TIUESDAY, MARtCH 29, W92 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN THE MICH IGAN flATlY PAGE SEVEN FACULTY MAN TO BE Future HONORED AT BANQUET President Little Will Present Award To Outldanding Professor At ; (rildiron Banquet: MANY BIDSACCEPTED Just who the recipient of the tra- d4tional oil can to he "awarded" at the coming Gridiron Knights' banquet will' be remains to be seen. Sponsors of . th affair, which is to take place Tues- day, April 5, in the Union, refuse to suggest who the man to be "honored" might be. The oil can is "awarded" each year. to a conspicuous faculty man whose I Oilca n Holder Remains Unknown' activities entitle him to possession of the "trophy", in the opinion of the sponsors of the banquet. The recip-3 ient of the oil can will not know of his selection until presented with it by this year's holder, President Clar- ence Cook Little, in the final event of the banquet. Holders of the oil can in past years are Prof. W. D. Henderson of the Ex- tension division, who held it in the year 1923; Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political science department, "awarded" the oil can in 1924; Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the English de- partment, possessor in 1925; and President Clarence Cook Little, holder of the "trophy" during the past year. The holder of the oil can passes it on each year to his successor. President Little will make the presentation this year to holder of number 5. The oil can! is on display all this week in Graham'sj store window on State street. Acceptance of various types con- inue to dome in, said Gene Gutekunst, '27, yesterday. A prominent Univer- sity official returned the acceptancel blank with the following notations upon it: Accepted for two reasons: (1) A fool and his money are soonI parted. (2) I just love bad grammar and I'm sure you're a kindred spirit." An arrow denoting the error in gram- mar on the invitation was made to in- dicate the last point. Whether the eve- ning clothes for the affair would be borrowed or not, as mentioned in the l invitation was not indicated the sen- I 3 3 4 IONG RUMORED AUTO IAR EXPECTED S0N Lenders ofM otor Industry Observe Silence Regarding Their Future Plans CAUSES SPECULATION (By Associated Press) DETROIT, March 28.-As the period approaches when the long rumored war within the motor industry is ex- pected to be brought into the open, leaders in the industry continued to observe a tight-lipped silence respect- ing their plans. Of the three prime factors in the rumored war-the Ford organization, the General Motors corporation, and the independents-from only the lat- ter has there come a statement upon which might be placed the stamp of ofilcialty. William C. Durant, a manufacturer in the independent field, which in- cludes concerns affiliated neither with the Ford organization nor the General Motors, announced that he shortly will reveal plans for a move that will rival anything in his already sensa- tional career in the motor industry. Speculation regarding Durant's plans is rife, but the most persistent rumor is that he will withdraw from Wall street and again take up an ac- tive role in the manufacturing end of the automobile business. Rumor has it that he plans a new low priced car, the product of a combine on which he is reported to have been working for more than a year. Whether the re- ported combine contemplates a mer- ger of the four factories in which Du- rant is now interested-the Flint, Du- rant, Star and Locomobile,-with other independent companies, is a matter of much speculation. One report has it tbat the Continental Motors, along with a number of other independent companies, thus far not mentioned in public reports, will be included in the merger if it is brought about. Neither the Ford organization nor Ihe General Motors executive com- mented regarding Durant's contem- plated move. P~rof. W. D. Hendersoni Prof.Thomas IH. Heed Prof. 0. J. Campbell President Clarence Cook Little Former holders of the oilcan, which is awarded to a prominent faculty man by the sponsors of the Gridiron Knights' banquet, include: Prof. W. D. Henderson of the xatension division, who held the oilcan in 1923; Prof. Thmas H. Reed, of the political science department, possessor in 1924; Prof. 0. J. Campbell, of the English department, recipient in 1925; and President Clarence Cook Little, who has held the "award" during the past year. President Little will present the oilcan as the final event of the comin banquet to this year's hol der. The name of the recipient will remain unknowvn until the presentation by President Little. The banquet will be sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, journalistic fraternity. G I i , der writing "I refuse to commit my- self." As yet the check has not been (Library Has Three Stained-Glass 1aintir returned from the bank. One faculty member protested vio- In the periodical reading room of glass are of varying shades of red. lently "against the insinuation that he the Library are exhibited three stain- Two azure shields, one inscribed with possessed no tuxedo for the occasion, aeetheedtresan- 1 oeiscie wt isscsdinao thxbdllrithth~e ccas ed-glass painting by, Mary Hamilton the fleur de lys, the other supposedly nc o Frye of Cambridge, Mass. Miss Frye with the crest of Orleans, are also on tance to prove it. fryeoCmrigthe painting. A student wrote that he "would is a well known illustrator and stain- Aucassin and Nicolete, the chief steal evening clothes and come." ed-glass artist, having illustrated characters of the famous medieval ro- Pointing out a typographical error I Selma Lagerlof's "Adventures of Nils"s- in the invitation, a theatrical man-I which were shown in the Library last mance of that name, is the theme of fall, and she has also painted windows the second picture. It was suggested! ager Ann Arbor stated that $275for some of the larger churches in by the passage in which Aucassin was too much for any banquet no the country. visits her imprisoned lover and let him matter where or how fine it was but The first painting, in the shape of kiss her long, golden hair by putting, that he was willing to go as high as a circular medallion, represents the curls through the iron bars. The $2.75, if that was the correct amount. Jeanne d'Arc in white armor, bearing glass shows Nicolete chained to the A newspaper correspondent regret- in her hand the sacred Oriflamme of prison wall, dressed in whbite with a ted that he would be in Mexico at the France. She is seated on a milk-white blue doublet, talking to his love, Au- time of the banquet but added that charger, covered with crimson trap- cassin, who has on a scarlet cloak. he undoubtedly would be having pings, against a background of deep The grating is too high to permit them; enough action anyway. blue and violet, while the edges of the to see each other, so Aucassin is just ngs On Exhibition preparing to put her hair through the bars for Nicolete to kiss. The third painting is called "Two Deer" and shows a white doe guard- ing her fawnswho is lying at her feet. The figures stand out boldly from a background of several shades of azure. Miss Frye has painted as an in- scription the verse: "This is the lovely deer Who standeth in the grass, She listeneth to protect her young Until the danger pass." IOWA. - Two scholarship fundsl amounting to $18,000 were recently given to the law school. ( CHEMISTRY JOBS' OFFEREDBY U. S. WASHINGTON, March 28.-Applica- tions for the position of junior chemist to fill vacancies occurring in govern- mental positions throughout the coun- try must be made to the Civil Service commission at Washington not later1 than April 30, it has been announced. Examinations for the filling of these positions, which are now vacant in the District of Columbia and in the Forests Products laboratory of the forest service at Madison, Wis., will be given in optional subjects of advanced inorganic chemistry, analytical chem- istry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Competitors will also be rated on general chemistry and ele- mentary physics. £'t ,