THE MICHIGAN DAILY 10 ._ , t NEWS CONTEST ~iohJmfnp[DR JO pjJueLiterary Seniors Will Be Eligible U IJLFor Competition In Harvard Scholarship TIMR: - WISCONSIN UNION1 servance of Memorial day this year. Many a Good Pair 'of Hose TO V , LE~a .." t* Th conracor hs asured the comn-4 TO BE DE ICATED mittee that the buiding will be for Have Been Ruined by a Run! MADISONenoughalong at.-that time.} It is just as essential to give your MADION, is.,Marh 25-Lay ug It is planned to invite the 1wren., hosiery a bath in "Silktufn" as it is of the cornerstone of the Memorial ohf 5 nvrst e n wmnt s pure soap in whiich to wash Union will be the center of the 01)- who lost their lives inthle World war. t11,:,. Ask for "Sllktufn" at The Viese parents will witness the seal-i ,(1-1)rtFliP1tcher Drug Stores. MCFADDEN'S FLATS, The (areatest Bargain ins AimnArbor i 0 i *a n ; ', U1 UIIVUI ILU JU 1 I IIILUr Seniors in the literary college whoi prepared to take uip thirdl year work will graduate in June are eligible to either in one of the regutlar four year Secend Intercollegiate Current ]Events enter competition for the $1,0001 programs, or in one of the five year Contest Will End With Fial I programs combining engineering and xaiuatioin May 14 scholarship offered by the Harvard !~sns diitain s Engineering sc-hool, it was anniounced Students who wish to make appli- FACULTY TO ANA HER yesterday by D~ean W. . H umphreys cation for the scholarship must write _____j of the literary college, following the 1 directly to the Dean of the Harvard Announcement has been made by reeipt of a letter from 11. .1. Hughes, f Engineering School, Cambridge, Mass. Dean oft' the Harvard Engineering The application must be written in The New York Times that the second1 school. Students registeredl in en-1 the student's own handwriting and he annual Intercollegiate Current Events gineering, scientific or technicall must state his plans for the future contest final examination will be held! schools will not be permitted to coin- and enclose a complete official r ecord Saturday, May 14. The preliminary' Pete. of his college courses through thle contest for the University will be held be The award of the scholarship will mid-year period of the current year. in ~ ~ ~~ b thlttagatefdprl oni the comp~lete academic in he attr prt f Aril #record of applicants and particularly OF7-FICIALS LANV The contest, which is open to any ion the result of a special three hour F ESTIVAL HANG resident undergraduate students who written examination covering general hsnot completed four years of work phiysieps and mathematics through the Anucmno tfrhrcag 1IS~~~~~S ~different'al and itgrlcalculus.innuneertoa rtvrhng since graduation from preparatory;i' the program of the 841eth annual This test for Michigvan students, whoseM school, is given at Harvard, Yale, Chi- aplcto r uie May festival which will lie held' May cago, Cornell, Pennsylvania, Virginia, petition, wlbehdhre 1.8 to 21 in Hill auditorium has been ,Annapolis, West Point. Columbia, May 13. The examination papers will madce by. officials of the University Princeton and Michigan.bepeaeanmrkdyaco it School of Music. The circumstances The examination consists of many tee of the faculty of the Harvard E necsiaigtechn-w alte tactual questions and a few selected which was received from Frederick events of outstanding Amportance dur- ginieering school. The results o# the N. Sard, executive director of the ingtheyer. hi isdeignd o tstcompetition will be mailed to all (-an- Beethoven Centennial celebration, ing he ear Thi isdesgnedto estdilates June 2. the student's knowledge .of events And hsshlrhpha enetbih asking that the May Festival pro- to test his ability to express his inter- e oadyugmno xetoa gram include the first performance of pretation of the evenits. Thte time pov- e oadyugmno xetoa the "Heroic Flegy," composed by How- e redt by the examination this yearwl ability who have completed a course ard Hanson as an anniversary tribute eronMy1 26tthtimeiof of general study in college, and who b rmMy1 96t h ie to the great master. thetesswhih s lvemonhslonerwish to educate themselves for a The request was made on biehalf of than that covered by the examiliatioui career in engineering. It is the pol- the advisory body of the Beethoven last ear.icy of the faculty of the Harvard En- ;Centennial, and the offer has been ae- la Winersntecnessa aho gineering school to encourage young cepted by Earl V. Moore, director of the institutions will be awarded a men to graduate from college before the Festival. The presentation of this prie o $20 ad abroze eda. Ientering the school, rather than to composition will make the annual mu- Thieeowinnersawillthenzcomeeain. extend engineering prograoms to five! sical event a part of the nation-wide the national contest and the winner of1 or six years; for the purpose of in-i anniversary celebration. thefinl eamiatfn wll e aardd luding more. general studies. A col-{' The regular public sale of May Fes- te prize of $500. ex Liatisot year b Everett Me lege graduate who is qualified to comn-1ItivalI tickets will begin today, when C'lsn.'2F, Pcn h exmiatpr ete for this scholarship is usually all remaining course tickets which I . I l d y Y Y 1 V s C' { l I E 3 a l i given at the University, the final con- test being won by the Harvard entry. A faculty committee to advise ,those- wishing "to enter and to manage the contest at the University will sbe ap-' pointed early next week. COOK ADDRESS MEETING OF :CLUB In an illustrated lecture delivered Thursday night at a meeting. of the CGe- logical and Geographical Journal club, Prof. Charles W . Cook of the geology department declared that thle Rocky Mountain district was one of the richest regions in the. country in oil. The southern and central parts of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado are especially rich in oil, and in some- places in that vicinity, there is a plentiful supply of natural gas which is tbeing utilized to dome ;~tent- Thie oil found in southern Montana and nothern Wyoming is especially] good, having yielded in some :cases as high as 87 per cent gasoline. Save Save Save! Save Time, Money andi _Energy by Eating at the ANN ARBOR RESTAURANT 215 South Wain St. . .... NEW VYORK IVNIVERgSITY SCHI}()L OF RE'UAING Experience is secured in the largest department stores of New York, Newark, and Brooklyn. Store service is linked with class- room instruction. M. S. in Retailing is granted on the completion of one year of graduate work. Three Giraduate Fellowships Five Scholarships Service Fellowships Summer School July 5 to August4 2, 1927 / Fall terin opens September 15 Illustrated booklet on aiplication. For further information write Dr. Norris A. Brisco, Director School of Retailing, Washing- ton Square East, Newv York City. . . have not been reserved by mail order' ing in the cornerstone box the nme will be placed on sale at the officesj of their children and of 12,000 otheru of the School 'of Music.! univer sity lumn1i. .A 1 a ". : " . s +~ °i i " ° . * ~ v . . t': ~ e . 4 . " . " : . :. +.d n ". . " °s 6 A d . I ,; : e THE BESTMEATS ANLL Thcrfu ue anstehstma-o tihis table and wants it at fair prices. Hie finds CHOCOLATE both at GFEL.L'S MARKET. NU-UDN 23NrhMi=t.Poe40 Popular flavors that will please your guests. ' = DIAL 4101 CORNWl'ELL +COAL - COKE= Scranton, Pocahontas . ANN ARBOR DAIRY z Kentucky and West Virginia Coal - Solvay and Gas Coke "The Horne of Pure NTlk" S This business has been growing ever! since it was established. The secret-'I "giving absolute satisfaction to our I customers." We believe it pays to do4 business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together.j COR N WELL COAL -COKE OFFICE, COR2NWELL BLCK N Phones, Office : 4551-4552 Yard Office : 5151, MAST TINFES TODAY LAS;'Ir T'711,ES TODIAY <,w VEyou boghtyour Arthur Somers Roche's Electric Toaster yet? Great Mystery If not, let us, remind you Comedy thttet 7 at the special reduced prices 'WL established for March sales will end with the month. Permit us also to re- Imindyou that the Elec- tric Toaster (it costs little to buy and only j ~a cent or two to opler- ;.. i ate) provides you with; toast of a deliciousness' B I seldom found in the - stove-made article. PUNY y r On sale in our office " 't'' ° rices as lo'w as $2.95 Douglas Gerrard,I ARTHUR SOMERS n .., -,ROCHIE dI~ s ON THE SINGE _____E io bp n I Everett Sanderson's Main at William Telephone 4226 i A . i.