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March 30, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-30

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the Ical news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at thr> postofffics at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
miaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
aard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor..................Irwin A. Olia.
News Editors........r Frederick Shillito
Worrien's'Editor Philip C. Brooks
.....................Marion Kubik
Sports Editor...,......... Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor............ Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Bebymer Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Anderson Milton Kirshbaum
Margaret Arthur PaA~ Kern
jean Campbell Sally Knox
Jessie Church 1ichard Kurvink.
Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean
Elwarl C. Cummings Kenneth Patrick
Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy
lanchard W. Cleland Morris uinn
Clarence Edelsoiv.. James Sheehan
t William Emery Sylvia Stone
Robert E. Fitnh Mary Louise Taylor
J. Martin Frissel Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Robert Gessner . . William Thurnau
Margaret Gross Marian Weles
Elaine Gruber Thaddeus Wasirlewski
Coleman . Glencer Sherwood Winslow
Harvey Gunderson Herbert E.-Vedder
Stewart ooker Milford Vanik
)Lortoa B. Icove1

is quite probable that foreign cititzens
will occupy a vastly different situa-
tion, if any, in the Chjna of the fu-
ture. The popular Cantonese partyl
which is objecting so strenously to'
control by foreigners promises to be
the successful one in the present civil
strife. In a general settlement, their
demands will have to be satisfied to
some extent or prove a source of
trouble thereafter. Ilow far world
powers will insists that certain privi-
leges be reserved to their citizens re-
mains Problematical. It is almost
certain, however, that they will not
repeat the gunboat methods of open-
ing up the interior of China which
were used after the Boxer affair in
The test of the Cantonese party- will
come in governing the territory which
they have and may conquer. If the
reports are, true, they have wisely
planned to set up a dictatorship until
the masses have become sufficiently
educated that a constitutional form of
government may be established. Their
success in attaining these ends will,
of course, be another matter. Prob-
ably because of the great bulk of
their nation, however, the Chinese
have always developed slowly and
Ingthe diplomatic settlement of the
present difficulties, America will very
likely play a leading and important
role. Having no consession or sphere
of influence in China, as well as being
highly respected by the Chinese ,she
is preeminently fitted to regard sthe
situation with fairness, and to seek a
statesmanlike remedy.

basis, but not armed conflict with any Aft
foreign nation. The latter two points
have beenkclearly and emphatically "' Ru U 3 W
stated in the recent declaration of the /r/ ; -1,-,4"
Foreign Minister of the Nationalistic-WHERE
Government, Mr. Eugene Chen. PROFESSORS
Professor Slosson remarked that HANG
Dr. Sun was a typical radical republi- Not content with worrying us with
can. If. ,Dr. Sun should be called midsemesters, the faculty compile the
radical, I do not know what adjective dates of the finals and thrust them
I can use to describe Washington, before us this early in the year. Can't
Lincoln or Wilson. They must be at we have any Peace around here at
least more radical than"Dr. Sun. Like I all?
Wilson, Dr. Sun was far ahead of his
time. Dr. Sun might be called an THE HEIGHT OF ARROGANCE
idealist, but not a radical. In fact, DEAR TIM-A Freshman was ask-
Dr. Sun said himself that he derived ing in all the bookstores where he
the conceptions of his now famous could buy a ticket to the Gridiron
Three People's Principles from Lin- Banquet.
coln's ideals of the "Government of Wet Hay.
the People, by the People, and for the
A word about the Nanking incident DOWN THE DIAGONAL
is necessary here. At the outset, I "Now that the exam schedule
must make it clear to Professor Slos- is out," remarked the Jolly
son and the readers that I and my Junior yesterday, "we can forget
fellow-country men sincerely regret about them until the night be-
the unfortunate incident. But I do fore."
wish the readers to know the real
situation. As no authentic report of
the incident has reached this country, * * *
no definite statement can be made. RLSBGN ESTOA
But it is certain that fhe incidenthas ROLLS BEINOF CLTY'S CLB
been grossly exaggerated and misrep-
resented. According to the latest re- Es
SEditor's Note: Our representative
port, only one American citizen was has spent seven n onths in secret in-
killed instead of 120 as reported by vestigation, of the activities of the
some of the sensational news agencies. FacultytMn's Club, which meets over
According to the news from available in the basement of Alumni Memorial
sources, the shelling and looting in . sc u
Nankng eredon by he etratig Ihall. This series will continue until
Northern soldiers, the White Russians professors get down to workor
enlisted in the Northern army, and Iuntil the column is supressed. ROLLS
. . stands first last and always for the
probably by some of the irresponsible sn ftthandhawas iorthe
t-rth the whole truth or as near the

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Telephone 21214
Contracts..................William C. Pusch
Copywriting..........Thomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising ....George. H. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation.............Kenneth Haven
Publicaion ............John H. Bobrink
Accounts .............,.Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenberg George Ain, Jr.
Selma Jensen Florence Cooper
Marion L. Reeding A. M. Hinkley
Marion Kerr E. L. liulse
Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Iarvey Taloott
John Russwinkle Harold Utley
'Douglas Fuller Ray Wachter
Virle -C. Witha Esther Booze
Nearly forty Cornell athletes were
disappointed last Saturday night
when, for the first time in years, no
banquet was tendered them follow-
ing the track meet at Yost Field
To make matters emphatically
worse, "'a banquet at the Union" was
- scheduled, on the program which the
visitors were given upon their de-
parture from Ithaca, the information
for which was furnished by the track
management here. TIfe net was
finished before 10 o'clock. 'The Cor-
nell ,eam had nothing Ito do except
wait -until well past midnight for the
train home.
Michigan teams are entertained
with a banquet or smoker at Ithaca
every other year and the same custom
did exist in Ann Arbor until this year.
The Union arranged and financed the
affair until two years ago when Blue
Key took it over. The reorganized
Blue Key society attempte'd to handle
the affair this year but could raise no
funds for the purpose.
It is regrettable that the Athletc
association does not make some pro-
vision for defraying the expense of
occasional entertainment for visiting
teams. Michigan teams in various
sports are feted every now and then
yhen they play out-of-town, and not
always by the alumni. -
A banquet in honor of the Cornell
team would have been particularly'
fitting this year considering that
Michigan won. Instead, an annual
custom was broken. The 'Union can-
not be expected to finance such a pro-
ject, nor Blue Key for that matter.
Could not the Athletic association
take the responsibility on such oc-
With the general exodus of Amer-
icans and British from the Yangtze
valley, significant changes and prob-
lems of far reaching importance seem
to be appearing in the Chinese situa-
To some observers, the foreigners
are evacuating this territory with
little hope of returning. By the time
the affair is settled, many of their
possessions will have been seized or
destroyed by the Chinese. Their

A measure is about to be introduced 'local mob before the regular na-
into the State legislature by Repre- tionalistic forces came to the scene.
sentative Haight of Lansing which -Alfred S. T. Pu.
will provide for the erection of a
white cross where an automobile THE NANKING INCIDENT
fatality occurs on the highways. Such To The Editr
a provision would bring more forcibly
to public attention the increasing Now that the number of killed and
to ublc ateniontheinceasngwounded in Nanking has simmered 1
number of such fatalities. The plan woun in Nanfgl, im e
has been followed in Ohio for some down to a mere handful, it may not be
amiss to note a few of the less em-
time and has Proved effective. Doubt-
less it would prove as effective in our phasized but more importantafacts t
lstteouldproveasefftver.Seing in the situation. That there are aIt
own state as in any other. Seeig
such white crosses would be unpleas- civil war, an anti-foreign movement,1
ant but effective. and radicals bent on destruction in -
China is well-known; and Nankng,t
though freer from these elements than
Students participating in movie some Chinese cities, is of course not
rushes and encounters with the police entirely without them. There is, how-
officers in Ann Arbor should really be ever, as has been very evident to
put to shame by reports of the riot of those on the spot, in Nanking and1
the Johns Hopkins sophomores and throughout China, a growing number,
freshmen. of intelligent, international-minded
people, equally bent on constructive
It might be a good idea for the Stu- work. This latter group is working
dent council to limit votes in class consistently and quietly . It is a great
elections to those students of the col- man y times as numerous as the rad-
leges in which the candidates 'are en- icals ,but the radicals, like Chicago's
rolled if the different classes can't be gun men, have caught the attention
stopped from voting, of the world far more than all the
millions of good people combined.
It's a bright student who knows America is doubtless justified in
who the officers of his class are. censuring the murderers of her citi-
zens. (Perhaps China might with
equal justification return the cen-
CAMPUS OPINION sure.) One wonders if America is
Annonymous communications will be equally justified in overlooking herI
disregarded. The names of communi-
carts will, however, be regarded as indebtedness to those Chinese friends;
confidential upon request. who at the risk of their own lives
A REPLY TO SLOSSONrburied her dead ,made possible the
escape of hundreds of her living, and
To The Editor: secured military protection for her
In an interview as reported in The life and property in the civil wr
hlaily, last Saturday, Professor Slos- area. If the American press would,
son seems to have more or less mis- de te space to the activities of the
interpreted the present Chinese situa- various groups in China in proportion
tion. Thepresent Chinese situation is to their importance and to the num-
not in many ways similar to the bers of persons involved, a rather dif-f
Boxer Rebellion, as Professor Slosson ferent and more attractive picture
believes it to be. In the first place, of our Pacific neighbor would be pre-4
the China of the Boxer Rebellion per- sented.t
iod desired to have no relation with There are wrongs, and on, bothI
the outside world and was itself ig- sides, -which must be recognized,
norant of the general world situation; courageously faced, and solved. It is
while the China of today, the Nation- not only right but imperative, that i
alist China, is itself fully aware of they should be boldly pointed out.
the present world situation and de- But that is the easiest part of our re-
sires to maintain cordial diplomatic sponsibility. We can criticize the
and commercial relationship with the Chinese people, the American -mis-
foreign nations, but on an equal and sionary, or the American busineiss
reciprocal basis. In the second place man (all of whom the writer is con-
the rise of nationalism, the spread of vinced are doing their very best in the
democratic ideals, and the awakehed situation). Are we equally able to
consciousness of the injustice that has understand and appreciate? Have we
been done by the foreign nations to anything to say for those Chinese
China 'are the underlying factors in Christian students who are really the.
the present situation; while in the ones who saved the lives of the Amer-
making of the Boxer Rebellion, only ican missionary group in Nanking a
the last named factor did play any few days ago?
important part. And in the third -n American Resident of Nanking.
place, the Boxer Rebellion was led by
a group of reactionary and ignorant THE MOTE IN HIS EYE
leaders who had been stirred to action To The Editor:
1 by the humiliations and injustices It is altogether too bad that certain
that had been heaped upo, China metropolitan dailies noted for their
and by the fear of the prevalent secret sensationqlism and fact-twisting pro-
negotiation among some of the for- pensities should deliberately try to
eign.. powers for the partition of perpetuate what ill feeling exists be-
China. Their aim was to drive all the tween the North and the South. We
foreigners out from China and their were hoping for a day when an edu-
method was violence. But the pres- cated public would turn a deaf ear to
ent Nationalistic Movem1nent is led by strife breeding propaganda such as
a group of educated and intelligent appears in the Chicago Tribune; but
leaders who' are mostly returned stu- when our own very cultured editors,
dents from Europe and America, and who so consistently preach sanity in
who have the united support of the journalism, some out with such a
Chinese people. Their aim is to es- statement as that which appeared re-

ruth as we can get it. -


The Alumni Memorial was chosen
as th4 home of this club, because no-
body ever goes near there and the
professors can raise as much racket
as they wish. They do.
* * *
Dignified professors throw aside
dignity and bluebooks, when they en-
ter the portals of their club. They
play billiards - and even checkers.
And-sh!--they have a soda fountain
down there.
* * S
Our investigajtor found out that pro-
'fessors arrange to give as many blue-
books as possible the same day so that,
they can all take the next day off for
correcting them, thereby losing only
the one day from the billiard table.
* * *
And-vone thing is absolutely taboo:
lecture jokes.
Timothy Hay.
Muskc and Drama
guest artist, will present the custom-
ary Twilight Organ Recital at 4:15
o'clock in Hill auditorium.
TONIGHT: Guy Haler presents the
Misses Elizabeth Davies and Ethel
Hauser and Mr. Dalies Frantz in a
recital for one and two pianos at 8:15
o'clock in Pattengill auditorium.
TONIGHT: Play Production and
Direction presents "He- Who Gets
Slapped," by Leonid Andreyev, at
8:15 o'clock in University theater.
TONIGHT: Comedy Club present
"The Trumpet Shall Sound," by
Thornton Wilder,- at 8:30 o'clock in
the Mines theater.'





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* * *
The following program has been se-
lected by Guy Filkins, guest artist,
for the Organ Recital this afternoon-
(Palmer Christian having left on a
spring concert tour):
Grand Choeur ..............Guilmant
A Song "Manning........Dett-Nevin
Romance sans Paroles ........ Bonnet
Allegretto ............ Wolstenholme
La Concertina .................You
Liebestod ("Tristan and Isolde")
.. . Wagner
The Pilgrims Chorus ("Tann-
hauser") ...............Wagner
Filkins is the organist of the Cen-
tral Methodist church of Detroit, has
studied in America and in Europe
under Joseph Bonnet and somebody!
else. In the evening there will be
another musical event of major im-
portance-the Davies-Hauser-Frantz
recital in Pattengill auditorium;
Davies and Hauser do some excep-
tional two-piano work. Also Playj
Production and Direction are present-
ing "He Who Gets Slapped" and Com-
edy Club "The Trumpet Shall Sound"
by ' Thornton Wilder. Wonderful
things are expected of both produc-
tions by their directors, and it
wouldn't be at all surprising if the

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