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March 27, 1927 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-27

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Spirit of Suat
l p 4teS.easnian

;hard M. Chapman, '30, former
broad jump champion from'
d RapidsSouth high school, was
ed captali of the freshman trac -
at a meeting held yesterday a~t
field house.
Gpia~n has b~een t)lie outstandin,,
man of the freshm~an team this
according to Coach Hyt,,anl
,s much pioise. At present he isI
od potential mnaterial a.s was Hes-
n his freshman year prior to ihis
once ini the Unversity.
the Conference telegraphic meet
iiuan failed to place, completing
'orty yards in :.04.6, one-tenth o ~a
ad behind the f ive men who tied
irt place.
for to the election, Coach Hoyt Ac-
ed a talk to the freshman gather-
He lauded the spirit of the squad
ag the indoor season~, and hailed
canddats as "the most promis-
grou~p of the past three years."
ever hie urged the candidates to
g out new material for the out-
season, especially weight men.
)resent there is not even a pos-
ty in the discus throw, accordinug
apman gave a short talk follow-
thie election, in whichi he said he!
,cted to. see the Michigan squad
higher- in the standing in the
oor Conference telegraphic meet,
cially if a. few men could be added
Ie group of weight tryouts.
imerals will be awarded within
next day or two, Coach Hoyt, said,
the men will begin work outdoors
week. The first outdoor tele-
hic meet of the year for the year-,
sis scheduled -with Wisconsin for°
first week ini May. Several other
ative meets are now being con-
red. A.nyone wishing to tryout for
teami for the outdoor semester
ld report to Coach Hoyt any
noon at' th.,Field house.
ALE~SBTJRG, Il.-Frank;( Belsley,
rd, has e elected to captain
x college basketball team next,

"Brains" for Cliipoilu~Vublt
M ;embe>rs of the New York Yankees'i
board of strategy are smiling con-
fidently, antiipatting another pro-jper-
osseaison for B3abe Ruth Find his
te'ain mates. The champiionship Yan-
k~ees are getting in shape) for the comx-
ing .Wg beague, campaign at St. Pet- 1
ersburg, Fla. Miller Huggins, diminu-
tive manager, is still bothered by on,
rematning holdout, Herb!)encimhc, vet-
eran pitchier, having failed to °affix his
signature to a contraict as yet. Col-
onel Jake Ruppert, ow ner of the Yan-
kees, has made a special trip to 'Flor-
ida in 'an endeavor 40 sign up his star'
The "brains" behind the Yankees
are pictured above, left to rigit
O'Leary, coat h of° the pitching corps,
Manager, Miller Huggins, Art Fletch-
er, and Bob Shawkey. To O'Leary is,
assigned the task of rejuvenating the
aged New' York hurling staff. It is a
t.question whether such veterans as
Bob Shawkey, Sam J.ones, Dutch
Ruether, Urban Shocker, and Waite
Hoyt will stand up under the gruelling
strain' of the, American league calm-
paign this season. There are several
promising youngsters, includingl
Thomas and Johnson, who may prove
valuable if the veterans fail.
#rt Fletcher, formier manage;r of
the Phillies, is aucting in the caac(ity
of coach withthflYip Pletcher
was succeeded b) ty Mclnnis as
pilot of the Phtiladelpia , teamh. I
NThe New Yor K ub) will undoubted-I

race for the American1
this year. All the otI
dt erined to push the
the top, whjich they gaa
inmz~rkablc comeback las,
(,easoni, in whichb theyNI
gamiies, was the princi
their success.
Babe Ruth and Bob R
ready demonstrated tip
hii tt Ing proclivities by
several circuit clouts
games. With an outi
of three sluggers ofi
Ruth, M*eusel, and Coi
such hitters in the i
Dugan, Koenig, and
(Yankees will compose
team on the offensive.

v (Spcial to Thec Daily)
f ^ :LAWRENCE, Kans., MaTrch 2G.-The
f ~heart of even a miodlern Ikanit would
leap w Nith joy at .the glitteingl array of
r gold watches, trophy cups and gold,
i ~silver and bronze mncdals just receiv-
ed here for awards to the various
:J Iplace winners in the seventeen relay
races and nine special track and fielt
events on the program .of the fifth an-
... r;nual Kansas Relays to be held on
the memorial stad'im track and field 3
of the University of k~ansas Aril 23. 1
I Forty-nine white gold watches are
on hand for 'the' members of each re-
league pennanlt; lay team and each special event ath1
ther teams are lete winning a 'first place ini the in!-1
eYankees from!, versity 'and college class events.
ined after a re- Twenty-eight gold medals are ready
At season. The, for first place, winning relay team
W. obtained last, members in the junior college 'and
won 16 straight Open high school class relays; 77 sil-
ill reason fora ver miedals will go' to seco V place
1winners' in all classes. and 7lb ronzel
Mecusel have al-l medals will 'be taken by third place,
Jieir home run winners.
rknocking out In' addition to the 77 gold watches
in exhibition and 182 medals there are 17 'special
field consisting challenge or permanent loving cups.
the calibre of offered as school trophies for the va-
inbs, and with rious relay races. Many of the cups
field as Gehrig, are now on their way to Lawrence
dLazerri, .the from institutions 'widly scattered over
,e a formidablef the. nited States which won them lastI
season and had the right ,to possess.
Athem for a year.
REFO Two niew challenge cups are being
ARE FOR put up this. season as the cups form-
SCHEDLE jerly offered, in the one mile University;
class relay and the medley high school;
_ relay were won for the third: year
.h 26.-Inmdiana last season~ and thereby went into
field team will lpermanemt possession of the winning
outdoor work team. These cups that were lifted
tion for one of were the Dr. Johin "Outland ctp whicch
,hed ules in his- Iowa university won in 1923, 1924 and
been condition- 1,1.26, and the Acacia Challenge trophy
emnorial Sta- which Northwestern high of,, Kansas
hoping to have City, Missouri, won in' 193, 1924' and
n the next few 1926. In winning permanent posses-
/ sion of the one mile relay cup last
vill take a squad season Iowa set the Kansas relay
athern relays at record' event at 3 nmiutes 2,0 second,;.
[or the first ouLt-I
ist season Jndi- D U:TROT-Fred dardella bowled at
several records. per'fect score here Friday.

Melvin Ott
Youthful catcher, who joined the
New York Giants two years ago, heas
been switched to the outfield by M an-
ager John McGraw. Ott, who is only
eighteen, performed so capably in the
outer gard:en during the early spring
games that he has abandoned his posi-
tion behind the bat to assume the
duties of :a centerfielder.
The refusal of Eddile Roush, former,
Cincinnati star, to sign with the
Giants may leave room for Oft as a.
regular in New York lineup. Roush,
who is a chronic holdout, has been
indifferent to all attempts on, the part
of the Giants' management to persuade
him to sign a contract. Ott is one of
the youngest players in the major

1DETRIOIT C13 f3 S1L sKA~ ~[Y R~~
lB.: NNEJt FOR rM1 M lELI'
The Cornell -pecunailt Nwi cft
hung at the south, end of Yost H N R
field house last night was the
property of the Cornell alumnii, Placinig first ill one(, event, secondI
club of Detroit, hung by courtesy in another, and third in two others
Iof the Detroit Edison coippany. i
G The pennant is 90 feet long; aid ,Karl Kfammermeyer, '29, representing
20 feet hight with whitc block the gyninastic team, won first all-
Iletters, 10 feet Iy S, pl:aced upon i areund honors at the Mlichig;an state
the" red background. I . A. 1-. gynastic meet held recent-
. ly at Ypsilanti.Kammermueyer was
TA NKMEN HOLD MHINhEST :lie only M~ichiga n ian entered.
SCIOLASTIC AVERAGES A nutuber of Jaen interested in gym-
- iastic work have been' practising'
Michigan's swimming team nha:s ai thi'eugiout the ye~ar, ~but w-it'h very
higher scholastic average than any, U;ttle coaching and no .definite organ-
team on the campus, it is revealed ization. Dick Schultze has fronm time
by a comparison of, the natat-ors' ;to time helped coach the 10 Janon1who
marks vwith those of the other ,t- 1ae,re ted for the 'ork.
letes-. Coach'ann's squad has a WiMth these men ' a .nucleus, an
scholastic average of 80.6, two-teniths endeavor has been made to get gym
pier cent higher than the track team's' ist-ic activities';.r cognized on time
record of 80.4. i same basis withi other minor sports.
This scholastic standing of the., Dr: George A. May itrlector, has con-
swimmners is based upon the rk~rs sented- to traini those mhen interested
Of '15 members of time squad, counting in developing the sport, and begin-,
1100 for an A, 81 for a B, 70 for a C, ning this week will c~onduct classes
and 54 for a DA The record of the in gym Nv.ork at 4 o'clock every Wed-
tankie is substantially higher than i nesday and Saturday afterutoxm Those
the 76.5 average. of all th-e Varsity classes are' opemmito all' students.
teamns. The events to be taught. include
Al Sea ge',l star free styler and exercises ons the =parall~el b~ars, hor-
maembers of-the .fast -Wolverine relay' izonlallbars, side horse, and .tumbling.
quartet, h-as the highestt scholarship An appropriate award will be given
among the swimmers with an -all AI these winning places in these- evets
record. in. the tournament.- '


-- -
- - .


Get your racket ready for
th-e season by having it re-

Bloomington, Marcl
University's track and
turn it's attention to
next week in nrevarat
the hardest cinder scd
tory. WNTorkmen have;
fing the fine oval inside
diuna for some timne,J
it ready for u se withii
Coach E. C. Hayes w
of athletes to .the Son
AtatGA., April 9 R
d (oor cometij)tion. La
a-na rulmers Eshattered

!AUSTIN, Tex., March 26.-lMichigan
State college relay teamzs bettered two
Texas relay 'records fin the annual
meet which was held here yesterday.
aftern oon. The Giton and White run-
ners estaliished a 'mark of 1:29.1 for
the h alf mile event, and covered the
440 in the fast time of :42.7. Notre
,Damne was the Michigan State teamr's
closest rival ill the hJal ile.
I' yon of Illinois shterdaot.he.r
u exas relay record 'when Lie .won the
shot put; with a heavec of 47 feet.


strung by .experts in our own
shop. Have zit dlone row so
that you 'will be allsefo
se o fthe- first game with a good
fast racket.,
hi1 Q Norh IUniersity Neat to Arf>ade Theater


VA CITY-Iowa golfes "are
ag outdppr practice.



ly face Vstiffer Ocol.tio lin' itheir

tLLlCG i uixllll l Q



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,Ar7 men c Since r1&4

S unday

d 'ia a r



Chicken Soup



_ t~
Customized Clo thei)

Baked Lake Trot
Roast Young, Chicken

Lemon Butter-
Celery Dressing

Clikken a la King on Toast-

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin
SBreaded Veal Cutlet
b3raised Beef Tc,4derloin

weet Potatoes
Country Gravy
Bordn Laise Sauce



$ E RG


The Mans Shop.



Stewced Corn

or Green Pe-as

Combination Vegetable Ba.ld
Hot Parkcr House Rolls

Trench, Fried or Candied Sweet Poia to(

Milk or Coffee




,;,e;,R,;,. .;,,,,,.. .. _


Strawberry Sliortcake

'Whipped Creamn

Just as good

as they

sPcial Butterscotlch Pudding

are good-looking, these



In graiy or fan -wor~n eqwily well
with -the brim up o snapped dJown
a~ .n+r

141or pv-. .rpp a.-n stiff is


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