THE :MICHIGAN DAILYTUDA.ARH2,12 DEAN CABOT TALKS AT! PROFESSIONAL DINNER'' APPEA4LS TOL *"INNATE HON EST Y OF AVE ARAGE STUDENT t~o take a conte of others with hit. srt, mutst become general knowledge. .. It loksbeter.Thi ofcouse e ;hismaterial should be condensed as SHOULD BE HANDLED WITH EXTREME CARE-MOORE ped n where he ges and what his i r spssbean ae 3ito n.n Editor's Note: Prof. A. D. Moore of Itj ioos.te ue ovrn h the engineering; college,ntoalre- mosphere can be mentioned. Among is expected under the Honor system, I a pledge of hoest work 1s to be lc~i ytm rlscvrn h dent'of Tau Beta Pi, honor- engineering whom would you rather work,-peo-.Ihonesty in examinations and in work written on the examination paper, the ;violatlions of the clli vary some1 what. fraterntity, is the gut tar of this series of pie ~ o supposed to be done only by the iul-j pledge soul be iclded1 In the e Itn rilsbsduto ainlsre wh avioLe.'thdo toecse('the,0 booket ma stae made 'of the honor system in colleges and who are above that sort of thing? For vidual is of course part of the game.j booklet, along with the statement that S ettendhav01e~r tmiversities. wham wul yurahe ,in-Bu or ha ti, h boke soldno honest person can obet to bhm ..stuent 1obsevi na.avioatonto re- 1 srutor wo d do runotu, trunostilto youo teoredfonotl sfail mae torsodwellemnt on theth need fort n be- th Cln Appeal To 5trtilg'lttforwvrdness ! those who do?j ing thoughtful about one's actions in of integrity. ml hO ,Ii alohe e , 85.i ImaZy e The appeal to the innate honestyl The emphasis of the Honor system every respect. Some hilarity in the Rules Governing The F,vsten (s rongly recommienetd. Now it is very of the ' average individual,-when'booklet should be entirely on honesty, examination room is not in itself o-' There are certain rules that must j1011)tful if i ay college eeyy vio- trusted to be honlest -should he integrity, straightforwardness. It; jectionable, for a little of it can re- I be included in the booklet. The rulei latin of the Ilollol system Code, is re brought out with extreme care, No 'should be made clear that the real! lieve A good deal of tension, and en- i governing electing members of the pored. . - false and weakening note should be:i purpose of the Honor system is to Table nervous individuals to do bet- committees, and other matters of ths( -w txrlieillr isl) sounded, such as,-"Successful grad- l promote honor, and not to prevent ter wor; but continued rough-housef uates have found it. pays to be hon- cheating., does not constitute active cooperation est,"-here, the implication is that What Is Expected Of The Student lin support of the Honor sytem. [honesty should be the policy, becauseI The student Honor committee. There is no objection if a student rt tt7ttl thfe salary 'Will N>e higher. Really, should inform every ;student, bye leaves the examination room for alR YOUNG, pil ea apacole srctrL we want honesty in college lie, be-1 means ot the booklet, exactly what while, but he should make it a rule tolbyeine 5ad my . S. ge from rhard ,cause. we want it. No satisfactory sub-' rerd stiut rasn as etben oud.Weseyan University in 117. From TeTr st'iute easo has yet eenfoun , l1915 u ,iT 192) taught physics and e Kie Wh o efakabu t chemistry in Colby, Weseyan and 'CV Why ot b frak abut i? iProvidence, R. T., excepting service hae lie *College spirit can be properly ap- ;ANN U CNMH4A R V L O as a commissioned officer dorifl pealed to. A college certainly can' the war. oet nopiei a tThe desire for a more active life in- I pant dishneity, i'duced me to leave academic lines and ari taenopid n apatdihnet become assistant to the head chemist oraa in examination; on the other hand, it ra of the Gorham Manufacturing Co. obsr. takes a lot of pride in the successful r' OpotuitUfo avaceet erSwtht opeatonofth Hno sstm, he 1 1H~~s . seeed tolmie, so after two years sows I I decided on another change. I power adpto o teHoo sstmofenP Mr Fear of Runs i Your Silk Hosiery. tion where ambition, ability, and marks the time when the college has Tilste ea fpureor atificil silk 1hosiey. aedtstleioalfecua-mox ceased, in some respcts, to be an over 11)s hewaro On sale at grown high school.TAp normal hut. therepwill long re'main 324 tGte t. 0rc 'm f MICHIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS HAILER'S State Street Jewelers m I vuoid be demandd iandI 'ry re< .i ,'.re.. r. iuln , n ren niaoc sra ,t . .. lx a: I a ". l,liliih .C icy re, i n rC,nl. I(_lay ;n ";x ti rrc cii .1a grate'.n- llint lil .'L- inf l ir,1 I 11 I. \\XuO S _ i ts at!Onl ot m1r''I!1,h,; c . T -,. gin: to, L cr. ins .. Ofli'by wn l R.1 naPiE~~ia~ , _ _, ,. I I Wanted Two Student Sales Organizers, Prefer students, who have sold aluminum ware, books or household appliances. Opportunity to earn good money while in college. Our company nationally advertised and your job will, be to call upon regular Vcustomers. Only men who 'can earn: from $500 to $1,000 next summer need apply° for this job. -i at 1 vv a 1,S iffkI I J see in1to theE tLUre? _. I See ,Room 325, Mr. Reese Michigan Union,Toay ~1 VSED I { The men we want to manage our Mtores are men of vision-men who are able to'lok ito the future, and' who are willing to work hard to attain what they see there, If you have the faculty of vision, combined wvith perseverance and a willingness to improve yourself through work and study, you are the sort of man who goes far in ,the Kresge organization. And if you are this sort of man, you wVil not choose a position that offers much today, an~d little tomorrow. But you will be able to see into the future, and you wvill pick a job that offers a fitting return for the energy you put into it.{ Study our organization. Perhaps you will finrd it to your liking. At any rate, wvrite nowy, to our Personnel ]Department so that we may send a graduate of your own college to tell you how he found success in the Kresge organization. Personnel Dept S4.S - *REGEO V4 104 25¢ S'POI\ES *"* 1sio$9- STi-0r1s We havea S I * I alarge selection of Fords, Dodges, K RE SG E BUILDING, D ET R OIT) 'ICIl IGAN Chevrolets, and other makes in good condition which we are offering At very reasonable prices. 4 OWNER= ^{; Joseph H. Thompson DODGE AGENCY 20 East Michigan YPSILANTI Phone 111 MMM a _ p." N l al r3ltlltl~~if linllll~llll nu ril rtlur11tlu I,-L a'-Il '-p = GreatSt ars on the Scree. -01 '~LEW C IN -p" ya Pip r1= Siesare u to vvi te g est bchelo In-p C a S oul rot ach er nA l ')ventures befo re! _~- -and after-:shle 4 Modern smoking pleasure that never fails s THE smokers of this age are the most independent ever known. Accepting no hearsay, they have smoked out the facts. They have learned that the choicest Turkish and Domestic to- baccos grown are rolled into Camels, that here is the incomparable blend- ing for goodness, that Camels simply never tire the taste. Camel is the cigarette that never 'fails to please the modern age. Re- gardless of how often you want the will never fail you, never give' you any but the finest thrill of smoking pleasure. This is why +Camel's popu- larity, by far the largest in the modern world, keeps overwhelmingly in the lead. As modern taste becomes more insistent upon choice tobaccos, in- creasing millions discover Camel's in- comparable mildness, smoothness and mellowness. If you want the cigare'Stk that's good to live with from morn to mid-