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February 12, 1927 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-12

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AS T T T LEAST Guests-The Misses Jeanette Badg- troit; Opal Fierce, Fairview, W. Va.; Booth 48-Sigma Nu Fond, Detroit; Margaret Buck, To-
er, Findlay, O.; Melvina Braun, Ypsi- Justava Gess, Detroit; Cynthia Hawk- Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mc- ledo; ; Florence Knapp, Detroit; Alice
lanti; Kate Brennan, Mt. Clemena, ins, Montclair, N. J.; Carolyn Kelly, Lean, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinson, Medina, O.
(Continued from Page Seven) Fern Mae Brittain, Ann Arbor; Shir Toledo; Gertrude Lindhart, Humbolt,
ley Davis, Detroit; Virginia Dreyer, Ia Os Markham, A Arbor; Newnan, Detroit.
Booth No. 34-Phi Mu Alpha and Bay City; Frances Gould, Grand ap- Mathews, Grand Rapids; Catherine Guests-The Misses Frances Allan, Booth No. 50.-Alpha Rho Chi
Alpha Chi Sigma ie Jvln amn , Detroit; el Merkel, Cincinnati; Ruth O'Donnell, Grosse Pointe; Elizabeth McCurdy, Patrons-Prof. Wells . Bennet and
Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Camp- lin, Grand Rapids; Charlotte Kalm- s etroit; Lilly Ann Penny, Grand ap- Springfield, Mass.; Mary Robbins, Mrs. Bennet.
bell, Ann Arbor. bath, Saline; Dorothy Kalmbach, idyRo letaffor Detrot e Ishpeming; Marion Leland, Detroit; Guests-The Misses Barbara Clark,
Guests-The Misses Grace BeckhambcSln; Drty mah, Sturdy, Attleboro, Mass.; Jaiet Syn-
To Winfe Huntoon etroit; South Lyons; Miriam Mitchell, Ann onds, Iron Mountain; Harriet Thomas, Kathryn Clarke, Hastings; De Jane Chicago; Ruth Zerner, Newcastle, Pa.;
Jaqueline Seeley, Ann Arbor; Mary Arbor; Eunice Northrup, Lawrence; Kalamazoo; Elda Wiechmann, Sagi- Clarke, Cleveland Heights, O.; Jeanne Betty Montgomery, Cincinnati; Bea-
Louise Burt, Ann Arbor; Jean Dow Ruth Rothgeb, Highland Park naw Willias, Detroit. Castel, Pontiac; Louise Pike, Detroit; trice Rodeck, Chicago; Harriet Lawlor,
A A ;_Rs, mBeatrice Tolle, Detroit; Virginia La Jackson; Bessie Efner, Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor; Racel Robbins, Blooms- Booth No. 38-Psi Omega
burg, Pa.; Constance Hall, Toledo; Booth No. 42-Phi Mu Delta -
Virginia Merton, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ma- Patrons-Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Tolan, BotN.42PiM Dea
zel Belcher, Manistee; Alice Neesley, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Ryan, Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Jackson; Esther Ricker, Cadillac; Midland. Bean, Ann Arbor; Prof. Robert W.
Marion Broehm, Grosse Point; Ina Guests-The Misses Barbara Bross, Sherlock and Mrs. Sherlock, Ann Ar-
Martin, Detroit; Virginia Royce, Ann Detroit; Lela Forsberg, Detroit; Wil- bor; Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe and
Arbor; Frances Stewart, Cleveland; ma Frank, Detroit; Alma Higgs, Ypsi- Mrs. Thorpe, Ann Arbor.
Gertrude Story, Kalamazoo; Pauline lanti; Bettey Johnson, Lansing; Hen- Guests-The Misses Marie Bari-
Kime, Crestline, 0. rietta McGough, Ypsilanti; Katharine bault, Montreal, Canada; Evety
_____ Mulligan, Greely, Neb.; Tressa River, Brown, Sharon, Pa.; Nancy Curtun,I /I
Booth No. 35-Delta Sigma Phi Saginaw; Verneta Richardson, Bad Traverse City; Helen Fisher, Ann Ar-G
Axxe; Loretta Shindorf, Lansing; bor; Helen Gerard, Flora, Ind.; Beula
Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Dey, Vesta Tomlinson, Iron River, Wis.; Harger, Iron River; Muriel Hulett,
Ann Arbor; Prof. Edwin Baker and Arlene Unsworth, Burlington, Vt.; Detroit; Marietta Lancaster, Clinton;
Mrs. Baker, Ann Arbor. Mildred Vance, Cleveland; Ursula Eleanor Palmer, Detroit; Mary Payne, I
Guests-The Misses Evelyn Allen, Welch, Jackson; Margart Monroe, Detroit; Eudna Seidel, Detroit, Mair-T
New York city; Jean Blue, Detroit; Pontiac; Mrs. F. S. Beverly, Detroit; jorie Sanderson, Elkhart, Ind.; and
Genevieve Buell, Detroit; Harriet Car- Mrs. G. S. Miller, Detroit. Phyllis Templin, Elkhart, Ind.
ter, Midland; Margaret Deans, Toron-
to, Ont.; Elaine Gruber, Cadillac; Booth No. 39--General
Anne Hardy, Muskegon; Dorothea Patrons-Prof. A. L. Clark and Mrs. Booth No. 43-Gamma Sigma
Huss, South Bend, Ind.; Katherine Clark, Ann Arbor. Patrons-Prof. C. S. Yoakum and
Lange, Jonesville; Phyllis Mac Stay, Guests-The Misses Dorothy A. Mrs. Yoakum, Ann Arbor.
Dowagiac; Martha Mac Taggart, Bond, Toledo; Helen Maynard, Nash- Guests-The Misses Bernice Carnell,
Sprgfield, Ill.; Margaret Mishler, ville, Tenn; Ruth Abrams, Ann Ar- Romeo; Rose Galsterer, Frankenmuth;
Goshen, Ind.; Virginia Netzz, Toledo; bor; Florence French, Toledo; Laura Hazel Huy, Cleveland; Janet King,
Gretchen Nixon, Detroit; Jean Schil- Trombly, Bloomfield Hills; Katherine Muskogee, Okla.; Marion Korbel, Ppsi-
linger, Detroit; Nora Smith: Charlotte; Hammn, Toledo; Elizabeth Friday, Ann lanti; Dorothy Long, Hastings; Cath-
Jean Temple, Milwaukee, Wis.; Vir- Arbor; Mildred Paine, Ypsilanti; Hel- erine McKinven, Detroit; Lulu Mass-
gimia Verbarg, Elkhart, Ind.; Florence en Vos, Grand Rapids; Mary-Louise ner, Frankenmuth; Nima Neville,
Widmaier, Toledo. Drath, Alpena. New York city; Beatrice Reed, De-
troit; Helen Russell, Ann Arbor;
Booth No. 36-Phi Delta Chi Booth No. 40-Phi Sigma Kappa Gladys Scharer, Toledo; Hennetta
Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stoff- Patrons--Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Visser, Sturgis, Sturgis; Bernice Urqquhart,
let, Ann Arbor. Detroit ;Mr. and Mrs. A. Meadows, Royal Oak; Mary Walter, Detroit;
Guests-The Misses Ruth Berger, Huntington, W. Va. Anna Wesberg, St. Ignace; Dorothy
Detroit; Virginia Biggs, Cleveland; Guests-The Misses Lenore Long, White, Flint, and Mrs. Bryce Pore,
Vesta DeWitt, Harbor Springs; Elea- Wyandotte; Josephine Mitts, Grand Ann Arbor.
nor Hayman, Erie, Pa.; Kathleen Rapids; Marjorie Milter, Romeo; Hel-
Hunt, Detroit; Blanche Langell, De- en McVey, Cleveland; Anna Dunlap,
troit; Helen Lansdown, Youngstown, Pontiac, Neb.; Rosalie Echols, Hunt- Booth No. 44-Phi Kappa
O.; Marvel Leatherman, Mount Rose; ington, W. Va.; Helen Morgan, Hunt- Patrons--Prof. W. I. Bennett and
Violet Lumbers, Detroit; Charlotte ington, W. Va.; Dorothy Tische, Grand Mrs. Bennett.
McCarron, Detroit; Eleanor Robert- Rapids; Florence Geier, Cleveland; Guests-The Misses Janis Leigh-
son, Detroit; Violet Roethke, Sagi- Mildred Peckhorn, Grand Rapids; ton, Bristol Va.; Eleanor Schrader,
naw; Helen H. Rutherford, Detroit; Elenore Beyer, Detroit; Jane Well,
Marian Shorts, Kent City; Ruth K. Cleveland. Britol, Va.; Virginia E. Barthell, De-
Strickland, Oak Harbor, O.; Florence troit; Margaret Norris, Detroit; Kath-
Young, Cleveland; Ann Walsh, Le- Booth No. 41-Delta Sigma Pi erine Goetz, De Tour; Helen Bowman,
tona Beach, Fla. Patrons-Mrs. W. B. Birdseye, De- Hollywood, Cal.; Helen Holmes, Min-
troit; Mrs. A. P. Schroeder, Detroit. neapolis, Minn.; Gertrude Schneider,
Booth 37-Kappa Delta Rho Guests-The Misses Elizabeth Alli- Detroit; Josephine Morrissey, Detroit;
Patrons-Prof. W. E. Lay and Mrs. son, Hamilton, N. Y.; Lillian Bull, Louise Yentch, Detroit; M. Geary, Ann
Lay, Ann Arbor. Walkerville, Ont.; Irene Fernette, De- Arbor.
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