THE MICH-IGCAN rATTY ' -_. " SUNDAY, MARCH- 27, 19!1 .__u BOOKLET ISSUED ON BOYS SUMMER CAMP S. C. A. D~escribes Activ ities O Six Year Old' Camp Supervised And Sponsored By Association MOVING PICGTURES TAKEN In a booklet issued by the Student Christian association recently, the ac- tivities which were carried on at the fresh air r.amp, supervised by the association, Cre described. The campI was etabi~ six years ago and has increased . en in the number of under-privxl4: e boys which it takes care of ev ~iimer. Last su 14b period of camp- ing was cdtd~ into three parts of twelve days' e. More thanl 350 boys' were take'~cI of in this way. Thes boys wfier'en from the cities o, Detroit,. An bor, and Jackson and were take#to Patterson lake on bulses or interurbas and buses. The method of selecting .the under-priviledged boys who atteied the camp was not wholly satisfatory, but an attempt to improve the characters of the boys who Were sent to the camp. It. is hoped that ths. year older boys will be found to 'spend their vacations there arrival of the buses at the point earest the camp, the boys dis- embari and march for two miles to the cam . Immediately upon arriving at the camp, the boys are assembled in the dining lodge where their in- structions are given them and they are divided Into groups to occupy the various tents where they stay while in the camp.:Each one is given a thorough physical. eamination at the start and any trouble that is encoun- tered thereafters taken 'care of im- meiately..,Tbere.*are frequent sprains and cuts which paused the doctor last summer ,to got~ from 20 to 30 calls every day. Any-,serious sickness which camne up was "taken care of at either the Hleath service in Ann Arbor or at the UniveRsity hospital. Hikes periods were conducted, in which the oys went out on trips looking f~zp specimens of plants in. which th=ad been instructed. Base- ball, Vll hall, and a treasure hunt were soxea;f the gaes which the boys eng 'd in. A library is carried and this made use of during the spare ti 01ofthe boys. Special ae was taken of the boys when b ey here in or on the water. They "wex, ways accompanied by a leader. W ~'boating and four life guards we i hand during the swim- mning pe 4Ie only time when the boys were a lloed to swim or be in the water;p Moving sitt~ taken at the camp last sum o 4~ now. being shown at the fraterityr houses : on..the cam. pus., Arran g}iits for them may be Made by c li* Theodore R. Horn- berger, '27, s lpikntendent of the fresh air camp fr t summer, or Homer Grafton, cr4r of the Student Christian association. Anyone interest- ed in becoming a leader at the camp can; also arrange with either of these .men. RABINOFF IS FIRST NOT COACH1ED BY TRUIEBLOOD Ellizabeth Rabinoff, 27, who was last Jkriday night selected to repre- sent the University in the Northern Oratorical league, will be the first Michiagn orator in more than 40 years that will be coached by Prof. Thomas "C. Trueblood, who retired last fall from the public speaking department. I.It is our earnest wish tog make our stations more thanj just places to purchase gas- f line and oil. Whether you need to buy anything or not, we want you to feel free to drop in for those little services which we are only too glad to do for you. IT IS OUR PRIVILEGE TO SE~RVE YOU. The Michigamme Qil Co. 1_' I1I nmu 1 IplA lIll 14111!1 ulr; 110!il Iill hum III I Pil WEDNESDAY1 t HAROLD Iqll LLOYD HEART BEATS MAGNIFIED BY NEW DEVICE OF PENNS YL VANIA DOC TOR ROGERS TO SPEAK ON REINCARNATION L. WV. Rogers, national president of i he Americani Theosophical society,1 w~ill lecture on Reincarnat ion at 8:15 Satur day, April 2, in Lane hall. Tlhe speaker believes that the fool and the; genius are neither accidents of nla- tune or deliberate creations of God,I and w~ill present the view of reincar- niat ion as bringing the facts of science and philosophy together with the highest religious thought, Mr. Rogers has been head of thei American Theosophical Society forj t he east seven year's andi is one of" tihe most widely known exponents of! theosophly in the U'nited States. WILL- YOU PAY $45-.00 for a good touring car or rc has good tires, top and a motor fine? We have plenty good buns down sure will pay you to look them ova Dr". Clarence J. . 4.11!ile (ter isi) stetliephone to students. PHILADELPH-IA, March 27- Doc- tors used to apply their stethescopesil to the patient's hearts and listen care-j fully for beats and mnurmurs. Today,+ one~ thousand medical students can sit! in a large Iroom and hear the heart heats of a. weak, sick patient with- out any apparatus in their ears, with the combination of stethoscope" and! radlio engineering which has brought about the new stethephone. Thle newest st ethephone, which was just introduced at the U~niversityV of Pennsylvania. hospnital by iDr. Clarencef J. Gamble, of the medical school, and others who worked with him, does away with the necessity for indlividual' receivers. The latest type stethephone is six feet long and four feet high 4~~ MEETING DATE ANNOUNCED .. ;.. . g to' i: y:'.1(11n t onebanzqutet be-; 4 . -'r: ."fe.' ": . .x'..,.r :..:. . ..........*.;:r" :;::>:>> f:>:' ng held the we ek of the regular Ff:: .. fleetin::: : ::: g o the Students 'Press club., the mneeting has been adlvanced1 to Wednesday night of this week. WV. B. S shiown e nt~iiirslto h Stout, one of the prominent figures in the airplane indlustry, has been en- with two large horns. g a ged as the speaker. Mr. Stout is a. With the new arrangement the ,class (roimer newspaperman. can sit in their seats and make charts of the sounds as they come booming ILLINOIS-Kappa. Delta i initiated out. 11 members here. TIr Q GIFTS FOR EASTER We have a large assortment of Easter baskets and candies for the kids. Alsoa large. selection of Easter Greeting Cards, favors, place cards, etc. JPone 47414 1111 South niversity Phone 4741 1926 Chevrolet Coach.. Willys Knight Touring 1925 Ford Coupe ..... . 1926 Ford Coupe ...... oadster tht that runs here and it er.r ....$395.00 ... 150.00 .. .. 135.09 .260.00 Sales Huron a~d Ashley Columns University Chevrolet Phone 9314 Corner TERMS AND TRADES '! Read The Daily "Classified"I -., Dick's Here' We 'ye Got. Him Back For,Y( I TOU'BLE DAVID FURY Remember-- THE BRIGHT SHAWL. RANSONMS FOLLYi Sol ,A mateu The best - loved Lover of the screen in his brand-new Broad- way hit!. U} AR -and you VIi never forget p.- -With-r RUTH ILLE iii! JL FIRE rGentleman Now Showing A SID)NEY OLCOTTr