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April 02, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-02

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e 4

-- - -- M=-


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference? Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it. or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
unaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; $usiness 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...............W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor..:..... . Irwin A. Olias
Neays Editor...............rederick Shillito
/ te ----torsPhilip C. Brooks
Women's Editor.............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor .... ........ Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor............Morris Zwer in
Uuuo and Drama........Vincent C. Wall. Jr.
Night Editors,
Charles Behymet. Ellis Merry
Carton Champe StanfordN. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
,., Rporters

Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
)ean Campbell
Jessie Church
Chester E. Clark
Edward C. Cummings
M argaret Clarke.
lanchard CW. Cleland
Clarence Fdelson
William Emery
Robert E. Finch
J. Martin Frissel
Robert Gessner
Margaret Gross
Elaine. Gruber.
Coleman . Glencer
Harvey Gunderson
Stewart Looker
Morton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaun
Pavl Kern
Sally Knox
Richard Kurvink.
G. Thomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Morris Quinn 1
James Sheehan
Sylvia Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
William Thurnau
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
Herbert E. Vedder
Milford Vanik

Telephone 21214
Contracts..... ........William C. Puscl
Copywriting ..........Thomas E. Sunderland
LocalAdvertising. Gorge H. Annable,Jr.
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation ................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication ................John Ii Bobrink
Accounts .........Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenberg George Ahn, Jr.
Selma Jensen, Florence Cooper
Marion L. Reeding A. M. iinkley
Marion Kerr E. L. Hulse
Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller flarvey Taleott
John Russwinkle' : arold Utley
Doauglas Fuller Ray Wachter
Virle C. Witham Esther Booze
Night Editor-CHAS. E. BEHYMER
The relations of the world powers
toward China seem to be concentrating
upon some settlement of the Nank-
ing affair. After several days of con-
strainid action by the principal par-
ties concered, the situation has be-
come fairly well clarified. England
has led the powers in seeking repara-
tions for the injuries and damages at-
tributed to the Cantonese troops. Her
ministry, it is reported, has prepared
something the nature of an ulti-
matum which will demand satisfac-
tion from the Cantonese party. 1
On the other hand, Gen. Chiang Kai-
shek, chief commander of the Can-
tonese forces, has declared with tact-
ful foresight that he will guarantee
full satisfaction to the extent of pun-
ishing those guilty and paying in-
demnities for those killed or injured
and for the property destroyed, if it
is shown that natignalist troops were
responsible for the attack made on
Thus far, the state department has
refused to announce any action on the
matter, but has devoted considerable
attention to studying thesituation, ac-
cording to press dispatches. Satisfied
by the joint statement of the Nanking
survivors that the attack was a de-
liberate one by the Cantonese sol-
diers, it is apparently preparing a
complete case which, will take advan-
tage of th offer made by the Can-
tonese commander. If the latter is
sincere in his proposal, and amenable
to reasonable proof, the unfortunate
incident may be easily settled in this
Charges against "yellow" journal-
ism for its influence in stimulating
crime have been again substantiated
by the recent report of a New York
crime commission subcommittee. This
investigating body found that the par-
ticular danger of the tabloid news-
paper lies in its power of suggestion
over persons of sub-normal intel-
ligence, whose general surroundings
usually offer them easy access to, a
criminal life. Tests of readers picked
at random throughout New York city
were used as foundation for the re-
port of the committee. In looking
fnr mmpci cr.1,,f~r the + cnrn1,ham i

time has maint~ained the system of
using the letter 's', signifying satisfac-
tory, and 'U', for unsatisfactory, in-
stead of the usual five or six letters.
. The qualifying method of grading
which exists throughout the Univer-
sity has decided disadvantages. Its
worst feature lies in the fact that so
many students strive almost entirely
for grades withtheresult that athor-
ough knowledge of a course comes
either secondarily or not at all, for
so many courses require only a super-
ficial understanding for a good, or
even excellent grade. With Phi
Beta Kappa judging its canfdi-
dates by the grades they have
received-the only standard that so-
ciety has to go by-it does not seem
strange that the average student has
"grades" rather than "knowledge"
foremost in mind.
There are other evils of the present
system. A change would do little less
than revolutionize the education and
objectives of many students. Perhaps,
the experiment would be worth at-
It is a notorious fact that in many
states girls of twelve, thirteen, .four-
teen, or fifteen years of age may mar-
ry with parental consent. Reliable
statistics show that 345,000 girls in
the country become brides each year
at the age of fifteen or less. Laws in
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mis-
sissippi, and Virginia are particularly
bad. It is a common practice for poor
parents, particularly in the "back-
water" districts of the South, to per-
mit such marriage's that they may be
free from the expense of board and
keep. Legislators in such states
would do well to make some of the
back alleys of life more livable in-
stead of trying to beautify the boule-
A few nights ago over a thousand
students saw a foreign undergraduate
from India perform feats of strength.
This young man is in America with
the mission of teaching his country-
men that physical education can go
hand in hand with the intellectual.
His kinsmen tend toward the intellec-
tual education and forget the other
side of their development. Not only
is this true of Indian students, but
equal as veracious in regard to the
Americans. Many students devote the
majority of their time to either the
physical or the intellectual and even
to the social, and forget the other two
It is better to remember the words
I of our late President Burton, when he
1 declared that the class room consti-
tutes only 40 per cent while the out-
side activities furnish 60 per cent of
a student's education.
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To The Editor:
The recent letter by Mr. Pu is, so
far as I am informed, a quite accurate'
summary of the present Chinese sit-
uation. The Boxer movement was, as
he stated, reactionary; the present
movement mainly progressive. Their
only similiarity (and it was to that
which I referred) is in the resentment
against foreign encroachment shown
in both, and the possible consequent
danger of mob violence and foreign

In calling Sun Yat Sen a 'radical',
I did not imply any reproach. Radi-
cals are sometimes in the right. Any-
one who wishes a deep-rooted change
in the existing order is a 'radical.'
The tlree men mentioned by Mr. Pu,
Washington, Lincoln and Wilson,
were all in a sense radicals'-and so
was Sun Yat Sen.
-P. Slosson.
To The Editor:
"I cannot help it if those fools lose
their books", was the attitude taken
by one of our State street gook mer-
chants in a dispute over some stolen
books which his store had bought
second hand. I find that two other
students have had similar experiences.
The attitude of this merchant is en-
tirely' uncooperative. If those who
have had books stolen would notify
the bookstores of the theft, and then
the bookstore would exercise care, I
think some of this petty thievery could
be stopped. Books ordinarily are of
value to a thief only when there is a
market. The market for second-hand
books is very limited. Stricter super-
vision by those who buy books from
students would certainly narrow the

Harry Tillotson is an angel com-
pared to the Ann Arbor Weather
It is time something was done to
improve conditions in this town. This
idea of letting a common ordinary
Weather Man lpull an April Fool joke
like this on an important educational
center (Ann Arbor) is going too far.
* * *
We can stand six days of zero
weather for every Spring day in the
Spring ,but when the present admin-
istration starts something like this,
we must have reform.
** *
We advocate a big boycott move-
ment among the students and faculty.
Let's refuse to take any weather for
the next two weeks-or until the Bu-
reau corrects the situation.
* * *
"Nature," growled the Snowed-
Under Senior yesterday, " is
pulling a wet April Fool joke by
trying to make us think it is
( Christmas."

A review, by Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Harry Lauder, the "one -man vaude-
ville shea of Scotland" drew all of
the inhabitants of the hinterland and
proved once again that the American
public is gullible-for his only stock
in trade is his face-"the face that
stopped a thousand clocks." There I
was thrown in, of course, some mel-
ody, some jokes that he must have!
clipped from the files of the Literary
Digest, and last, and most ridiculous
of all, there was a stirring talk on
the beauty of music-which soothes
the savage breast"-and a long and
inspiring monologue on the benefits
of work and, the glory of the man who
is always working. And the audience
liked it-they drank in the words of
the Knight of the Empire as eagerly
as most of them read the columns of
the American-and they applauded as
if it were a free lecture in Natural
Science auditorium. Shades of Amer-
The performance opened like a B.
F. Keith special with acrobats and
swung rapidly through some typical
poses and much grunting. Then came
the miniature prima donna,-she'll
never see forty again and she acted
like sixteen-so much for her. And
then a man dressed in a dog skin who
looked for all the world like the Chi
Psi hund. He barked and froliced
and played dead and smoked a pipe
and what not-But the whole show
was on the same level. And it ended
with the biggest poke of all-SIR
Harry Lauder telling the audience
how much he appreciated their appre-
ciation and how sorry he was he had
to leave and all of the rot bf a typical
road show encore. May God love the
Scotch and teach them better!
* * *


Going Home?
Let us fit one of our Spring hats
to yourhead. The best in quality
at the price of ordinary hats. light
Shades - Snappy Shapes - Factory
We Clean and Block Hats
No Odor-No Gloss -
Correct Shapes-No Burned Sweats
Factory Hat Store
617 Packard St. Phone 7415)

1 R - -- _--_ ___ __ _ _ _ _t__ _ __ _ _ _ _.__ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

Leave Your Watches With Us
Over Vacation
Our Expert Repair Department Does
Unexcelled Worl.


Muscand Drama

THIS MORNING: The Students' Re-
citil at 10:30 o'clock in the auditori-
uImi of the School of Music.
TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents
"The T inpet Shall Sound", by
Thornton Wilder, at 8:30 o'clock in
the Mimes theater.

* * *
We attribute the whole difficulty to
the present Student council. What
have they done to correct the weath-
er? Nothing! What have they ever
done to correct anything?
# * #
We would like to see a Student
counIJin office that wouldn't be
afraid t walk up to the Weather Bu-
reau-or appoint a conmittee to do
it-and request the privilege of an in-
vestigation into the distribution of
weather in Ann Arbor.
Perhaps we shouldn't kick. We stu-
dents raised a lot of fuss because the
Athletic association gave alumni all
the football tickets, and here we have
a local organization that is willing to
give us plenty of weather, even if
'they have to deprive alumni of it.
* * *
And the Weather Man doesn't wait
until we win a major conference
championship before he throws a free
snow storm. Why you don't have to
ask for snow, he sends it right along
any old time.
* * *
The Student council is the funniest
thing on the campus, and so we have
chosen it as our field of political ac-
tivity. We want to feel at home when
we go to council meetings.
* * M
The only difference between the
usual campaign platform and our own,
is that we frankly admit it's foolish.
fit weren't that we would appre-
cia ,r nice soft job with no powers
even if you wanted to do something,
we. would do the logical thing the
minute we got into office,-disband
the council.
But since we are now a politician;
we will have to pretend that we would
do something if we got into office.
(1) A larger council ,so that no
politicians "twill be disappointed at
losing in their favorite game.
(2) Larger and more inquisitive
(3) Gas masks for students issued
free of charge, the money to be raised
by selling motion picture rights to the
(4) No townspeople in the "ex-
clusively-student" convocations.
(5) Letters and numerals issued to
Varsity and freshman rioters respec-
(6) Student self-government at
Michigan. If we had this we could
abolish classes on fine Spring days-
like yesterday.
* * *
One thing about snows like these,
the B. and G... boys, don't have to
shovel it off the diagonal-even if
they had wanted to.
* * *
Dear Timothy-I see by the paper
that officials closed a university in
Cuba for three days after a riot in
which six policemen and one student
were injured. Guess they haven't
heard of tear gas down there. What
we need here is more organization.
Couldn't we start a Rioters Club with
regular meetings in Hill auditorium-


1M w
A delicious three-layer brick to serve
at teas and dinners this week-snO.
w DIAL 4101
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All of the important new titles are
- o n display -
G Y A HA --S
I At J3oth Ends of the Diagonal
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15 11~l i 11i i f II II [lIlIlIII I II fli lliiilllifliiililtliill II 111lllrlU111110 111111111111111111 r1r11111 11 11N 111111#111 IU11111111N

p ~

A recital honoring the Beethoven
hundredth anniversary was given by
Sigma Alpha Iota at the home of
Mrs. Alfred Lloyd. Miss Frances
Locker, province president of the Al-
pha chapter, was the guest of honor.
Portions of several of the major opus
of Beethoven were given by members
of the sorority, including the Misses
Lottie lutzel, Kate Keith Field, Rous-
seau Criswell, Bessie Sickles and a
trio of piano, violin and 'cello.
* * *
The pupils of Eunice Northrup, of
the voice faculty, and Edith B. Koon,
of the piano faculty of the School of
Music, will present a program at 10:30
o'clock this morning. There will be
nineteen numbers given by the follow-
ing students: Helen Latting, Luetta
Moss, Susie Stratton, Christian Roo-
senraad, Ellen Stephenson, Ruth Mit-
chell, Beatrice Omans, Walter Welke,
Virginia Hutzel, Evelyn Witte, Madra
Rix, Berenice Wilson, Wanna Bowdish,
Marie Curtiss. The accompaniments
will be by Grace Kauffman and Helen
Hays .
* * *
A review, by Smith H. Cady, Jr.
If the writer, with all the optimism
of a professional critic of the drama,
should selected the ten worst plays
of the year, there would be need for
debate in only nine of the ten cases.
"One Man's Woman" is the outstand-
ing candidate for the cellar position,
despite the ungodly number of months
it managed to run in Chicago, which
is a terrible indictment of the judg-
ment of the theater-goers of that city.
There ishnothing good connected
with the, show, but the very apex of
insipidity is reached when the nice
girl, having definitely been rejected
by the hero in favor of the lady with}
the checkered past, turns to him and
murmers sweetly, "Well, anyhow, we
can still be friends, can't we?" That
ancient bromide was killed and buried
when P. T. Barnum was a boy!
The various actors and actresses do
their best to rescue the show from the
depths, but the lines are against them.
Both the name and the nature of the
advertising indicate. that the manage-
ment wants the public to fight for
tickets to a sex show, but the so-called
"hot" lines are so obviously dragged
in for just that effect that the result!
is more amusing than anything else.
_4 _ . .. , -- --





"Elephints a-pilin' teak,
In the sludgy, squdgy creek,
Where the silence, ung that 'eavy
You was 'art afraid to speak!
Kipling's "Mandalay"

The elephant is man's most intelligent helper.
But-consider this interesting comparison:
An elephant is much larger than the electric
motor of a "yarder" or logging machine. The
y arder" has the power of twenty elephants; it
handles clusters of logs; it works dependably,
twenty-four hours at a stretch, if necessary.
Twenty elephants would eat daily 10,000 pounds
of green food, which a corps of attendants must
gather. A motor "eats" nothing but electricity,
supplied at the throw of a switch.
Power used in the modern industrial world is
applied through electric motors-tireless iron

Two million elephants could
not do the work now being
done by General Electric

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