PAGE FOUR { THE £ MICHIGAN DAILY , 1 1 TITURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1927 Published every morning except Monday d riig the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffics at Ann Arbor,f Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- waster General. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.00. Offices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May- hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor... ............W. Calvin Patterson City Editor..............Irwin A. Olias News Editors............j Frederick Shillito iPhilip C. Brooks Women's Editor..............Marion Kubik Sports Editor.............Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor............ Morris Zwerd ling Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall Jr. Night Editors Charles Behymen Ellis Merry Carlton Champe St.mford N. Phelps Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith James Herald Cassam A. Wilson Abistant City Editors. Carl Burger Henry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters Marion Anderson Milton Kirshbaun Margaret Arth~ur PaWl Kern Jean Campbell Sally Knox Jessie Church Richard Kurvink. Chester E. Clark G. Thomas Mclean Edward C. Cummings Kenneth Patrick Margaret Clarke # Mary Ptolemy BlanchardW. Cleland MorrisQuiann Clarence Adelson James Sheehan William Emery Sylvia Stone RobertE. Finch Mary Louise Taylor J. Martin Frissel Nelson J. Smitn, Jr. Robert Gessner William Thurnau Margaret Gross Marian Welles Elaine Gruber Thaddeus Wasilewski Coleman 3. Glencer Sherwood Winslow Harvey Gunderson Herbert E. Vedder Stewart ooker Milford Vanik ;Horton B. Icove BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Contracts................William C. Pusch Copywriting...........Tlomas E. Sunderland Local Advertising ....George H. Annable, Jr. Foreign Advertising-......Laurence Van Tuyl Circulation---.-.-..------. Kenneth Maven Publication.............. .John H. Bobrink Accounts................Francis A. Norquist Assistants Beatrice Greenberg George Ahn, Jr. Selma Jensen Florence Cooper , 1arion L. Reeding A. M. Hinkley Marion Kerr F.. L. Hulse Nance Solomon. R. A.Meyer Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talcott John Russwinkle Harold Utley ouglas Fuller . Ray Wachter Virle C. Witham Esther Booze THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1927 Night Edir!*-JAMES T. HERALD. slightly injured students, and many broken windows. The incidentagain brings to light the foolhardiness of such conduct. IOutbreaks of this nature are no credit whatever to' young men of America who are presumably engaged in the quest of culture and knowledge. IN THE LEAGUE Though the United States is offi- cially no more a member of the League of Nations now than she was in 1922, the participation of her duly accredited representatives has been steadily increasing since that time. While a few years ago, the State{ department refused to answer League notes, communications now go back and forth quickly with the utmost courtesy and cooperation on the part of the Washington government, ac- cording to an official statement by the Secretariat. Reports from Geneva also indicate that the United States probably has as many delegates there as any other nation. With her rep- resentatives intending to participate in a dozen of the League conferences scheduled for this spring, it is only America's unofficial position which keeps her from leadership in both this association and in the World court. Though the Senate may never ratify the entrance of the United States to the League of Nations, it remains evident that this country cannot di- vorce herself from the affairs of the rest of the world; but must cooper- ate in solving problems which tran- scend national boundaries. A TARDT COMPENSATION Twenty seven years ago Private John R. Kissinger, knowing that if he contracted the disease his chances for recovery would be one in twenty, offered his serviced to Dr. Walter H. Reed of the Yellow Fever commis- sion, that experiments might be car- ried, on to learn if the mosquito car- ried the germ of the disease. Suffer- ing from illnesses and disease brought on by that heroic service has resulted in his being an invalid for twentyI years. While Kissigner has seen the 'scourge of the tropics eradicated as a partial result of his service in the Yellow Fever commission's work, he has received practically no compensa- tion for his lifetime of illness. For- tunately a campaign was started last' week to provide funds for him as a' tardy reward for his sagrifice. It is the least that can be done to pay the debt. I 1 I i #t 1 i } -- - I'It~~~i1111111111Q~I il i il lt l llllllfl 111fII1ilI1Itig lllllill tgil ll ll ll l ll llll llllIIII iIlill IfIIlltill ll1I I IIIiI1II1I111 MUSIC AND DRAMA GRAHAPS TONIGHT: Play Production and would have merited that designationBO Direction present "hie Who Gts without any dispute. One could hard- Slapped", by Leonid Andreyev at S:i1 ly wish for a more pleasing programoFor'Your Convenience-T vo Stores Stocked o'clock ill University theater. I -not academically highbrow, but a F rY u o v ne c -T o tr sC m ltl tc e TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents selection of numerous familiar pieces "The Trumpet Shall Sound", ot of the highest quality. And as inter- Thornton Wilder, at 8:30 o'clock in preters of the group he chose three the Mimes theater. able musicians in the Misses Davies At Both Ends of the Diagonal * * * and Hauser, and Mr. Frantz. B "HE 'WHO GETS SLAPPED" After a. somewhat colorless begin- J-1fifIll_111111111111_IllillI[llIll __ ilillllill__lllillIll lliIllIlllitii1 IllililllllllitilIllilillilfllllII A review, by Kenneth Patrick. ning, Bach's Concerto in C major, This is something a little bit strong- first movement, furnished a splendid RAE er than is found in the usual run o vehicle for the ladies, a fine old pieceT . ..with some grand passages. Mr. campus dramatics; in fact, though kt' wit som grn asgs M.TdyFi fawlesldonetitseemsfactoapoch tFrantz' three selections followed, and "BRAVEHEART" flawlessly done, it seems to approach he played them with considerable1 closer to the mythical goal than any- brilliance and excellence of technique. 'With thing which has been done this year. Bach's exquisite Prelude and lively There is love-of two kinds- and Fugue, a Chopin Etude and Weber's1E hate, and all the bitterness of hope- spirited silvery "Perpetual Motion," less tragedy. Andreyev runs close to an interesting selection. His playing Good Taste the line of bare human nature as it is well merited the audience calling him This "Ad."' .vit 10c k back for the encore-a dignified and'r found in age-old continents neverichly elaborated "Air with Varia-RAE Indm duahty hesitates to overstep the line ons," by Handel. - of personal nicety. The plot, oftH course, is not new, but it is elemental. The outstanding achievement of the 1] One character stands out from the evening was Mr. Maier's arrangement rest with exceptinal clearness, and for the simultaneous playing of Cho- that is David Owen, perfectly cast in pin's "Black Key" and "Butterfly PLEA SE the role of the mountebank of a mer- Etudes." After a fascinating exposi- distinguish t e appearance ciless fate. Those who expected to tion by Mr. Maier, which easily rival- of the well dressed Coll see an unpleasant contrast between led; Mr. Damroschjs "Operaogue," D O NnTfese his work and that of an inexperienced Miss Davies and Miss Hauser gave a cast, to have the bugaboo of over, brilliant performance of the work, M AK E obtained in our Kuppeh- acting thrown in their faces, were im- which comprises an interesting study measureafly surprised. At all times and gives opportunity for an appreci- Belmont lines. his direction of those around hire co- ation of the sympathetic spirit in the incided with his interpretation. Leone two pieces. Lee is the other outstanding figure, "Liebesfreud," a typically great O N TH E and she turns deftly to her advantage Kreisler tune, and that amazingly at- and the enjoyment of the audience a tractive "grand zoological fantasy"- part which might have wrecked the the carnival of animals by Saint- play, She has innocence-which is Saens, were typical of the phole pro- required-but she . temper's it with gram familiar, most enjoyable, and __ restraint. highly complimentary to Mr. Maier's James Dahl is a cpnvincing roue, ability as a teacher and program di- 1 but there are times when he is more rector.*MAKE asinine than Polly and Tilly rather *=, to the discredit of his villainy. Miriam THE ORGAN RECITAL Selker disappoints in the first act, A review, by Robert Gessner. MANN'S C but finds herself in the last very . tmh F xceptional technique mingled with definitely. Her part is difficult and deep emotion characterizes Guy Fil- her work satisfactory. Boice Gross,, kins' well rounded talent, which was Goi g Home? as the Baron, is too heavy and slug-M a tnCse Goingng omes . so artistically displayed yesterday Let us fit one of our Spring Hats gish, and seems to be the only notice-Ahs afternoon in a Twilight Recital. A intelligent program, which evidenced at the price of ordinary hats. Light he is overshadowed by the others, r selection on the part of the ades - Snappy Shapes - Factory 2 anyway, so little 'matters ........ The guest organist was received by a prices. one set used for the four acts is good, gus rait a eevdb Also large, responsive audience that was We Clean and BlockHats ganization edation.Ift No Odor-No Gloss er ou The first number was Guilmant's Correct Shapes-No Burned Sweats you want to keep your season com- plete, you should add "He" to the list. Choeur in D, a seltion of majestic Factory Hat Store * * * movements and grandeurs of rhythm. " The richness of the "full organ" was 617 Packard St. Phone 741_ "THlE TRUMPf'ET SHALL SOU YID" i l b,,'.-.'.4.+ ....4 ht .,_____--_-__--__' 1 OPTIMISM OR CYNICISM Former President Obregon, who may be considered the spokesman for the1 Calles government has been quoted' recently' as stating that the time was not propitious for an amicable agree- ment with the United States, that the. friendly relations necessary to the successful' unctioning of such anj agreement were lacking, andthat it would be inadvisable to attempt to frame such a treaty now. There is no doubt about the truth of such a statement. With the strain- ed relations now existing, it would be almost impossible to reach a suitable agreement. Just as long as the Calles government confiscates land which has not been "grabbed" from the Mexicans and refuses to pay for it, just that long will those strained relations ex- ist. On the other hand, dollar diplo- macy has not been absent in our own policies towar'd Mexico. The hops for a speedy settlement; of the oil and land law disputes seems as far off as ever, indeed, the opti- mistic hopes of a few weeks ago have changed to an attitude of cynicism! and. indifference. And as long as both parties refuse to yield anything to the! other, just tht ulong will any rea- sonablo settlement be only a possi- bility and not a reality.j G(MVERMENTAiL REFOR3IS It has long been- observed that1 American legislatures have been 1 rather slow hin making governmental reforms, especially in the states, un- less they are definitely allied withI some political issue or talking point.. For this eason as well as for theE appreciation of administrative effi- I ciency shown,' the New York state< legislature should be commended for submitting two constitutional amend- ments to the people of the state whichj will establish the budget system, and will increasie the salary of the gover- ; nor. The fact that it has been neces- t sary to approv these amendments at two successive sessions in accord I , CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. L .1 "SOLID" To The Editor: In your editorial of March 25, "The Solid South," concerning the, flogging Af a Georgia Baptist preacher, you seem to assume that all floggers go unpunished in the South, and that such things are typical in that sec-, tion. Furthermore, at the close of the editorial there is a wholly uncalled for slur upon the intelligence of the South.. Let me call your attention to a few facts: In that same Georgia last fall, Judge Reed gave nine floggers prison sentences varying from short terms to life imprisonment; in Texas, in 1924, a gang met a similar fate. Surely everyone is forced to admit that no more disgraceful atrocities have ever taken place in America than those of recent years in Herrin, Illinois; yet would it be fair t'o edi- toralize these crimes under the cap- 'tion "The Solid North"? One who casts slurs" on the intel- ligence of a person or section should be very careful of his grounds: So, one who thinks to condemn Southern 1 education and the intelligence arising from that education shows clearly that the basis for his condemnation is, perhaps, the South of fifty years ago, but certainly not the South of today with such institutions as Duke university, North Carolina university, Vanderbilt university, the University of Texas, and other which compare quite favorably with Mivchigan or other northern universities. Again, to assume, as many do, that all of the Fundamentalist opposition to scientific teaching and freedom of thought is confined to the South is toI show ignorance of the facts. Notej the attempts recently made in Minne- sota and North Dakota to introduce anti-evolution bills into, the legisla-i A review, by Vincent Wall. It is seldom that the opportunty comes to this campus of juging a play which has not been molded into set lines of public opinion by the pro- fessignal press. Last night the audi- ence sat in as critical contemplation of Thornton Wilder's enigmatical opus as any of the serious-minded members of New York's select fraternity of first-nighters. In choosing "The Trumpet Shall Sound" Comedy Club has selected a play which has all the entertaining aspects of a puzzle pic-1 ture with half the pieces missing-1 but at least it is a production that will form a most interesting bit for the post-prandial discussions of metropolitan dramatic columns. As a drama"The Trumpet Shall Sound" is one of the most unique presentations ever to be given in a local theater. It wanders through four acts of decrepit symbolism, un- intelligible expressionism and per- verted impressionism, but creates a most interesting effect. The enter- prise is more than interesting to both the pallid scholar of the drama andI the casual theater-goer. For the for- mer the enterprise is both adult and intellectually exciting; and for the latter there are a series of careful studies and interesting dramatic pic- tures. Because, if a great deal of the meaning was somewhat obscured with certain self-consicous abstractions,E there were other features that re- deemed the play for what it is: an excellent and experimental drama,) capably' done. The cast consisted en-I tirely of types ranging from a shop- lifter, an ascetic old maid, and a consumptive prostitute to an ancient half-wit, a fanatic prophet of some cult or other, and an undertaker act- ing as a sort of raisonneur to the whole business. With the acting andI direction there is scarcely a fault to find. Robert Wetzel as the under-; anageousyDrougn out throughl the organist's gareful execution of a powerful theme. In the following selection the other extreme was reach- ed with equal effectiveness through the rendering of soft, muffled peals ftom hle delicate, high tones that only an organ can create. In Joseph Bonnet's rythmical Ro- I mance, Guy Filkins played the piece of his master, of whom he once stu- died in Paris, with a dainty, whimsical mood reflective of the peculiar nature infused by the composer. The capti- vating rhythm swings throughout the entire selection in a variety that is extremely pleasing to the ear. Of Silver's famous Rhapsody the most entertaining movement was the quiet I passage that trailed off into flute-like tones which seemed almost to dance with lightness. It is during such a passage when one might well .imagine f the soul ascendations that only art- ! ists are said to experience. Widor's popular Serenade contains the necessary qualities of popularity -and entertaining melody and a theme of quaint beauty. Of Wagner's late opera Tristan and Isolde the or- ganist rendered the Liebestod-the love that lasts beyond the grave- with the brilliance of an orchestra- tion, that so characterizes all of Wag- ner's compositions. And that is the way Wagner should be played. The organist, through this rendation, dis- proved the modern belief that Wagner is on the wane. THE RESERVE BAND CONCERT A reiiew, by Sherwood Winslow. Presenting a concert which honored' Ludwig van Beethoven, whose death a century ago is being observed by musical organizations, the Reserve band, directed by Nicholas D. Fal- cone, gave their annual program forI the student body, last night in Hill auditorium. Opening with Beethoven's! "Minuet in G" the Reserve musicians gave 11 iumbers which included col- lege marches, and selections from operas, presen ting a rather heavyI program, for a college band. Solo work was done by Leonard Fal- a A 4 7 .". . .: y". '+. , . r ,.- ". r /sue ._ .. i { \_ .. I Me and the jyfried. Prince Albert WHEN my father was in college, "Put that in your pipe and smoke it!" was considered snappy conversation. I'm ready to take this old line literally when the talk centers around Prince Albert. Because P. A. makes two of what I like in a pipe. All wise-cracking aside, P. A. is the money when it comes to deep-down satisfaction in a smoke. It's got everything! Cool as the trail of the ice-man across the kitchen. Sweet as vacation. Fragrant as a pine forest. Think up your own similes. You'll write tiem all in the column headed "Superlative Degree" when you learn the joys of a jimmy-pipe and Prince Albert. If you don't know this grand old smoke, come around to my room and I'll give 1__A P. A. is sold everywhere in tidy red tins, pound and half. pound tin umidors, and pound crystal-glass humidors with sponge-moistener top. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by the Prince Albert process. wit the constitution adds credit to tures. In "The Indep( the achievement. It is expected that January 8, 15, 22, is a s these measures which will increase iJes proving that Funda the pui-chasing power of New York j not sectional, but entir taxes, and Sward a fair compensation A to the chief executive, will be adopted AsanIeamsutof the not darkness south of th* endent" for 1't zr n niihlic~ i aker contriamtead i series of art- ot notrdt William Tii usual clear-cut hop as -Horace n interestingI mentalism is ely national. ct that all is e Ohio River, 11UiLt U I L Dab ney u; mV t tl st presented a. study of the religious maniac; Alice Vosper as Miss Del Valle, the scarlet , I wrn m it