~ IaiM
VOL. XXXVII. No. 129
MARCH 27, 1927
Ilnel -Of' Goodwi ile, r mfDash Man,
S ii and icap s Noakley's :Tea.;
1lnro- Also Ont
T r' field house records were
brokeni, fone t1(d, and two dual meet
rts equalled as the Michigan track
team defeated the invading Cornell
squad for the fifth successive year, in
the 16th dual meeting between the two
schools since 1902, last night at Yost
field house. The score was 501/2 to
Don Cooper, star Wolverine hurdler,
who accounted for 10 points in the
meet for high individual honors by
winning first place in both the low
and high hurdles, shattered the first
field house mark of the meet by run-
ning the high hurdles in :08.4, cut-"
ting two-tenths of a second from the
time made by Voelker two years 'ago,
and equalling the dual meet record
made by Hubbard in 1923. To com-
plete this performance Cooper ran the
65 yard low hurdles in :07.5, tying
the dual meet and field house record
made by Hubbard, Michigan, in 1925.
Benson, Hornberger Tie
Benson, Cornell star, and Hornber-
ger, Wolverine distance man, finish-
ed in a tie for first place in the two
mile run, the time of 9:49.5 being a
new field house mark.
Anderson, Cornell weight man, heav-
ed the shot 45 feet 4' inches tot
break the field house mark held iy
Munz by almost a foot, although he
failed to approach the dual meet per-
foramnce of 48 feet, 3% inches, made
by Horner, Michigan, in 1911.
Out of the 11 events held Cornell1
accounted for four first places, while
Michigan made a 'like number andi
ihree were tied. Cornell scored winsI
in the mile run, the 440, the shotj
put, and the relay, while the Wolver-f
ines took first honors in both hurdleE
races, the dash and the 880 yard run.
The pole vault was tied, as was the
high jump, and the two mile run.
Monroe Out of Mile Run
Cornell, handicapped by the absencet
of Goodwillie, star dash and 440 man,t
who was forced to abandon the trip
because of ill health, received the firstt
break of the meet when Monroe wast
definitely declared out of the compe-!
tition in ,the mile run because of
illness. The Ithacans took advantagel
of their opportunity. Brumder. Cor-;
nell, beating Iskenderian, Michigan,!
to tIle tane by inches only in the final
sprint, with Willets, Brumder's team-
mate, a poor third. .
. Ohlheiser, Michigan quartermilert
led the entire field until the last turnf
in the 440 yard races, but weakenedt
and gave way to Werly, Red and i
White star, and Mueller, Michigan.,
(By Associated Press) I U I t U H U1 11111 U
LANSING, March 26.-The dignity of
the State legislative body, thrice as-
sailed, has been thrice defended. ( N I1 H INRp enrMio ateCek
Rep. Verner Main, of Battle Creek, I
now waits the retraction of an edito- MARINE REGIMENT IS ORDERED;
rial appearing in a local newspaper ACROSS PACIFIC T SCENE
inferentially suggested that the legis- OF CONFLICT
lature be abolished.
The retraction not appearing, Rep- A
resentative Main will ask that the}ADMIRAL RE UESTS HELP!
paper's representative be barred from
the floor of the House. Cantonese General Declares WarshipsI
I Can not Suppress Aspirations I
ru n lfl WPrADAMPfOf Chinese People
Counsel For Mianufacturer Plan Rigid
Adherenee To Issues Of Case
In His Tesilmony
(By Associated Press) I
DETROIT, March 26-Henry Ford's
appearance as a witness in Aaron Aa-
piro's $1,000,000 libel suit against him
threatened tonight to provide little '
more of a sensation than his mere
(By Associated Press)
WAShINGTON, March 26 -Fear
that a far flung storm of anti-foreign
terrorism may be brewing in China
gripped official Washington tonight,
almost submerging the belief that
came with word that surviving Amer-
icans at Nanking were safe.
Dread of what may happen else-
where along the Yangtze river,
brought a call in the night from Ad-
miral Williams at Shanghai for re-
inforcements. Another regiment of
marines, 1,500 strong, has been or- J
dered rushed across the Pacific to hisv
aid. They will be followed, if called
for, by whatever other forces are
necessary to extend protection to be-
leaguered Americans.
Stephen . Farrell
Benson, out in front, was unable to
shake Hornberger from his heels, and
the Wolverine star did not attempt to
gain first place until the final lap.
Here the two battled in a fast sprint,.
with Hornberger coming from behind
in the final turn to finish in a dead
heat for first place. The time of
9:49.5 was more than 13 seconds be-
hind the dual meet time made by Is-
bell,j Michigan, in 1923, but cut :08.6
seconds from the field house record
held by Callahan, another Wolverine
distance man.
Lomont Wins Half Mile
The biggest upset of the day, and
the deciding factor of the meet, came
in the 880 yard run, where Cornell,
favored to score at least five points in
this event, cut down without a point,
while Lomont, Beals, and Pfluke fin-
ished in that order to add nine points
to the Michigan total.
Northrop, Michigan captain, and
Reed of Cornell engaged in an inter-
esting dual in thepole vault, but nei-
ther could clear the bar past 12 feet
6 inches. Prout, Northrop's team-
mate, tied for third with Williams,
Cornell's remaining entry. In the
high jump, however, N>rthrop was un-
able to hit his stride, and failed three
times at 5 feet 10 inches. Waldo, his
teammate, turned in a fine perform-
ance, clearing the bar at this height
to tie with Berry and Vollmer, Cornell,
for first honors, giving Michigan three
of the nine points.
Lovette Places Second
Jack Lovette, shot putter, made a'
mark of 44 feet 8 1-8 inches in his
event for a second place. Murray,
Cornell, placed third, giving his team
a six point total for this contest.
The relay proved to be a close race,
with Cornell winning by, a few feet
only. Leonard, Michigan's leadoff
man, gained seven yards on Mitchell,
running first for Cornell, before he
handed the baton to Barton. running
presence in the courtroom.I Text Kept Secret
Every effort of which the defense The text of the call for help was
legally is capable will be exerted to not made public. It came as word
prevent the motor manufacturer from from Rear Admiral Hough at Nanking
being required to give testimony on of the rescue of the last known Amer-
anything but the one issue the bril- ican victim of outrages by troops in
liant array of defense counsel recog- Cantonese uniform was being tapped
nizes-Sapiro, the individual, against out over the radio.
Ford. What reason Admiral Williams as-I
"We will try to hold Mr. Ford's tes- signed to his request that the marine
timony strictly to the issues of the contingent .at Shanghai be doubled
case," Senator James A. Reed, of Mis- with all possible speed is not known;
souri, chief of Ford counsel, said to- but the dread that what happened'
tonight. "I do not know what scope yesterday at Nanking may be repeated
plaintiff counsel will be given in ques- tomorrow at Hankow, at Chinkiang or
tioning him, but certainly we will try at any other rivet port controlled by
to have it limited to the issues." the Cantonese, ran through every of-!
That was interpreted as meaning ficial message from China that came
that Ford probably would be gagged in today.
as efficiently as was William J. Cam- From Shanghai itself, the great cen-
eron, editor of the Ford-owned Dear- ter of American activities in China,
born Independent, who in six days and the place of refuge for those flee-
answered hardly half a dozen ques- ing from Nanking and other interior
tions excepting after strenuous objec- ports, Consul-General Gauss reported
tion and argument over the legality the situation "very tense."
of the interrogations. Officials Hold Conference
Just when the automobile manufac- It was this alarming picture that1
turer will be called remained a matter faced officials during the day on top
of conjecture tonight. It had been in- of Admiral Williams' call for help.
tended to call him during the past An immediate conference of high naval
week but the progress of the trial officers took up the question of send-
was so slow that it got far off sche- ing more marines. The state depart-
dule. nwent was no sooner opened than a
Next Wednesday was suggested by grave conference took place- in Secre-i
William Henry Galagher, counsel for tary Kellogg's office with Secretary
Sapiro, as possibly the day of the great Wilbur and Admiral Eberle, chief of
event in the trial. naval operations, and Major General
Fred L. Black, business manager of Summerall, chief of staff of the army,
the Dearborn Independent, in which attending. Announcement of the send-
were printed articles Sapiro alleged ing of 1,500 marines followed that
were libellous: a quire or so of deposi- conference.
tions and Sapiro himself stood ahead General Summerall's visit to the
of the appearance of Ford, who in the state department was the first indica-
two weeks of the trial, has not visited tion that even the possibility of send-
the Federal building. , ting army regiments to back up the
Black was on the witness stand I navy in China was being considered.
when court adjourned yesterday and No decision will be reached unless
his examination just had been start- hope that the Nanking outrages were
ed. He was being asked about a visit but an isolated case where lawless
to him by Walton Peteet and Robin soldiery escaped the control of respon-
1l(ood, firmer cooperative organiza- sible Nationalist leaders proves un-1
-tion leaders, when he is alleged to founded. There is no doubt, however,1
have admitted that a Dearborn In- that in the event that the anti-Ameri-
dependent article, shown him by Pe- can attacks spread to other cities
teet, was "bod" and to have express- along the river, troops will be calledI
ed dubiousness if others relating to from tle Piilippines and Hawaii.
Sapiro were no better. jNearly6,000 American doughboys are
^T quickly available there.
NEWVCHEERLEADER " Regardless of the immediate need of
IS GIVEN TROPH Y the moment, however, there is no
doubt that every other consideration
Paul Endriss, '28, Varsity cheer- will be swept aside by the Washing-
leader, was presented with the silver ton government and every agency ofI
megaphone donated by the five honor- the war and navy department be called
ary societies of the University before upon if the anti-foreign outrages at
the start of the Cornell track meet at Nanking are followed by a general
Yost field house last night. The pres- conflagration in Nationalist China.
entation, which was made by William
Warrick, '27, former head cheerleader, (By Associated Press)
was prefaced with a few remarks by SHANGHAI, March 26.-Americans
Mayor Robert A. Campbell who ex- and other foreigners were fleeing to-
plained the purpose of the award. ( night from points along the Yangtze
The trophy is intended to increase valley, driven by the fires of anti-
the prestige of the cheerleader's po- foreign feeling, which the bombard-
sition. It will be engraved each year ment of Nanking has apparently
with the' name of the head cheer-, fanned into full blaze. Meanwhile a
leader and will be kept in the trophy statement was issued by the Cantonese
case at Yost field house. The mega- generalissimo, Chang Kai-Shek, de-
.4t 4
(By Associated Press)
HOUSTON, Tex., March 26-Iowa
State's fleet team smashed the inter-
collegiate record for the medley re-
lay at the Rice institute games here
j today, in which Illinois, Michigan
State, and Iowa State carried off the
major.share of honors.
The Iowa State runners hung up
a new time of 7 minutes, 34 4-10 sec-
onds, in the medley event, 6-10 sec-
onds better than the old mark of 7
minutes, 35 seconds, established by
the University of '.Texas team in 1925.
Former Assistant Secretary Of Navy
Will Include A Description
Of Recent Trip To Asia
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., explorer
and former assistant-secretary of the
Navy, will speak Tuesday night in Hill
auditorium on the annual Oratorical
association lecture series. Mr. Roose-
velt will speak on "Ovis Poli and the
Red Gods," and wil include a descrip-
tion of his recent trip to Asia.
The speaker has been here several
times before under the auspices of the
Oratorical association. He is a gradu-
ate of Harvard, in the class of 1908,
and' received his honorary degree there
in 1919. Formerly he was director of
the Sinclair Oil and Refining company,
the White Manufacturing company, the
Broadway Improvement company, and
the White Motor company.
In 1919 he was elected to the state"
legislature of New York and upon his
accession to public office he resigned
all of his directorships.
In March, 1921, when Harding be-
came president the speaker was ap-1
pointed assistant-secretary of the
Navy, and he held the post for three
years. In the fall of 1914, when he
became Republican candidate for the
governorship of New York, he re-
signed his assistant's post in the cabi-
He was defeated by Alfred Smith in
the election that followed and a year
later went with the Simpson-Roose-
velt-Field museum expedition,.
During the World war Mr. Roosevelt
served as commanding major and
later lieutenant colonel in the 26th
infantry. He arrived in France in
June, 1917, and served with the First
Division of the A. E. F. through the
battles of Cantigny and Soissons and
through the Meuse-Argonne and St.
Mihiel offensive. At the latter bat-
tle he was wounded and awarded the
D. S. C. by the United States, the Le-
gion of Honor and Croix de Guerre by
France, and the Grand Cordon of
Prince Danilo I and the War Cross by
He assisted in the organization of
the American Legion in 1919, is a
member of the national executive
committee of the Boy Scouts of
America, is a trustee of the American j
Museum of Natural History, and
wrote a book, "Average Americans,"''
in 1919.
This will be the last speaker on the I
annual Oratorical association lecture
series, with the exception of Sen. Pat
Harrison, Democrat, Mississippi, who
has not yet anouncedl his dlate.
. I
Oklahoma Aggies Take First Honors
In Natio a1 A. A. UT. WrestlIn
Chuiplonship Finals3
(Special to The Daily)
* AMES, Iowa, March 26 -Alfred
Watson, star Wolverine matman took
second in the 135 pound division of
the National A. A. U. wrestling cham-I
pionships concluded here yesterday C
for the only place won by the Mich-
igan team. Captain Donahoe, Sauer
and Solomon were eliminated in the"
semi-finals after winning their pre-
liminary matches.
The Oklahoma Aggies ran away1
with the meet scoring a total of 32
points, more than all the oher con-
testants combined while Ames came
in second with nine points. There were
173 entries in the meet and schools1
from all parts of the United States
were represented in the national com-'
petition. .
Watson's second place victory was1
especially notable since there was a
total of 31 entries in theh135 pound
division. His defeat in the finals isj
the only one suffered by the Wolver- r
ine star this season since he won over,
every opponent both in Big Ten and
practice meets and captured the Con-
ference title in the lightweight class
two weeks ago at Chicago.
Following the meet, Clifford Keen,
Michigan coach, expressed himself as1
satisfied with the work of his men
whom he characterized as making a
very creditable showing. Sauer and3
Donohue were both competing at 145 1
pounds although the latter wrestled in!
the 158 pound division all season. Solo-
mon 4was entered in the 135 poundt
along with Watson, but has wrestled c
regularly at 125 pounds. .
Morrison of Illinois was the only#
champion of last year to retain his
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, March 26-World's
record performances by two American
stars, Lloyd Hahn, of the Boston A. A.
and Chick Werner, of the Illinois A.
C., tonight took the spotlight from
Edsin Wide's victory over Willie Rit- t
ola in the two mile race slated to
be the feature of the United Swedish1
societies' indoor track and field (
Flashing a sensational burst of
speed, Hahn broke the tape in 2 min-t
utes, 26 2-5 sec.
Spindle And Darnall Take Events
In Record Time; Samson Sets
Two National Standards
(Special to The daily)
By Frank Schooley, Daily 'LinI Sport Staff
UR LBANA, 111.. March 26.-Michigan won its first Big Ten swim-
m1ing chalmpionship and scored the most number of points ever made
in a Conference meet, when it swamped Minnesota, its closest rival,
and seven otier foes in a record breaking meet in the new gymnasium
here today. M ichigani scored 49 points, 16 ahead of the Gophers, who
had an easy tine taking second place. Northwestern finished third with
14 points and Wisconsin fourth with 9, while Chicago and Illinois
tied for fifth place with six points each.
Paul Samson, Matt Mann's giant Wolverine who established two new
national collegiate records in the 220 and 440 free style swims in the pre-
liminaries hield here last night, broke his own mark in the 220 and came
within three seconds of tieing Johnny Weissmueller's American record of
2:15,2 established in 1925. Samson was content to swim an easy 440 and
allow his record of yesterday to stand.
Michigan created six of the. seven new records established in the cham-
pionship meet today and the preliminaries yesterday, while two of the
marks are likewise national collegiate
times set by Samson.
Set Relay Record
Michigan's record in the 200 yard
relay established by Seager, Watson,
and Darnell in the preliminaries,"
stand.. Darnell failed to better his
time of :53.8, in the 100 free style, buts
was .again victor in. that event.
Spindle created the fourth record
for the Wolverines when he defeated
Jim Hill of Minnesota, last year's
champion, in the 150 yard back stroke
and was timed in 1:46.2.
In the last event of the meet, the
medley relay race, Michigan set its
sixth record, when Seager overcame a
lead that Bennett of Minnesota had,
and won for the Wolverines. The time
of 3:18.6 broke the record set by
Northwestern in the preliminaries.
Kratz, Wisconsin, set the only other
new mark when he finished the breast
stroke in 2:43.6 in today's race to
break his own mark set in the pelimi-
Only One Reeord Stands
The 50 yard free style marks estab-
lished by Hershberger, Wisconsin, at
Ann Arbor last year was the only
record that withstood the onslaught
of the Michigan team. Hershberger
swam in the finals today, but failed
to place.
"Heinie" Groh, Illinois, won the only
other first place in the meet by de-
feating Wally Colbath, Northwestern
sophoinore, in the fancy diving con-
The summaries:
200 yard relay--Won by Michigan
(Seager, Watson, Samson, Darnell);
Minnesota, second; Northwestern,
third; Chicago, fourth. Time: 1:39.4".
(New Conference record of 1:39.2 es-
tablished by Michigan in the prelimi-
200 yard breast stroke-won by Kratz,
Wisconsin; Purdy, Minnesota, second;
Shorr, Michigan, third; Baumrucker,
Chicago, fourth, Time-2:43.6. (New
conference record).
50 yard free style--Won by Darnall,
Michigan; ,Sam hill, Minnesota, sec-
ond; Oker, Chicago, third; Maiiovitz
Northwestern, fourth. Time-:24.4.
440 yard free style-won by Sam-
son, Michigan; Wagner, Michigan, sec,-
ond; Bjorinberg,'Minnesota,'third;
Druiding, Northwestern, fourth. Time
-5.32.4. (New conference record and
national collegiate of 5:09.8 sit by
Samson in the preliminaries).
150 yard back stroke-won by
Spindle, Michigan; Jim Hill, Minne-
sota, second; Hubbell, Michigan,
third; Miller, Northwestern, fourth.
Time-1:46.2. (New conference rec-
100 yard free style-won by Darnall,
Michigan; Moody, Minnesota, second;
Sam Hill, Minnesota, third; Noyes,
Chicago, fourth. Time :55. (New con-
ference record of :53.8 set by Dar-
nall in the preliminaries).
Fancy divine-won by Groh, Illinois.
with 106.3 points; Colbath, Nortiiwes-
tern, second with 102; Hattleberg,
Wisconsin, third with 85.25; Pertl, Il-
linois, fourth with 84.9 points.
Tire time of :52.4 was four tenths of second. Barton increased the lead to
a seciond slower than the field house 10 yards in the first lap, but could not
record held by Feinsinger, Wolverine hold the pace, and Wilkes closed upI
quartermiler, and a full second slower in the last 100 yards, only to pass'
than the latter's dual meet time, made him in the sprint. Ohlheiser, Michi-
l C etieyear atWEthaca.iy gan, held his own against Spellman,
, C ler, Hes;te" Win Etisily i bit Mueller could not overtake Werly,
Cooper's vin in the high hurdles. Cornell's best quarter miler.
gave the Michigan team its first place.
Michigan's victory over Cornell wvas
in the meet, but Hester added anoth- the twelfth out of tie 16 meets leld.
er b winin eaily verLaser nd!Cornell scored her only wins in 1911,
Spellman in the finals of the 60 yard 1914, 1920, and 1922. In both 19111and
dash. Hester was off to a fast start 1922 the Red and White aggregation
and had little difficulty in winning, won the eastern intercollegiate cham-
the time of :06.4 being two tenths of pionship. Since 1922, however, Coac1;
a second slower than that made by Moakley's men have been unable to
Hubbard in 1926. come even close to winning, last
The two mile run was the feature lnight's meet being the most closely
race of the day, with Hornberger, contested. Only once, in 1926, did the
Michigan, rrumning one of the greatest iwolverinesfail to score at least 60
races of his career. After the men points.
had been bunched at the start, Benson, t
the Cornell star distance man who re-
cently won the eastern Etercollegiate
title, settled into fifth place, with t PARTS IN SHOW
hornberger immediately behind him.
Benson ran a slow race, covering the Ts
first mile in five minutes. Pond, Cor- Two feminine parts in Mimes' next
nell, and Wuerfel, Michigan, who had show, "Anna Christie," will be taken
yet the pace during the first half of by girls it has been announced by of-
the race, vca kened and fell behind the ficers of Mimes. This is the first time
Dr. W. F. Gerhardt, '17E, vice-pres-
ident and research director of the
Aeronautical Research corporation of,
Detroit, has been secured to present?
an address on "Aeronautics as a
MVeans of World Transportation," at
4:15 o'clock Tuesday in Natural<
Science auditorium. The lecture is un-?
der the auspices of Sigma Xi, honor-
ary research society.
Dr. Gerhardt was one of the first
aeronautical students to graduate
from the University, and received his
doctor of science degree several years
In his ectreTuesda afternoon, Dr. I