SATURDAY, APRIL , 192'7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGY THRfE SATUDAYAPRI 2. 927 HE MCI-IGAN AIL OFFER COURSES FOR CAMP DAVIS SESSION, Vziried Topograph) Of 3,300 Acre Tra',c Provldes Excellent Sludy Of All linds Of Field Work E JOhNSTON IS DIRECTOR Work in 'survcying, embracing azimuth work, plane table, hydrogra- phic, road, boundary, and stadia sur- veys, will be offered at Camp Davis during the summer, itis annouhced by that department. The camp, which is located on the south shore of Doug- las lake, is one of the regular camps maintained by the University during# the summer in order to give field ex - perience in various courses. During the work of the course, the student is required to completely ad- just a transit and level. The office work includes the computation of field data, the making of maps and diagrams and the preparation of permanent records where such are re- quired. According to the statement of officials of the camp, .the exercises given are designed to stimulate the practice of surveying rather than to train the student to be expert in any particular field. The University lands on whiclir the camp is located, known as the Bo- gardus tract, have a total area of ,300 acres, and are of such a varied topography that they serve for all kinds of field work, it is claimed by the officials of the department. The students are housed in steel buildings, electrically lighted and fully equipped. A camp physician is provided by the Health service. There is also main- tained a store frbmi which can be pur-l chased most of the supplies. Part of the object of the course there, is tol afford the students a chance to be- come familiar with organized camps, -their sanitary systems, water and electric lighting plants, administra- tion of the mess. Prof. Clarence T. Johnston, of the geodesy and surveying department, will be director of 'the camp, and will be assisted by Prof. Clifton 0. Carey, Prof. Hugh Brodie, Prof. Harold J. McFarlan, Edward Young, Gustavo Maldonado, and George M. Bleekman. MOORE UPHOLDS PUBLICATION OF STUDENT HONOR CODE VIOLATIONS JW- - Mk i 'A /7 No d itor's' Note: Prof. A. D. Moore of the Cng inecring colege, national ipresi- d< it of Tal ]eta Pi, honor engineering :rtrarnity. i the author of this series of a: tic. es based upon a national survey mane of the honor system in colleges and uivc sit es. Eleventh Installment: It is vitally necessary for another! reason, that the facts in a violation' case should be given to the student' body; it has to do with rumor and the suspiciously-minded few who live on, rumor. Suppose an Honor system in- cludes the mistaken rule that all trials, convictions, and sentences, shall be kept secret. The student body has no way of knowing how well or how poorly its Honor system is being sup-, ported. At this point, rumor steps in. There is always someone present who would rather believe in the sor- did than otherwise. It is some such person who starts* the rumor around that the Honor system is a fiasco,. that it is being broadly violated, that; it is amounting only to a fine self-' given opportunity for the majority of. the students to get through examina- tions in the easiest way. This person may be justified in his own mind, duer to an unbelievable ignorance. For instance, he may walk past thej open door of an examination room and see every student using books, papers, notes and whatnot. He. straightaway writes an indignant' story to the campus paper, telling how classes are cheating in a whole- sale manner. His ignorance is appal- ling; it consists in his not knowing that some instructors, in some courses, . permit their students to use any ref- erences they may find helpful during the examination as long as the refer- gnces are their own. I cite this kind of case, not from imagination, but because it is the best explanation of certain diatribes against a very suc- cessful Honor system, which have ac- tually appeared' in one campus daily. In this or some other way, ever-en- larging rumors about Honor system failure ark-likely to spread. One need, hardly point out that it takes only a little unscotched rumor to have a de- cided weakening effect on morale. The sure and effective way to keep the air clear is for the Honor committe to make a brief but comprehensive re- port to every class at least ;one each ** ***" Complexion semester. With normal operation, it is of course to be expected that the com- mittee will have ntthing to report ; it will be giving its citizenry a clean bill of health. Knowing that the above plan will meet with suggestions for ameliora- tion, something had better be said here on one point at once. It will be suggested, why not hage the Honor committee report everything but the name of the violator? Would this plan not accomplish everything desired and avoid the responsibilty of brand- f ing the violator in the eyes of all his I fellows? To cover that point, think of what the committee would report: "Mr. John Doe, (real name withheld) was found guilty of violating the Honor code under certain given con- ditions, and was expelled from college for one year." Now it often happens, that more than one person leaves ! school at the same irregular time. Suppose two or three students should I happen to drop out at this time. Sup-s pose one of them comes back a year later. While wholly innocent, this in- dividual may go through college under the susnicion of a dozen classmates who knew when he left and when he returned but who did not happen to know of, or think much of the de- parture of the unknown guilty party. Thus, giving undeserved protection° to the guilty can easily make the' innocent suffer. (Continued in next issue) TEXAS. - The second semester brought 45 new students here. t 5 "Hopeless, 3$ /"Iq A tip... ladies like the aroma Of Ed geworth 'N 11.1 nNino FIVE-MINUTE session with your complexion ... each c./1 .4 day ... willl.wep it bewitchingly clear.., once you learn to care for your skin correctly: Blackheads, en- larged pores and surface blemishes are entirely avoidable! For younger women, Helena Rubinstein (the world's most distinguished and gifted beauty-scientist) advocates a few moments daily with the following basic preparations, care- fully and scientifically compounded in her own laboratories. ... . . .r r rr r rir i~rrr wr r ~ w... r t .. OPEN PORES and BLACKTIEADS Valaze Pore Paste Special-a gently penetrative wash which carries away blackheads, refines pores, restores skin to normal delicacy and smooth- ness. (1.00) CLEANSE and MOULD Valaze Pasteurized FaceCream-thor- oughly cleanses-moulds out "tired look "- keeps complexion youthful and smooth -the only cleansing cream that positively benefits oily, pimpled or acne-blemished skins - an excellent powder-base. (1.00) TO CLEAR and ANIMATE Valaze Beautifying Skinfood --the skin-clearing masterpiece -animates, bleaches mildly, purifies-creates ex- quisite skin texture. Use always- an ideal companion to all other Rubinstein preparations. (1.00) OILINESS and SHINE Valaze Liquidine-instantly absorbs oiliness-corrects shine on nose- leaves smooth, white finish. Excel- lent for cleansing and refreshing face during day. (1.50) Ask for DEVOE ARTISTS' OIL COLORS Canvas Boards Artists' Brushes Academy Boards Artists' Canvas Drawin Inks Eiiamellt ARTISTS'; OILS and VARNASHES. Acade'ijie Water Colors School Water Color' Boxes Show Card Colors Pastel Boards f T Y Enhance your charm with Valaze Powders, Rouges, Lipsticks--absolutely pure-- protective to the most delicate skin-intensely flatter- ing tones. (1.00 to 5.50) 11I WENZEL'S PARIS 52 Rue du Pg. St. Honore LONDON 21 Grafton St. VW.'I. At the better stores or direct from 46 West 57th Street New York ai v.g Pai. 08'. 207 East Liberty ANN ARBOR YPSILANTI /9 d It's a Mansion of Mirth Built on a Foundation of Fun; a Cornerstone of Com- edy; Shingles of Smiles; Rafters of Roars! Six reel apartments completely fur- nished with all modern in- conveniences and brand new gags! Your Last Chance Today Hurry! 'I'lic AddIed Features Are IN~l UnslI'ique antI Elutert~i'iimum - rj 1~ i **.***** ="***"*** C MANX If AU A } { 1 7-7 II "T>t Percolator Month Hey - Gang - Here's - Another - Side - Splitter! (And Just Before Spring Recess, Too) eVERY day during April Electric Coffee-percolators will be sold at special good- bargain prices. All users'of the electric percolator will agree that coffee prepared in this very convenient breakfast - table appli- ance has qualities the most satisfying. Presenting THAT INIMITA CHARACTE COMEDIA S RI U. N DSI ABLE R s~4Q" Vo From the Y, . lay l-y BRUCE BAIRNSFATHER And Arthur Eliot The Piggest of All Comedy Hits ,e Bairnsfather cartoons of Old Bill his pals made war history. The y of Old Bill and his pals, turned" a play, made stage history, and the adventures of these British mies are making screen history. YOUR SPRING SUIT! Get it cleaned and pressed now so you can wear it on the first glorious Spring days. YOUR TOP-COAT Should be fixed up also, and your- SPRING HAT Cleaned and blocked. If you are anxious for Spring -be preparqd when it arrives. "Our Press Building station is open evenings until 8 o'clock."- DIAL 4287 OR 21816 White Swan Laundr.y ":Ann Arbor's Leading Cleaners " ' A i . Th and story into now Tom The -0 ® __', " - -_ . h :; ,R " ter, , epril Prices as Low as x$495 funniest motion picture ever made! .." .': . e. .. .. w ww 0 wee r The Detroit " f AWN ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL elf