S.ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 192.7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P A G E SE VE N FIFTEEN MEN COMPOSE THIS YEAR'S HOP COMMITTEE I CTo{wearfor " f. A ancki °*InC. A delightful brogue effect in tan boarded calf THE HENDON The Middle Room with Greenwood and Kilgore The fifteen men pictured above are members of the 1928 J-Hop committee. They ,are: top how, left to right, Harold Philpott, '28A, Charles Robinson, '28E, Clarence Houck, '27P, Raymond Baer, '28, John Molenda, '28; middle row, Paul Bassow, '28M, Henry Grinnell, '28, Thomas Winter, '28 (chairman), Myrle St. Aubin, '28 B.Ad., and Paul Burton, '28E; bottom row, William Gillette, '28D, Paul Bruske, '28L,, George Hester, '28, Warren Wood, '28, and Marion Hodgson, '28E. i THE MANS SHOP T. Schlosberg, Ann Arbor. Ruth L. Lukens, Toledo; Margaret K. Guests-The Misses Ruth Mary Metzger, Flint; Drusilla M. Pratt, Quinn, Chicago; Lucille Wimple, Evan- New Rochelle, N. Y.; Lucille E. Pratt, ston, Ill.; Doris Shaver, Chicago; Mary Detroit; Bernice L. Roehrig, Wyan- Sutherland, Rochester, N. Y.; Lois dotte, Helena H. Shapton, Flint; Evan- (Contisued from page six) Jean McCrory, New York, N. Y.; Vi- geline H. Shoebridge, Ann Arbor; Ann Arbor; Edith Kinder, Ann Arbor; vian Swain, Battle Creek; Florence Edith G. Slipson, Detroit; larriet L. Marion Kelly, Ann Arbor; Mary Wertel, Gibsonburg, 0.; Helen Rich- Spaulding, Toledo; Mrs. Marjorie C. Pierce, Detroit; Helen Proshek, To- ter, Brighton; Aubrey Clark, Holly- Wollering, Ann Arbor; Shirle Whea- ledo; Florence Powers, Grand Rap- wood, Cal.; Helen Day, Oak Park, Ill.; ton, Vermontville; Mrs. Doris G. ids; Mrs. Clyde E. Yost, Grand Rap- Dorothy Kraus, Grand Rapids; Helen Jones, Flint; Mrs. Henry Roussin, ids. Warner, Coldwater; Ruth Adavers, Ann Arbor. Rogers City; Helen Kimball, Detroit; Booth No. 25-Tau Delta Phi Frances Wilcox, Detroit; Joan Peters, Booth No. 33-Indepeiment Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Rosen- St. Paul, Minn.; Jane McCurdy, De- berg, Warren, 0. troit, Joyce McCurdy, Detroit; Kath- Engineers No. 2 Guests-The Misses Julia Brown, erine Baille, Detroit; Lillian Burmun, Patrons-Prof. Clarence F. Kressler Detroit; Lillian Cooper, Detroit; Vir- Richmond, Ky.; Elizabeth Hastings, and Mrs. Kressler, Ann Arbor. ginia Goldberg, Detroit; Elsie Gold- Ann Arbor; Nita Kelley, Detroit; Vir- Guests-The Misses Geraldine Au- berg, Detroit; Marcella Goldstein, De- ginia Kurtz, Jackson; Alice Hirsch- brey, Ann Arbor; Gretchen Muilison, troit; Donna Miller, Detroit; Helen man, Detroit; Francis Starr, Cleve- Ann Arbor; Eleanor Coryell, Ann Ar- Nathan, Chicago; Ethel Raff, Chicago; land; Helen Findlay, Bradford, Pa. bor; Sylvia Schneider, Detroit; Ar- Edith Sacks, Lorain, 0.; Miriam Sel- delle Baker, Lansing; Helen Steiner, ker, Cleveland Heights, 0.; Mildred Booth No. 29-Alpha Kappa Lambda Lorain, 0.; Eva Watson, Little Valley, Shear, Detroit; Elaine Subert, Chi- Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. N. Y.; Mabel Miller, Vassar; Marion cago; Arline Tausing, Cleveland; Ce- Reimann, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Keyser, Pontiac; Naoi Robinson, leste Weinheller, Chicago; Esther Chalmer C. Stewart, Detroit. Ann Arbor; M. Margaret Gotts, Ypsi- Winkleman Detroit; Gertrude Pearl, Guests-The Misses Elizabeth Creb- lanti; Beulah Hankinson, Ypsilanti; Detroit; Sophia Plotkin, Birmingham; bin Detroit y Edwards, Utica, Margaret Calvert, Highland Park; Ruth Wechter, Chicago; Gladys La- ' Mary Dorothy Wolf. Detroit; Halena Rae- N. V.; Lorene Ensgsli, Detroit; Heleis menson. Foster Chicago; Doris Fuller East zyuska, Detroit, Helen Kagag, Ann Jordan; Margaret Haxton, Oakfield, Arbor; Doris Slingluff, Elwell; Mrs. Booth No. 26-Gamma Eta Gamma and J.rY.; Mraret H A. Trapp, Ann Arbor. Sigma Delta Kappa N. V.; Vera Johnison, DeKalb, I1.; A Ccii.AiiYrmr Isabelle MacDonald, Traverse City; (Continued on page eight) Patrons--Mr. and Mrs. Derrill Pratt, Verna Miller, Milford; Margaret Morc- tAr GraborIapids; Mr. i . c.W Jansrow, Marion, 0.; Vivian Pratt, Anni DIZ Y STATISTICS K.r PoanckapimdArbr.andM Arbor; Mildred Sommer, Cleveland K. Pollock, Ann Arbor . Heights, 0.; Ruth Vogel, Ann Arbor; DAZE COMMIT TEE Guests-The Misses Beatrice Cow- Ruth Sloan, Detroit. an, Detroit; Eileen Pierce, Mt. Gilead,R , 0.; Letta Peters, Port Huron; Lillian -"How many glasses of punch can Merner, Cedar Falls, Ia.; Gladys Booth No. 30-Theta Delta Chi you drink in an evening?" That is Buehrer, Archbold, 0.; Mary Francis, Patrons--Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kine, the question that the J-Hop commit- Oklahoma City, Okla.; Phyllis E. Delf, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Thurnau, teemen were asking their friends a Calumet; Kathryn Teare, Cleveland; Chicago. week ago. On the street, in the li- Ethel.Schroeder, Grosse Pointe; Jean- Guests-The Misses Kathryn Krein- brary, in classrooms, at the oliice, no ne Ryan, Port Huron; Leona Smith, heeler, Detroit; Helen Graves, De- one was safe from questioning. At Chicago; Harriet Lowrie, Detroit; troit; Maxine Rust, Ann Arbor; Phyl- last the committee met and each man Florence Bryant, Detroit; Marie Busk, lis Pitts, Saginaw; Kathryn Halligan, handed in his answers to the question. Greenville; Margaret Green, Birm- Flint, Margaret Halligan, Flint; Grace They found that the average demand ingham; Jane Ellison, Philadelphia; Johnson, Kalamazoo; Virginia Old, ed for each person was five cups. That Iris Hdusman, Highland Park; Vesta Sault Ste. Marie: Henrietta Thomp- seemed about right and so they multi- Cramer, Detroit; Orah Virginia Mit- son, Cincinnati, Irma Beach, Toledo; plied it by the number of guests, and chell, Detroit. Margaret Fitch, Dallas, Tex.; Char- divided by the square of the distance lotte Young, Chicago; Audrey Good, from the furthest corner of the gym Booth No. 27-Sigma Phi Epsilon and Chicago; Martha Rathje, Chicago; to the punchbowls. The committee Alpha Tau Omega Marguerite Palmer, Oak Park, Ill. math shark looked up from the paper Patrons-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wood, with a wild eye. "That's 1600 pints," Highland Park; Mr. and Mrs. John Booth No. 31--Pi Kappa Alpha he wailed, "3200 half pints, 6400 gils. Klett, Highland Park; Mr. and Mrs. Patrons-Prof. R. C. Hussey and Help!" W. C. Louisell, Ann Arbor. Mrs. Hussey, Ann Arbor; Mr. and But that was only half the story. Guests-The Misses Leone Lee, Mrs. H. P. Jones, Ann Arbor. Usually with punch go wafers. And Detroit; Alice Fortier, Detroit; Doro- Guests-The Misses Marijane Do- they had forgotten wafers. Once more thy Morehouse, Detroit; Mary Tudor, vel, Manistee; Mary Helen Stanley, they began to figure, but here they Detroit; Margaret Grant, Detroit; Marietta, 0.; Henrietta Sadler, Royal ran into a new angle-they found that Thelman Brunner, Ruthven, Ont.; Oak; Everine Berggren, Wahoo, Nebr., if they were to give each person the Florence Thompson, Toledo; Merle Anne Harris, Gary, Ind.; Mary Cam- number of biscuits he though he could Raine, Miami, Fla.; Margaret McCork- eron, Lowell; Marie Hartwig, Detroit; eat, they'd have to rent a victrola in- indale, Galveston, Tex.; Carmen Frances Norton, Detroit; Elizabeth stead of having three orchestras. The Rothenberger, Napoleon, 0.; Harriet Downie, Detroit, Virginia Safford, De- mathematical wizard figured the poro- Martin, Pleasant Ridge; Hilda Bate- troit. sity of the wafers by dividing the man, Jackson; Beatrice Holley, De- weight of one wafer by the length of troit; Majel Olcott, Perry; Pauline Booth No. 32-Engineering the carton. Then he multiplied the Kaiser, Eden, 0.; Jane Porter, Detroit; Independent No. 1 number of Lilly cups by the number Julia Porter, Detroit; Virginia Mc- Patrons-Prof. H. E. Riggs and Mrs. of committeemen and threw the jan- Pherson, Detroit; Evelyn Ingham, De- Riggs, Ann Arbor. itor's age in for good measure (and troit; Helen Buchan, Detroit; Ger- Guests-The Misses Ethel P. Dunn, an extra wafer for himself) and found trude Gulick, Danville, Pa.; Elsa Ruyl, New York city; Elizabeth Barker, that each person was entitled to two Brooklyn, N. Y.; Virginia Rough, De- New York city; Hazel M. Blythe, Port and one-third wafers. troitL Huron; Bertha B. Clark, Flint; Helen And so you are entitled to five cups E. Dutton, Detroit; Ollie E. Earl, Ann of punch and two and one-third Booth No. 28-Alpha Sigma Phi and Arbor; Katherine H. Francis, Lunen- wafers. But if you don't get them Phi Rho Sigma burg, Mass,; Dorothy A. Kraetke, De- don't bother the committee-just stand Patrons-Lieut. and Mrs. Richard troit; Vivian G. Kirsting, Detroit; in line twice next year. SUITS AND TOPCOATS FOR SPRING DISTINCTIVE BOTH IN STYLE AND PATTERN GREENWOOD AND KILGORE STATE STREET, OVER CALKINS