ESTABLISHED 1890 Sir hjau t l MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII NO. 130 TEN PAGES ANN ARDOR. MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1927 TEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS PALI SPEKS BEFORE CLUB ON CONTROL OF GEMAN GOERNENT ECONOMIST BELIEVES PRESENT BURE AUTRACT HAS TAKEN FIRM STAND THERE SEES STRONG MILITARISM Fraternities Assume Politcal Aspect Striving To Prepare jtudents For Miploiiatie Service "Politically and economically mon- archy is obsolete in Germany, but the bureaucratic principle of government remains practically unchanged," Pro- fessor Melchior Palyi of the Univer- sity of Berlin said last night in an address before the members of the Economics club at the Union. Professor Palyi maintained that the. principle of bureaucracy has taken a firm hold upon German government and although he believes the old mon- archy has little chance of coining back, he stated that there is still a military group who, because of love for the military and monarchistic sys- tems, strongly favor the return of the old system under' which they held great power. Material for the rational ranks of the bureacrats is obtained almost wholly from the fraternities in the German universities. These fraterni- ties take on a political aspect and strive to prepare men for political service. Upon graduation from the universities a large number of these men in the fraternities immediately' enter the diplomatic service and be- come a strong part of the bureau- cracy 'controlling Germany and its policies. Professor Palyi stated that the German people have had the sys- tem of this bureaucracy so firmly placed in their ideas that any attempt to change the present system would be 'met by great protest, on the part of the majority of German people. In continuing his discussion of the German situation at the present time Professor Palyi took up the party system of Germany. He stated that Germany has not a two or three party system, but on the contrary has a multi-party system. Under the Ger- man system minority representation I becomes possible. The parliamentary government resulting from such a system is inevitably inefficient, in his opinion. Whenever a great crisis comes in German affairs, it is almost impossible to effect a settlement which will be satisfactory to a suf- ficient number of strong parties to accomplish the proper means of set- tlement. "Only a weak government can result from such a situation," ac- cording to Professor Palyi. "Thus bu- reaucracy appears as the only solu- tion," he continued.' The abolition of social distinctions among the German people as a result of the war was of tremendous Im- portance, Professor Palyi believes. Such social distinctions meant a great deal to all the middle class people in Germany. They were proud when they could attain a rank which would give them a title, no matter how sig- nificant the title was in reality. The pride of this large middle class group has been hurt and they are opposed to the Republicanists who were re- sponsible for the change. Professor Palyi stated that many men of impor- tance in Germany have come to realize that a mistake was made in the aboli- tion of those titles and that no pro- gress can be made 'while the great middle class is dissatisfied. TICKET SALE FOR PLAY IS STARTED Tickets for the Comedy Club play, "The Trumpet Shall Sound," which will open tomorrow night are now on sale at the box office of the Mimes theater, according to an announce- ment made by officers of the Club. The play will be given for four per- formances, tomorrow, Thursday, Fri- day, and Saturday nights; and all seats are priced at 75 cents. Thorn- ton Wilder, a product of Professor Baker's playwriting class at Harvard is the author and this is the first time the play has been presented outside of New York city, where it opened last fall in the Laboratory theater and is still playing. Special permission has been grant- ed by the author for the performance here, which is under the direction of Paul Stevenson, director of the Ypsi- lanti M'ayers. The version which the Comedy Club will give is different in sm e respects, also, from the one pre- sented in New York. CALIFORNIA-Students celebrated I a I !t 'ti ai g f w G t tr il LEAGUE DELEGATES CLOSE FIGHT FOR TH[0OO E LIMITATIONS OF ALL RESERVE ARMIES I L UU L One sensational incident of the ses- (BY Associated Press) .sion was a protest by Count Berns- GENEVA, March 28.-The delegates dorff, Germany, that while other coun- dvocating limitation of army reserve tries possessed reservage, Germany is ost a gallant fight on that point at disarmed by the Treaty of Versailles C oday's session of the League of Na- and allowed no effective military or- dis- ganization. He insisted training of re- an preparatory commissin on dafta serves constitutes one of the mos! "OVIS POLI AND eneral plan for world disarmament. important phases of the modern army. WILL BE Viscount Cecil, England, led the of- Still another interesting point LEC eenses for limitations of reserve and brought up was the question raised by vas supported by the delegates of the Italian delegate of whether limit IS HARVAR ermany,Holland and Sweden. But of reserve would apply to the Fascist hey met united opposition from coun- military in Italy. He was assured tries practicing conscription, includ- that it was intended to apply only to INv UP1Ocnd ng France. Italy nd Japan with the troops with colors. Naiv' UnderR TONIGHT ON XPLO RATIO N ) THE RED GODS" SUIBJECT OF 'URER D GRADUATE ssist Int Secretary Of 4arding and Held Three Years evelt, Jr., explorer ant secretary of the tonight in Hill audi- nnual Oratorical as- e series. President Little , will introduce ose subject will be e Red Gods," an ac-' to Asia. as been here several ,ls l~l:fI'ay al tra, - I L. result that Lord Cecil admitted defeat and moved acceptance of the first reading of the French proposal that limitation of troops shouln be re- stricted to those who are mobilized{ and can be employed immediately. Final decision went over until tomor- row. GERHARDT TO TALK ON FUTURE Of AVIATIONi FOUR COLLEGES PREPARE SCHEDULE FOR FINAL EXAMINATIONS IN JUNE Yost vFor Theodore Roos and former assist navy, will speakt torium on the ai sociation lecture Clarence Cook L the speaker, wh "Ovis Poli and th count of his tript The speaker ha Michigan Aiummus Has rlad Experi- ence lit Research ork In Army Air Service IS CONSIDERED AUTHORITY President Clarence Cook Little flakes Appointments To Group Managing Second Annual Affair CONTEST IS APRIL 23 Prof. Everett S. Brown of the po- litical science department was ap- pointed chairman of the committee which will arrange and manage the second annual Intercollegiate Cur- rent Events contest at Michigan, by President Clarence Cook Little yester- day. Other members of the committee are: Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department, Robert T. Lans- dale of . the sociology department, Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal- ismn department, Waldo Abbot of the rhetoricdepartment, and Prof. John V. Van Sickle of the economics de- partment. Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the political science department, who was chairman of the committee last year, was unable to devote the necessary time to the contest this year. President Clarehceook Little expressed himself as being heartily in favor of the Inter- collegiate Current Events con- test being conducted by The New York Times, yesterday. "The students, often talk of ways of bettering themselves," he said, "and this contest gives them a splendid, opportunity of proving their ability. Last year Michigan did poorly in-cbmpari- son with other schools and we should certainly strive to do bet- ter." "Aeronautics as a Means of World Transportation," is the subject of a lecture to be given by Dr. W. F. Ger- hardt, '17E, under the auspices of Sigma Xi, honorary research society, at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural Science auditorium. Dr. Gerhardt has had an extensive experience in aeronautical work and is well qualified, having been engaged in research work in the Army Air service since his graduation here, ac- cording to Prof. Felix Pavlowski, head of 'the aeronautical department. Before taking office in his present capacity as vice-president and re- I search director of the AeronauticalI Research corporation of Detroit, Dr. Gerhardt was stationed at McCook field, Dayton, Ohio, wherehe was in charge of the engineering division of the research department. He was also chief of the free flight section there. Dr. Gerhardt Is considered as one of the foremost authorities on per- formance analysis and free flight tests, having written numerous papers and books on aerodynamical problems, many of which are now used as text- books. He is also the author of the flight manuals which are used in the primary instruction courses of thel Army Air service. Discussionof the new possibilities in real estate development growing out of the construction of new aircraft! terminal facilities will be brought out in the lecture this -afternoon, being one of the subjects in which Dr. Ger- hardt is vitally interested. "I hope to show," said Dr. .Gerhardt, "that in America, we have the opportunity to guide the development of new commu- nities in accordance with real scien- tific dictates, and that this is a prob- lem not so much for the aeronautical engineer as for the architect, the eco-. nomist, and the sociologist." Dealing with the military aspectsof aeronautics, Dr. Gerhardt hopes toj show that aeronautics not only provide the most economic means of defense, but for the present, and in America at least, it is a system which is techni- cally and thporctically a defense mea- sure only. In his address, Dr. Gerhardt will also point out some of the work done by the aeronautical staff at the Uni- versity and by Michigan graduates, which has gained considerable notice.j WA TSON TO HEADc 1927 WRESTLERS Alfred Watson, '28A, of Coldwater, was elected captain of next season's wrestling team, following a banquet yesterday, given in his honor by thej Exchange club of Ann Arbor. Watson has been one of the stars of this year's wrestling team, winning the conference championship in the 135 pound class, and in the recent contest at Ames, Iowa, winning hon- I ors as runner-up for the National A. A. U. championship in his class. 'Wat- son was the only Michigan wrestler to place in the finals of the national. championships. .4 Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. i J I i This contest, which is given by The New York Times at the leading uni- versities in the north-east section of the United States, will be somewhat different than that of 'Mast year. The new elan for the final examination to be given at all schools to the local winners on May, 14, includes a list of factual questions and three, one hour essays to be selected from topics on the examination sheets. A tentative date for the local con- test has been set for Saturday, April 23. This date is set so as to give the winner time to prepare for the final contest. All those who are interested in the contest and wish to compete are requested to see any of the mem- bers of the committee, who will give them full information and advise. NOTED TRAVELFR ITO SPEAK FRIDA Y Laurence D. Kitchell, well known American traveler, will deliver a lec- ture entitled "Mountainering witht the Pikuni in Glacier National Park" at 7:30 o'clock Friday in Natural Science auditorium under the auspices of the Forestry club. The lecture will be illustrated with slides and motion pictures and the public is invited to attend. times before on the Oratorical asso- ciation series. He is a graduate of Harvard in the class of 1908 and re- ceived an honorary degree there in 1919. He has been director of the Sin- clair Oil and Refining company, the White Manufacturing company, the Broadway Improvement company, and the White Motor company. Elected To Legislature In 1919 he was elected to the state I legislature of New York and upon taking public office resigned his di- rectorships in all of the companies. In March, 1921, when Harding be- came president, the speaker was ap- pointed assistant secretary of the navy under Edwin Denby, and he held this post for three years. In the fall ofI 1924, when he became Republican can- didate for the governorship of New York, he resigned his assistant's post in the cabinet. He was defeated by Alfred Smith, in the ejection that followed, and a year later went with the Simpson- Roosevelt-Field museum expeditioin to Asia. During the World war Mr. Roosevelt served as commanding major and later lieut.-colonel in the 26th Infantry. le arrived in France in June, 1917, and served with the First Division through the battles of Cantigny,.Sois- sons, the Meuse Argonne, and through the St. Mihiel offensive. Was.WoundedI At the latter battle he was wounded and awarded the Distinguished Service Cross by the United States, the Cross of the Legion of Honor and the Croix de Guerre by France, the Grand Cor-r don of Prince Danilo I, and the War Cross by Montenegro.{ lie assisted in the organization of+ the American Legion in 1919, is al member of the national executive committee of the Boy Scouts of Ameri- ca, is a trustee of the American Mu- seum of Natural History and wrote a book, "Average Americans," which wasj published in 1919.' This will be the last speaker on thej annual Oratorical association series4 with the exception of Sen. Pat Harri- son, Democrat, Mississippi, who has not yet announced his date. Senator Harrison is at present occupied with committee work in Washington. Hold-I ers of season tickets are requested to use number eight for the Roosevelt lecture. While in town Mr. Roosevelt will be the guest of President Little. MAENTZ, '27, HURT, IN AUTO ACCIDENTI Favorable chance for recovery is Announcement has been made of the examination schedule for this se- mester in the literary college, SchoolI of Education, Graduate school, and School of Business Administration.I The final examinations will begin on Saturday, June 4, and will continue for 10 days until June 14, providing a few days recess until Commencement on June 20. As is customary, the time of the examination is determined by the hour1 of the first meeting of the class during the week. The complete schedule for these schools follows. All classes meeting for the first time in the week on Monday will have their final examination on the follow-, ing dates: 8 o'clock, on Wednesday, June 8, Irom 9 to 12 o'clock; 9 o'clock, on Monday, June 6, from 9 to 12 ; o'clock; 10 o'clock, on Friday, June 1 10, during the morning session; 11 o'clock, on Saturday, June 4, from 9 to 12 o'clock; 1 o'clock, on Thursday, June 9, from 2 to 5o'clock; 2 o'clock, on Tuesday, June 14, from 9 to 12 o'clock; 3 o'clock, on Saturday, June 11, from 2 to 5 o'clock. Classes which meet for the first time on Tuesday will have their final ex- amination on the following dates: 8 o'clock, on Saturday, June 11, from 9 to 12 o'clock; 9 o'clock, on Monday, June 13, from 2 to 5 o'eock; 10, o'clock, on Tuesday, June 7, during the morning period; 11 o'clock, on Tuesday, June 7, in the afternoon ses- sion; 1 o'clock, on Saturday, June 11, from 9 to 12 o'clock; 2 o'clock, on VIENNA PSYCHOLOGIST WILL IVETALK HERE1 Prof. Adler Of Pedagogical Institute Will Present University Lecture On Thursday IS RESERCHAUTHORITY Dr. Alfred Adler, professor in the Pedagogical Institute of Vienna, will give a University lecture on the sub- ject "Individual Psychology and Edu- cation" at 4:15 o'clock Thursday, in Natural Science auditorium. The lec- ture, arranged by and given under the auspices of the School of Education, will deal with a field of science in which Dr. Adler has reached a posi- tion of considerable prominence, in- dividual psychology. Dr. Adler has given lectures in many of the leading cities and univer- sities in Germany, Holland, Switzer- land, and England, and has come to America to compare and exchange ex- periences on his subject. Dr. Adler emphasized the importance of the in- feriority complex in psychology, and it was the development of this field that first brought him recognition. Following his graduation from the medical school of Vienna university, Dr. Adler occupied himself with studies in pathology, and in 1907 wrote his first book, "Inferiority of Organs." Study of psychiatry and neurology, and their relation to psy- chology with Fred and his pupils, led to Dr. Adler's theory of inferiority complex. Many of the scientist's books have been translated into English, French and German. His "The Nervous Character," published in 1912, is one of his first works, and he later wrote "Theory and Practice of Individual Psychology," which was translated into English and French. The journal of his school, "International Journal of Individual Psychology," is now in its fifth year and contains articles in German, English and French. His latest work, published last year is "The Textbook of Individual Psycho- I logy." A lecture for students of the medical school will be announced later. FROST TALKS TO PICKED STUDENTS! Robert Frost, poet, and formers holder of the University Fellowship in R Creative Arts for the year 1925-1926 began yesterday the interviewing of advanced students in composition and literature in connection with the Uni- versity program in this field. Dean1 Ernest de Selincourt, authority onj early nineteenth century English lit- erature, is making his visit to Ann Arbor for similar work. Mr. Frost has lectured at the Uni- versity an number of times previous- ly besides residing here while hold-, ing the University fellowship. On Thursday or Friday of this week Mr. Frost is expected to give a reading although this is not definite. Mr. I Frost will probably be in Ann Arbor Friday, June 10, from 2 to 5 o'clock; 3 o'clock, on Tuesday, June 14, during the afternoon period. Departmental examinations will be given on the following dates: rhetoric 2 and psychology 31 on Saturday, June 4, from 2 to 5 o'clock; business administration 206, and economics 51, 52, on Monday, June 6, in the after- noon session; mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 51, and 52 on Wednesday, June 8, from 2 to 5 o'clock; French 1, 2, 31, and 32 and Spanish1, 2, 31, and 32 on Thursday, June 9, from 9 to 12 o'clock.' Irregular classes which cannot be examined as scheduled without caus- ing conflict, must be examined at one of the following periods, on June 4, from 2 to 5 o'clock; on June 6, fromI 2 to 5 o'clock; on June 8, during the afternoon session; and on June 9, from 8 to 12 o'clock. BRITISHACT AGINST FURTHER CONCESSIONS Cabinet Decides To Take Firm Stand In China; Awaiting End Of Anarchical Conditions SIGNALLERSSAVE LIVES (BY Associated Press) LO'N'DON, March 28-TIe Brtisl Cabinet decided today to take a firm stand in China and to make no fur- ther concessions there until the pres- ent "anarchical" conditions have end- ed and the Chinese authorities have - proved themselves capable of estab- lishing order. Leaving a two-hour meeting of the cabinet ministers in Downing street former foreign secretary Chamberlain crossed to the Commons and there assured the members that there would be no further surrender of British rights in China until the Chinese coul preserve order wherever their authority exists. In the close of his address, Sir Austin declared that he, had not the least doubt that the action of the two American bluejackets who sig- nalled the British and American war- ships to open fire on Cantonese loot- ers at Nanking last Thursday and the resulting fire had saved the, lives of the foreign refugees on Socony Hill. (The signallers were Henry o. War- ren of Olin, N. C., and Denny D. Tay- lor of Lincoln, Cal., both attached to the destroyer William B. Preston). The secretary said that the shell- fire from the American destroyers Noa and William B. Preston and the British cruiser Emerald, took effect around the Socony compound in an area uninhabited by any civilian pop- ulation. Members of the House pressed tle foreign secretary for further details of the British policy with regard to the future of Shanghai. They sought inforniatiomn as to reat Britain's re-I lation to tie entire Chinese situation, asserting that the foreign community in Shanghai was anxiously waiting reassurances fron the home govern- ment as to their fate. Sir Austin explained that there was no British concession at Shanghai, as at Hankow, but that British interests centered in the international settle- ment, the future of which could be determined only in consultation with I the other interested powers. "No negotiations are progressing at present," he said, "nor is it possible to negotiate profitably under the present anarchical conditions." PRESS CLUB WILL ENTERTAIN STOUT William B. Stout, one of the most prominent figures in the airplane in- dustry today, will address a special meeting of the Students' Press club called for tomorrow night in the ed- itorial rooms of the journalism de-! partment at 7:30 o'clock. His subject will be "The Relation of the News- paper to Industry." Mr. Stout, a former newspaperman, is at present general manager of the1 I airplane division of the Ford Motor company, and president of the Stout Air service, the first strictly passenger air line in the United States, running between Detroit and Grand Rapids. The speaker has been technical ed- itor of the Chicago Tribune and the Motor Age, and was the founder and first editor of the Aerial Age. He was also chief engineer for the Scripps- Booth Motor Car company and chief engineer of the aircraft division of the Packard Motor company. IDuring the war Mr. Stout was the technical advisor of the Aircraft-board i Washimgton. He has published several books on aircraftsand another will be published shortly. FOREIGN SETTLEMENT RELAXES AS DANGER FROM ATTACK WANES CANTONESE MILITARY FORCES ARE ENDEAVORING TO HALT AGITATION DANGER IS NOT YET OVER Moderate Leaders Among Nationalists Appear In Control Of Chinese Agitators And Soldiers BULLETIN . (By Associated Press) LONDON, March 28.-The Can. tonese at Nanking have nmou nted heavy guns on Lion's 1i11 over- looking the Yangtse river and have trained them on the Amen. can and British warships and mnerehantumen in the river says a Shanghal despatcl to the Daily Mail from Sir Percival Phillips, its correspondent there. The Cantonese also were stated to have manned the river forts between Chinkiang and the mouth of the Yangtse and to have fired on all passing vessels, the steamner "oos"g being set aire by a shell. WASHINGTON, March 28- Hope that a general out-break of anti-for- eign violence will be averted revived in official Washington tonight after examination of Navy and State De- partment advices. All messages showed a relaxation on the high tension in Shanghai which prompted Admiral William's hurry call for reenforcements, already on their way, or being mobilized to sail. Danger to Americans to the treaty port and the Yangtze valley is far from over, and international military and naval forces at Shanghai, are taking precautionis to guard against all attacks on the international set- tlement at the instigation of Chinese agitators. For the moment, at least, moderate leaders among the National- ists appear in control. Warnings Heeded In the meantime, Americans con- tinued to pour out of the danger zone under the urging of Minister MacMur- ry. at Peking to whom instructions to issue renewed warnings to leave were sent. Two consulates in the far upriver regions are to be closed, and Americans even at Canton have been warned to evacuate. Aside from the lessening tension at Shanghai reported officially by Con- sul General Gauss and reflected in Admiral William's orders withdraw- ing part of his' bluejacket landing force to the ship, failure of the gen- eral labor union ultimatum demand- ing removal of the barriers and de- fenses around the settlement to be followed by mob action or the threat- ened general strike was regarded as evidence that Cantonese military forces were endeavoring to hold agi- tation in check. Word of this developmnt from Gauss was supplemented by his state- ment that Cantonese troops were guarding the native side of the bar;- rier at the French concession to pre- vent violence. The latest dispatches said Chang Hai-Shek, Cantonese commander-in- chief, had attended the mass meeting in a native city which aroused appre- mension. The meeting adopted resolu- tions against imperialism, demanding retrocession of the foreign settlement, but urged theCantonese government to negotiate with the foreign powers to that end. Cantonese Give Regrets From Hankow, Consul-General Lockhart cabled in a delayed message that Eugene Climi, Cantonese foreign minister, had asked him to convey to Washington sincere regret of the loss of an American life at Nanking, "re- gardless of whether these acts were committed by Northern or Nationalist troops. Chan. has stated that he will issue a statement as soon .as the facts of the incident are definitely establish- ed, the message added. Advices from both Hankow and Hangehow where Americans have been evacuated safely were to the ef- feet that there is radical agitation within the Nationalist part itself against the moderate group. Part of the attack is directed specifically against Chang because of his moder- I ate views. I Gausg at Shanghai reported that the Japanese Consul-General had en- deavored to see Chang by appointment at the nationalist headquarters but was denied admittance by National- ist soldiers. He had intended. the message said, COOLEY, BRICKER, BAILEY WRITE I FOR MARCH NUMBER OF TECHNICI Articles of Dean Mortimer E. Coo- ley of the engineering department, Capt. L. M. Bricker of the R. O. T. C., and Prof. Beni. F. Bailey, head of the electrical engineering department, feature the March issue of the Mich- igan Technic, which has just been placed on sale. "Self-Analysis," by Dean Cooley, is the suhtane of an address which he to pursue. Captain Bricker explains the plans of the War department to organize the industries of the nation for na- I tional defense in time of crisis in another interesting story. He deals particularly with the requirements of the Ordnance department of the Unit ed States army, showing the appor-! tinnmnt nf gmnnhiiro rmnnp' mPver21 I