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March 25, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-25

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LTEADSAIAgainst Henry Ford

1111111 £ U nU#%

NMIIMS'Four Michigan Men
Pass First Round In
Championship Meet
-N 35ON3


$14,000,000_IS ASKED
Report Faiorable Attitude On Bills
Seeking Renmoval Of Limitation
On Mill Tax System
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, March 24.-President
Clarence Cook Little, of the University
of Michigan, lobbied in favor of the
$14,000,000 University appropriations
bill before the senate which recessed
for ten minutes to hear him speak.
President Little, who had just come
from a meeting of the senate Univer-
sity committee, which has the appro-
priation bills before them, spoke of
the need of more money for the Uni-
"The point you gentlemen must de-
cide," Dr. Little told the members of
the house, "is not, 'Can we afford to
spend this money?' Rather the ques-
tion is, 'Can we afford not to ."
Committee Figl t Expected
The senate bills reported out of
committee shortly after the meeting,
would allow the University $4,925,000
for new buildings for the next two
years and would give the University
the whole mill tax, amounting to ap-
proximately $4,200,000 annually in-
stead of the present limit of $3, 700,000.
Both measures were referred to the
senate finance committee, where a
fight is expected when the committee
begins to trim the bill down.

t .
Henry Ford
Who is the defendant in a suit
brought against him by Aaron Sapiro,

(By Associated Press) (1S1 1111 IlllllR i~~~ oiw)ly
XXTES a.eMrh 2-y)furo
.DETROIT, March 24-Aaron Sap.R. AMES, a., March 24-All four of
iro's $1,000,000 libel suit against IIthe Wolverine Varsity wrestlers, who
Henry Ford assumed a new and du-:- - are competing in the national A. A. U.
bious status today as a result of the NOTE I M ,' IAN'S SELECTIONS I championship meet which is being
elimination of 54 allegations of libel! ' TO ('COPOSE CENTENARY Jheld this week under the auspices of
and the attempt to change the phrase- OBSERVATION Iowa State college, succeeded in win-
ology of one other. ning their first matches and have won
In the face of a strenuous defense ;AN D Ytplaces to the quarter fials.
fight for a continuation of the trial. ARANuEDY M00RE The Michigan entries in the meet
until next Monday, coupled with the -- are Captain Donahoe. all-Conference
assertion that the Ford counsel felt Lockwood To Appear For First Time; and Michigan A. A. U. 158 pound chain-
that they were entitled to a mistrial, Miss Northrop, Faculty String pion; Alfred Watson, Conference 1351
Judge Fred M. Raymond ordered the Quartet Also On Program pound title holder; Russell Sauer,
trial to proceed. j Conference 145 pound champion and
He refused to' permit an alteration( As a Beethoven centenary program, Edward Solomon, star Varsity 1251
in the wording of one of the charges arranged by Earl V. Moore, '12, direc- pounder for the last two seasons. l
which sought to establish that oppro- for of the University School of Music,
brium attached to the word "Jew". fro h uiestIcho fMsc
"a special Michigan Night Radio pro-
gram will be broadcast at 7 o'clock'
OOMOP ETE P ANS jtonight from the Detroit News station !
WWJ. The artists who will be heard'
ro on the program will all be from the
autyof the School of Music. - -
iAlbert Lockwood, head of the piano- Was Associated With Famous Litera-
forte department, who has always de- ry Croup Of New York In Many
Meiklejohn Will Be Streaker At First cined to appear on radio programs[ Magazine Ventures
Gathering; lDr. Alfred Stearns for stations throughout this section,l
Scheduled For Second will make his radio debut when he
_____ appears on this. program with "The HAS HAD VARIED HISTORY
First Movement from the Piano So-
REV. NIEBUlR WILL TALK nato Op. 31, number 2, D minor." Mr. Jean Toomer, one of the most;
S--Lockwood has spent 26 years in teach- prominent negro writers of the pres-
With the announcement that the ing and concert work in Ann Arbor. ,ent time, will lecture at 4:15 o'clock
"Bitten," "Die Liebe des Nachsten," . tme
Rev. Reinhold Neibuhr, pastor of the Bittes Nach sen," this afternoon in Natural Science
Bethel Evangelical, church, Detroit, a'aGetesdahttnd Voreunm
compose the cycle of Beethoven songs auditorium, under the auspices of the
will give the address in Hill audi- for the second number of the program. Michigan branch of the League For
torium, Sunday morning, May 8, ar- Miss Eunice Northrup, a graduate of Industrial Democracy, formerly the
rangements for the third series of the School of Music, who has studied Round Table club and the Negro
student convocations is now conmp~letevoice under Herbert Witherspoon and
sTheodore Harrison, will sing the Caucasian club. He will discuss
it was stated yesterday by Theodore ! numbers. "The Search for Life." Mr. Toomerj
!-ornberger, '27Ed, chairman of the Iaculty Quartet To Play has written several books, one of the
convocations committee. The Detroit The faculty string quartet, com-I most recent, a book of short stories,
pastor has spoken in Ann Arbor on Iposed of Samuel Lockwood, first vio- being "Cane."
x . i- .eaie rinien


More Than 100 U. S. Citizens Still In
idst Of Battle; Commander
Demands Their Safe Exit
(By ;associated Press)
WAS1I N(ITC)N, March 24.-The Chinese situation flamed to
a sudden crisis, filled with the gravest possibilities, with the roar of the
American and British naval gns at Nanking.
An unknown number of American and British lives have been taken
by a mob of undisciplined Nationalist soldiers. , uns of American and
1-ritish warships and rifles and bayonets of American and British sailors
blasted a way to safety for the survivors.
Other foreigners, including more than oo American men, women,
and children, are still in the seething turmoil of the river city, their
fate unknown. Solomn warning has been served on Nationalist leaders
by the American and British conmanders, to produce these unharmed
or take the consequences. Menacing muzzles of naval guns, trained
on the swarming city of a quarter of a million population, backed the

Chicago attorney, for alleged
against the lawyer's race and
sonal reputation.


Fitiate Finance Group Is Entertained'
At Dinner In Union. Little
r Addresses Meeting


N A \NGN,!l arch 24-Two for-
nier residents of Ann Arbor, Dr.
Robert E. Brown, a ntissionary,
and Mrs. Mary I. Wilson, have
been safely condu ed out of the
danger area.

1111%4 'IN V11 .4,%u1v4 'lin, Mary A. Chase, second violin, Pau-
numerous occasion andl is particularly tInMayACasecnvii, auI
LANSING, March 24.-The Univer-ms line Kaiser, viola, and Jeanette Fraser
sity of Michigan's companion bills Members of the senate finance com- well known for his view on indus- Wieder, cello, will play the "Second '
asking removal of the) limitation on mittee of the Michigan legislature trialism. movement from the Quartet in A ma-
the mill tax and an appropration of were entertained at dinner in the Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, of the jor. Op. 18 number 5"
$,2,0 ovrte be na peidfrUnion last night by the.. University. DrFlx n e e~ljh , o h {r p 8 u b r5,
$4925,000 over the biennial period for . L philosophy department of Wisconsin Earl V. Moore, who, after his grad-
erctionehseeayf and purchase of sk e n- university, will be the first speaker at nation from the University, studied
lands were reported favorably from ley W. Smith, secretary Cf the Umn the the third convocations series. the organ under Widor in Paris and
the senate committee on education of Bay City and Benjamin S. 1mans He will conduct the service Sunday, Adolph Brune in Chicago, will give
Thursday. chett of Grand Rapids, and members April 24. a talk on "Music and 923h Education.
The removal of the limitation on of the faculty who are particularly Dr. Meiklejohn became nationally From the perod 1913 to 1 e was!
the return from a levy of six-tenths interested in the new projects of the known for his liberal views on edu- headt of the organ and theorydepart- I
of a mill based"on the general assess- University addressed the meeting. cation when he resigned as president ment of the School of Music and also
ed property valuation of the state The senate committee came to Ann of Amherst college three years ago. University organist. Upon the resig-,
would return to the University ap- Arbor to confer with the University He became affiliated with the faculty nation of Dr. A. A. Stanley as direc-
proximately $4,625,000 annually. They officials regarding the appropriation of Umversity of Wisconsin last year for of the school Mr. Moore was ap-
pow receive a set amount of $3,700,000 bills which are now before the house and is now conducting an experimen- pointedh to that position.
annually as set by the 1925 legislature iand senate in Lansing. Four commit- tal college there.He has spoken here For the next number Samuel Lok-artment
from the mill tax. tees from the legislature have been a'ubrftm s giin an addes AltLwood, edo h vil dpaytmet
In addition, President Little, who in Ann Arbor representing the dres- !duringthefirst convocation series and Albert Lockwood, will play the
witin AnnhArbrfrepresentin the Unres-ty last May, and more recently at the ( "Second Movement from the Kreutzer,
with other officials of the University eut session.Snaafr ananvoin"
attended the meeting of the commit- The finance committee consists of second annual congress of the Na- I Sonata, for piano and violin."
tee, has asked for $2.400,000 to become the following members: Chairman: tional Student Federation of America I James Hamilton, noted tenor, will
available June 30, 1928. and $2,525,000 James C. Quinlan of Grand Rapids, last December. sing the two numbers "Knowst thou
fbr 1929 to carry on the building pro- Arthur E. Wood of Detroit, Walter F. Dr. Alfred Stearns, who will give the Lord" ad "Worship of God in
grain initiated by the former prey- Truettner of Bessemer. Thomas Read the address at the second colnvoca-! Nature," with Miss Donna Esselstyn
idmnt, Marian LeRoy Burton.me ofs SelGe o S of Be -tion Sunday, May 1, is headmaster at as accompanist. Mr. Hamilton has
Among these requests is included ton Harbor, George L.Iand of Fen- Phillips Andover academy, Andover, studied and sung in Florence, Milano, I
Aongfor $350,000 to ur as e ln d f o ari, rgandCharles A. S k of FnnA- Mass. Dr. Stearns is well known as and Paris, and has appeared upon the
one for $350,000 to purchase land for Ville, and Charles A. Sink of Ann a sneaker in the East and has con- concert stage thoughout the United
the Michigan Woman's League build- bor. Iasbae nteEs n a o-cnet tg hogotTeBad o eet ad nvriycmite ftehueltiue rilst eea rmnn tts
ing. The Board of Regents had University committees of the house tributed articles to several prominent Stats.
pledged this amount if the women and the senate have visited Ann Ar- magazines.
could raise $1,000,000 which pledge bor previously. T'h third convpcation s is - VEGETARIANISM IS
ha!e4 ufle.~- ---der the direct supervision of a con- SUBJECT " ' n TALK
has been fulfilled. ~ .! os o ite c on-S B E T OF TA K
Another request is for $750,000 rep~ - vocations committee which was ap- aII
resenting one-half the cost of dormi-lI pointed by President Clarence Cook BY DR. STOUFFERI
tories for students. The additional Little. The committee is composed
sum is to be drawn from the income (By Associated Press)nin rreg> In his talk last night before the
incomeouci, Womien's league, the School jTltylau nAgl al r h
of these domitories.___ ounil, C.ehTolstoy league in Angell hail, Dr. C-
of - tody tuu~row.of Religion, and several others who'
' 'The bills were referred to the com- rlostly elatt' Iy-y and torrow. are particularly interested in the con- B. Stouffer, discussed some of the
mittee on finance and appropriationso main ideas set down by Tolstoy in
which committee looks favorably ,upon Not 1miuc1 change i temperature. vocations. his book "The Fhrst Step" which deals
the requests. with vegetarianism. Dr. Stouffer grad-
R OPERA. school in 1913 and was a member of
BOOKSFOR EA f platingdn or Sysacutm Idea I r n indbatdfiotteUivrit Te
COMPETITION DUE Of Students Is Faculty Responsibilty the staff of the University Health;
COMPEITrservice for six years after that time.
AT UNION TONIGHT ;Since then he has had a private prac-
ATUNION ONIGHTthProf. A.1D Moore of Honor system somewhere; and if one tice in Ann Arbor.
the nginerin colege, natinal presi-
All books entered in the contest for dent of Tau Beta Pi, honor egineering does so get its beginnings, can it be i The principal question in the dis-
Fraternity, is the author of this series of said to have come wholly fromshll theimiat
the 1927 Union opera must be in the laticleshaIled upon a national sury from the cussion was "How shall we eliminate
Bands of Mr. E. Mortimer Shutri by made of the honor system in coleges and student body? j acidosis?" Acidosis is an acid condi-
midnight tonight to receive consider-..universities.Fu I4s The faculty man who says that the! tion of the blood, not to be confused
ion, it was announced yesterday y ourthInstallment:Honor system in his college must with acid stomach which is an excess
the committee in charge. Due to theity T come about only by student effort of acid in the stomach. The speaker
Fthet committeebinicharge.eDue.totthe
fact that a prize is offered this year Facuty eso S ner is too often engaged in passing the j pointed out that meat and white or
the committee feels that it is justified onor Syem buck. There are various ways in bleached flour are the principal foods
in making this definite, time require- i The purpose of this section is to which he can implant the idea in stu- that cause the acid condition in the
ment. comment in a drastic way on some dent friends' ,minds, and still more blood. The way to offset this condi-
Books must include complete dia- rather common mistakes that are I ways, often, in which he can give tion is to follow a diet that contains
logue for the first act and at least # thoughtlessly made. It is no unusual 'help and advice. There is not the alkaline foods such as fruits and
a synopsis of the second, with such thing to hear a professor say that the slightest reason in the world why he vegetables, according to Dr. Stouffer.-
lyrics as are available. Mr. Shuter Honor system must come about wholly should not. An excess of acid in the blood is
may be reached at the Mimes thater because the student body has asked The next statement one too often harmful while an excess of alkaline is
or the books may be left at the main for it. Really, five years after its 'hears and reads, is that the Honor not, he continued. The best diet for
desk of the Union. adoption, how many students will system munst be wholly maintained I the human body is one which con-

mr. T oomer ,became prominent ,a
number of years ago as a member of
a New York literary" group 'that in-
cluded such men as Van Wyck
Brooks, Paul Rosenfeld,dAlfred Krey-
mborg, Waldo Frank and Lewis Mum-
ford. This group was characterized
by insistence not only upon well de-
veloped form in literature, but con-
tent as well. They rebelled against
the idea that form alone is sufficient
in writing. During this time Mr.
Toomer contributed stories and book
;reviews to such magazines as "The
Dial," "The Broom," "The Little Re-
view," "The London Chap Book" and
"The Double Dealer."
Although no longer a member of
this group, Mr. Toomer frequently
contributes book reviews to the same

Silver Megaph
Societis 'V
To Che

one, Gift of hloo
Will Be Presented


By what steps, Rear Admiral H. H.
Howe, American naval -commander in
Nanking, and his Bhitish colleagues,
plan to enforce their ultimatum was
unknown tonight to the Washington
government. In tihe face of that fact,
Secretary Wilbur declared after con-
ferences with Secretary Kellogg that
Admiral Williams, the American naval
commander in China, had unlimited
authority to employ his- forces as he
deemed nece.sary to protect Amer-
ican lives.
He has the full 100 per cent sup-
port of the government," the naval
secretary said.
Coolidge And Kellogg Confer
Late in the day Secretary Kellogg
went over to the White House and
conferred with an hour with President
Coolidge, shoaling the executive all
the official dispatches received from
Later he too declared the American
naval forces in the zone of disorder
would be upheld to the utmost, and
reiterated that the state department
was prepared to back the navy in all
it did.
Fragmentary radio reports from
Nanking alone carried the story from
e river 130 miles4 from' the coast
!n th lxnliT x ~nn7r.~.

'- l

Cornell's track team, comprising a
squad of 40 men, including coaches
and trainers, will arrive in Ann Ar-
bor over the Michigan Central rail-
road at 9:10 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing. The VisItors will be met at the
depot by members o" the reorganized
Blue Key society who will conduct
the trackmen to the Union where they
will make their headquarters.
Blue Key society, which has been
dormant this year until recently, nowl
consists entirely of members of the

magazines. He is now interested in y societies, Sphinx
twojunor nWaryneSoee, hn ou to the wortd. They painted a grim
the Gurdjieff institute, located in and Triangles. Wayne Schroeder, '28, picture in the tense language of offi-
Fontinebleau, France, a school which recently elected president of the or- cial naval advices that the break came
is concerned in particular with the-- ganization, is in charge of the ,ar- just after Nanking had passed from
rapy. Therapy, they hold, is a con- rangements for tomorrow. military control of the (northern
scions attempt of the individual to The track meet at Yost Field house Chinese factions to the hands of ad-
develop a healthy attitude towards tomorrow night will be featured by vancing Cantonese troops. Reports
his environment, and Mr. Toomer has the presentation of a silver mega- ; from Shanghai told of remnants of
devoted his time to lectures on, and j phone by William Warrick, '27. former the Northern army cut off and pen-
books dealing with this subject. lVarsity cheerleader, to Paul Endriss, ned in against the city wall.
Mr. Toomer has a varied history. '28, head cheerleader elect. Apparently the first outbreak came
Previous to, and since his graduation I The new trophy has been donated within the city of Nanking as Amer-,
from the University of Wisconsin, and by the five honorary societies of the !'ican Consul John K. Davis was des-
New York university, as well as study University in an effort to increase the perately gathering American nationals
in the College of the City of New ;prestige of the position of Varsity for refuge under guard of American
York, he has been at various times a cheerleader. It will be passed on to sailors on Socony Hill, at the edge of
salesman, teacher, director of athlet- the head cheerleader from year to the city, but two miles or mare from
ic, a social settlement worker, lee- 1year and will repose in the trophy the river. It is the plant of the Stand-
I turer and editor, besides a writer of case at Yost Field house. ard Oil company, one of the two big
short stories and literary criticism. Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of American oil establishments at Nank-
A nominal admission fee will be the University and mayor of Ann Ar- } ing, and was picked as a place possi-
charged for today's lecture. bor, will make a few remarks con- I ble for defense against the mob.
cerning the purpose of the silver meg-; Meanwhile rioting and looting had
WASHINGTON.- The entrance re- aphone during its presentation at 7:30 broken out in the city. The official
quirements have been altered to fit o'clock just before the meet opens to- report made it clear that Cantonese
the junior high school system. morrow night. troops were involved.
British Conswaate Attacked
S"During the afternoon Cantonese
Truce Broken With Tong ar outbreak, troops looted the American, British,
Sl SKand Japanese consulate, wounded the
Sections Policed After Six Are Kifled British consul and are reported to
have killed the Japanese consul," Ad-
(By Associated Press) would attempt to force an immediate miral Howe said in a radiogram sent
NEW YORK, March 24.-Chinese settlement. soon after his arrival at Nanking on
sections in cities from the Atlantic J The Merchants Mutual association, the river gunboat Isabel, flagship of
an organization of Chinese business- the Yangtse river partol force. /
to the Pacific were under heavy po- men, not interested in either side, re- "In the river lay the American
ilice guard today after an outbreak; quested Police Commissioner Mc- I destroyers Noa and Preston and the
pf a tong warfare that took at least Laughlen to assign Lieut. John Ar- British cruiser Emerald. But before
isix lives and wounded others. chipoli, who settled the last outbreak, Admiral Howe arrived on the scene,
A barrage of bullets felled mem- ot act as mediator. the mob and undisciplined troops had
hers of the On Leong and Hipsing In the winding streets of the New turned on the foreigners on Socony
,tongs in Brooklyn,- Newark, New York Chinatown those who ventured Hill. The first official word came
Jersey, Chicago, Manchester, Ct., 1forth today rubbed elbows with a I from Admiral Williams at Shanghai.
Pittsburgh and Cleveland within the policeman every 50 feet. Similar con- "Foreigners on Socony Hill at
space of a few hours, smashing a ditions existed in other cities. Nanking were attacked," he said.
truce that has been more or less in! The old deadline between the two The British cruiser Emerald and the
force for the past few years. warring tongs in Pell street scene of U. S. destroyers Noa and Preston
Due to the secretive Oriental many a battle between highbinders shelled the area around the hill to
character, the fighting Chinese failed and hatchetmen, was established protect foreigners. Landing forces
to reveal the cause of the difficulties, again. Death is the penalty for any were sent to attempt a rescue from
but it generally was agreed that war- tongman who crosses the line into the hill."
fare hore no relntion to the hntili-i onmv territorv I The next was from Howe at Nank-


know who first suggested the intro-
duction of the Honor system? And
what difference does it make as to the
origin of the idea? If a student first
thinks of moving for Honor system
anntion. h mnv have inndenante

by the student body. Both this and tains a large proportion of vegetables,
the previous statement may arise from milk and eggs instead of meat. But
creditable but misapplied motives. The if meat must be eaten, fresh fruits
fauculty man is likely to reason that, should be eaten, too, concluded the
if the students have originated and speaker.
earriod throirrh to adontion an T-Tonor

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