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March 29, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-29

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the'local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $.'/5; by mail,
$4.00. r
Offices; Ann Arbor Press Building, May-,
giard Street.
Phones: 'ditorial, 4925; usiness 21214.
Telephone 4926,
Editor....... .....W. Calvin. Patterson
City Editor..............Irwin A. Olias
NevaEdiors ...... Frederick Shillit~o
NewsEdiors........r Philip C. Brooks.
Women's Editor............Marion Kuik
Spoeto Editor...........Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor..........,Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama....... Vincent C. Wall Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry*
Cprlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger A t Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick

.._ _ .111 7-

and trouble with the religious ques
tion at home, Calles has had his hand
full. It would seem apparent that h
and those who are behind him ar
trying to lessen their difficulties con
The statute exiling ex-Kaiser Wil
helm from Germany will expire Jul;
1. Already powerful factions in Ger
many are advocating non-renewal o
the law, and if the action is not tak
en soon, and decisively, it is more thai
possible that the man who led Ger
many through the war will return
The move would be bad for severa
reasons. In the first place it would
undoubtedly antagonize the rest of
the world. Then in the second place
his return at this time would imperil
the existence of the Republican gov-
ernment, which Germany has estab-
lished at so great a cost, and he would
be the center of monarchist demon-
strations without a doubt. Republi-
canism is too firmly entrenched in
Germany to be readily overthrown, of
course, but the mere uprising and
hardships that a new struggle would
entail would be a serious tax on the
energies of an already weakened na-
Probably the Kaiser will never be
allowed to return. The Centrist par-
ty, strong enough to elect a chancel-
lor, opposes it, for one thing. It is to
be hoped, at least, for the benefit of
the infant republic, that ex-Kaiser
Wilhelm either passes quietly away
or revises his intentions beforeJuly 1.
Now that the presidential race
seems to be settling down to, com-
petition between "Cal" and "Al," a
good political show may be expected:
handshaking, and fishing versus talk-
ing and anti-prohibition.
If your house hasn't been robbed yet
don't blame the police-they are doing
the best they can.
Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
ean Campbell.
Bessie Church
Chester 1;. Clark
Edward C. Cummings
Margaret Clarke
kliaunard W. Cleland
Clarence Edeson
William Emery,
Robert E. Fi nh
J. Martin Frissel
Margaret Gross
Elaine Gruber
Coleman .Glencer
Harvey J.Gundersonl
Stewart onker
Morton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaum'
Paul Kern
Sally Knox
Richard .Kurvink.
G. Thomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Mary Ptoleny
Morris uinn
James Sheehan
Sylvia Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith,. Jr.
William Thurnau
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
Herbert E. Vedde
Milford Vanik


Telephone 21214
Contracts................William C. Pusch
Copywriting.'. . Th... .iomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising .... George 11. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation..............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication ................John H. Bobrink
Accounts ; .......Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenberg George Ahn, Jr.
Selma Jensen Florence Copper
Karion L. Reeding A. M. Hinkley
~Marion Kerr E. L.. Hulse
Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talcott
John Russwinkle Harold Itley.
ouglas F fler Ray Wahter
Vine C. Witiln Esther Booze
Night Editor -ELLI$ B. MERRY
Though the Nanking disorders
have been se.ttled to the point of
safeguarding the foreigners in "that
city, the Chinese situation remains
'Wery grave, particularly for those Na-
tionals located throughout the Yangtze
Anti-foreign agitation has increased
greatly in the last few days, since
their success in ejecting the foreign-
ers, from Nanking without serious
consequences has generally embolden-
ed the Chinese. Reports indicate that
the natives have become more menac-
ing than at any time since the Boxer
affair. Althiough General Pai has is-.
sued a manifesto to the Chinese
against attacking foreigners, and Gen-
eral Kai-shek has offered assurances
for their protection, it is believed that
the efforts of neither of them would,
be suficient against the propaganda !
of many agitators.
The safety of Americans and other!
-nationals in the, Yangtze territory
lies clearly in their evacuation and
movement to. Shanghai. Though they
have been warned repeatedly in this'
regard, many have been loath to leave
their business and realty holdings.1
While they have thus yielded to only
natural impulses, these foreigners 1
have committed themselves to cOn-
siderable dangers and have contrib-
uted to a serious international situa-
tion. For their own welfare and for
the benefit oftrelations with China it
Is hoped that they will -more heed the'
warnings given out by American dip-
omatic officials.

To The Editor: 0
We have been hearing a great deal
about China's fight for independence
of external domination. We have
identified ourselves with one side or
the other, with the Chinese or the
nations holding concessions. And yet
none of us know the exact facts. A
late. issue of The Daily pointed out in
an interview with Meng that our news
is probably perverted to meet the
views of the people controlling the
cable lines operating indirectly be-
tween China and the United States.
There are declamations against the
cruelty and bloodshed in the interna-
tional sections; and yet it is a known
fact that few other means can-%topa
mob riot.
In the protection of their holdings
in rich and productive territory, the
other nations are acting in no inhu-
man way. Man can hardly be other
than personal in his thinking. To see
something taken away that you have
acquired with honest toil and sweat!
takes a more philosophical attitude
than can be expected. Nations have
always worked and fought for nation-
al aggrandizement and commercial
However, nations have also fought
continually for independence . Time
and again did Poland endeavor to
wrest herself from Prussian or Rus-
sian domination. Our own nation
was not given her liberty on a plat-
ter. In Europe particularly, this
movement nearly always coincided
with a change in the industrial sys-
tems; and an increase in the general-'
ity of ed~ucation. When workers toil
and talk together there is the develop-
ment of a powerful though unorganiz-
ed feeling of solidarity. Then too,
they band together for the securing
of economic justice from their em-
ployers. When these same workers
are educated themselves or have chil-
dren who bring home from school the!
wonderful principles of liberty and
equality, the passive submission to
exterior domination and exploitation
ceases. China may be said to be at
the beginning of such a period. Hert
immense population is feeling its way
toward organization. Work is becom-
ing more modernized, and schools are
springing up in many districts. What
has happened to England, France, and
Austria in the advance of liberal ideas
and the principle of self-determination
seems likely to happen in China.
We western people have exported
to China modern machinery and meth-
ods. We have taught the people the
most efficient ways of manufacture,
and specialization of labor. We have
sent our missionaries and educators
to the Orient to help raise the people
from their centuries of illiteracy. In

isLL m UA H N
,.,e II
- GREATMuianDrm
REOL5 ___ Week End Special
We wish to advocate a reform. And, "THE ' T'JRUMEIET SHALL SOUNI)" Friday and Saturday
- not being the student council, we shall Coming directly from the ratherEMemory
y expect some action. ,-mim g draeetl Tn om ihe nt'w ok
* temperamental Laboratory Theat r of
if' We feel that the student body is be- Richar d Bolislavsky. "The Trump t l i
hind us to a man, and that"they will Uhat Sod, a play by ThoAcnGS
n back us tip to the last Dean. No com- Wilder, will be preented by C lefmdyA B h d f
mittee will be a tClub on Wednesday through Salrday At Both Ends of the Diagonal
even draw up any resolutions.t imes theater. Te vnh1 -
premier run has but latCl gioe down -I--
li in theatrical history, and the prodnc- SKILLED REPAIRING
IWhat this campus nells is more and tion has been arranged only with spe-
f bigger major sports. Here we have cial permission with the athor---a
a Bill of Rights from the theater man- fact which should be mentioned with
aesthat they will give a free show fc hc hudb etoe It is necessary that your
l ardue and awed recognition.
every time w.c win a major sport The plot seems to be another ot
championship, and there aren't any those vivisections of life, with a Fountain Pen should unction at ali e
1 left to win. stream of colorfully drab characters
Oeselected at random, and with no par- ITO INSURE THIS get a
Our swimming team captures the ticular regard for sequence, prcbabil-
r Big Ten waterwings, and what hap- ity or situation. They walk in andl
pens? Why, the cheerleader gets his out of the picture as vivid cross-sec-iMa ste rp e n"
name engraved on a silver mega- tions of New York streets. and the
phone- plot of the more stationary types
* * * stand alone in the midst: nothing go-!
The students don't get anything out ing nowhere, the rather endless fu- a Pen with 4 distinct advantages.
of it but a newspaper story . Where tility of the cycle emphasized. Wheth- I A Self-starter. 2 A dependable writer. 3 Holds two weeks supply
was the "incentive for winning" that er or not this is good dramatie tCh- of ink. 4 Will out-wear several pens of any other make, and besides itis
meet that the theater managers' reso- nique remains to be seen. Te entire made and serviced right here in Ann Arbor, by the maker himself.
lution talked about? We don't see success rests on the director and the
how they won the swim, when they cast, and since the play has been in R ider's
knew the students wouldn't get a free rehearsal for some weeks, these d-
show. i partments should be well cared for. 3 5 Sfafe Street
* * i Barring the fact that the title is
What the swimmers ought to do is impossible, there is little else to re-
refuse to win any more championships ( mark concerning the external fea- (.24-H0UR SERVICE
until the theaters give us a free show. tures, either in the text or the presen-
Then the alumni would send in reso- tation. It is, however, an experimen- __
lutions demanding better. coaching, t"tion, and this in itself most com-
and the coach could just say, "Alumni, mendable. The present, dramatic
you'll have to get lus free shows be- season on campus has witnessed a JUUegL L E R E T' S
fore we can get this team to win notable lack of this, having begun _______________
meets." with a promising vehemence that 02 S. State St.
* * * jIdwindled into a stagnation. Originlity
And the Athletic association would The following cast has been selected Salted N Seit
by Paul Stephenson, late of the Ypsi- P y
call up the theaterstandi say, "Boys, Salted Feh Daily-
we won't give you any more passes to lanti Players, who has taken over the res y
football games unless you throw a entire direction: Toasted Sandwiches the
free show for swim championships.' Sarah Budie .......Dorothy Williams Kistwich Way
There'd be a free show tomorrow. Flora Storey........Pauline Jacobs
* * * Mr. Gaylord ........Samuel Bonnellt_
THESE PROFESSORS Charles Hammersley.(Carlos)....
... .s.a. .a.m.e.o.o.u.t.s... ..Ambrose Prior
It's a shame that more opportunities Nestor Storey ......Thurston Thieme
aren't given to professors to write Miss De Valle..........Alice Vosper \LEASE e ojdiit iidjn
humor. They can talk it in their lee- Fru Soderstrom..Kathleen Chrisholm P LmE AmE
tures but it is so seldom that they get Keeter.Robert Wetzel becomig a sema oa.
. . . . . . . . . . . . e r t W e z e lb om i r n g - ~ 'r e a n
a chance to write it, that they must Horace Dabtey.....William Bishop DO Ni To f e a
waste a lot of good wise-cracks. If Dexter .................Kenneth King Is Stetso - made
some of the faculty would only signify Mrs. Smith.............Helen Voss
their willingness we would like to A deaf-mute...........Roy Curtis
turn the column over for a whole day A Woman.......Malverna Kennedy
to professorial humor. * * *
What got us started on such a rash RECITAL
proposal were the returned applica- Iy Robert J. (ess!Ier
tions for Gridiron Banquet tickets. Deep sincerity linked with frag-
For instance, A. Franklin Shull chang- ments of technique characterized theCA mPU Sb
es the wording to read that he has Hillel Foundation's first twilight mu-
evening clothes and says the com- sicale. But, sincerity is not an excuse
mittee "must" reserve him a ticket. for music any more than the lack of
* * * technique. Yet, Louis Gomberg, a The STS -lRA
Then Henry F. Adams rewords the pianist, gave the listeners the smooth- J John.stetson On ny P0kibde4k
application so that it says that he and est and the most pleasing presentation Al'
his evening clothes will come, and of the afternoon. We fear that if it Il1 O l1CI I
Shirley Smith wrote "gas tax-$2.75" were not for his numbers the pro-
on the check stub. gram would have been merely another Branches
* * * mediocre student recital.
WE DEMAND A RECOUNT La Fileuse-Joachim Raff's Spin-
UThe Arc ad Sunday guaranteed 1492ning Song-opened the program with
Ths in ti pure, ca den's Gomberg playing this difcult selec- E give you a solid
laughs in this picture, "MeFadden's to ih a i tli e t u~ e t n i gf u d t o n al c m
Flats." We felt it our duty to the .ion with an intelligent understanding.foundation.in all cony -newspaperreadingpublicto_________of__tsvariedexecution._However,__is
newspaper reading pubi to invest- mercial branches, that will
gate the matter. sympathy and feeling were seriously
S t * hindered by the lack of a smooth put you in a commanding
technique in the presenting of the position in the business I ON SALE THIS WEEK
WGe found on actual count that there rapid passages. Gomberg is not the «
were only about 1066 laughs. And raiwpsagsroled.sno h
artist he was when studying under world. Hard Water
some of those came from listening toEpstein, or when e was PercSo
theEmusc.*inrenhwsury Gra-

the music
ic *. f ,inger's prodigy. And this unfortunate Second Semester TEN CAKES 5C
decay was allowed through the neg- February 14
The show varies a little from the liec fth otesnta atrIeray1
"Abe'sIrih ase fomul i tht i lgence of the most essential factor
"Abie's Irish Rose" formula in that it n the making of a muisicia-piac- Get Your Supply Today.
has a Scotchman instead of a Jew. I tice. We are continuously told that HAMILTON
deals with an Irishman whose home, it is the steady grind of incalculable
changes from "Late Irish" to "Early hours of practicing that alone can BUSINESS COLLEGE Eberbach & Son1,: o.
Italian," almost overnight. Although produce a faultless technique. Established 1843
there are the usual number of Scotch In Gomberg's second number, a 200-202 E Lib S
jokes, there are quite' a number of I nm, r -ate and Wilam Sts,0astL ertySt
I JRhinehold Impromptu, his warms feel-;
good ones- ing in the repeated melodious strain Ann Arbor
don't over-shadowed his weak cadenzas.
And in the whole picture they o Iactiveness at the key-board has not
show you one exterior view of all of deteriorated Gomberg's imagination
"McFadden's Flats." The Funny Frosh and interpretative force in drawing
explained that most of them were out attenuated pianissimos in a most
covered by a mortgage. Those were delightful manner.
his last words. Dorothy Ornstein, the vocalist of the
* * musicale, rendered two pleasing num- HILL ST. SECTION STATE
THANKS FOR THE "TECHNIC" bers in a sweet ,delicate voice but that
WE RECEIVED a copy of the at times quivered on notes, giving an Seventeen rooms, four bath rooms, Within prescribed zone, this 19-room
"Michigan Technic," and we admit we untrue tone. In her first selection available in this attractive residence. Very house is being offered. Includes three bath
were wrong back there when we said her voice did not appear flexible i spacious living quarters which include rooms, steam heat, oil burner, large ice bo,
that only engineers read it. We read ' the octave shiftings, which tended to
it and found it quite an inpiration give the impression of a throaty arge living room, music room and library. and other equipment that would be neces-
for humor. voice. But in an encore she allowed Several fire places. 'Wood work in solid sary for Fraternity use. Large lot; house
herself a new freedom and thus pre- mahogany. Steam heat, oil burner, large needs no remodeling to accommodate twen-
NO PASSES will be issued to the 1 sented the most entertaining song of institutional size water softener. This place ty-five people. Very good terms. Price
Penny Carnival to be held by the er group. Is one block from the campus. Price and $30,000.00. Call Mrs. Burnett with
Women's league, but ROLLS will pay Of the violinist all that can be said tems very llSergeantwCharlesL r R Ex
theamission prige, or nyo who y is that he wassincere. His selections low. a . . with L. Brooks Real Estate Exchange,
the adssion price for anyone who ere not adapted to his particular Charles L. Brooks, Real Estate Exchange, Realtors. Dial 22571. Evenings 3103.
Iwrnoadpetohspriuaan prove that he donated all his
money to the League Fund. style of playing, nor was his individ- Realtors, Dial 22571. Evening 6187.
SLa ual technique suitable to the nature
Tof the compositions he played.
TH1 . PENN CARNIVA will hav The finale consisted of a vocal and Call Mr. Sergeant, with ' 1



C.ALJ.J E .,SZ .L 2.~k
An immediate change in the Mex-
4can religious situation is imminent
NI1th the recent refusal of the Catholic
,hurch officials to come to terms with
the Calnes government or its succes-
sors on other than what is termed
complete religious freedom. Formeri
President Obregon made the overture'
bn behalf of the Calles government.
The Catholic officials declared that
church services would be resumed no-
where in Mexico until the decree -e-
suiring priests to be registered with
municipal authorities be formally re-
scinded. They are reported as rely-
Ing on foreign aid and influence to
help them continue the struggle
against the Calles government.

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