FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY.. MARlin 27. 192? ____________________________________ I r JMwi+f . , ,7 _ . i. -wE r .... '...., .. "A I. _- - I I Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated. Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub-I lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate .f postage granted by Third Assistant Post- Wiaster eneral. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, i$4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 212r4. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 425 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY. JR. ditor...... ....W. Calvin Patterson' City Editor..............Irwin A. Olias News Editors........... Frederick Shillito tPhilip C. Brooks Women's Editor............Marion Kubik S_5 ports Editor.........Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor.. Morris Zwer ling Musts and Drama......Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors Charles Behymer Ellis Merry Carlton Champe Stanford N. Plelps o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith ayes Herald Cassam A. Wilson Assistant City Editors Carl Burger Henry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters Marion Anderson Milton Kirshbaun Margaret Arthur Paul Kern Jean Campbell Sally Knox Jessie} Church Richard Kurvink. Chester E. Clark G Thomas McKean Edward C. Cummings Kenneth Patrick .Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy Blanchard W. Cleland Morris Quinn Clarence Edelson James Sheehan William Emery ylvia Stone Robert E, Finch Mary Louise Taylor J. Martin Frissel Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Robert Gessner' William Thurnau Margaret Gross Marian Welles Elaine Gruber Thaddeus Wasielewski Coleman 3. Glencer Sherwood Winslow Harvey 3. Gunderson Herbert E. Vedder Stewart dooker Milford Vanikt Morton B. Icove BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Contracts .......... ..William C. PuschA Copywriting.. ....Thomas E. Sunderland Local Advertising . .. .George. H. Annable, Jr. Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl1 Circulation........T'. Kenneth Haven3 Publication............. .John H.tBobrink Accounts................Francis A. Norquist] Assistants1 Beatrice Greenberg George Aim, Jr. Selma lensen Florence Cooper I all the king's men couldn't drive the chief executive to waste his time in a state as rock-ribbed Republican in sentiment, as our own. True enough, the President wants to do some fish- ing but it will be of the political kind and not the gentle art of angling in flowing streams. REFORMING FOOTUALL Apparently combining various ideas for the reform of football, President Hopkins of Dartmouth has suggested to the athletic council of that college that two varsity teams be formed whicli would be limited to sopho- mores and juniors, though coached by seniors. If the reports have not been mis- leading, President Hopkins has the interest of thq sport and the men engaged -in it at heart. He has been moved by a sincere desire to free the game from much of the criticism which it has elicited. Hs proposal; however, would seem to bring little improvement, if, in fact, any is need- ed. Student coaching, both in its phy- sical and moral aspects, woul4 be mediocre. Though the proficiency of the players would be lowered, student and alumni interest would very likely continue as ;great. His suggestion of a "home-and- home" arrangement of games is open to the same argument advanced against the proposal when it was be- ing considered in the Big Ten Con- ference. In brief, it is questionable if the plan would remove the criticism of commerciality from football, better the situation, distribute glory to more ,coaches and players, increase loyalty to the institution, or enable students to receive more from theiy academic pur- suits. FOR MEN ONLY The New York state theater "pad- lock bill," designed to make more stringent the control over theatrical productions with particular reference to the "immoral, obscene, or indecent" parts of them, has just passed both houses and has been sent to Gover- nor Smith for approval. The bill is largely thearesult of the hue and cry which has arisen in official New York city over shows as "Sex" and others. It is simply the old story over again, that of deciding where art leaves off and vulgarity begins and as yet no one has ever been found who can solve this problem. Each decade top- ples over the judgments of its pre- decessors, standards pass, new ones arise from the; old. Setting up of- ficial bodies of censorship, public com- mittees, and the like have usually proved ineffectual. Committees of artists have too often been unable to agree over the merits of productions being judged. A few hooted individuals who have maintained that public opinion is the only fair judge of such matters have found that they have been correct in the long run. The test of public opin- ion has been the standards by which literature has been judged for cen- turies, but that seems to have been forgotten by those who would legislate indecency out of the theaters. If let alone, cheap, vulgar shows have us- ally died for lack of patronage. When condemned and legislated against they have played to full houses of curio- sity seekers. The point is clear. AWAITING PUNISHMENT As a result of the report of a fac- ulty "fact-finding committee" regard*- ing the publication of material "dis- respectful and scurrilous" student editors of "The Iconoclast," a publica- tion at the University of Georgia, are now awaiting punishment for their re- puted offenses. T/TED L BANTEM The Ithaca boys brought a banner 140 feet long. It reached from the ceiling to the floor of the Field Ipause and they used what was left over for rain coats. * * * A lot of Ann Arbor boys who like meaningless decorations were running around with "Blue Key" labels o-,l their coats. One of the Cornell boyts asked us if they were policemen. * * * Since Blue Key was left out of the recent series of articles tin The Daily on campus institutions, n.obody knows what it is. They wouhin't anyway. There's nothing to know,,. A representative of ithe Cornell Daily Sun was in the office today. He was here ostensibly to cover the track meet, but since he lookexl somewhat intelligent, we suspect fibat he was taking the first opportu~lity to get away from Cornell. * * * It is rumored that there is a college of some sort at Ithaca, but have never heard or seen any proof o:f the fact. This reporter was telling about the parties they throw at Elmira. Ecorse was completely outclassed.I We tried to find out why there are so many universities in New York, whereas Michigan has only one, and found that they are all so bad that no intelligent student can stand any one of them for four years. * « ; It is customary to start at Cornell, of which one tires easily in a year, and then to go to Syracuse. Two semest- ers there dulls one's intellect suffici- ently so that he can go to Columbia. * * * Three years at those institutions lowers him so that the only place bad enough for hint is the university of Buffalo.t * * * Music and Drama :r THIS AFTERNOON: The Tiligt , 3lusicale ofIlillel Found tion will be given at 4 oclo k in the andito- riim of the University High School. T IS EVENiNG The Pre r Platyers present "The 11111" by James e . Barrie at 6:i9 o'clock in the Church Parltrs. * * * THE FA HER OF I11HS COUNTRY IMr. Harry Lauder, one of the best single artists doing the big and not so big time, will present his customary program of song and wise stuff on Fri- day night at the Whitney theater. " Probably the best feature of the en- s- -- m I GRA HAN Week End Special Friday and Saturday Memory Book At Both Ends of the Diagonal KILLED REPAIRING It is necessary that your Fountain Pen should function at all tries. TO INSURE THIS get a a Pen with 4 distinct advantages. I A Self-starter. 2 A dependable writer. 3 Holds two weeks supply of ink. 4 Will out-wear several pens of any other make, and besides it is made and serviced right here in Ann Arbor, by the maker himnself. Rider's Pen Shop 315 State Street 94-HOUR SERVICE 1 i N' IKarion L. "Reeding Marion Kerr Nance Solomon Ralph L. Miller ,john Russwinkle Douglas Fuller Virle C. Withaim A. M. Hinkley E. L. Hulse R. A. Meyer Harvey Talcott EHarold' Utley Ray Wachter Esther Booze, SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1927 Night Editor-CHAS. E. BEHYMER THE REDS IN CHINA Considerable interest has been at- tached to reports from China concern- ing the connection of Soviet Russians with the Cantonese party, particularly1 since -these radical advisors of the Chinese have been credited with in-. stigating sentiment and action against{ the foreigners. At the time of the Hankow riots,t dluring the early part of the year, it was evident that the Cantonese lead-l ers were rather closely allied witht Soviet agents. Gaining experience in political affairs, however, they have since developed a more moderate at- titude toward the foreigners, and have loosened>:their connection with the Russians. In his recent manifesto,. General Pai, one of the cantonese commanders, urged the Chinese po-- ple to distinguish between attacking, imperialism, the traces of which they , wish to eradicate in China, and at-t tacking foreigners. Vigorous denials of any relations with the Soviet gov-' ernmnent, have also 'been issued fromE time to time.t It may be expected that the Can-J Ulnese party; nw that it has gainedI GRAND RAPIDS ALUMNI .DEPLORE DEBATE DEFEATS To the President of the University, etc.: Whereas it has been brought to our attention that the University has won one of five debates this year, and . Whereas we, the Grand Rapids al- umni, always make a point of adopt- ing a resolution when the University starts going downgrade, and Be it hereby resolved that we, the Grand Rapids alumni, recommend that: 1. A field house be built for the in- door practice, in order that our teams may have the same advantages as those in warmer climates. 2. That Coach Densmore be given at least half a dozen assistants for the training of his squad. 3. That we raise the salaries of our debaters to a parity with those of our athletes. 4. That some systematic method of bringing outstanding high school de- baters to Michigan be adopted. (Signed) Grand Rapids Alumni, per Kernel. * * I didn't go to the track meet last night, said the cynical seni- or, because it was raining. The athletic Association didn't make enough money to patch up the holes in the roof of the Field House. "The question" before the legisla- ture, according to President Little, "is not 'Can we afford to spend the money?' but 'can we afford not to?'" It seems to be another one of those "was she pushed or did she fall in?" affairs. * * C-' Now they tell us that the total casu- alties in China have been one dead and four wounded. The first dispatches only exagerated it about 2,400 per cent. They're not up to standard! - -Wet Ray. These riotous Chinese have become' jealous of the Ann Arbor students. . * * *$ tertainment is his singing of Scotch ballads. At any rate they get a big hand and everybody joins in the chorus. The rest of the time is spent in telling innumerable jokes on him- self-in fact one doubtsnthe au- thenticity of most of them, since he somehow manages to comb'ine with them the unsophisticated and naive aphorisms that Dorothy Dodd uses in her cook book liners. In any event Mr. Lauder has capitalized the canny philosophy and humor of his countrymen to a sufficient extent to raise his salary into four figures. It is another of those shows that children should take their parents to see. THE STUD)ENTS' RECITAL Probably the most interesting piano recital of the season will be given Wednesday evening at 8:15 o'clock in Pattengill auditorium with Guy Mair of the piano.faculty of the School of Music presenting the Misses Ethel Hauser and Elizabeth Davies in a se- ries of two piano numbers, assisted by Dalies Frantz in a group of piano solos. The program is as follows: Sicilienne .... . ............. ..Bach Concerto in C major (First move- ment)...........Bach Miss Hauser and Miss Davies Prelude and Fugue in F minor ..Bach Etude in E major...........Chopin Perpetual Motion ............Weber Mr. Frantz Scherzo (trom Midsummer Night's Dream) ...............Mendelssohn (Arranged for two pianos by Kuffe- rath) The Fountain of the Valle Giulia at Dawn ....................Respighi (Arranged for piano by Guy Maier) Two Etudes in G flat...........Shopin (Arranged for two pianos by Guy Maier) Liebesfreud ....Kreisler-van Katwijk Miss Hauser and Miss Davies Six Pieces from the "Carniva' of Animals" ..............Saint-Saens 1. The Lion's Grand March 2. The Aquarium. 3. The Cuckoo in Deep Woods. 4. "Pianists." 5. Fossils. 6. Wild Horses. Irish Dance.............D. G. Blake The "Beautiful Blue Danube" Waltzes ...........Strauss-Chasins Miss Hauser and Miss Davies NORA CRANE HUNT A recital for the Monday Musicale of Toledo, will be given tomorrow af- ternoon in that city by Miss Nora Crane Hunt, contralto. The program will include a group of German music by Schubert, Strauss and Brahms; an aria "Ah Rendimi!" from Rossi's "Miltiane;" and the Stevenson "Ario- so' (Salutation of the Dawn), a trans- lation from the Sanskrit. Miss Hunt will be aco-ompanied by Marjorie Bax- ter, a former student in the School of Music. THE NEW STONE POLICY PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATHS ON THE CAMPUS WHITNEY THEATR FRIDAY, APRIL1 World's Greatest Singing Comedian W ! LLE.IA MOQRS-" n".""- - EVER E - A ,D IN NEW SONGSi ANDD FA. r1_3 $Npe alid Hear Lauder VIsualle . Scottish Songs anid Characters in His Own Inbmwtuble Way. I I rthjieI s OAly One Harry Laude. He St n&Alone: -Nea York Sun: READ THE WANT ADS ' Pr ices--Lower Floor $175, Balcony $229, Mall Orders ow. $1.G, $1.10. -1 ~--~-~'~ 4r a certain degree of success on the According to reports, their paper battle field, not to mention the art was. published in answer to the fac- 'pf propaganda, will attempt to pro- ulty suggestion that students think ceed without the aid of the Russians for themselves. It was charged by for which they have no great love in them that athletes were being brought gay instance. to the University on alumni scholar- ships and "$40 a month," that a faculty "TEN DOLLAR CLUB" committee was endangering free Wherever the affairs of the univer-. speecli, and that a member of the com- 0ity are concerned, financialy or mittee was trying to run the Y. M. *therwise, the action of the Univer- C. A. off the campus. The first chargej sity group at Ann Arbor is the hub, is only too often true of colleges and the center of interest, and the e- universities, the second is, on the imple. Working upon this hypothe- other hand, seldom existent, and re- sis, the alumnae council has asked the garding the last, it is usually a much Ann Arbor group of interested peo- more difficult task to keep the Y. M. pie to be responsible for the ex- C. A. on the campus than to run it off. Jense account of the Women's league If the editors were guilty of mak- building campaign. A "ten dollar ing false, libelous, or personal charges plub" has been organized, the mem- they should be punished. But if dis- bership fee of which is ten dollars interested opinion should find their knd the aim to defray the expenses of charges upheld, they should be con- the campaign. The response so far gratulated for carrying on the tradi- ~as been spirited. tion of journalism. The plan of keeping the expenses Pf a campaign separate from the gifts AVOIDING A SHORTAGE Is a commendable one in that all of A member of the Austraian indus- I the pledge made by thos% desiring trial commission visiting Grand Rapids' to help in the work may be used to has again brought to public atten- iefray the cost of the building prop- tion the fact that industrial progress er. Furthermore, the support of the of the future will be hindered by a kI Our government kows the value o storing up nature's resources. It has builtdam after dan to store up water for periods of drought. TIhis should A r8 be an example for you. "Store uip" your earning ability now for the thoughts of sickness and old age. Provide for your future finan- cial needs. 6 Following the hold-up of the troit-Toledo bus, all passengers Ann Arbor city busses should armed. De- on go s * * These days we have all four seasons in one day. Fine time for the weather experts! * " s This week we'll have real competi- tive dramatics. Comedy club and Play Production will be playing at the same time. * * *