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March 29, 1927 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-29

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.. . .... _. .... x _, .. .s . ,... ... . , x .....

Tubicaiion In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
VOLUME T11 ' UI SAY; 31"ARCH 2199 197 ]NUMBER 13
xTo the De'1Is :
There will be no Conference of the )eas on Wednesday, March 30, 127.
F. E. Robbis.
.Acion o the Adlministraitve Board :
By action of the Administrative Boardl of the College of Literature,
Science, and t he Arts, Mr. Alden Shepherd has been placed on probation for
the present semester, and has been rcorded E in Rhetoric 2, for dis-
honesty in the theme work in that course.
W. IR. lHumphreys, Asst.1Dea.
To tle Senate (Commitltee on Undergraduate Studies:
There will be a meeting of the Senate Committee on Undergraduat
Studies on 'Tuesday, March 29, 1927, at 4:00 P. M., Room 1014, Angell Hall.
Ira 31. Smit, Secretary.
Kindling wood may be had for the hauling at the Medical Ward, Con-
valscent Hospital. Sec Mr. MacNamee, Buildings and Grounds Department
E. C. Pardon, Superintendent.
Dean's Advisory Committee, College (of Literature, Science and te Arts:
A meeting of the Dean's Advisory Committee is called for 4:10 P. M.
Wednesday, March 30, in my office.
30o1n R. Effinger.
Deant Bursley'sAdvisory Groups:
There will be a meeting of my advisory group Tuesday evening, March
29, at my'home.
J. T. Bursey.
Econonils 52:
My sections will meet in Room 25, Angell Hall at three this afternoon
for the examination.
G. W. Woodworth.
Sigma Xl Lecture:
Dr. W. F. Gerhardt, Vice President and Research Director of the Aero-
nautical Research Corporation of Detroit, will give a lecture in the Natural
Science Auditorium on Tuesday, Mar. 29th at 4:15 P. M. The subject of
the lecture will be "Aeronautics as a means of World Transportation" The
lecture will be illustrated. The public is cordially invited.
F. il. Bragg, Pres.
Graduation Recital:
Ethel Hauser, pianist, assisted by Elizabeth Davies her playing partner,
and Dalies Frantz, will give a graduation recital to which the general public
is cordially invited, in Hi-gh School Auditorium, Wednesday evening at 8:15
o'clock. The program will consist of two piano numbers as follows:
Sicilienne (Bach); Concerto in C major (First movement) (Bach) Miss
Hiauser and Miss Davies; Prelude and Fugue in F minor (Bach); Etude
in E major (Chopin); Perpetual Motion (Weber) Mr. Frantz; Scherzo
(from Midsummer Nights Dream) (Mendelssohn) ; The Fountain of the
Valle Giulia at Dawn (Respighi) Two Etudes in C flat (Chopin) Liebes-
freud (Kreisler-van Ktatwijk) Miss H-auser and Miss Davies; Six Pieces
from the "Carnival of Animals" (Saint-Saens); Irish Dance (D. G. Blake);
The "Beautiful Blue lDanube" Waltzes (Strauss-Chasms) Mliss Hauser and
Miss Davies.I
Charles. A. Sik, Secretary.
Guy Flkins, Guest Organist:
Guy Filkins, Detroit, will appear as soloist in the organ recital Wednes-
day afternoon at 4 :15 P. M. The program will be as follows:
Grand Chour in D (Guilmant) ; A Song "Manning" (Dett-Nevin) ;
Romance Sans Paroles (Bonnet) ; Rhapsody (Silver) ; Serenade (Widor) ;
Allegretto (Wostenholme); La Concertina (Yo); Liebestod (Tristan and
Isolde) (Wagner) ; The Pilgrims' Chorus (Tanhause) (Wagner).
Charles A. Sink, Secretary. I
The regular meeing of Adjelphi House of Representatives will be held
Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Adelphi rooms on the fourth floor of
Agell Hall. The, bill to be discussed is as follows: Resolved, that the
Student Cistian Association no longer serves any useful function and
should be dissolved.
All who are interested in the debate or in forensic activities are cor-
dially invited to attend.
J. 3. Scrade, Speaker.
Charge Accounts at the League Candy Booth:
Must be paid immediately. Positively no more credit is to be allowed.
E lizaeth Wellmiain.
A. S. ,C. . Student Branch:
An important business meeting will be held tonight, March 29, at 8:00
o'clock in the Union.
Ralph B. Ehers.
Portia Literary Society :
.There will be a short meeting Tuesday, March 29th, at 7:15 P. M. All
members will please bring their second semester dues.
The Freshmen Portia-Athena Debate has been postponed until April
5th. 3Miramn. Olden, President.

Quarterdeck :
A meeting of Quarterdeck will be held tonight in Room 304 at the Union,
7:30. A paper' is to be presented at that time.
L. D. Weston, Steward.
To Seniors and Young Men Wishing Sunnier Work:
Mr. J. H. Smith, Eastern Division Sales Manager of the Fuller Brush
Company, Hartford, Conn.' will be glad to meet any who are interested in
summer work, andl also seniors who would like to confer with him in regard
to opportunities for permanent executive positions with his Company. Mr.
Smith will be in Room 325 Michigan Union ?March 29th, all day and evening.
J. A. Bursley.
Religion 14:
:Assignment for quiz sections meeting Tuesday and Wednesdays; Chap-
. i

ters 6 and 7 in the text; also discussion onl the basis of Professor l ui'c
lecture. A. E. Ivood.
Physics Colloquium :
The Physics Colloqo iumn will meet at 4:15 p. tn. Tunesday, Ilarch
29, in Room 10411, New P'hysics Butildling. P'rofessor F,. 1. Barker will speak
on ''The Infra-Fled Spectrum of Ammonia." All int erest ed ar c(ord(liall1y in-
vited to attend. IV.IF. Colby.
Luncheon meet ing will1 Ie held in the Miichigan Union, Wdac r
March 30, at 12 :15 P. Al. Libra ry facilIitIies andi policies has been u'r.t1
as a top~ic tfor diiscui ionl.
The regular ni (et na will he held Wed nes( I'y evening at <;evert-tii rt y
because o1 t he Orat orical program tonlliglit. The program will (001315' ±.!of3
report from the invest igatilig conmmitteec apipoinuted last wee'k.
L'ylt' , iX L £I'It I, Pros.
To thle Public:
Play Production and Direct ion of the public speaking department will
present Leonid Andreyev's "lHe Who Gets Slapped" for two performances,
Wednesday and Thursday evenings, March 30th and 31st in' the New Uni-
versity I heater, University I-all Auditorium. Tickets onl sale at Slater's
and U~niversity Hall Auditorium. D~avid Owent.
Senior A rchiitects~:
Invitations andl announcements must be ordered before Friday, April
1st, inl Room 206 Engineering Building.
IArthur J1. Zimmermnn.
Oratorical As sociat ion Ushiers anid Tieket-Tatkers:
Theodore Roosevelt lectures tonight. Please be present at 7:15.
Carl G. Branidt, Finanicial Manager.
There will be a meeting at 7:30 P. M. at Professor F. N. Scott's home
at 538 Church Street, Tuesday, March 29.
i Mary-Elizabeth Ribbey, Pres.
Reason and Ethiics onice more. Professors Morris and Parker will re-
but on this subject Tuesday evening, March 29, in Room 106 M. 1I.
C. D)e Boer.
Tan Beta Pi:
There will be a meeting of the Michigan Gamma chapter of Tall Peta
Pi tonight at six o'clock in the Michigan Union.
Jlosephm D. Ryan, Secretary.
Music Section:
The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Wednesday
at 8 o'clock, with Mrs. M. M. Peet, 2030 Hill St.
Marion 11k, Secretary.

Returned Capitalist Thinks China, Not
ESo Much Anti-Foreign. As Pro-Chinesed

The,,(C'hinoso arc' 1rio tih:i'iA
~filiyI)ro-C hinle e. f
>No force' cal l t3~ ,i ( 'iitwl(' nIn
I G tl . c,': wnijtirnal a ff drs , i'_id th ch eir ~iI l ' t tiC Et1x1 c tl -t
d-s. ba ca'i'.ednut fiWilli sys- 'y ::t" . }
iThesey~ are hirighlig ht s ina observa-
lio -1216 yJ ."F!co aptialdi-4 and LBner (0l-i ~' :~
hect or of it cr11131 reveniue in Manila,
vwh o has returned from a five mont hs'
trill in the Orient.
Itaffert v, who terms the Chinese sit-j
n ation as "The Chinese Stampede,"'
was stat ionad inii e Orienit for 20j14
years. lie has a Wide (contact ini
!China amiong; officials and merchants,
both native and foreign. He discus-I :.::"
!ctI Chinese affairs on his recent trip .
Iw ith IDr. D). C . W ang, ex-pi '(em iem ., and m l y O~ e '
"China is imbued with a nat ion- I
wide determination to gain control of
her own internal affairs such as she iJ .Rfet
never has experienced before and nol "While the position of the United
force can stop her," Rafferty says. I States in China is more favorable
4 than that of any other nation, the
x' .S. C i'ef Che istChinese do noit overlook the fact that
T Ao Give T alky iHiere we keep our troops in Tiens-sin, our
US. District court t Shanghai and
E. . N aliurn ciefofthechm-i our -gunboats patrol the Yangtze
istry division of the United States river."__
bureau of standards, will lecture upon!
the work of his department of the gov-I ciotv and is one of a series that will be
ermental, service at 4:115 o'clock! given this year.
Thursday afternoon, March 31, in the?
Chemistry amphitheater. The lecture ILLINOIS.-The new national head-
is uinder the ausices of the Michiganmi quarters for Skull and Bones will be
section of the Amner eau Chemical so- located here.
evening, March 29, in Room 323 of the Union at S o'clock.
F. Stalker.
Party will leave for Detroit prompt ly at seven o'clock, Wednesdlay,
March 30f11, fromt Engineering Arch.

Aero Society:
There will be a business meeting of the.

Aeronautical Society on Tuesday

R.O.T.C. Rifle TIeam i
Wins Tri angle Meet;
In a rifle match held last week be-
tween the teams of tile It.0. T. C.,
the Ann Arbor Rifle club, andl the.
125th infantry, the R. 0. T. C. team1
won by a score of 640 points to 597
for the Ann Arbor Rifle club, -and 529!
points for the infantrymen. The R. 0.
fT. C. team is composed of the same:
five men who have been shooting in
the William Randolph Hearst trophy
WASHINGTON.- Dean Howard T.j
(Lewis has accepted a post at Harvard. 1


Translated by Edwin and Cedar Paul
PRICE $3.0



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with the
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ter time-your portrait by
Dey, for Dad, Mother or'
Sweetheart that will bring
lasting joy, showing your
thoughtfulness and convey
your highest regards.



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