THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEMICHIAN DILY 01-Arnrican For Baseball. Stars Coach irnIL i4, Eig~t Clubs 4f 1Natin .1 League St! Fr opeanngfOtile (OtSeason NEW S F TARS $GARCEf Wtij the apeniug of the major leagzie basebiall seasIn scheduled for' threo weeks from .T esday, April 19,1 the ~t clbs that ,ftrnm the ntioxal League are=rapidly rounding into co- ditlorn for the "jling 'moths that are to come.:s Exhibition games of both comical an~d;serious appearance have been shown ;to the fans of te Suth, and throughI them the alous managers have .tncoered some ,promising ma- terial, though, it is r4oubtful it any of the spring "phenomns" will replace Cobb, Speaker, R16ush, -artnett, and other stars that have hleld ,the lie- light "lo these Wan y years." On the wst e , ati le Chicago Cubs seem to have: fotnd .a felding short- stop in E wod cl tiai who received his :apprenticeship with Toledo of the American Association. He was a .300 hitter in the gmaller league, but, whiether or not ;hq can perman- etly dlspac 0 Jroliable RJim ooney remains °a ques on ~that 'only the gi#d of ;the 04,904,,cn answer. it the oly other -man that even has a chance of displacing one of the last year's outfiolders.'. So far he has been hitting well lbtit there ,is'doubt in the mind of ManamgerMc arty that he can keep .it up: 1 Other than these two amen, the club will 'present a h4,tlee frot similar to that of 1926, and" will probably finish" in the same position. However if the pitchers - hould happen to show as much ability ,as they *have, hidden in their systems, tlikere is no telling what might happin The onlyrtbtler club that trains on the coast is te. Pttsburgh "Pirates, and on paper they look to be the strongest .team in the league. Yet just what."poweor they, will show de- pends tpbn twlther r nt Donnie Bush, the midget manager, is paable of hand~ini11'al' the "bad boys" hat compose' the Pirate team. Layne a-4doming .,tar -, They have~phoked up 'an exceedingly 'brilliant outfielder in Layne, and it is rumored that he will replace the hard hitting Oarnhart ,in right field. If he floes, he must be brilliant. Dlowid at Sarasota, 'the Giants are preparing fr; the long trek north, which includes ,many practice games aundI more .over. nltght stops, the bane oa . tle baseball lay~'s life.: What thea Giants will dlo in the coming can- paign depends" entirely upon what their pitchers will do. If, they can Bold the ' ~emy to three r or' runs a gamie the Giants will win more than they lose, ° for ,the New Yorkers have a poweful batting array. As the staff :stood last year, too ,, much cannot be expected, but McGraw the "Little Napoleon",,.tsed some oil: to slip Burleigh Grires away from Brooklyn, and' broug t rank Henry up from the minors to help hi in a..left-handed way, axd with these ad- ditionis lie may- figh l, is way to pynnanti~us v r Cadinals IH'Trouble The S.£oi C hals, after tak- ig a "few 'on 'the chin',. and ,deal- iigout 'ona e Irtw::defeats, finaly Wien bd, with the hep of the arepent- ot Thevenow, to' gets their team to- gether an'd whip 'come of ,the minor league opposition they faced. Man- ager O'Farrell is soiilewhkt-gut out by the failure of Flint '4i n to repdlt. ,them Is his best pitcher, Alexander notwEjtstaiding, ''and if President Ibreaaonu refss ~to1 grant the'sought for increase in, salary the Cardinals can count about 20 games lost that' they might have won. Over at the Brooklyn camp, the Dodgers .are dall-ready to go north with the rest of the teams, the only trouble being that MAhager Robinson doesn't know who to take' and who to le'ave.~ The only one that Robin- son 'is sure to retain, is Robinson~. It is unfortunate that he must have nine mien to play. It's a Western I. Bad Man's Bluff" 14,1b1.andNImperial Piuny r lnrsay- __________________ h(etao l v-s. Pi l Bea Delta. I niiust })i' in before spring vacation; asv Alpha Kappa' Lambda vs. Beta' the e tonurniameints will be rune off il-. 'Theta P1. iditecly after the holidays. 111ihi Sigma Dcclta, vs. Phi Lambda Tb' f'reshmlan tenis tournament Kapa v il also b held at that tine, but au Delta Phi vs. Phi K1ap ~a.r sle who enter cannot comipete +f u~i the all-campus turn'ley and viceI All-camipus trackmeni will assemble! tis r o en eeN.da ductedlby the intramnurl(l ep rtie zte intramural office for sin ls and L ONG BEA31,_C , Cal.-Kyle Leonard Thecopettin vii J' un ilondoubles in the all-campus teninis and swani the Catalina channel in record. tw seaae ihs P*ln.clIi~ osshoe tournfaments. AllI - entries time.-______ willo tae pl ate f eght, Ining at, : 16KAY 0'0VLOAI E = I classed as distance run? ; indulde fthe_ 1 mile, half mile and 440 yard runs. ENSINGTONS FRENCH11BRDIARS All c ompetitors in the dis' ance races :=ITA'LIAN BRIARS are required to report at Waterman;= gymnsiumformedial eamiatio E} yas iu no ma ow l b dcal e xtomrnatun = asn alwl ealwd ornm- less he takes an examination. Entie ae owbengreeiedatGood year- Drug. Co. lJshtall rEntries F. H, STEGATH Enre r o en eevda'107 SO. MAIN 1112 SO. UNIVERSITY' the intramural office for teams desir ANN ARBOR, MICH., iug to play independent baseball.- These entries must-be in by .the be- '1Ei11111111111111ltl~ti1 191EiI.E.ltlU111 till11tli ginning of Spring vacation as the; schedule 'will be drawn up during the vacation period. Regular eligibility rules will apply here as in other sports. A man may play class and IA NU C MN independent ball but not independent' and fraternity ball. The regulation hard baseball will We are arranging a special seven lays excursion to The Lower be used as in former years. Rio Grande Valley, Texas, for April 8th, for the benefit of 'University Class IB Basketliall people, during their; Spring vacation. Class B interfraternity basketball has now, reached the quarter 441as. fYu oad netiae There are eight teams left and these will meet {at 7 o'clock tomorrow night. fI t ol lvs~ae The schedule is as follows: The greatest investment opportunities; The best living and all year round climatic xconditions; I THIS COLUMNI CLOSESI ATUS PM. A DY1 CI8SIN( If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Tfaker, Dial 21214, and your want ad will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all wants ads under appropriate head-r ings and to revise or withihold objectionable copy, This column closes at 3 P. 'M. date preced- ing publication. -Notice of any error must be, given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for onri-r two insertions. Nine :cats per reading line for =three or more I insertion. Cash classifieds kegeived at the I)aily officc in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES Special btandargdized rates, given on applica- tion. FOUND-Woman-'s brown suede, fur-. lined glove, Geddes road. Owner may call' for same at 'Daily office. LOST-Howell's Physiologby, with -Lawrence Segar's namte left in lec- ture room on stand, Finder please notify Clifford Taylor. Rewoard. 13035 Geddes. Phone 9177. 128-129-130 LOST-The student is known who took money out of purse at the time of ,accident on Church 'street on Wednesday night. Return at once to 516 Cheever Court or mlatter will be taken- u~p with police and uni- versity authorities. 127-128-129 FOR RENT FOLR RENT-On Observatory, three room.a-apartmntwt, 1urnished. in'I priv. to family. Dial 21320. 'FOR 'RENT-New Tuxedo.'- 'Si'ze 38. Reasonable. Dial 2-1537. 127-128-129 1(I)TICX \oTrl',,-Stodldar-d Hair - rone of our permanent wa give a depth and softnc hair. 707 N. University. BILLIAR~D HOOKI Five tables. Satisfa(Ctory jAlso cigars, to') accos, candya cream. Johnston lBrothem .51 1 ews L Ietters :un d fC