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March 31, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-31

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O QUT FIL H U E ntisfor all-campus vni.,fJ R'tII

was among the hulrlers of 1926. Bell,
Raugh, fopnadnr y ainl
Coughall are new flinger:.
Coach Everett S. De an ha,; a ;t ron:g
array of mat^r"al fol. t1e #tit1ii ',; o-
ti '11, wit h a " '1'rof xYi£In, (' oh-
(5.The :urn ; taff I:3 not i., ::,d-
i ) t r8~ns (:oal'h l l.

will give eich of the twirlers spe-
VIal att(ilt ioii while in the South in
,n effort to develop a. strong set of
in rv-;mismen. Ift the pitchers can hold
1) x'nier fihe agal nst Conference
foes. l1) oslOCtS wiM h e rather bright.
or,1 succoossfnul campaign.


Prospect ItBright With A Niiclem',
Four Veerains Nnd SeveralI

leia b oardi across th, ni :I,'m~ta
in tra m u ra l o ffi c e l a 1 1 t i . r a n e e t . t V(: 1)( (' -
miadle at the Union "otat I he m''i d ; ii L'i f'i .y iO~i O -ite'all) wvill
c an hbeheld April 25 rindl 2 . i1*c M Si ~~s i;1? i ','. iidt hs82: o





ArI~ ~1Yk~bW .V'~~ V (' 2~~i ~ u' & ( LenI it -w ill
HARD SCHdIED.ULE LCARDEDtI;J The all-campus 1howl f i:'g Mi - Onelt its mlitiie"11 p7-o"'inl,
une t is drawing to a (o e V o ie an~ ar 'o dt lod With the
After working out in the field house of the finalistSr; ,.!(l' 1i1 :V~~t fS Ss5p~,:fl r i
at irregular intervals since January, doubles bVbe-,,tens ic!et i 01e:hlItin t. ;nW~riO? \.o ih
the candidates for the 1927 Varsity aO( lMl)1Mt"5Q\ V)(Ii. isosn
golf 'team, including four letter men starte'1 in the conitest. (i3enplyi wllb k n i
and one AMA winner, expect to hie : 1. K. D)oyle, '28L, li;i advancetl the triip: Juri_,Vor'eoxh, jBut j,
ab~le to begin outdoor practice withinI to the quarter fin ls in 1he1 ingls Derr, 'cyrel l, f>ell, robin, I lar celi,
the next week or two. and vulli' try for the caponhpW lls, Davis, MFay. Barlow, l3azugh,.
With Cant. Fredl Glover, Robert as. soon as the scores of the oither ' fLr.vpengardncr, and oieither Apple or.

We can place a few graduates next summer in city

of Lie'.roft. Earn c ood mioney.

We may decide to place

you permanently is you are capable of handling our work.
See Mr Smith today or this evening at Michigan Union.

Iastings, Ralprh Cole, and Addison
Connor as a ncleus and several
promising new candidates prospects
for a winning golf team seem un-
usually bright. Two of the men, Go-
ver and Hastings are veterans of two
year's experience, while Cole and
Connor are juniors. Hastings did not
play last season but intends to re-
port this year to complete his third
year of competition.
The most promising of the new can-
didates are John Glover, a junior,
andl John Bergelin, a sophomore star.
These men with Al Vyse, an AMA
winner last year who was handicap-
ped all season by a sprained ankle,
loom as the most likely candidates
from whom Coach, Carlton Wells will
fill the vacancies left by graduation.
At the present time practice is con-
fined to the net in the field house
balcony because of the muddy condi-
tion of the golf course, but if the
warm weather continues the men may
be able to work outside next week.
Oterwise outdoor practice will prob-
ably be delayed until after the spring
The golf team faces a hard sche-
dule this season 'Which consists of
five Conference matches in addition
to the championship m~et Among
the Big Ten opponents that will face
the Wolverines are Chicago, and Il-
linois, two of .the strongest outfits
in the Conference.
.The 1927 schedule opens with Pur-
due at Lafayette on May 5 and the
Wolverines will meet the strong I-
linois team two days later at Ur-
bana. Northwestern will invade the
local course for the initial home
match of the year on May 14, while
Wisconsin will play here two weeks
later. The team will journey to Chi-
cago on June first to meet the Ma-
roons in the final match of the sea-
On June 10 and 11 all of the Con-
ference schools will meet in the Con-
ference meet which is to be held on
some north shore suburban golf
course near Chicago.
'Trials for memberships in the Ann
Arbor Golf club will probably be held
on the Ann Arbor Golf club course
shortly after vacation. The winners
in these trials are :given the playing
rights of the club.
LAWRENCE, March 30 - Note-?
worthy peformnbnees in the Texas1
and Rtice relays last reek, including
the new world and American out-
door record for the mile and seven-
eights medley relay set by Iowa}
State, indicate anodher outdoor ,rea--
son of stellar performancesi in th,
coming oW;Aoor relay carnivals this
Next on tihe program in the tor-
ritory ;west of the Mississippi are theI
Kansasrelays, s-heduled for April
23 at Memoral stadium. and the fact'
that practically all of the fast team
that. coipnet~ed at -::z are entered
in addition to numerous others from
the Big '-n and Missori Valley Con-
ference, makes it evident that this
meet will again be marked by re-
ord showings.
Predictions in the individual events
have- been made possible by the
showings made in the indoor Conf:r-
onice andl dual meets, as well as theJ
southern relay carnivals, but the re-
Suilts of the relays are less cerain.
Illinois, by reason of wins in the four
mile race at both Urbana ad in the j
South, indicates a clean-sweep team
in that event, while Iowa State of
the Missouri Valley Conference has
won b~y such great margins in the
medley relay that it Is certain to be
a heavy favorite whenever it com-
Notre Dame and Kansas are the
most outstanding in the dash relays I

at present, awhile Iowa, Wisconsin,t
Kansas Aggies, Ind Oklahoma all
ha,vue fast one-mile relay quartets.F
With the Kansas relays but four
weeks off work is being done dlaily I
to premgre the 440 yard- track: and I
220 yard straightaway for the coam-
ing events. The track is said to be
(Nne of the fastest in the country, andI
it weather conditions permit manyt
records are expectedl to fall in the
Despite the belief that Princeton
and Harvard have severed all ath-I

mnen have been recorded and the high ('Coughiall will coinpose the squlad.
scorers announcedl. Burke and B-ucher are veteran
Kapp and Sieder with a total pin catchers from lazst -,ear. Correll, To-U L
ITEfall of 1179 are the high scorers in; bin, and Davis saw action as infield- t E F L E R S O
the doftbles div ision. The other set! ers last season "while H-arrell and ;
of finalists,. who will meet Lapp and Wells are new faces. May andl Derr I- - - - ----------
among two pairs ye' in the run- is seeing his first southern trip withl
ning. Indiana. Of the lpitchers, only Vojtech! IHE-
Din a
Dn atLuncheon, 11 :30-1:30
9 Dinner, 5 :30-7 :00
And ten goto .Special Parties by Arrangement.
-Phone 9646 205 South State St.
The Pennyr Carnival
Men's Sport Sox
The Representative of the A. Nash Clothing Corn-1c P i
pany is now showing samples for men's spring suits and 1cP i
topcoats, priced at $23.00 for topcoat or three-piece suit-
$29.00 with extra trousers. TOWERS VARSITY BRAND SLICKERS
Call '21073 for appointment. . All Sizes. Each
Tweeds--Patterned after imported English patterns I~
X~5.45 t
by the American Woolen Mills. Co p n
English Greys, Worsteds, Serges, Cheviots Ann Arbor Dry GoodsCo p n
Guaranteed Fit. Phone 21073. 316 South Alai St.

If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie
the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad'
4will be charged.
The Michigan Daily reserves tht right to
classify all wants ads under apprpriate head-I1
ings and to rev ise or withhold objectionabe!
This column coses at 3 I'. M. date preced-
ing pullication. Notice of anv error must tie
given in time for the second 'insertion.
Ten cents per rading line (n the basis ofj
five average wods to the hine) fo one ittr
Ninre .tnts per Trading Mine for three or moe
Cash classifieds received at the I'iaiiy olice
in The Press Building on M4aynard Str eet.
Special standardized rates given on applca. I
LOST-31 lo and gray purse in main
library. Reward. Phone 4697.
FOR RENT-A large suite for stu-
dlent~s or business men. Single or
douible. Phone 2-2352. 425 South
Division. 131-132-133
FOR RENT-835 Tappan Ct. Six- 1
rooms house with or without garage.)
Phone 9630. 130-131-132
FOR RENT-Four room apartment,
new and modern. Dial 4204. W.
D. McLean, 318 South State St.
WANTED-A few men who will work
and are willing to learn. Salary
and bonus. Arrange for interview
by calling 3079. Ask for L. IT.
-Smith. 132-133-134
WANTED-Students who like good l
hot BARBECUES to know we de-
liver between 9:30 and 11:30 lP. M.
BARBECUE INN, Dial 4481.
WANTEDExperienced all - around
chef wants position in a fraternity
after vacation or 'for next year.
Phone 8921. 131-132-133
WANTED-Students to board at $6
per week. Private family. Phone
6059. 1 30-131-132-133-134-135
WANTED-Single room, by instruct-
or, preferably between Hill and
Brooklyn. Phone Reichart 4720,
about 6:30.
WANTED STUDENTS to know that
Sain pays from $b to $25 for o1ld
suits and overcoats.
121 E. ANN DIA.L 430
FOR SALE-Dodge 'r rIng, 192.
Snappy car in v iy good conition,
balloon tires. Brice $425.
ord Touring 1923. uus ine.
(lood tires. 1927 license plates.
$50 cash.
rord Touring, 1925. Excellent met--
Schanical condition. $95 cash. 1
~~l. II. AUVER~t
514 )last 'ashin't14,I
S Open Ercning r i Sunday.
1 3-131
FOiR AE-W ' tube ra io. Two
dial control. Fline cabinet. $30.001.
Call 7710. 132-133'
1FOR £Al -- -or hickory and oak F
freplace wiood, call 9534.
13 1-132-133-134- 35-136
j PllALP- 1q24 too >1 Ford Sedan,
Fordor, inl excellent condition. F.
P'. Jordan, phone 21502. 130-131-132
mP011ali-*-('hevrolet 1923 touring.
$40.00. Hliotie 9023 any afternoon
Ior evetong and( ask for McKee or
SC ow.

FRAME them now-your Fraternity
pictures and shingles. Anni Arbor's
only professional picture framer.
306 S. State St .i nunders.
u-(&w qun
NOTIC ~-Stoddard Hlair Shop. Try
one of our permanent waves, which
give a depth andl softness to the
hair. 707 N. University.
tion, visit TrojIul 1sIBarbr
Shoup. tues-thur-st
All makes of typewriters for sale or
rent. Excellent machines at rea-;
sonable prices, for rent Prompt
repairing by experienced workmen.
Courteous service. Anita Brand
Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen
Shop, 315 State Street.
NOTICE-hear the nilw Orthopone
Victor Record of "Inca Little Bit
Ponder of You." By Warrig
Pennsylvanians, at Schaeberle &
Son Music House, 110 So. Main.itf
NOTICE-The new Royal Portables
are now on display at Rider's Pen
Shop, 315 State St. A woderful
machine. You will be interested.
Call and see them,
Our rapid turnover insures a fresh
stock and you secure the best'qua-
it7 at a moderate price. 0. D. MOlR.
RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc. ti
you can have a two pant suit built
to your measure for $37.50? Spring
styles now ready. T. B. LYONS,
Williams at Maynard. Ut
TYPEWRITING and IMimeograph.
lug promptly and neatly dope6
by experienced operators at mod-
erate rates. Thesis and college
work a specialty for 19 years. 0.
D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The
Typwriter and Stationery Store. tt
NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly and
quickly typed at popular prices.
Phone 7345. tf
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
6513 daly-t
Taro ()Pa tch..li .. ......... $+30
Eight strings---beautifu tone. An
uir~usual instrument you will enjoy.
A fire instrutmnt of very high
Guiitar................. .$12.0
Thie mo t beatiful guitar' ever
shownu. Coime in to 'tee it.
Ukuilele........... .
A special buy mak'es'this low price
1 possible.
Price includes case-=- -Bano has a
wood resonator-Big ,value.
Plenty of time to pay

Our entire stock of used cars has-
been put into first class running ;con-
dition and the prices asked are in
many cases much lower than the
value given. A car for' every purse
and every car worth the money. Come
in, pick out your car and drive It
home. We have roadsters; touring,
coupes, Tudors, four doors, $35 to
The very one you want Is here.
Talk to Mr. Gauss. Phone 4229.


"Because they never
irritate the throat
and because of, their
finer flavor, Lucky
Strikes are my f avor-
ite and of all whose
voices are precious."~



Strauss Peytoa
MaryLewis, famous soprano,
A star of the Metropolitan Opera, says 'z
' "Lucky Strikes are my favorite"
Lucky Strikes are mild and
mellow-the finest cigarettes you
..:::::.. .......:::.

FOR 'ALE-Ford roadster 1924;
five tires, starter, demountable,
-goodl condition. 1617 Washtenaw.
I'hone 9117. Boyer or Farquhar.
i FOR SALE--1921 Ford Touring. $40.
Call 3283. tf
ryp 'Y WRiTERS-All makes, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-
ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-"
tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL,
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith,& Cor-
ana Typewriters, Inc. tf
NOTICE-The North Ridge Company
will have a representative from the
Toledo Branch to interview men
for spare time and summer work.
Those who qualify are given salary
plus bonus. Representative will be
at 332 East Jefferson Thursday and
Friday. 132-133-134
'-TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop
3card to 1103 E.' Washington. Phone
t6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf
HEALTH Begins when you phone
8428. C. M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 35
FWue vth Arcade. tues-thurs-sat-tf
Ann Arbor Mimeographing shop-214
Detroit St. Let us do your mimeo-
graphing and typewriting. First-
class work. Quick service. Lowest
jprices. Dial S683.


ever smoked. They are made o the
finest Turkish and domestic tobac-
cos, properly aged and blended with
great skill, and there is an extra
process in treating the tobacco. "It's
toasted"-no harshness, not a bit of

I a V As b 1, W




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