ESTABLISHED 1890 g pan Ut MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 128 SCHOOLOFMUSIC FACLTY~ PRESENTS PROGR&M N RA DIO RADIO NIGIT IS FEATURED BY SPECIAL BEETROVEN CEN- TENARY PROGRAM 9 - TENOR GIVES SOLO Lockwooil,- Mis Northrup, Hamilton And String Quartet Present Musical Program Former President James Burrell Angell, in bringing to the University Dr. Albert A. Stanley, who served as professor of music from 1888 until his retirement in '1921, lead to the desig- nation of Ann Arbor as the "Bayreuth of America" more than any one other thing, is the opinion of Earl V. Moore, '12, director of the School of Music, as he expressed it in his talk given on the Michigan Nigh't Radio program broadcast last night through station WWJ. The. broadcasting, entirely by members of the faculty School of Mu- sic, was in the nature of a special Beethoven Centenary program.. "Whatever claim this mid-western university community may have to this designation is due in a large measure to the ideals, the untiring zeal and in- fluence of Dr. Stanley," it was explain- ed. When he was brought to Mich- igan he was+ a young musician from Providence, R. I., whose training had been acquired during a four-year res- idence in European musical centers. 'During Dr. Stanley's period of ser- vice, and under his leadership, music in the University developed in various ways and on such a solid artistic foun- dation that with the cumulative effect of the passing .years the musical spirit developed here attracted nation- al attention and called forth, from more than one distinguished musician, the epithet "Bayreuth of America". Society Formed in 1880's In order to balance the musical ed- ucational program here, explained Mr. Moore, the theoretical work was sup- plemented by the organization of the University Musical society in the 1880's. It was incorporated, and since its establishment musical activities have functioned under it without much change to its original provisions. It had as its aim, according to the speak- er, to maintain of a school of music wherein instruction in practical mu- sic, by a faculty of 30 members, should be give that would compare favor- ably with the instruction offered by the University in other lines; to main- tain a Choral Union for the pur- pose of presenting choral work in public and also to provide a concert series in whic the greatest artists and organizations should be heard; and lastly to maintain a symphony orchestra for the training of orchestra players and the giving of symphonic programs., The present concert season is. the 48th consecutive series, and the fes- tival which will be given in May is the 34th consecutive annual May fes- tival, Mr. Moore continued. He fur- ther pointed out that only two other festival associations in the country hold a longer record, and that one of these has had several interrup- tions in its continuity., Give As Flash Talk The talk of Mr. Moore was given in the nature of flash talks between an- nouncer and speaker. P;e program was opened by the "First Movement from the piano son- ata rOp. 31, number 2, D. minor" by Albert Lockwood, head of the piano- forte 'department of the school. He was followed by Miss Eunice North- rup singing two Beethoven songs "Bit- ten" and "Bussleid". Miss Northrup is a graduate of the School of Music, and has studied voice under Herbert With- erspoon and Theodore Harrison. The faculty string quartet, heard on. previous Michigan Night Radio pro- grams and also in recitals in Hill auditorium, played the "Second Move- ment from the Quartet in A major, Op. 18, number 5." The quartet consists of Samuel Lockwood, first violin, Mary Alice Chase, second violin, Pauline Kaiser, viola, and Janette Fraser Wie- der, cello. Following Mr. Moore's talk, Samuel Lockwood, head of the violin depart- ment, and Albert Lockwood, pianist, played the "Second Movement from the Kreutzer Sonata." lauiilton, Tenor Sings Hamilton, tenor, sang "Knowst thou the Lord" and "Worship of God in Nature"' for the concluding numbers on the program. Although attempts have been made for two years to get Mr. Hamilton to appear on programs EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICiIIGAN. SATI'RIDAY, MARCH 26, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS NEW YORK ASSEMBLY PASSESJ THEATER "PADLOCK" BILL (3y Associated P'lcs) ALBANY, N. Y., March 25.- Comparing with the senate ac- tion, the assembly today passed the so-called Wales "theater Padlock" bill, and sent it to Gov- ernor Smith for approval. The vote by which the measure was passed in the lower house, 125 to 5, came as a surprise, as it had been thought the bill was "dead" in the rules committee of of the assembly. The "padlock bill" is designed to make more stringent the con- trol of the licensing authorities over theaters and to provide that any person who produces, man- ages, acts, in or advertises a dramatic production in which1 there is any scene, part or por- tion which is immoral, indecent or obscene shall be considered violators of the law and that the license of the offending theater } may be revoked for one year. CLASS YILL PRESET RUSSIAN DRAMA SOON, Play Productions To Vibow A dreev's "He Who Gets Slapped" In University Theater t TICKETS ON SALE NOW Play Productions will present on Wednesday and Thursday, March 30 and 31, in the University theater, the translation from the Russian of Leo- nid Andreyev's "He Who Gets Slap- ped". The play is a symbolical presen- tation of the shattering of the ideals of a mountebank in a small French cir- cus. He, as the clown is called, is forced to continue his comic pranks and attitude even in the face of bitter turns of fate, until he ends his life in despair. The title role of the production wil be taken by David Owen, director and head of Play Productions and other leads by Leone Lee, '29, James Dahl, '28, Donald Gary, '29, and Robert Wet- zel, '28. Richard Woelhaf, '27Ed, is technical director and stage manager, and Ann Miller, '27Ed in charge of the costuming. The costumes have all been designed after those used in the original production by the New York Theater guild, and are being built by the members of the Play Production technical staff. The settings for the piece are also being constructed by the students. There are more than 30 in the organization and casts of tpy play. The University theater is the name which has been given to the Univer- sity hall auditorium since its remodel- ling for the use of Play Productions. The interior has been done over in gray and maroon, and screens have been erected to detract from the orig- inal bareness of the auditorium. Seat- ing facilities have been increased and made more comfortable. Tickets for the production are on sale at Slater's book store and from 11 to 5 o'clock at the box office in University hall. They are priced at 50 and 75 cents, and the seats are re- served. NIGHT PROWLERS ROB TWO HOUSES Two automobiles, $50 in cash, and clothing valued at $60 made up the sum total of losses reported to the police yesterday. Most of the thefts took place on Thursday night. Two fraternity houses, each of which netted the thieves about $25 inj cash, were entered during the night.' The outside showcase of Tinker and ,,ompany, State and Williams streets, was broken open and a coat and hat taken. SWIMME RS PLI CE IN EVERY EVENTI r Pgan placed men in every event in the enceAwimmAg wElhichwreheldVhere AI N STttN nCijght.mim~ X'Be7iECO MESB[S t E I i . i i r I MITI EDITOR TAKES BLAME FOR ALL ARTICLES AND POliCIES OF lAUAZINE CAMERON FINISHES fne Question Asked Of Newspaperman By Senator Reed Relieves Monotony Of 'trial (By Associated Press) DETROIT, March 25-A new reel in the long serial "Aaron Sapiro against Henry Ford for $1,00,000" was run off in Federal court today and the motor car manufacturer was represented for the first time as plotting directly against Sapiro, the individual, inter- nationally known Jewish organizer of farmers' cooperative organizations. -To the very last William J. Cameron, editor of the Ford-owned Dearborn In- dependent, vehicle of the alleged li- belous articles, which Sapiro contends damaged his reputation and circum- scribed his activities, maintained )je alone was responsible for the Ind - pendent's articles and policies. The moment after Cameron left the stand, after six days there, Ford was put in a new light, however, by James Martin Miller. author of the authoriz- ed editor of "The Amazing Story of Henry Ford." "When was the first time you came to Detroit to interview Mr. Ford?" asked William Henry Gallagher, chief of counsel for Sapiro. "In 1920," replied the Washington newspaperman, adding that in 1923 he worked a year for the Dearborn Indepent. "Did Mr. Ford ever mention Aaron Sapiro to you?" "Yes, lie asked if I lnow Sapiro. I told him that I did not know Sapiro, but that I knew about him." "What else did Mr. Ford say?" He said, "Well, Sapiro and some other Jews re organizing the farmers and we are going to export them; I think we can upset his applecart." Upon cross-examination Miller was asked only one question by Sen. James A. Reed, of Missouri, chief .of the Ford counsel. "You set up that claim, (that Miller had worked a year for the Ford or- ganization) at Washington and lost, didn't you?" 'I lost," Miller replied in a very low voice. "That's all," said Senator Reed, as the npw witness was drawn after five minutes of brisk, new testimony, which lifted the -trial from the depths of monotony into which it had fallen. U.S. ARMY FLYERS STARPT FOR HOME PARA, Brazil, March 25.-The United States army good will flyers, homeward bound on their 20,000-mile Jaunt covering Central and South America, left at 8 o'clock this morn- ing for Cayenne, French Guiana, a distance of about 500 miles. An attempt to get away Thursday was unsuccessful when the San An- tonio was unable to leave the water. Commander Francesco de Pinedo, Italian aviator, also resumed his flight this morning, leaving at 6 o'clock for Georgetown, British Guiana. From te he will fly to Curacao, off the Venezuelan coast. LEGISLATORS SEE "TO THE LADIES" More than 25 legislators, members of the party that is visiting the Uni- versity at present, attended the per-, formance of "To the Ladies" given at the Mimes theater last night.f The legislators were guests of the University.; Paul Samson, captain of the Wol- verines shattered both the 220 and 440 Yard inter-collegiate rcords. His time for the 220 was 2:21 4-5 and for the 440, 5:09 4-5. BODY LOWERS WAIN 1R BILL ITO $400,000 $400,000 Of Required Appropriations For Tuberewlosis Institutions Bloked By Legislators (By Associated Press) LANSING, March 25-With approx- imately $300,000 of the required appro- priations for state tuberculosis insti- tutions blocked off, the house ways and means committee today reported two measures designed to rehabilitate the state institution at Howell andtes- tablish a research and treatment in- stitution at Ann Arbor. The committee cut the Birkholm bill, carrying $816,- 000 for rebuilding and improving the Howell sanitarium, to $601,500. The Warner measure, providing $500,000 for the Ann Arbor institution was reduced to $400,000. The bills specify that both institu- tions shall be under the supervision of the board of trustees of the state tuberculosis sanitarium. The Warner bill originally recommended the Ann 1 Arbor establishment under, the con- trol of the state hospital commission. The board of trustees was created when the Howell sanitarium was con- structed. In recent years, it has not functioned, as it was said. If the ap- propriation measures go through the governor is expected to name mem- bers tq the board. As the measures were sent to the floor they still failed to find favor with the most ardent proponent of the plan to place a parent tuberculosis hospital in Ann Arbor, although the possibility existed they would have to be accepted. An original appropriation of $500,000 for a new tuberculosis san- itariuin will go to Howell instead of Ann Arbor as the measures now stand, while the new institution will secure its appropriation through the regu- lar channels. REGENTSAPPOINT CUR TISS TO POST AT OBSERVATOR Y Dr. Ralph H. Curtis, assistant di- rector of the Observatory, was ap- pointed to te position of director of the Observatory to fill the place left vacant by the death of Dr. William J. Hussey, by action of the Board of Regents of the University at a regular meeting last night. Dr. Curtis has been acting head of the Observatory since the death o Dr. Hussey. Judge Victor H. Lane of the Law school'was granted a leave of absence for the school year 1927-1928 by action of the same board. Among the gifts and scholarships accepted were five fellowships in real estate, the funds for which were provided by various real