SOUVENIRMONG HOP EXTRAt i ttt EDI TI ON VOL. XXXVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SA TURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1927 P IR CE T'EN C E N T S FESTIVE GAYETY MARKS HOP OIRLS ATTENDING UOP EVD[NCE PREFERENCE FOR LONGER TRESSES DETAILS OF WOMEN'S DRESS SUPPLIED TO REPORTER BY FEMALE OBSERVERS SHAWLS REMAIN POPULAR As the Grand March Was Concluded Beau Brummel III Advises Girls Who Wish To Be Different Not Tock } Attend Annual Dancea By Beau Brummel III Bobbed hair is fading into the past- at least, that is the opinion of the mas-[ culine reporter who gazed at the col-s lective beauty of the J-Hop last night., And the girls that still have short tresses are talking about letting them grow! With the advent of the unbar- hered locks, ornate headdresses to hold stray curls in place have been rein- stated in feminine fancy. Despite the rumors from Peoria that ; skirts are getting longer and longer, the dresses at the J-Hop continue to be varied in length-some knee-length, others raeching to the ankle. The longer dresses have uneven hems- either scalloped or with an upward -~ - -- tendency in the front! I E G T I E LeaderWesPridow IN PLAY BY PLAY CONFESS! As for the girl who led the grand march, and who managed teockeepe step |Aln n n nAC O N F H P to "The Victors" until se occupied _LAUDS FA U O the center position of the block "M,' LMileage of the guests coming to the A I she wore a period gown of silver lace-- traditional event was 128,000 miles. If over flesh georgette. The bodice was Lewis, Diminutive Star Of Forward all the fares were added together there Fifteen Men Complete Four Months tight with triangular silver ribbon de- Wall To Attempt Repetition Of would be enough money to start a Of Work In Preparation For sign. The skirt was bouffant, the lace Role That Made Him Famous busline of 29 Fords running between Night's Gaiety joined by silver ribbons, parted in the Ann Arbor and Ypsi. front to reveal pleated georgette with By Henry By Kernel a dainty circlet of taffeta flowers nestl- Now all the decorators have to do ing in the folds. Her naturally curly Flat denial that the 21st annual is to take the stuff down again, after Fifteen J-Hop committee members hair was unadorned. She wore a Michigan Union opera, "Front Page spending four days to put it up. confessed under cross-examination at necklace and a wide braclet of rhine- Stuff,' is a poor show was issued 11:55 tonight that they had planned stone, silver brocade slippers, and she ocially last night by the chairman The saddest man of the evening was the party weeks in advance. When carried a Robin's Egg blue fan. The to a Daily reporter. No one the musician who only brought fifteen confronted by a Daily investigator, details were all supplied by femnine had said that it was a poor show, onetinstruments with him. who had known about it all along, they observers, not the reporter. might be added, but it was deemed admitted that even the most detailed There were quite a few heavily best to consult with an unbiased au- Three pounds of fraternity pins arrangements were fixed ahead of beaded creations in evidence - also thority. Judging by the fact that were transferred during the evening's time. taffeta, tulle, and spangles, in fact, al- nearly all of the tickets have been gayety. The chain of evidence was made most anything. The predominant col- sold for the performance this after- complete tonight by accident while thes ors were baby blue and white, al- noon it seems that the public generally Celebrities found it hard trying to Hop was still in its adolescent stages. though there was plenty of competi- agrees with the chairman. This will be nonchalant while being "shot" by Seeing a gentleman with a blue rib- tion. Spanish shawls of all colors con- be the eighth performance of "Froit the cameraman. bon around his neck, the writer said, tinue to be in vogue, despite their Page Stuff" in Ann Arbor. "Ah, Senator Sims of Seattle!" A popularity in past seasons. Although many University students cold look. "You insult me," he said, Observes White Creations wCarrying the briLnt of the terpsich- could not attend the Hop their tux- I am a committeeman." Obseves hiteCreaions oean work will be William Lewis, Jr., One of the white creations which the '29, diminutive star of the Michigan edos were there. Its a scandal either way, I said, reporter observed as he danced amid forward wall. Critics throughout the- Continutieg my investigation, I found the Old English decorations was of East acclaimed him as one of the Mr. Timothy Hay attended the Mop that there were 11 men on the alleged taffeta, bouffant style, sprinkled with greatest college stars since the days disguised as one of the B. and G. do- committee. All of them were elected rhinestones, while other rhinestones of the Wolverine "Mike" Ames. Fol- partment. by the junior classes and most of them formed circles around the hem of tulle. lowers of the squad would not be at are jsniors. When accesed, nose de- This lady also wore a headdress com- all surprised if he should attempt The grand march started late but nied the allegations. Revelations bined of tiny seed pearls, rhinestones, vocalization also, seldom met on col- finished far ahead of the grand march- show that Thomas Winter was chair- and silver cloth, effecting a tiara. The lege stages. es of other years by twenty minutes. mon of the group, the same man who origin of that description was also Russell Ghring, '27, will play op- Orchestra and dancers made a strong led ence poimarch.Warren Wood as feminine, posite Lewis as the other half of the finish. Een o to are Wood s P the man who lad charge of the music. A velvet model of black, trimmed two leading characters. Given good Bids were received from 25 orchestras with white gardinias, sanctioned by support Gohring can not help hut . T'he girls had a hard time pick- ids eey rcie omhe Uniestas Alice Joyce in a recent issue of count heavily in the success of the ing out their escorts after picking out inadveyart of the United S , "Vogue," was among those present. Maize and Blue. Many of Michigan's their wraps in the basement of Bar- Canada, and Siam. We are told that this was a robe de best points have been scored by his our g. All funds for the evet have beeiste charge of Myre St. Asbin, it is die- style gown, whatever that is. At any ability as a vocalist, and this will be closed. The budget this year is the rate, it attracted considerable atten- his last performance. He has been same as previously, the price of the lion, regardless of the technical in- the mainstay of the team for three PAST CHAIRM EN tickets being raised to offset the loss formation involved. years, having twice headed the squad OF HOP AT TEND fIrom booth charges . Marion Hodgsose Fans, which have been waved con- as leading man. His loss will deal a had charge of the tickets, receiving spicuously in past Hops, were not so heavy blow to the Wolverines next ANNUAL AFFAIR 10,000 requests for passes. prominent-one could dance in peace year. The only other sub-committeee was without ever running into one being Besides the two satellites a number Among the guests at the Hop last The on ierns esewhichlenr wave widly bou. Hweve, te tat on invitations of wheels Henry waved wildly about. Mowever, the of scarcely lesser figures deserve men- night were three former chairmen of Grinnellw as leader. Eighty-two mem- costumes were far from being drab, as tion. Dick Lutes, '28, who bears the the annual function-Edliff R. Slaugh- bers of the faculty were invited. Grin- spangles, rhinestones, fancy head- brunt of the comedy work, is a great ter, '25E, all-American guard; Charles nell denies that he is planning to takes dressees, and other elaborate acces- factor in the locals' successes, and G. Oakman, '26, and John H. Lovette, courses from all of these and says sories more than made up for the Richard Woellhaf, '27Ed., Donald '27E all-Western guard- the grades are all in. scarcity of fans. Lyons, Grad., Robert Graham, '29, and Throughout the eenin e sleet- Last year Beau Brummel II advised Frank Strachan, '27, have all contrib- J.=HOP COM MITTEE ous oman had been trailing mse, and the ladies who would be different to uted their share to the work of the wear black, as this color was absent team. HOLDS BREAKFAST I felt that the guilty committeeman from the 1927 Hop. This year the Milton Peterson, Grad., has played a _may have planned some violence for only advice that can be given to the large part in organizing the Michigan As their final gathering as a com- my fearless disclosures. I turned on girls who would be different is not to attack, having written the book, and mittee the students who have worked her and demanded "Who are you?" go to the Hop, for there is nothing left Lorain Norton, '27, as a double threat on the plans for this year's J-Hop held "Don't you remember me?" she sob- in the way of wearing apparel that in the cast, is a factor also in the fre- a breakfast together last night at Joe bed, "I'm the girl you brought to thisl hasn't been worn-unless it be fur. quency with which the Wolverines Parker's immediately following the party." If the Hop has an Arctic setting next have emerged on the long end of the party. All of the 15 members of the "Oh yes, sure, I remember, " I said. year, that will be appropriate. opera score. committee were present. "Well, let's go home." YlE SON TRADiTIONAL JHOP FXPRESSED DY CAPITAL SPOKESMAN lPPROVES DECOlAlTIONS ANI) CRITIC'VoES NIGH PRICE OF THE OP TICKETS TELLS OF HOOD MUSIC lr giters Apsprobason Of Favors, But Decids That11 He Could Ile Much Improved It ade Smaller Iy Silent Cal Perhaps it wes becausesmy train ride from Washington to Ann Arbor had tired me, perhaps I was worried by the possibilities of failing in the important mission with which The iaily had entrusted me, or perhaps I ioughtit would be quite a strain on me to sit sed watch young couples "hop" for four hours and a half, but by the time I got into the all room, I thought that I never would be able le eerite a story worthy of the White H ouse spoliesman about the festive gayety taking place before my eyes. Comments On edievalism Though the decorations were hardly what 1 would brand as medieval, they were very beautiful. One of the com- it "een" iftrme" e that they sers es"sed to create an atmos- phere that would have been felt by our forefathers. Our ancestors must have felt badly if they had to hunt for at- mnosphere as hard as I did. Led by the committeeman, who was anxious to please me because he was afraid I would razz his lop, we started in search of the bits of decoration with a msedieval tinge. Finally we found the atmosphere creators--four pictures of scenes in medieval times, and then too there were suits of armor to be seen in various parts of the hall. Why suits of armor are medieval is hard to say--they are exactly what every resi- dent of Chicago is buying for his new spring suit. Really, seriously speaking, the things more medieval about the settings were the antique rafters which could be seen above the strips of colored cloth. The grand march wasn't so grand after all, having only lasted for 20 minutes and taking place 25 minutes late. After the march, a picture was taken and everyone looked pale in the dazzling light, as they look in the picture. Movies were taken of the dancers and, as usual the people flock- ed around to get in the picture. Mentions Tariff When one of the students told me how much he paid for his Hop ticket, I was shocked. I always had faith in young America, but I guess P. T. Bar- num was right. The ticket scandal evidently came from someone who failed to get a complimentary ticket as he was not as good a politican in the spring elections as some other fel- low. The competition between orchestras was amusing-at one time it got so keen that two orchestras tried to play at once. The couples near Goldkette were waltzing, those near Fletcher- Henderson were fox-trotting, the cou- ples in the center were divided, the men doing one dance, the women an- other. This is a polite way of saying that many couples looked as if they had seldom danced together before and that the worst dancers often get where they can be seen the easiest. But, after all, the Hop of 1928 was as good as any other Hop. It had good music, the decorations witnessed sincere effort, the favors were excep- tionally good, and many girls wore lovely evening dresses. Still, the Hop had its old fault--it was too big to be thoroughly enjoyable.