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March 25, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-25

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MIDA'Y, ?MARCH? 25, 1927


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the ise for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this. paper and the local news pub-
lished therein..
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,.,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-,
ptard Str eet.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Uusiness 21214,
Telephone 2 5
Editor... ....... W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor...............-Irwin A. Oli a
Newsx~xiors........3Frederick Shillito
Nerrs Editors....-*... -- Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor......... .Marion Kubik
~p~sEditor.......... .. Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor..........Morris Zverdling
Music and Urame........Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
So Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger henry Thurnaui
Joseph Brunswick

Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
jean Campbell -
Jessie Church
C~hester F. Clark
Fdward C. Cummings
Margaret Clarke
Bianchard W. Cleland
Clarence Eelson
William Emery
Robert E. Nnch
J. Martin Frissel
Robert Gessner
Margaret Gross
Elaine Gruber'
Coleman J. Glencer
Uarvey j. Gunderson
Stewart Hooker
Morton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaun
Paol Kern
Sally Knox
Richard Kurvink.
G: Thomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
Morris Quinn
via Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
William Thurnau
Mvarian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
HerbertI. Vedder
Milford Vanik

Telephone 21214
Contracts.................William C, Pusch
opywritig........'homas H.Sunderland
Local Advertising ....George H. Anable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising......arence .Van Tuyl
Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication ................John 11. Bobrink
Accounts ................Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenber George Ahn, Jr.
Selina Jensen. . Florence Cooper
* arion L. Reedig A. M. Hinkley
Marion Kerr E. L. Ilulse
Nance Solomon k. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talcott
John Russwinkle Harold Utley
ouglas Fuller Ray Wachter
Virle C. Withain Esther Booze
No institution of long standing on
the campus is in greater need of a
definite financial, backing than is the
cheerleading squad at the present
time. The action of the Student
Council in petitioning the Board in
Control of Athletics to finance the
squad in the future is a reasonable
request which, if granted, will answer
a certain need.
It is no more an obligation of the
Council to shoulder the expense in-
volved in th maintenance of a cheer-
leading squad than it would be to
finance the Varsity band. Yet there
are definite costs involved if the Uni-
versity expects to compete in this re-
spect with other members of the
Western conference, and these must
be met.
Besides the practical necessity of a
standard uniform for the half-dozen
cheerleaders, it is highly desirable
that the head cheerleader, at least, be
present at out-of-town football games
which are attended by hundreds of
Michigan students and alumni. Funds
for transportation in such cases have
never been provided. The Council
was responsible for sending a cheer-
leader to the Navy game at Baltimore
last fall.,
It does not seeni too much to ask
of the Athletic association to provide
means for this purpose. Students and
alumni appreciate the work of the
cheerleaders more and more each
year, and it is highly probable that
the teams do likewise. The Athletic
board is in far better financial condi-
tion than the Student Council. It can
well afford to give the ptitition seri-
ous consideration.
A few years ago there were few
awrds such as those of the Guggen-
heim foundation. The gifted and
especially capable had to get along as
best they could with medals, ribbons,
and certificates to help them get along
in life. Today. that is changed. There
are more and more awards and prizes
of a monetary nature for those who
qualify. The value resulting to so-
ciety from the work of such men as
Samuel Chamberlin, the artist, and
Dr. Lewi Heilbrunn, the scientist,
carried on through such fellowships,
is impossible to estimate.

villainous assault due to prejudice.
There is nothing new in this un-
fortunate tragedy where law was for-
gotten. It is too frequent an affair
in many parts of the South. Hooded
mobs, lynchings, and race riots have
disgraced the law abiding citizens.
They have also forced the cynical
statement that it was not for political
reasons alone that the southern states
are known as "The Solid South."
General Pai Tsung-Hsi, Cantonese
commander, has apparently allowed
himself to be overcome with enthus-
iasm over the recent Nationalist vic-
tory in declaring that Shanghai "will
become not only a strong base for
Chinese nationalism but for a world
Although that, commercial city may
become the center of the Chinese na-
tional movement, the remark about
its influence on the world is hardly
more than an empty gesture, a flour-
ish which often accompanies the
manifestoes of victorious parties. The
Cantonese have enough serious busi-
ness ahead of them to gain control of
the rest of China and to look to its
political needs without venturing
If the rest of the manifesto may be
taken into consideration. General
Pai little intends to act seriously on
this portion of his statement even in
China. In the following paragraph,
in fact, he insists that the "people
disti'nguish between attacking im-
perialism and attacking foreigners."
Likewise, he urges arbitration in or-
der to avoid strikes, and deprecates-
exorbitant demands which would close
the factories altogether.
Such discretion is in marked con
trast to the passive consent which the
Cantonese troops gave to the native
riots in Hankow at the first of the
year. It-can very likely be attributed
to the presence of the foreign forces
which are now. protecting their na-
tionals in Shanghai.
Premier King, representing the
government of Canada, has declared
that the dominion would welcome
negotiations toward a reciprocal trade
treaty with the United States, the
main reasons being the economic
benefits which would result in the
Maritime provinces. Premier King
believes that the obstacles which pre-
vented the reaching of an agreement
fifteen years ago have largely disap-
peared and that it would be of mutual
advantage to maintain reciprocity.
Sentiment a decade and a half ago
was strong enough to put the agree-
ment through Congress. It is un-
likely that this feeling has abated.
However, changed conditions may
require a new treaty being drawn up,
that of President Taft and Premier
Laurier being no longer applicable.
Advantages of a reciprocity agree-
ment would be mutual. Further, with
the new diplomatic channels opened
'recently between the two "countries,"
a treaty could be much more efficient-
ly negotiated than it could have been
fifteen years ago.
Retraction of the ruling re-
quiring that all letters appearing
in the "Campus Opinion" column{

of The Daily carry the full name
of the writer, was made yester-
day by the Board in Control of
Student Publications. All com-
munications in the future must
be signed as evidence of good
faith, but the nanAe of the writer
will be considered confidential
on request. Either initials or
pseudonyms may be used in the
place of the name.I
The resolution of the Board
permitting this change in policy
is as follows:
Resolved, that hereafter com-
munications may be published I
in The Michigan Daily without
the names of the writers, pro- .
1. The true name of the writer
shall be submitted to The Daily
with the communication:
2. The communication shall be
personally read by both the Man-
aging Editor and the Editor:
3. A certificate, signed by both .
the Managing Editor and the
Editor, shall be attached to the
original manuscript, stating that
they have both read the com-
communication and believe its
publication would be advisable
in view of the general interests3
of the University:
4. The original manuscript so
certified shall be preserved in

It was a busy night for the Student
council. First they issued an S. 0. S.
to the Athletic association for some
financial aid for the cheerleaders. In
the past the cheerleader pyovided his
own uniform, but last year the coun-
cil took up the work, contrary to their
custom. But they found that all this
tumbling around in the Ferry field
mud and also on the basketball floor
was rather hard on the suits, and so
they want to pass the bills on to some-I
body else now.
After they got that settled, they de-
cided to spend the money they may
save on that deal, on enrolling Mich-
igan in the National Student Federa-
tion of America. At last this great
University has joined the ranks of
those who are setting out to reform..
well, whatever it is.{
* * *#-1
But the meeting still had to act on
the pitiful pleas of the Business Ad.
seniors in the Literary college, who
want to have the "B.A." removed from
theiT canes. If they're wide awake
enough to be ashamed of the Bus. Ad.
part of it, we're all for granting the
Sarah Caswell Angell auditorium is
to be used by the Rockford Players
when they show here in a few weeks.
University Theater is being made out
of University hall. Mimes is always
hauling up the curtain on another pro-
duction in Mimes theater. This is get-
ting to be the theatrical center of
* * *
Right now we have more legitimate
theaters than Detroit, even if you let
them count the New Detroit Opera
House-which, translated from the
Indian, means "Opera house when
betroit was New."
It's getting to be that each actor
has to have his own theater. Pretty
soon Comedy club will be taking over
the Rae to sound the trumpets in.
* * *
Maybe if the B. and G. boys would
hunt around a little bit they could
uncover a few more theaters hidden
away in the rafters of some of these
* * *
We were .startled when we picked
up The Daily yesterday morning. It
takes more than a story about a riot,
or about the Student council doing
something to surprise us. But when
we read that Shelley had the spirit
of youth, we were practically knocked
out of our chair.
* * *
Did you know that Shelley had the
spirit of youth? Answer frankly, now,
and admit you didn't know that awe-
inspiring fact. It certainly pays to
read the newspapers.
* * *
Next they will be telling us that
Shakespeare drank coffee. Or that
the "Alumnus" has the spirit of
1. What is the "Spirit of Youth?"
2. Is "McFadden's Flats" a true

3. What have thq following in com-
mon: (a) Shelley; (b) the Ann Arbor
police; (c) freshmen.
4. Which is the littlest "Little
Theater" on this campus?
5. Why did 1,000 people attend the
boxing show?
* We predict a great drop in the sale
of Military Ball tickets as a result
of the order from the War department
that Tuxedos are preferred ror social
affairs. Most of the R. O. T. C. natur-
ally think they look best in a uniform
-or they wouldn't be in the organiza-
* * *
At any rate, the Military Ball com-
mittee has announced that Tuxedos
are preferred. So now civilians won't,
feel like plain-clothes men at a fancy-
dress ball.
* * *

Music and Drama

TONIGHT: The Mimes present "To
the Ladies!" by George Kaufman and
Marc Connelly in the Mimes theater
at 8:30 o'clock.
* * S
A review, by Smith H. Cady, Jr.
There are those of us who see in
Mimes' recent dramatic revivals not
only an improvement in the talent
available for the Union operas, but
the beginning of a real undergraduate
stock company, presenting plays reg-
ularly at the Mimes theater-event-
ually, we hope, a new one every week.
Before this goal can be reached it
will, of course, be necessary to en-
large the producing company, for
obviously no student will have time to
memorize the lines necessary to play
the lead in every show.
That the campus is beginning to
appreciate such performances as "To
the Ladies!" is shown by the excel-
lent houses the show has drawn even
during the early part of the week.
After the sometimes good, but event-
ually monotonous offerings of the Arc
and Maj, a good show, even though a
trifle amateurishly done, is a welcome
relief. Regular shows of this nature
j would, it seems, provide practice for
more potential stars of the opera, be
financially profitable for the Union,
and most important of all, would pro-
vide the entertainment-seeking cam-
pus a source of amusement more
profitable and more varied than the
eternal movie. May the venture pros-
I -
As for "To the Ladies! "-the excel-
lent work of the supporting cast was
the most noticeable feature of the
play. Denton, Stewart, King, Kelly
and Ramsay added materially to the
success of the show through their
handling of the minor roles. Living-
stone, once more playing the lead,
was screamingly funny, but he over-
did the burlesque of his part at times.
"Bud" Lewis, although far from a
finished "actress", showed great im-
provement over "her" work in "R.
U. R.
And to look behind the scenes-due
credit must be given to E. Mortimer
Shuter, both for Mimes sudden com-
mendable activity and for the general
worth of the shows.
Play Productions, in the slightly
encouraged surroundings of their new-
ly-established University theater--its
still in University hall-will offer the
translated version of Lonid An-
dreyev's rather famous play-"He
Who Gets Slapped"-on Wednesday
and Thursday of next week. This
will mark the third of the productions
given by that unit since last fall, and
will be interesting to the campus play-
goer for sundry reasons, one of them
in particular being that the lead of
"He" will be taken by David Owen, the
director of the organization. The play
itself was the one which managed to
put the. Theater Guild on a paying
basis for the first time back in 1919
when the actors walked out. It has
since been done for the movies. Rich-
ard Woellhaf is technical director and
stage manager for the production, and
all scenery has been built by members
of Play Productions. The costumes
have been designed after the original
ones which were used by the Theater
Guild company. The cast is as fol-
Consuelo ................Leone Lee
Mancini ................James Dah
He ..... ..............Daid Owen
Briquet . ..............Donald Gary
Zinida . ..............Miriam Selker
Alfred Bezano ........Edward Deane

A Gentleman..........Robert Wetzel
Baron Reynard........Boice Gross
Jackson ............ Marshall. Levey
Polly.............Morris Zwerdling
Tilly ............... Joseph Zwerdling
The dramatization of Jenny Lind's
brief romance has at last been ac-
complished by Guy Bolton and P. G.
Wodehouse, and with some music by
Armand Vecsey has been turned over
to the musical comedy stage with
Eleanor Painter in the role of the
Swedish Nightingale-of course that
being the name part. This production
which was tried out with Peggy Wood
early in the season, played with Miss
Painter for some' time- in New York
at the Jolson theater, and is now on
the road with Stanley Lupino and
Thomas Wise still capably assisting
in their original parts. The Messrs.
Shubert will bring it to the Cass thea-
ter on Monday night, March 28, di-
rectly from its New York engage-


I ea~


":Ilittlllttlltilltli lilitti11 ill itli ii lli ilil i ltltlltittlitlili lilitlili 'il tiiit lli iliilii lilli l tlilfi1 ttll .
Week End Special
Friday and Saturday
Memory Book
BAt HAFdteSDga"
= At Both Ends of the Diagonal

1 .i

Albert Gansle
$35 AND UP
Prompt Ylervice.
Alterations and Repairing.
118 E. Washington St,
Second Fdoor

, dressed gentlem en
za/edge. Ike peeminence.
Ste/son, smarmm--
id app reciale, the,
mnoinies of Ste/so&
FordyZO /ars
te for Interesting Booklet
Stetson CompanyP>lialpan/


Jrzjld~y r~oyrn




- .' I



University Chool of MusiC
SAT. MARCH 26 -- 9 A. M.
At that time all course tickets which have not been
allotted to mail orders will be placed on public sale.
Up to and including Thursday, March 24, orders re-
ceived by mail will continue to be filled in sequence in ad-
vance of the' public sale.
Orders already received indicate that the $7.00 sections

Deans today.

no meeting of the

* * *


COMING: Spring

vacation; midse-I

* * *I
POLICE have opened their Spring l
drive for funds. They were out tag-

are exhausted. The public is accordingly re
order seats in the $5.50 and $6.00 sections.

equested to



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