outstanding ques-
tion in the Chinese situation concerns
the ability of the Cantonese party to
continue a, a successful agent of
nationahism despite the internal
struggle between its radical and con-
servative elements.
As reveale, by the translation of
speeches given at Cantonese conven-
tions, this g;ift was founded in the lat-
ter part of February. Recently, when
the contro of the government passed
from the committee of the party into
the group of three radicals, presum-
ably dominated by Russia, it was
widened considerably. Gen. Chiang
Kai-shek, commander of the National-
ist troops,<who has opposed the Red
influence from the beginning, has an-
nounced his intention of ousting the
Moscow agents from control of the
narty. The latter. it is exected. will I

will be a test of the Cantonese party,
which may reveal its real abilities to
establish a central government in
Within about two months the class-
es of 1927 will be history as far as
undergraduate connections with thec
institution are concerned. It is press-
ing that some action be taken to de-
cide just what the memorial gift shall
be, but opinion on that matter seems
to be divided. Suitable lamps on
either side of the entrance to An-t
gell hall, an ornamental clock for the
same building, an endowment fund,c
a scholarship, and a contribution to
the Burton memorial bells fund have
been suggested as appropriate gifts.
This last, however, is by far the mostt
significant and worthy of considera-
Following the death of President1
Marion LeRoy Burton - in 1925, the
Board of Regents set aside the sum
of $100,000, the income of which
would be paid to Mrs. Burton duringI
her life and following her death to
her children if they had not reahed
the age of thirty years. When this
time is up, the $100,000 principal will
be kept as the Burton Memorial fund
and will be used for emergency pur-
poses as directed by University au-
thorities. During that same year a
group of students suggested that a
World War memorial bell tower or
campanile with Burton memorial
lells be constructed on Huron street
facing the Library. As a result of
this suggestion, interest in the cam-
panile project was aroused. The 1925
senior classes of the literary college,
School of Education, and architectural
college contributed about $2,500,
which uum remains as a distinct fund
for the Burton memorial bells, to be
erected in the projected campanile.
Since that time the status of the fund
has been unchanged and a few addi-
tions have been made. An alumni-
faculty-student committee has report-
ed favorably upon the plan for the
Burton bells, to be placed in the
memorial campanile. The Burton
Memorial fund as determined by the
Regents and the bells fund are, of
course, entirely separate.
Within little more thap a year those
students who knew President Burton
personally will graduate and be no
longer actively connected with the
University. The action necessary for
the establishment of the bells fund,
earnestly begun, has not been kept
up. Interest in such a memorial to
President Burton should not be' al-
lowed to flag. With the present
Women's league drive on, the way is
not open for an active campaign to
be started now but the present class
of 1927 in the various schools and
colleges in the University could cen-
ter interest at once in the memorial
bells project and bring ithto attention
by contributing to that fund as their
Igift to the University. If funds for
the bells could be raised as an ei-
dence of good faith, the way would be
opened for a donation of the cam-
panile itself. The hopes and plans
for a memorial campanile are not to
be discouraged. The senior class can
help tremendously.
Three million men and women in
the United States are now pursuing
some kind of education after working
hours, it was revealed in a recent in-
vestigation made by the American
Association for Adult Education. This

number is greater than the total en-
rollments of all the colleges and uni-
versities in the country.
It is a significant, as well as in-
teresting, fact that the number of per-
sons employed daily who are taking
the opportunity to obtain some kind
of education is greater than that of
all those devoting their full time to
the pursuit of higher learning. These
three million men and women have
come to understand and appreciate
the true value of education. The diffi-
culties and time involved for definite
study after working hours makes the
assumption evident. It is deporable
that the realization does not come
more often earlier in life; so many
later regret the wasted years of op-

ANN ARBOR, April 2.-Timothy'
Hay, a newcomer in campus political
circles, was entered as a dark horse
in the race for mayor of Ann Arbor
by his friends last night. He will
run as a sticker candidate.
* * *
I am running as the Students'
Choice for Mayor," said Hay last
night. "The University has its candi-
date in Campbell, and the townspeople
are voting for the local Oil king, but
up to this time the students have had
nobody to represent them. I am now
that nobody."
* * *
Mr. hay stated his platform as fol-
(1) No police protection for thea-
tcrs at any time.
(2) Laughing gas instead of tear
gas to be used in case townspeople
rush convocations.
(3) Pave at least one street every
4) Abolition of Commerce and in-
troduction of Education.
(5) Formation of a fire depart-
(6) Two slogans for our fair city:
"Where Riots Are Riots."
"Where Commerce and Education
Mayor--Timothy Hay.
Pres. of Council-Kernel.
County School Commissioner-Tillot-
County Drain Commissioner The Sta-
dium Contractor.
Two Justices of Peace-B. and G.
Ambassador to Chelsea-Black Tik.
Alderman, 6th Wrd-Oscar.
Prohibition Agent-Wet Hay.
Secretary of War-Eddy. (Sherwood
the Great).
3IovIe Censor-Herb Jump.
Garbage Collector-Gargoyle.
* * *
The Sixth Ward hasn't much choice
in this election of alderman. They
I have to take a professor either way-
that is, of course, unless they use
stickers for Oscar, Kernel's Wonder
Waldo Abott is running on the
Democratic tick'at for alderman
against Joseph A. Bursley, Republi-
can. The Republican club on campus
ought to refuse to take Rhetoric from
Abbot hereafter.
The Faculty Men's club must be a
hot-bed of politics now. Another pro-
fessor bitten by the ballot is 0. J.
Campbell, Republican, who is out for
the job of supervisor of the 6th ward.
* * *
Every speech at the gridiron ban-
quet will contain the word "Little,"
the chairman announced yesterday. If
they wanted to carry out the idea to
its logical conclusion they ought to
have one by the managing editor of
the Times-News on "Little News To-
** *
Or maybe Al. W. Shyatwork, of the
I. andG. department, would like to
address the students on "Little Paths
Mean Little Grass."
* * *
And we ought to hear from henry

Ford on "Little Safety in a Ford."
,* * *
The next issue of the "Alumnus"
ought to be headed "Of Little Import-
* * t
Hobbs could hold a little debate on:
"Little or No National Defense."
* * *
Potter might address the banquet
on "A Little Too Poor for Attorney
* * *
Chief O'Brien will have a few re-
marks on "Little Cries for College
* * *

Music and Drama
Concert at 4:15 o'clock in Hill audi-
TONIGHT: The Wesley Players of
the Wesleyan Guild will present Mary
P. Hamlin's religious drama, "The
Rock," at 7:30 o'clock in Wesley hall.
* * *
A review, by Vincent Wall.
Somehow, with all the eulogistic
press comment concerning such rep-
resentative American opera as "The
Witch of Salem" and "The King's
Henchman", the idea of the operetta
is assuming an important proportion.
Many of the musical critics--witness
Edward Moore-have already raised
the anathema which formerly rested
on this most innocuous of all eye and
ear entertainment, and are openly
commending certain productions in the
field. "The Nightingale," continuing
at the Cass theater this week, falls by
general accord into this category.
While the music except for "May
Moon" and "Two Little Ships" is not
outstanding, there are voices of ex
ceptional quality and in any event i
disproves the tradition that the tenor
and soprano shall sing a last dying
duet ij the midst of the awful carnag
at the end of the third act. Eleanor
Painter in the name role is as beau
tiful and charming as Jenny Lind a.


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when she first descended from grand
opera 66ne dozen years ago. Her
voice is still full and true and richly RAE
resonant, and her work in the speak-
ing part is exceptional. She is still
using some of the old tricks (the
swirling back bend when working into "The Bandit Buster}
a vocal climax) and she faints in a
most exotic manner at the proper mo- Tuesday
ment in the second act. The other Mae Murray
voices of note belong to Lee Beggs -In-
in the baritone role of her soldier "Valencia"
lover; Ivan Dneproff, an ardent tenor, This Ad. with 1Oc
as Signor Belletti; and William Tucl-
er as Otto Goldschmidt. RAE
The most entertaining feature, how- -
ever, was the comedy department with
Stanley Lupino and Violet Carlson.
They form, I believe, one of the best
comic teams in the business, and al-
though the part of P. T. Barnum may
have suffered by the withdrawal of MAN N'S C3eTs '
Tom Wise from the cast, it was not
particularly apparent. Miss Carlson
is exactly what Charlotte Greenwood
would be if she were four feet four ,e
Instead of six feet six. She has the Let us fit one of our Spring Hats
Greenwood technique, and in addition to your heahd. The best in qualityl
can dance much better and even has at the price of ordinary hats. Light
a good, if rather shrill, sporano voice. Shades - Snappy Shapes - Factory
In fact, about the only weakness of prices.
the entire show is a rather noticeable We Clean and Block lats
lack of dancing-the only work No Odor-No Gloss
worthy of the name being done by the Correct Shapes-No Burned Sweats
before mentioned comedians --and I
rather weak lines.





WWeare dancing here on Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday nights as usual
this week.
Our dances on Wednesdays are al-
ways popular as a pleasant diversion
from curricular work.
Those of you who will'be here next
week end will again hav the chance
to enjoy Jack Scott and his Wolver-
ines in two big dances on Friday and
Saturday nights.
Granger's Academy

The Haydn oratorio, "The Crea-
tion" will be presented 'by members
of Earl Moore's class in Choral Liter-
ature on Wednesday afternoon at 4-151
o'clock. The performance will take I
the place of the regular Twilight Organ
Recital. The solo work will be done
by the pupils of the class, with the
exception of Mrs. Fredericka Hull, of
Detroit, a pupil of Theodore Harrison.
* * *
The last concert of the Faculty
Concert series will be given this aft-
ernoon at 4:15 o'clock in Hill audi-
torium. Albert Lockwood as soloist
with the University Symphony or-
chestra will feature the program with
de Falla's "Nights, in the Gardens of
Spain." The orchestra is also at-
tempting the. Beethoven D Major
Symphony and the( Overture Comique
of Keler-Bela.
The de Falla number is interesting
and highly colored-almost a revival
of the classical in Spanish music. It
was originally conceived as three noc-
turnes and treats the piano part in a I
novel way, since it is not used as a
solo instrument, but rather as an or-
chestral instrument-in the nature of
obligato. De Falla is, of course, pre-
eminnt in the younger school of
Spanish composers. In fact it is due
to his influence that Spanish music
is assuming the proportions that it
possessed when the early death of
Albeniz cut short the progress.
S* * *
The more or less formal debut in
musical circles of Stefan Kozake-
vitch will take place this afternoon in
Detroit when he will appear as solo-
ist with the Detroit Symphony or-
chestra in Orchestra hall. His pro-
gram will be featured with the Mous-
sorgsky "Song of the Flea," recently
released by the Metropolitan Opera
I V'fn-nl, ihrnrv

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SPRING is really here.
miners are striking.
* * *

The coal


AS PUBLICITY for his alderman

Several months ago, the iron and campaign, Waldo Abbot accepted the
coal interests of France and Germany job of toastmaster of the Gridiron
united in a steel monopoly including banquet.
several other European countries * * *
which would regulate the manufacture DUE TO Rolls' agitation, the
and sales of iron and steel on the I Weather Man has reformed and prom-
continent. The spirit of accord ises better weather for the rest of
shown in this agreement is being jap- his term in office.The boycott is here-
plied to the formation of a permanent by called off.
congmercial pact between the two
countries which will involve the ex- SOME PROFESSOR at Minnesota is
change of many products. France conducting an experiment to deter-
ha: given ermnnv the "favored na- min 1inrninz nrn ho annirpd whilp.

a. rani.. "?" .: R

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