THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAFA 'THEE NEW NETHERLANDS E NVYY MEETING DATE ADVANC ED fi, _.. _ 1lTtzist~iueHEADapidRiver, Menominee, ' o pleinOe b ev t oes X EN I N E D,tephenson). and Powers. At Iron A the t nZ For Angellll IS Lxpectedu'I n LApril ONTOU Mountain hie will speak beforeth April j Dickinson County Academy of Md- MADISON, ofs.' ~rch 26-Sftudents Prof. W. D. Hnderson, director of icine; at Escanaba he will address the I a h nvx dya'Wstsnhv 'Ecnb lieaycu;adh wilErection of the two observatory Fjisof therefr'acting type andl as a the1University extensioni department talk to tCidnearvlu;ain leagwelloahnize v ~ er yof. teW icle haf domes on the roof of Angell hail is 10 inch aperture. This w~ill be ready left Friday for a tour Of the Upper at Gladstone. the Goddess," ai atheistic organiza- expected to be finished early in April,; for use in about two weeks., Peninsula (uring which he will give a ____________rinacIln to an announcement prvddtewahrperistesel When 1)oth (doues are fully equippecd, series of extension' lectures. In all + It < workers to stay on the job, according Michigan will have one of the finest of his talks he will consider various TEXAS LIRRY S WS i the ITia, a pnversity pxulia- obsrportatos d bsofproglrafmse 'on. The circl ' rt4with ten char- toeraore reot sudb iil fteamong the colleges,,in educational porasand the rcation l ast ronomny department., the United States, according to Prof. of the University to the state. OLD TENNYiSON SCRIPTS ,ter members. only one of the two domes, both of Ralph H. Curtiss, newly-appointed di-{ Professor Henderson will give lc 4 hc r 4fleie- ee n eto fteosraoy h ngl ue rmMrh2 t pi .Dr UI1N ex ac 6Rr e- Txs.Atil yftte"ot feet high, will be equipped for ob- Hall observatory will take care of l ig tis time he will visit Ontonogan, zyo manuscripts and first editions Arthur" printed in thean fl 3 servation at present. The telescope all the evening classes in observation,)i Rockland, Canning, Iron Montain, are being displayed by the famous 1mnsrp f"1tesad'tae ;Which is- to be installed immediately replacing the one on Oservatory hill. Republlic Rock Escanaba Gadstone Wrenn lirary of the University of aonudsrpt f a1OS n Et- are on (bisplayJ.: . t' s l i ' Fri- TARTINGSUNDAY MATINEE-BETTER COME EARLY By. 1,492 Laughs (Not Actual Count Giggles) Rib-Rocking Roars! Tihrovugh V Laughs. SU6.Ideui d Celtic the 44)2p ,. 4/ 1*i~nr FOR~ COLLEGE PICTURE-TAKING- 19, I? (i Ha . .L f E el ' . 4 .. f y y f , ! I 40 III C ._ .. R. k II Attend the Mlatinee Sunday -Three Complete Shows 1:30-3:10.-4:4.i Topical Cotia-es -A IXo4ty-Tible )lafinuers Today's Ness Areade Rei 'No Advance .11n Jtlees All Meiits, 50ce Children, 25c Performances Start 1 :10.3:104:45r7 :00.8:40 8114 MilcllgflaLocals Eut ire MLusical Synogpsis Under the Person l Direction of RtidoclphIiLa ldese I I . i t .t 11k , t !. , 11I 11.11 1 If 41 11 li1i