.4 six THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUN T)AY, MARCH 27,, 192" 'UMMER MEETING OF COMMITTEE POSSIBLEr old 1leasure Slyivt ~ie Seae Bodies Power 'To Act; Whei (iigress 19 -Not :111 SeSSIonk DIFFICULTIES REMAIN (By Associated Press) WASHITNGTON, Mrch 26-The Sen-: at~e foreign relations committee may! function this simmer, after all, inves- tigating the Mexican. Nicaraguan, and perhaps, Chinese situations. Senators delving into the volumes of Senate rules have come acrossE al almost forgotten resolution adopt- ed in 1921, providing that the regular standing committees "shall continue and have power to act until their su- cessors are appointed." On the basis of this authority, Chair man Borah, who unsuccessfully sought at the last session to-obtain authority for the committee to go to Mexico and Central America, is expected to, Issue an early call for the meeting of the committee with a view to au- thorizing a sub-committee to act. With the retirement of Senators Peppe, Republican, Pennsylvania, and Len - root, Republican, Wisconsin, those favoring inquiries into the Mexican andl Nicaraguan situations will be in control. Whether a majority of the comimittee would come to Washington in response to a call is an open ques- tion. 'rhere also is doubt as to whether the committee could obtain funds to pay traveling and other expenses since all vouchers would have to be approvedt by Chairman Keyes, of the Senate au- dit committee, who already has decln- ed to approve expenses of the Senate cam paign funds committee. There is a difference in the status of the two committees, however, the one being a_ standing committee adi the other'an especially appointed on to perform a specific purpose, the in- vestigal ion of senatorial primaries and elections held last year. Just before the Congress adjourned Chairman Bora, offered a resolution proposing that his committee hold in vestigations into the Mexican and Nic araguan situations and to visit those countries if it deemed that course ad- visable. This resolution failed to meet with the full approval of the administra- ion and, before the committee acted upon it, several state department of-I ficials appeared and gave additional in formation regarding tthe administra- tion's course In Central America. Ad-. ministration senators then had the resolution so amended as to requireII the committee when sittng during the recess to remain within the continen- tal United States. The measure in this form was reported favorably to the1 Senate, but like many other pieces of legislation failed in a filibuster of the closing days of the session. WILL DISPLAY OILI CAN AT GRAHAM'S1 CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME IN MAKES NOTED FLOWER CAPI TOL SPEC TACLE1 RES RV F R71 AX fl which he has a ri-a ugecd the third and; R E S ' i1J~i LJ fourth rmovemern ts.. Leonard Falcone WIL~L 1PES N'I1 j arranged thtfre ofthe numbers, amronrgi ( T j [ { j thm "Tre riar's ong- which he CONCi,.ERT S \.f.'ON wlldirect.hanlasbn at The Rele-'e bn a:be pa~i COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN When in the vicinity of State and Packard, wvill find the PACKARD RESTAURANT, American cooking, a good place to eat. Under new management, and everything else new. 703 PACKARD Mii'ans to Apipeatr Under Direction g Of Falconie NWedlesday tgi Members of the Reserve band, di- reQctedl by Nicholas 1D. Falconie, will present their annual concert. program ; at 8 o'clock Wednesday in Hill audi- frium, setting a pr'ecedent in that it' will be the first concert of a Reserve band to be given in 1-ill auditorium. The occasion will be a memorial to Ludwig von Beethoven, whose death E10years ago, is being, remembered this month by musical organizations; all over the country. Besides marches and overtures! there will be specialty numbers, ILeon- ardl Falcone, brother of the dir ector; presenting a trombone solo and Frank Ryan, soloist will give several Michi- gan songs. Several of the numbhers are the work of the director, especial- ly the "M" Men March, which ha s been dedicated to Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University and "Suite, L'Arlestenne number 2" for j First Church of Christ, Scientist Ann Arbor, Michi. Announces a Free Lecture on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by Judge Frederick C. 1H111, C. S. of C'lintoni, Illinois Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. at NEW MASONIC TEMPLE oday Evening, March 2S, 1427 gau last fall, anad will fi nish theirl rear's works Wit'h its presentation. The concert wvill b open to the studenft body and1( the general p~ublic. A4 jrrI Ankh. Starting o1va She Didn't Fall in Love Shel Leaped! htad ait i ore fascillat IJlig role t han as the roanittic girl ii-lho ,wouldn't, wait to fall ill love. Site leaps straight ito the maost hilarious anad refreshlutg series ofI adlventutres of the heart you've ever 'roared .It. Never it(11111 momnt, d in this gaiy sllcceSsor to "Upstage, "The Walln g Sex" a ;id "II is Secretar: Washington's most beautiful flower snectacle ,the Japanese cherry blos- soms in Potomac Park have come to bloom. -7// PENN STATE-Jean Goldkette and LAFAYETTIE. - Jan Garber have been engaged for have taken over the Junior prom.j church. Fifty-six students a non-sectarian At 8:00 O'clock P. M. 1. N ._ 1 I< N Spotlessly Clean Our method of laundering shirts re- turns them to you spotlessly clean and S 'N '4 S M 4._ : r 04 carefully ironed. When worn they Nr ' '' NV ILA f -, .\ i~{ b, IN. Ol Y V !I " t f r ;fry r .. i ' Df 1 give their owner that comfortable and confident feeling that can only be at= tamed by knowing that one is cor- , ; ii The, oilcan, annually awarded to aI tit-; minent faculty member of the Uni- 'versity, at the Gridiron Knight's ban- quet, will be on display all this weekI in the show window of Graham's book1 store on State street. The oilcan is now in the possession of PresIuein Clarence Cook Little, who has hadj possession of the "trophy" during the past year. Previous holders are Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the English dlepartmenlt, Prof'. Thomas H-. Reed of the political science department, and P-rof. W. D. Hlenderson of the University Exten- slon division. President Little will make the presentation of the "award"I as the final event of the Gridiron Knight's banquet, Ainril r in the Un-' ion. Tt was urged yesterday by Wilton Simpson, '27, general chairman, that, aicceptances b~e mailed as soon as pos-j sibfle ats one third ar~e already in andl the attendance wxill he kept to 250. TURKS MAY1 IJVEVCT. (By Associated Tress) CONSTANTINOPLE, March 26-A campaign for votes for women was launched today. The Stamboul Wo- men's club formulated demands for. the franchise of women at a turblent' meeting in which the noted feminist, Mine. Negihe Mouhie Edbine Hanoum, played a prominent part. rectly dressed. Phone 4219 ~)ND Iy Co. CORNER LIBERTY AND FIFTH w N A . r }: y1 ti Sy l+ r i -t 3' ยข f "'-iki i z Becautiful truaa.Shearer is 1here now i n etirely different role, and oue that wiill add ne~w lurels to her screeni Irlimtis. i'the always -stirpulising, mile-a-mbiile, roilr-lii'. voPl'q tale of a beauty who, along' an amwaz- ig ItoadI of adveniture, discovers hoer'to1he~ hiappyityhousg'h ixzrrie 1. A ROBERT Z. LEONARD Production ijth (arinel 1yers D)orot by Sehbastiin You'll Laugh! You'll Lov'e It! A let- q'/o~duwyn-Ha yer P'cTu iE --O! THE fSTAGE- HA EL SI STE RS., &STROSS, Presentilug "Showing Off Before Company" Other Added Ma ~jest ic Fleat um ie nlding Mermaid ('omed)-. soon FRANK DEVOE & COMPANY ii_- Oratorical Association Lecture H(E 0 D )RE Rv V T . _ . -'-' . r. i var. -