THE. MICHIGAN DIYT.Rb AVI DAIL THUSDAY MARH 24 1927 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Plane To Be Used Bx Comrnai~der Davis SA INAW'S INFANT OIL INDUSTRY I For~~~~~ ~ N-SoFihtNasCrpeI STIRRED BY DIS COVER'Y OF GUSHERr L Publlcaiion in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30-p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. A C .l A t s < I -xi VOLUME VII. ,ritritsmAy, -MARCH 249 1927 N-FIME'll I,2)t), F_ Forcign iStudents: The annual Spring Trip during the week of spring vac.,11ion (April 11, Monday, to April 16, Saturday) is being planned again for this April. Tnr- dustries and colleges and municipal institutions will be inispected under favorable auspices. Entertainment will be provided in American homes. Total expenses for five cities--Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Granl Rapids, Lansing and Flint--are under $15. Names should be left at once with the undersigned in Room 3224 Ange ll 11all, or with Professor J. A. C. Hildner, Room 3(02, Iniversity Hall. C'arltonItF. Wells. Junior Girls' Play: All members of the cast and choruses of the Junior Girls' Play are asked to report at the office of the Advisers, Barbour Gymnasium todlay or before noon tomorrow, in order to make arrangements for the D~etroit Performance. Alice C. Lloyd, Chiairnman, Advisers of Womni. Zoology Journal Club: / The Zoology Journal Club will meet Thursday, March 24, in Room 242 N. S. Bldg. at 7:30 P. M. Dr. H. T. Folger will discuss "Sensory Equilibrium " and a Modern Theory of Evolution" And~ Mr. F. E. E~ggletou illii give a paper on "The Organic Content of Lake Water."t All interested are cordially invited to attend. Frank Vi. Blanchard. University Oratorical Contest: The University Oratorical Contest will be held in University IHall, Fri- day, March 25, at 8 P. M. The public is cordially invited to atten.d . L. EFi. Educational Measurements : The eight o'clock section of Education' C-60, Educational Measurements, will not meet today. WV. (*. lergnian.1 Students Interested in Mathematics : The second meeting of the Student Mathematical Society will be held Thursday evening, March 24, at 7:30 P. M., in Room 3017 Angell Hall. Pro- gram will consist of a short period of organization, followed by papers; Miss Blair: "The Five Regular Solids"; Mr. Jacobson: "Mathematical Fallacies." Everyone interested in mathematics is invited.I Guy Ammnerman. Masque. : There will be a very important meeting of Masques Friday at 5:00 in Room 203 of University Hall. Ruth Rahn, Pres. Faculty Women's Club: There will be a meeting of the Newcomers' Section of the Faculty Women's Club at the home of Mrs. CJ. 13. Slawson, 538 Church street, on Trhursday afternoon, March 24, at 2:30 o'clock. All newcomers are cordially Invited to attend. Margaret Van D)uren, Secretary. Geological" and Geographical Journal Club: The club will meet in Room 436 N. S. Building at 7:30 P. M. this evening. Dr. C. W. Cook will talk on "THE OIL FIELDS OF THlE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REC ON." All interested are cordially invited to attend. Walter A. Ter Wiebe, Sect. Senior Mechianicail Engineers: Mr. M. D. Rose, representing the American Radiator Corporation of Buffalo, New York, will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building Friday, March 25, to interview those interested in positions with this company. H. C. Anderson Senior Mechanical Engineers': Mr. C. R. Dooley, representing the Standard Oil Company of New Jer- sey, will be in Room 235. West Engineering Building Thursday, March 24, to Interview those interested in positions with this company. H. C. Anidersoni. '. ItA'Aociat .I e-~) dl y :I, t efto in a x'er"5 time would I - GNA. Machpe -li-ca(,tor $200,000. At tho the dliscovery 01 t hat, sitp r-pllduce i ie Iha oi ined ,before the four re- f li crt~clric lts-d i{{z aions oft1th. last four months t ho ci ti ri)Lti rh s a1 '.c .-.Sag-. ma ws i fan oi ii ustcv eem il 111 nunt lfigur e would he nearer $4(00,- tV logeetodyo tIetrl fw tfali ll nprice is charged against Weatlth fo o es(i0, nuilt:1)s tI Ia ,l< ovr-production of the last y-ear in properly owxners andi for many tegea einl iedo Olhm prospecoiliwhere drilii ing has iteon virtually sus-! Oil (conltinne d today to l)OU r at ar} lien (1(11 bek-ause of the price red tic-: tlhe 10-inch i pe W, og of t hatell 'Phe ;.tlreriedle well is the first real; hle 4tim Ci] cor naiy, dri lled hi Sat est, of thietmerits of the Saginaw sand u trday to the tope of the so-called Sag- !inlsidle the-area definitely established ia }' w saind, a st rat inn approximately"a it ( fol rmthIec 7)00 feet (leoper t hanl the Ber'ea sand, stratum.____________ which heretofore has been the only IOS-Mr hn10feh source of oil production here.IILNOS-Mrthn10fe- At the present price of crude oil men made a scholastic average abovel the Sutn's new wcell, on the Ferdinand; 4.5 last semester. making them elig- Stelzriede farm in the northern ouit- tbible for memblership in Phi Eta Sig-1 skir ts of Saginaw, is producing ot. a ma. WHITNEY THEATRE FR IDIAY, APRIL 1t World's Greatest Singing Comedian (i ' - --WILLIAM O RItS re~ents" i Gomeovk Club ANNOUNCES BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE AUTHOR The First Production Outside the Laboratory. Theatre New York OF "The Trumpet ShallS Sud" The 'Pathfinder," the plane in which Commander Noel Davis wvill at- temp~t a non-st on flight from New York to Paris this summer for the $25,- 000 Orteig prize, is nearing completion at the Keystone Aircraft plant, Bristol, Pa. It will have three Wright 225 h. n. Whirlwind engines. Photo shows, left to right, Edgar M. Gott, president of the company, and ,'. T. Porter. chief engineer, examining progress of the work. Public JLecture: D~r. C. B. Stouffer will lecture Thursday evening at 8 P. M. in Room '2,31 Angell Hail on Tolstoy's hook "The First Step" giving the views of a phy- sician on Vegetarianism. Thl publlic is cordially invited. A. A. Birikrant. MICHIGANENSIAN WILL show college life at Stanford, but stu- f ACCEPT APPLICATIONS t dents are of the opinion that the pro- _______ (ucers know nothing about the sub- Applications for the 1927 Mich- ject. iganensiap will still be received at the 'Einsian office in the Press build- ing, it was annoumncedl yesterday. Ap-! proxinirately 40 copies remain out ofjJU T , the special ordeir which was obtained J.S1 RE recently. The price is $5.00. STANFORD.- Students are indig- nant at the release of a recent movie, "College Days." It is suppiosed to I it $ ;, I I i I SS i S G i i I _ i !1 i 1 -"EVER NEW'- IN NE.W SONGS AND OLDi FAVOPITES CO #4PANY OF CLEVER E.NTERTAINERS ',,e and Ilear Laufler Visualize Scottishi Songs 'and (t liaracters ii in s Owi nIimitaible Way. S '1'lere Is Only One Ifarry Lauder. He Stands Alone. --New York Sunt. Prices--Lowecr Floor <$2.75, Balcony $2.2N, +~1.Q15, $ 1.10. Mail Orders Now. JIEIVED7-Another Shipment og 'i?..les 0.85 IN LEATHER CASE ,CFADDEWKS FLATS Six Reel Ap1iiinenls ('omplete- ly Furnished w ih All Nodern Inmconveniences. WA R"S UNIVERSITY A NEW PLA BY i r i 'S I l l Public Lecture: Jean 'Toomer, well-known poet, critic, and short-story writer, will ,speak on "The Search for Life," on Friday, March 25, at 4 :15, in Natural Science Auditorium. This lecture is jointly sponsored by the Negro-Cau- casian Club and the League for Industrial Democracy. C. B. Smith. 'N eg "-Caucasian Club:, League Fear Industrial Denmocracy: There will be a joint meeting, with Jean Toomer as guest, Friday even- ing at 8:00 in the Union. See bulletin board for announcement of room.b ( C. R. Smith. "My work on the stage may a . ewk' easy to an audience but,, as a matter of fact, it is very strentl ous. Now and thcn I indulge in a cigao' rette for relaxation and pleasure. I use Lucky Strikes, as -1 find they not only. protect my voice but afford me the great~ est amount of genuto ine enjoyment." 1 THORNTON N. WILDER STAGED BY PAUL'STEPH-ENSON With MINNA MILLER ALICE VOSPER SAMUEL BONELL VALENTINE DAVIES DOROTHY WILLIAMS CATHLE.EN CHISHOLM AMBROSE PRIOR ROBT. WETZEL PAULINE JACOBS tI 2 4 LIMITED NUMBER OF 'ENSIANS _ $5.00 Michiganensian Office The Captivating Voice of the Delightful Press Bldg. -Maynard St. r wi swh riss~~r~s --- Actress, Alice- Brad ~-she smokes Lucky Strike By 'pref erence y rrs WM. BISHOP THURSTON THIEME ROY CURTIS Mimes Theatre T- The Whit'e Helmet Where Pure Food, Service and Quality Reign Lucky Strikes mellow-the finest are mild and cigarettes You ever smoked. They are made of the finest Turkish and domestic tobac- cos, properly aged and blended with MAR. 30 Daily Luncheon, 40c Daily Dinner, 54c -31 2 great skill, and there is an extra APR. I SNDAY CHICKEN DINNER, $1.00 SPECIAL SUNDAY STEAK. process in treating the tobacco. "It's toasted"-no harshness, not a bit of bite. SUPPER, 65C I Pvvr- l leoirgnwi- t 1P A11 ."..N . WE'2 1' C 0T' F't 7 A 'T'Y ,% I Tnf.